Apprentice of the Heavens

Chapter 223 Attacked

Chapter 223 Attacked
Outside the northern mountain pass, beside the bonfire in the twilight camp, a delicate woman in a maid's attire stared gloomyly at the brightly lit buildings in the distance.


Since she was a child, she was not the existence of the stars and the moon, who was not respectful to her, and there were countless admirers among them. Now she has been defeated by Li Ming time and time again, which is really hard for her to swallow.

"Your Highness, the old man advises you not to provoke her. Just the woman in red is not something you can provoke. Your Majesty will not easily offend such a great practitioner just because of you." Lu Qingchen advised with a helpless face. .

Just Ye Hongyu's unintentional aura made him tremble with fear, not to mention the unfathomable Li Ming.Sometimes he really doubts whether he is with the wrong person. The other party is obviously unwilling to talk to you and still leans on him. Could it be that he has lost his mind?

However, what Lu Qingchen didn't know was how strong Li Yu's ambition was. The more she couldn't get something, the more she tried to get it. If she knew about it, she might have to mourn for the many licking dogs in Chang'an City.

But when the two were chatting, they didn't know that there were several people around in the brightly lit villa at this time, taking a panoramic view of everything between them without reservation.

"Master, I'm afraid Princess Li Yu won't let it go, why don't you give her a ride?"

Ye Hongyu looked at the picture similar to that on the TV screen, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the cold murderous intent made Ning Que's master and servant, who were still watching the screen with relish, feel cold all over.

"Okay, she's just a vulgar and vulgar fan. Naturally, someone will educate her. It's better not to get your hands dirty."

Li Ming habitually touched Ye Hongyu's head, feeling something was wrong, he couldn't help but paused with his outstretched hand, patted the girl's shoulder, and shook his head, but he forgot that the little girl back then had grown into a graceful figure girl.

Hearing this, Ye Hongyu nodded, withdrew his bone-chilling murderous intent, lowered his head and didn't look at the screen again, his eyes flashed with a strange light, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Ning Que and Sangsang looked at each other and continued to look at the screen with relish.

I saw that the screen was divided into two halves at this time, one half was broadcasting the convoy's camp, and the other half showed a team marching in the dark, that sneaky appearance obviously did not look like ordinary people on their way.

"It always feels like something is missing."

Li Ming looked at the screen displayed by the round light technique, rubbed his chin and muttered, and after thinking for a while, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and a small pile of melon seeds and watermelons suddenly appeared on the table with a wave of his hand.

"Well, it smells like that."

Nodding in satisfaction, he picked up a handful of melon seeds and ate them while watching. With the surrounding decorations, it looked like modern people watching TV dramas.

Seeing this, the other three people followed suit one after another, kowtow melon seeds as if they were watching a play, like a crowd eating melons.

Just at this time, the scenery on both sides of the screen began to overlap. Through the perspective of the team moving forward in the dark, they could already see the camp with burning bonfires. The leader raised his palms up, and the team behind him immediately banned them. Obviously, they were all professionally trained. , is not comparable to ordinary bandits and bandits.

The leader glanced at the brightly lit villa, frowned, thought for a moment and then turned to look at the camp, as if he had confirmed the target, the leader stretched out his palm, and someone sent a big bow from behind.The leader took over the bow and arrow, nocked the arrow, and the bow was drawn to the full moon.

"Peng" screamed in the silent mountain forest, and the feathered arrow shot out from the dense forest like lightning, and the flashing arrow pointed directly at the most luxurious carriage in the car formation.

Lu Qingchen, who was chatting, moved his ears and his face changed, and quickly shouted: "Enemy attack, rest and be alert!"

There was a muffled sound of "poof", it was the sound of a sharp arrow piercing through the flesh in an instant, and a guard clutched his bleeding chest and slowly fell down, the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to rejoice that he blocked it, but the light in his eyes gradually gloomy.

"Enemy attack!"

"Establish a shield! Protect Your Highness!"

The furious voices of the guards sounded, and the well-trained guards removed the carriage panels to form a thick large shield, guarding the luxurious carriage,
After a while, countless arrows in the dense forest shot towards the camp like a torrential rain. The flashing arrows hit the crudely assembled wooden shield, and there was a dense and dull impact sound. muffled sound.

However, no one took a step back. They knew that the target of the visitor was His Highness in the carriage, and they could not let His Highness's life be threatened.

After a while, the wooden shield assembled in the carriage was filled with arrows, and there were more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground that had lost their breath of life, and arrows were no longer shot in the dense forest, but everyone did not relax and still held the arrows. The wooden shield of the arrow branch looked at the dense forest vigilantly.

But in a moment, a group of troops wearing military uniforms emerged from the dense forest. The uniform gray and plain clothing was the uniform of the Tang Army. The Tang Army-style steel knife in their hands was shining coldly, and they attacked the camp.

The guards in the camp were barbarians from the northern wilderness, but after the baptism of the arrow rain just now, their ferocity was aroused, and they threw away their wooden shields one after another, and drew out the scimitars around their waists to kill the enemy.

There were fierce fighting sounds at the Beishan Passage, muffled roars, and blood spattering. The battle began with the fiercest hand-to-hand combat.

Li Ming and the others in the villa in the distance watched indifferently the killing shown in the round light technique, but the scene of flying flesh and blood did not move him in the slightest, just like a modern person watching a TV drama and fighting a war.

Everyone except Sangsang is a person who has been slaughtered for a long time, so naturally they will not be moved by this small scene, even Ning Que can only sigh at most, the victim of a big man.

The killing shown in the circular light technique lasted for a long time. Faced with this deadlocked scene, the people in the dense forest seemed to no longer hide their strength. A huge boulder like a trebuchet was thrown from the dense forest, and it crossed the battlefield in the blink of an eye. Hit that luxurious carriage.

The elite guards around the chariot did not even look at the unknown woman on the chariot who had turned into flesh. Obviously, as Li Yu's confidant, he already knew about the operation of swapping identities.


Out of the corner of his eye, the leader of the guards glanced at Li Yu who was hiding in the carriage behind him, and Lu Qingchen who was calm and composed beside her.

Lu Qingchen nodded imperceptibly, and the head of the guards immediately focused his eyes. The Tang elites who guarded Li Yu were naturally not afraid of ordinary people, but now they were facing practitioners, so he had to be serious.

"Array, shoot!"

I saw the leader of the guards gave an order, and the elite guards around the carriage aimed at the dense forest with military crossbows. As the leader said "shoot", the guards pulled the trigger instantly, and the arrows flashing with cold light suddenly shot into the dense forest.

"Is this the practitioner?"

Ning Que in the villa looked curiously at the tower-like giant in the round light technique. This was the first time he had seen practitioners fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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