Chapter 478 Finale
"The God King of Life? The Tears of Meteors are the tears of the God King? What state is the God King in??"

Qin Yu was full of doubts.

"You will understand all this in the future. All you need to know is that Meteor Tears is awesome."

Bai Yao didn't explain too much. Things in the God Realm are indeed too far away for Qin Yu now. Knowing too much may not necessarily be a good thing.

The grilled fish is extremely delicious. This is a taste that Qin Yu, who was born in Qianlong Continent and has never seen many seasonings, cannot describe.

Qin Yu at least maintained restraint, but Xiao Hei over there had turned into a kowtowing insect.

After finishing the grilled fish, Qin Yu had time to continue chatting with Bai Yao.

"Senior, you are acquainted with Master Lei Wei, and you should also know about his cultivation technique, Star Transformation. Please give me some advice, should I practice it or not?" After hesitating for a while, Qin Yu finally asked the question in his mind.

"The stars are changing! I am indeed very familiar with them." Bai Yao made a pun with some nostalgia, but it was a pity that Qin Yu didn't know his complicated feelings.

After a long time, Bai Yao continued to say to Qin Yu: "Don't you already have a decision? Why bother asking me?"

Qin Yu was stunned. He didn't expect that Bai Yao could read his mind like this.

After saying that, Bai Yao was about to leave.

He no longer sets goals for the next step, just takes things as they come, and goes wherever he wants to go.

After a short exchange, the two became friends, which I have to say is amazing.

When the voice fell, the person had already disappeared.

"See you again at the top, we will meet again, Senior Bai Yao." Qin Yu stayed where he was, with golden light shining in his eyes.

"Boy, work hard and see you at the top!"

The closer they get to death, their desire to explore the unknown will make their blood boil.

Seeing that he was leaving so suddenly, Qin Yu quickly asked.

For the longing of youth, a glass of wine is enough.

"Now that you have made your choice, let's go on!" Bai Yao stood up and patted Qin Yu on the shoulder.

Looking back on the past, Bai Yao was surprised to find that he was still himself and had not changed over time. This was enough.

When communicating with others, sometimes it really doesn’t require too much trouble. With just one movement or one look, you can understand what the other person is thinking.

Like Luo Feng, Qin Yu is not the kind of person who is timid.

Qin Yu always felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this mysterious senior, as if he had been a friend for many years.

So when the technique of Xingchen Transformation was placed in front of him, the result was already determined.

Perhaps, what he really yearns for is not seeing Qin Yu, but himself in his prime.

Perhaps, in the eyes of people like them, a life of constant progress is full of passion and makes people have no regrets.

"Senior, this junior doesn't know your name yet."

"My name is Bai Yao!"

After leaving the endless wilderness, Bai Yao seems to be much more casual.

Even so, the small Qianlong Continent was still visited by him decades later.

Over the years, many changes have occurred in the world. The biggest change is that the former Chu State was destroyed and replaced by the Qin State.

In the changing world, a new generation has emerged, and the grudges and hatreds of the past have long been forgotten.

The most widely circulated story in the world now is the legendary story of the third prince of the Qin Kingdom, who cultivated from a useless person to an immortal.

The protagonist of the story, Qin Yu, has now gone deep into the boundless sea and continues to write his own legend.

Ignoring Qin Yu, Bai Yao continued to wander on Zixuan Star at his own pace, and then stepped into the boundless starry sky.


The world of immortals, demons and monsters is the upper realm of the mortal universe where Zixuan Star is located, and is the destination of all ascended people.

On this day, vast energy fluctuations suddenly appeared in the starry sky of the universe of the world of immortals, demons and demons, which had been extremely rare for hundreds of millions of years.

Those terrifying energy flows that would hurt even the Immortal Emperor Demon Emperor-level powerhouses seemed to be artificially controlled, rushing towards the direction of the Hidden Emperor Star.

Such vast fluctuations cannot be hidden at all. Even the lowest-level Golden Immortal can sense it, let alone those Immortal Emperors who are hooking each other.

It can be said that all the famous and powerful people in the entire world of immortals, demons and monsters, including those who live in seclusion, were alarmed by this wave of fluctuations and cast their gaze towards the core of the wave, the Hidden Emperor Star.

As the core of the fluctuation, Yindi Star suddenly became the core of the world of immortals, demons and monsters, attracting everyone's attention.

On a remote planet in the world of immortals, demons and demons, Bai Yao transformed into an ordinary golden immortal and mingled with the crowd.

"Is it already this time?" Bai Yao realized at this moment that Qin Yu had already taken a crucial step.

"Swipe!" Bai Yao suddenly disappeared from the crowded street. The people around him didn't seem to see it and were still minding their own business.

On the periphery of the Yin Emperor Star planet, countless terrifying energies began to roar, surge, and even collide with each other, but strangely, these energies did not invade the Yin Emperor Star at all.

As time goes by, there is more and more energy in the outer reaches of the Hidden Emperor Star.

The people in the Yin Emperor Star felt their hearts tremble. The cosmic energy gathered around the Yin Emperor Star could be reduced by just one percent, and it could destroy the entire Yin Emperor Star. Even if the two Immortal Emperors Yin Emperor and Black and White joined forces, it would be useless.

Among the noisy crowd, Bai Yao's figure quietly emerged without causing any disturbance, just looking at the world in front of him.

Faced with this terrifying vision, some people choose to flee, while others choose to stay where they are, preparing to seize opportunities in danger.

"The entire space in the world of immortals, demons and monsters is shaking. I don't know why there is such a huge fluctuation?"

"The last time the Mystic Temple came, it also caused a tremor in the universe, but that range was only limited to two or three star fields."

"So, we have come to the right place on the Hidden Emperor Star!"

Some strong men whispered secretly, looking at the sky with extremely fiery eyes.

As time goes by, the energy flow outside the planet becomes more intensive and terrifying, making space more unstable.

However, the development of the plot exceeded everyone's expectations.

There was no unparalleled opportunity as imagined. The energy flows of various colors slowly converged, and finally formed a line of large characters spread across the sky.

"Little friend, we are waiting for you!"

Faced with this seemingly anticlimactic ending, the masters gathered from the world of immortals, demons and monsters were dumbfounded.

The world became quiet for a moment, and everyone stared at the line of words in the sky with their eyes wide open.

Although it is a bit anticlimactic, the information revealed behind this line of text is still fascinating, yet somewhat elusive.

There is no doubt that the person who can control all kinds of terrifying levels of energy in the world of immortals, demons and monsters gathers on the Hidden Emperor Star to form this line of characters. His cultivation is absolutely terrifying, and he may even be a big shot in the God Realm.

It's hard to believe that such a big shot goes to great lengths to make such a noise, presumably just to celebrate the breakthrough of their little friend.

Some powerful people who know something about the God Realm are secretly guessing whether it is the reincarnation of a certain big shot in the God Realm. Now that they have succeeded in cultivation, they have attracted the congratulations of the super masters in the God Realm.

Only Bai Yao in the crowd knew that all of this was just caused by two bored universe controllers in the Hongmeng space to celebrate Qin Yu's breakthrough.


At this time, another change came in the sky, and the energy flow began to move again, causing everyone on the Yindi Star to change their faces.

"Little friend, hurry up and practice, we are waiting for you, haha..."

Linley's voice rang out, spreading throughout every space, and even penetrated into the depths of everyone's heart, whether they were babies, mortals or cultivators.

As the words fell, infinite energy exploded outside the planet, as brilliant as flowers, but the energy fluctuations did not fall on the Hidden Emperor Star at all.

The vision came quickly and disappeared quickly. It disappeared after a while, as if it was all just a dream.

Leaving behind a group of people from the world of immortals and demons who were extremely shocked, after watching the lively Bai Yao, they passed through the barrier of the universe in one step and came to the Hongmeng space filled with the energy of Hongmeng.

Deep in the endless Hongmeng spiritual energy, there is a suspended hut.

There is a short and sturdy laurel tree in front of the hut. Under the laurel tree, there is a stone table with three stone benches around it.

There is endless Hongmeng spiritual energy flowing all around, with only a few tens of meters of land suspended in the center.

At the stone table, Hong Meng and Lin Lei sat next to each other, still observing the confused Qin Yu in Lin Meng's universe.


Silently, Bai Yao's figure appeared in the vacant position.

"I didn't expect that Qin Yu would actually succeed. Senior really has good vision!"

Seeing him appear, neither of them were surprised. Lin Lei even said with some admiration.

"Everything is determined by fate. Are the so-called people with unpredictable fates really unpredictable?" Looking at the two people, Bai Yao's words were quite meaningful.

Hong Meng and Lin Lei were both smart people, and when they thought of Bai Yao's unfathomable strength, they both fell silent.

It was okay that they had never seen a higher level of power, but after seeing the White Key, how could they not understand that the seemingly boundless Hongmeng space was not another huge cage that bound them inside.

In the following years, as long as the two of them have free time, they will continue to ask Bai Yao for advice on transcendental methods, hoping to go further.

Until one day more than 20,000 years later.

A familiar figure stepped into Hongmeng Space!

Complete book.

(End of this chapter)

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