days at Hogwarts

Chapter 78 Departure, confirming the prophecy 4k

Chapter 78 Departure, confirming the prophecy 4k
The next morning, the snow hadn't melted yet, and the sky was filled with white clouds, neither dark nor clear.

Loren's pear jelly has melted again, four times.

The black skin is covered with a white frost, and the pears are as hard as iron balls.When thawed in a basin of water, the pears are soft and the skin resembles a layer of wet parchment.

Loren walked out of the bedroom with pears.

In the lounge, the twins confronted Percy across a bench.

"Percy, as a prefect, I order you to stop chasing him." George said confidently, pointing to the prefect badge on his chest.

"That's right, if you chase us again, points will be deducted from you!"

Fred next to him folded his hands on his chest, with his chin facing Percy, looking arrogant.

The twins took Percy's prefect badge last night when he was tired and let his guard down.He couldn't wait to show off in front of Percy early in the morning, and he did a good job.

"Give it back! Badge! Give me back!"

Percy raised his eyebrows, stared angrily at George, and jumped over the bench at the two guys.

"Deduct points! Deduct points!"

The twins ran around yelling, and both sides ran up and down the Gryffindor tower.

Loren left some pears in the common room for them to eat after a tired game of chasing.

He only took three of them to the auditorium. He planned to have some breakfast to fill his stomach, and try the taste of pears again this time.

Christmas is over, and the Christmas decorations all over the castle are gradually being removed.There are far fewer ribbons in the hallway and no longer glowing. The Christmas tree in the auditorium is still there, and the candles on it have been removed.

The end of the Christmas banquet marked the official start of the holiday, more students stayed in bed, and the hall was sparsely populated.

There are only a few people who eat breakfast on time, and more people choose to sleep in for a while, take care of breakfast casually, or go to the kitchen to get food by themselves, and use the extra time to enjoy the holiday.

Hufflepuffs were the most convenient to go to the kitchen, but at the long tables of the four houses, Hufflepuffs had the most people eating breakfast.Badgers don't miss breakfast, they enjoy every moment of life.

Putting the pears on the dinner plate, Loren was very patient, first filling his stomach with pumpkin porridge and jam bread.

The slightly hot pumpkin porridge warmed up the whole person. After eating the bread, Loren felt his stomach was much more at ease.

After shoveling the last mouthful of porridge from the bottom of the bowl into his stomach, Loren let out a mouthful of hot air from his throat comfortably.Only then did he begin to enjoy the fruits of this time. He pulled off the plow handle, carefully tore open the peel, put his mouth up to suck the juice of the frozen pear, and swallowed it together with the pulp, which was very sweet.

Loren breathed out air-conditioning this time, and smacked his lips contentedly after recollecting the sweetness just now.It's really unhealthy to eat like this, but it's also really refreshing.

Dumbledore didn't know when he sat next to him, watching Loren enjoying the delicious food, he felt that the Sorting Hat was right, and Loren was indeed suitable for Hufflepuff.

"It might be a little embarrassing to say."

Dumbledore's gentle voice sounded, and Loren raised his head, only to notice that there was someone beside him.

Facing Loren's gaze, Dumbledore said embarrassingly, without any embarrassment on his face: "You know, sweet food is always popular." After speaking, he blinked and looked at Loren expectantly.

"Here." Loren pushed the pear in front of Dumbledore with a disgusted expression. He couldn't stand this man. He was almost a man with a beard that could be used as a broom, and he was still pretending to be a child.

Dumbledore happily left with two frozen pears. Before leaving, he said, "Pack up your things and come to my office later. We are going to the Black Forest to fulfill that prophecy."

It seems that this conversation with Riko is the key point, and the prophecy is just a trivial incident by the way.

Yes, Dumbledore knows priorities.

On the way back to the dormitory, Loren began to turn over the memory of Professor Trelawney's prophecy in his mind.

Predicted the death of Harry's family, predicted the death of Dumbledore...

Hiss, Loren gasped, the prophets died one by one, why Hades named them.

After being nervous for a while, Loren returned to the lounge and remembered that he was with Dumbledore. There is nothing to worry about, this is Dumbledore.

Dumbledore and I, we two are strong.

Back in the dormitory to pack up his things, he simply said goodbye to Ron and left.

Seeing the back of Loren walking out of the lounge, Ron sighed, dropped a black piece, and put a white piece into his mouth: "Busy, everyone is busy, please be busy."

Suck it up, take a sip of the juice from the frozen pear, feeling as lonely as an empty-nest old man.

When Loren came to the principal's office, Dumbledore was wiping the juice from his beard with a handkerchief, and the leftover fruit pits and peels were placed on the dinner plate on the table.

Fox at the table tilted his butt, his tail stood up straight, and his beak was pecking at the frozen pears on another dinner plate.

Seeing Loren come in, Dumbledore put down his handkerchief and said with a smile, "This is really the sweetest pear I've ever eaten."

Fox also responded "squeaky".

If the prophecy wasn't about himself, Loren could sit here and talk to Dumbledore all day about making frozen pears.

But not now, he was anxious, "When are we going to leave?"

"To be honest, it is not easy for a person like me to enter other countries, especially for Christmas, when many people in the Ministry of Magic are on holiday." Dumbledore lowered his head, looking for something in the drawer.

"But fortunately, I know some friends who can give us a little help."

There was a rattling and rattling sound from the drawer. It sounded like things in the whole room were colliding. The cabinet hit the table, and the table hit the chair.

"Ha, found it."

Dumbledore bent down and put his whole hand in, almost sinking half of his body into the drawer, and finally pulled out a small silver comb, which looked like he used to comb his beard.

Thinking about how the drawer was going to put the whole Dumbledore in it just now, Loren was very sure that magic such as the traceless stretching spell must have been used in it, and the space inside might be bigger than Hogwarts Castle.

"Let's go." Dumbledore put the comb in his palm, reached out to Loren, and motioned for him to put his hand on it.

The fingertips touched the silver comb, it was cool.

Before Loren had time to feel it carefully, he heard Dumbledore say: "Fox."


There seemed to be a hook behind Loren's navel, and with an irresistible jerk forward, he lifted his feet off the ground and flew.It flew forward like a gust of wind, and couldn't see anything clearly.

Loren's hand was tightly attached to the comb, and the comb seemed to have a magnetic force to stick his fingers to it.

It seemed like a moment, and it seemed like a long time.

Loren's feet fell heavily to the ground, and he was a little unsteady and about to fall to the side, but Dumbledore helped him in time.

Loren's hair was messed up by the wind, like a kennel, and her clothes were crooked.

He straightened his robes and looked up to see Dumbledore still looking neat, with his beard intact.

"Where is this, is the black forest in front?"

Turning their heads and looking around, they were standing beside a muddy path in the countryside. The moist water vapor mixed with the smell of mud and green grass, and the fragrance was a bit earthy. There was a vast forest in front of them.

"Albania, if there is no accident, it should be here."

Dumbledore pulled out a black derby hat out of nowhere and put it on, as if it had been traditional decades ago.

Such a hat is worn on the head of Dumbledore, who is wearing a white robe, has a long white beard, and white hair. It feels very inconsistent.

"I need a little disguise, you know, being too famous is not a good thing." Dumbledore winked at Loren.

You are lying to yourself, with this beard, eyebrows and hair, who can not recognize that this is the headmaster of Hogwarts, the most famous wizard in the world.

"Whoever exposes you, you just take out your wand and give it to him, right?"

"Hahahahaha..." Dumbledore laughed at Loren's words.

Accompanied by a hearty laugh, his beard quickly shortened, some brown-yellow emerged from the roots, and finally turned into a beard close to his face, brown-yellow mixed with some gray.The hair also shrank back and became short, and even became a little bald on both sides of the forehead.

Finally, Dumbledore patted his white robe again, and the large cloth robe began to shrink, and turned into a double-breasted silver-gray fluffy windbreaker against the body, wearing a pair of suit trousers and wide-footed yellow leather shoes underneath.

The outfit goes well with the derby hat.

Loren opened his mouth in surprise, and the old white-robed wizard turned into a young man in his prime.

"You know, I was a professor of transformation before."

Dumbledore's voice also became stronger, and he patted Loren on the shoulder, erasing the Hogwarts and Gryffindor logos on his magic robe.

On the muddy path in the countryside, Loren was carrying a suitcase, and Dumbledore was leading Loren, talking about some of his insights on prophecy.

"It starts with Professor Quirrell..."

Professor Quirrell was originally a professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts.

"When Quirrell was a student, he was a Ravenclaw with excellent grades. He always felt that he had extraordinary talents, waiting for people to discover..."

Quirrell has the characteristics of Ravenclaw House, smart and good at learning, and he even got 12 certificates in the O·W·L exam.

But he still feels that people look down on him, always feel that he has extraordinary talents, waiting for people to discover.In order to quickly prove his strength, he developed a strong interest in black magic.

After receiving a letter of appointment from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he used the name of a research tour to search for traces of dark wizards, partly out of curiosity, partly out of his desire for his own importance that had never been noticed.

Eventually, Quirrell finds himself in the forests of Albania.

"I suspect that he wanted to learn something from Voldemort in order to track down Voldemort's trail from the beginning." Dumbledore's voice was no longer old, but his tone was helpless.

Loren knew the rest. Here, Quirrell became Voldemort's servant, was possessed by Voldemort and returned to Hogwarts, intending to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

"At first I just thought he had taken refuge in Voldemort, but your reminder made me understand that it's not just that simple."

Voldemort's possession of Quirrell was beyond Dumbledore's expectations, and it also gave him a better arrangement, and it could also verify some of his conjectures.

Loren carefully recalled the content of the prophecy: The Dark Lord is far away from his forest...his plan...white has predicted...the black forest is the beginning of the wave...the blue and black people must go to...the time when the old and the new ...the cry of desperate souls...the tide is about to start...

"What is the alternation of old and new, desperate souls and waves?" Loren asked.

"The alternation of the old and the new may refer to the time, before the new year. As for the other two, it is the answer we are looking for in this trip."

While talking, the two came to the door of a hotel on the side of the road.

A two-story building with a triangular spire, the outside of this house is covered with black stains, the name of the store on the signboard is unclear, and the dark double iron doors are closed tightly.

Dumbledore took Loren and walked straight towards the closed door. A miraculous scene appeared. The iron door seemed to not exist, and the two disappeared inside the door.

Loren felt as if he was passing through a water curtain, and there was a feeling of water rushing over his skin.

Completely different from the dilapidated exterior, the entrance is a wide hall with white floor tiles, reflecting the bright glass chandeliers on the ceiling, illuminating the entire room.

Behind the counter stood a fat-headed, fat-eared goblin who looked like a fat human with dwarfism, with a head about the size of his body, a long and narrow nose like an awl, and ears like bat wings.

"Oh, welcome, my dear wizard!"

The goblin's voice was very shrill and piercing, and she spoke words of welcome, but her tone was very uncomfortable.

Dumbledore, who looked like a man in his prime, threw out a bag of Galleons, "One room."

"Of course!" The fat goblin stretched out his hand behind the counter, and a pendant in the shape of a black key flew into its hand.

The whole transaction process took less than 1 minute, both parties were very neat and did not say anything superfluous.

Dumbledore took the key, but instead of looking for the room, he turned around and took Loren out of the hotel.

Hanging the key around Loren's neck, the two walked towards the forest.

"Pinch the key and shake it, no matter where you are in Albania, you can return to the room of this hotel."

Of course Dumbledore doesn't need it, this is an insurance for Loren, in case the two get separated in case of any unexpected situation.

In Dumbledore's introduction, Loren learned something about Albania.

This is a place that is hard for the Ministry of Magic to take care of. Many dark wizards gather here to trade black magic items or various things of unknown origin.

There are many mysterious events that happened in Albania in the history. It is said that there are various dangerous creatures in the forest, vampires, werewolves, evil witches who have lived for centuries.

The students at Hogwarts rumored that Quirrell met a vampire here, and was cursed by a witch, making him timid, stuttering, afraid of his students, and afraid of the subjects he taught.

"Ms. Gray and Bloody Barrow died here."

"Honestly, this place has been on my bucket list for post-retirement travel plans."

The mature Dumbledore winked at Loren, which was more unacceptable than the old white-haired Dumbledore pretending to be tender.

Loren felt that his eyes had been attacked by magic, resisted the urge to complain, and continued to listen to Dumbledore.

(End of this chapter)

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