Chapter 515 Laboratory

Bai Ye and Walter walked into the laboratory, looked around, and their eyes fell on the busy experimenters. The laboratory was busy, with various instruments and equipment in operation, making a humming mechanical sound. The experimenters wore white coats and were conducting various experiments and research attentively.

They walked forward along the central corridor of the laboratory. Various experimental data and charts were displayed on the projector on the side of the experimental table. Bai Ye and Walter stopped and carefully observed the data on the projector.

An experimenter came over. He was one of the directors of the laboratory and had extensive research experience. He saluted Bai Ye and Walter, and then began to report to them the current situation in the laboratory.

"Mr. Bai Ye, Mr. Walter, welcome to your arrival." The experimenter said to the two of them respectfully. "We are currently conducting a study on biological materials. The experiment is progressing smoothly and is expected to be completed next month."

Bai Ye nodded, expressing satisfaction, and then asked, "Have you encountered any difficulties?"

The experimenter thought for a moment and then replied: "There are currently some technical challenges encountered during the experiment, but we are actively solving them. It is expected that a solution will be found soon."

Bai Ye affirmed the experimenter's answer, and then continued to follow Walter forward. The laboratory is busy, with the experimenters performing their duties and concentrating on various experiments and research.

They walked past a laboratory bench that held a complex instrument for analyzing biological materials. An experimenter is carefully operating the instrument and recording every change in data.

On another experimental bench, an experimenter was conducting cell culture experiments. She carefully takes care of the cells in the petri dish to ensure their healthy growth.

Walking along the corridor, they passed a huge experimental platform with a high-tech holographic projector placed on it. The projector displays structural models of biomolecules one after another, and the experimenters are analyzing and studying them.

Bai Ye and Walter stopped and carefully observed the data on the projector. The structure of these biomolecules is crucial to their research projects, and they need to have an in-depth understanding of their structures and properties in order to better conduct subsequent experiments.

"The data looks pretty promising," Walter said, pointing to the data on the projector. "If we can dig deeper, there could be some major breakthroughs."

Bai Ye nodded in agreement. They are very interested in the structure of these biomolecules and hope that through in-depth research, they can discover some new discoveries and breakthroughs.

Continuing to move forward, they passed the side of a laboratory where a group of experimenters were conducting an experiment on gene editing. They are using advanced gene editing technology to modify and adjust organisms' genes to explore new disease treatments.

Bai Ye and Walter stopped and observed the experimenters' operations. Gene editing is a

A research area that has attracted much attention, they hope that through this experiment, they can find some new treatments and contribute to human health.

"How is the progress of this experiment?" Bai Ye asked.

An experimenter stepped forward and reported to Bai Yehui: "The experiment is going well so far. We have successfully edited some genes and observed some interesting phenomena."

Bai Ye expressed satisfaction and continued to move forward. The laboratory is busy, with the experimenters performing their duties and concentrating on various experiments and research.

They crossed to the other side of the laboratory and came to an experimental bench. A high-tech microscope is placed on the stage, and the experimenter is using the microscope to observe the structure and activities of cells.

"This is our latest microscope, which has very high resolution and magnification." Walter introduced it to Bai Ye. "We hope to use it to observe the microstructure of cells to better understand the internal operating mechanism of organisms." Bai Ye expressed interest in this microscope. He walked to the stage and carefully observed the images in the microscope. The image is very clear, and the structure of each cell can be clearly seen, which makes people marvel at the progress of science and technology.

Continuing along the corridor of the laboratory, they came to the end of the laboratory. There is a huge window at the end, through which you can see the outside scenery.

Bai Ye and Walter stood in front of the window, looking out at the scenery. As night falls, the city lights flash in the night sky, like a beautiful picture.

"The work in the laboratory seems to be going well." Bai Ye turned to Walter and said.

Walter nodded in agreement. They are satisfied with the progress of the laboratory's work and believe that through everyone's efforts, better results will be achieved.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from afar, interrupting their conversation. They turned around and saw a group of security guards patrolling outside the laboratory to ensure the safety of the laboratory.

"It seems that the security guard is doing a good job." Walter said to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded in agreement. The job of security guards is to ensure the safety of the laboratory, and their hard work allows the experimenters to conduct research with peace of mind.

At this moment, an experimenter hurried over and reported to Bai Ye: "Mr. Bai Ye, we have completed today's experimental tasks."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, expressing satisfaction. He thanked the experimenters for their efforts and dedication, then turned to leave the laboratory.

Walter followed him to the exit of the laboratory, and a group of security guards came face to face. These security guards are uniformed, alert, and holding patrol equipment, specifically responsible for protecting the safety of the laboratory.

When the security guards saw Bai Ye and Walter approaching, they immediately stopped, lined up neatly, and saluted the two. Their movements were neat and orderly, showing their rigorous training and professionalism.

Bai Ye and Walter stopped and glanced at the security guard in front of them. They know that security guards are the guardians of the laboratory and are responsible for ensuring the safety of the laboratory. Any abnormal situation will attract their attention.

"Security, has anything unusual happened in the laboratory recently?" Bai Ye asked, his voice calm and firm.

A security guard came forward, saluted Bai Ye, and then replied: "Mr. Bai Ye, Mr. Walter, there has been no abnormality in the laboratory recently, and all work is proceeding normally."

When Bai Ye heard this, he nodded slightly to express his satisfaction. He knew that the security guards had been performing their duties seriously to ensure the safety of the laboratory. Their hard work allows the experimenters to carry out research work with peace of mind and provides guarantee for the smooth progress of scientific research.

Walter also affirmed the work of the security guards. He said: "The security guards have worked hard. Thank you for your efforts."

When the security guards heard this, they expressed their gratitude and continued patrolling. They know that it is their responsibility to protect the safety of the laboratory and they will continue to be vigilant to ensure the safety of the laboratory.

(End of this chapter)

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