Kick me out of the team and regret it?it's too late

Chapter 90 You Must Haven't Eaten For A Long Time

Chapter 90 You Must Haven't Eaten For A Long Time

"As long as I can clear the fifty floors, I will still be the original me, nothing has changed!"

"My strength has definitely not disappeared, I am still the invincible fighter at level 49!"

"No one desires power more than me, and no one works harder than me!"

Looking at the towering Star Tower not far away, Mi Wei's expression was close to madness.

At this moment, the black air hovering over her head had disappeared.

There was a black light in her eyes again.

She murmured tremblingly:
"If there is no strength, then what is the use of my hard work for so many years? What is the result of my hard work? If there is no strength, I... I might as well..."

What I wanted to say ended up not being said.

Even in a state of madness, she knew how serious the consequences would be if she said that!
About that stuff, it's banned anywhere in mainland Jersey!

Even if she joins the other party, she will never reveal her identity.

Otherwise, there is only one way waiting for her.


If Bai Ye was here, looking at Mi Wei's current situation, he would definitely shake his head helplessly.

At this time, Mi Wei already had signs of being invaded by evil spirits.

When she is completely blackened, she will become a servant of the evil god.

At that time, no one can save her!

Although the belief in regaining strength became stronger and stronger, Mi Wei, who had run for such a long time, finally lay powerlessly on the ground because she hadn't eaten for too long.

Moreover, her physical strength has declined to the extreme, and at this moment she doesn't even have the strength to stand up.

Not only that, Mi Wei also felt dizzy, she could faint at any time due to her weakness...

The pedestrians on the side quickly moved away from her, for fear that the beggar would die in front of them.


Just when Mi Wei thought she was going to faint here, a white mass appeared in front of her eyes.

At the same time, the woman's voice of pity echoed in his ears.

"Are you hungry? I have the buns I just bought here, and they're still warm!"

"Come on, it's not enough for me and I have more here."

Although she felt that this woman's voice seemed familiar, Mi Wei didn't care too much about the hunger from her body. She quickly caught the palm-sized bun and swallowed the whole bun in one gulp.

In the next second, she blushed.

"Oh, don't worry! I still have a lot of buns here! Eat slowly..."

Hu Shan screamed and slapped Mi Wei on the back repeatedly.

Forcibly swallowing the bun in her mouth, Mi Wei's face returned to normal.

Thanks to her being fine, otherwise she would be the first level 49 fighter in history to be choked to death by a steamed stuffed bun...

"Remember to eat slowly this time, no one will grab you."

Hu Shan instructed and handed Mi Wei another steamed stuffed bun. After learning from the past, Mi Wei ate steamed stuffed buns a little more politely, but still devoured them hungrily.

In this regard, Hu Shan couldn't help but murmured:
"Oh, how pitiful! You must have had nothing to eat for a long time?"

Looking at the ragged Mi Wei, Hu Shan seemed to have seen her poor background, which made her sigh again.

"Look at your physique, are you a slave who escaped from the slave master?"

"Did you live in that town? Where did you live?"

At this time, Mi Wei only cared about eating and had no time to answer Hu Shan's questions.

Hu Shan didn't mind this, she murmured again:

"Everyone is a woman. If you don't mind, just go back with me. Then I will change you into clean clothes and find you an errand. What do you think?"

"At least, you don't have to be a beggar anymore. If you have no place to live, you can live in my house and have a spare room."

Although Hushan is not a kind person in the traditional sense, she can't help but want to help people in distress, especially when they are women.

Speaking of which, her kindness also originated from Bai Ye.

When her [Charm] team was in trouble, Bai Ye helped them.

Although it was just a matter of convenience for Bai Ye, his life-saving grace was still remembered by Hu Shan for a lifetime.

To do more and less to be a monster was Bai Ye's mantra during that time.

As for why there is such a catchphrase, it is due to the [Beauty and Strength Coexistence] team.

As long as the [coexistence of beauty and strength] team is more reliable, the whole team has already become a demigod!

Although Hu Shan still doesn't understand the reason for Bai Ye's mantra, since then, she will do some good deeds more or less.

At this moment, Mi Wei, who had already eaten fifteen buns, was finally not so hungry, so she looked up at Hu Shan, and said with difficulty:

" need...thank you..."

Before they could finish speaking, the two who had seen each other's faces clearly froze in place.

Just a glance, comparable to ten thousand years.


Fox Shan's scream was the first to break the silence, and she looked at the beggar in disbelief.

"Captain Mi Wei! How could it be you!"

"This... this... what's going on here?"

Because she was too shocked, Hu Shan's few remaining buns fell to the ground.

"Mi Wei? Who is Mi Wei?"

At this time, Mi Wei also regained her sobriety. After recognizing Hu Shan, she quickly covered her face, covered her ears and said:

"Did you recognize the wrong person? I'm not Mi Wei!"

Although she has been invaded by evil spirits, she still has her own thoughts, which is not too serious.

Now that this distressed appearance is seen by acquaintances, she will naturally feel ashamed.

Especially thinking about the dinner a few days ago, Mi Wei's face became even more ashamed.

A few days ago, they were still friends drinking and chatting together.

The opponent and her team members flattered herself from time to time.

But now, the two parties have turned into a relationship between a lifesaver and a beggar...

How can this kind of contrast be accepted by Mi Wei, who cares about her face very much!

Without waiting for Hu Shan to speak, she recovered some strength and got up quickly, wanting to run towards the Star Tower.

However, perhaps because she got up too violently, Mi Wei just felt dizzy when she just stood up.

But she was anxious to leave and ran forward, but because she couldn't see clearly what was going on in front of her, Mi Wei bumped into Hu Shan directly.


Hushan's reaction was similar to that of Vaxixi, she also closed her eyes tightly and screamed uncontrollably.

She seemed to have already experienced the pain she felt when she was knocked into the air by Mi Wei.

In Hu Shan's view, Mi Wei is a level 49 fighter no matter what, and she is just a mage.

The other party bumped into her casually, enough to hurt her muscles and bones for dozens of days.

However, as a plop came in front of her, Hu Shan couldn't help opening her eyes.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Hu Shan was even more shocked.

Seeing that it was Mi Wei who fell on the ground, Hu Shan couldn't help asking:

"Mi Wei, where's your strength?"

"I can't!"

Feeling the severe pain in her body, Mi Wei's expression became more and more desperate.

"It's not's not true!"

(End of this chapter)

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