Chapter 529 Dinosaurs
In the early morning, the first ray of sunshine had just penetrated the clouds and shone on this training ground in the city.

The air is filled with the unique smell of earth and steel, occasionally mixed with the crisp calls of birds in the distant woods. On the playground of the base, neat rows of teams were standing upright, with seriousness and expectation written on the faces of the soldiers.

Bai Ye stood at the front of the team. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, scanning every soldier's face, as if he could penetrate their every inner thought. His voice is deep and powerful, like an invisible force, inspiring everyone.

"Soldiers!" Bai Ye shouted, his voice echoing in the empty playground, "Today, we will conduct an unprecedented training - fighting against wild dinosaurs!"

Upon hearing this order, the soldiers immediately became excited and chattered one after another. Dinosaurs, the creatures that once dominated the earth, can now only be seen in specific wilderness areas. Fighting against them is undoubtedly a great test of the courage and skills of the soldiers.

Bai Ye waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. He continued: "I know this sounds crazy, but this is also our best opportunity to improve our actual combat capabilities and exercise our will. We will wear the newly developed power armor to face those ancient creatures. Remember, this Not a drill, but a real battle!”

The soldiers looked at each other, but the excitement and anticipation in their eyes became stronger. They know that this training will be a rare experience and a great challenge to their abilities.

Afterwards, the soldiers began to put on power armor in an orderly manner. These power armors are the latest scientific research results of the base, which can enhance the strength and speed of soldiers while providing powerful defense capabilities. After putting on the power armor, the soldiers seemed to become future warriors, majestic.

"Check the equipment and make sure everything is normal!" Bai Ye ordered.

The soldiers quickly checked their equipment, paying no attention to every detail, from weapons to communication equipment. They know that this training is not only a test of their ability, but also a test of their sense of responsibility.

After everything was ready, the soldiers boarded the armored vehicle parked on the playground. These armored vehicles were specially prepared for this training and are capable of resisting dinosaur attacks and are equipped with advanced weapon systems.

Bai Ye was the last one to get on the bus. He sat on the command seat and looked firmly ahead. With a roar, the armored vehicle slowly drove out of the gate of the base and headed towards the wilderness full of unknowns and dangers.

Along the way, the soldiers were nervous and excited. They know that this training will be an unforgettable experience and a highlight in their military careers.

After several hours of driving, the armored vehicle finally arrived at its destination. This is a vast wilderness with sparse trees and complex terrain. Not far away, a group of dinosaurs were foraging leisurely, seemingly unaware of the coming danger.

Bai Ye ordered the car to stop, and the soldiers quickly got out of the car and spread out to form an encirclement. Their weapons were loaded and ready to fire.

As the armored vehicle slowly drove into the area where the dinosaurs were active, the heartbeats of the soldiers also accelerated. They know that this mission is not just training, but also to protect the safety of surrounding residents and eliminate those dinosaurs that have posed a threat to humans.

Bai Ye stood on the command seat, his eyes as bright as a torch, carefully observing the movement ahead through the telescope in the front window. He knew that the dinosaurs he faced this time were different from those before. They had attacked nearby villages many times and injured innocent residents. Therefore, their actions this time must be quick and decisive.

"Remember, our first priority is to protect the residents, followed by training." Bai Ye's voice was calm and firm in the communication channel, "Once you find traces of the dinosaurs, launch an attack immediately, and make sure you hit with one hit."

After hearing this, the soldiers nodded to express their understanding. Their weapons were clasped tightly in their hands, ready to fire at a moment's notice.

Suddenly, a soldier shouted: "Dinosaur spotted! At three o'clock!"

Bai Ye quickly turned the telescope, and sure enough he saw a huge dinosaur wandering not far away. With its rough skin and menacing eyes, it is obviously the culprit of many attacks on humans.

"Fire!" Bai Ye ordered decisively.

Suddenly, intensive gunfire rang out, and bullets were fired at the dinosaur like raindrops. However, the skin of dinosaurs is extremely hard, and ordinary bullets cannot cause fatal damage to them.

Bai Ye frowned, knowing that more decisive action must be taken. He quickly adjusted his tactics and ordered the soldiers to use the rocket launchers they carried.

A soldier quickly loaded the rocket, aimed at the dinosaur's head, and pulled the trigger. There was a loud noise, and the rocket rushed towards the dinosaur with blazing flames.

The dinosaur seemed to be aware of the danger, but its huge body could not avoid it quickly. The rocket exploded on the dinosaur's head, and the huge impact knocked it to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, the soldiers quickly approached the dinosaur and cut open its belly with a laser cutter. The dinosaur let out a shrill roar, struggled a few times and then stopped moving.

"Successful!" the soldiers cheered, their faces full of excitement and pride.

However, the battle is not over. As more and more dinosaurs were attracted, the soldiers had to fight more intensely. They took advantage of the terrain and power armor to flexibly avoid the dinosaurs' attacks, while using various weapons to fight back.

For a time, the sound of gunshots, explosions, and roars of dinosaurs intertwined together to form a thrilling picture. The soldiers were like brave warriors, fighting hard between life and death, and fought bloody battles to protect the safety of the residents.

After several hours of fierce fighting, the soldiers finally eliminated all the dinosaurs that harmed the residents. Although everyone was exhausted, their faces were filled with the joy of victory.

Bai Ye walked among the soldiers and congratulated them: "You have done a great job! Not only did you successfully complete the mission, you also showed excellent practical capabilities. I am proud of you!"

As the last dinosaur scream dissipated in the air, the smoke from the battlefield also gradually dissipated. The soldiers' tense nerves finally relaxed, and they cautiously walked towards the remains of the once ferocious dinosaurs.

These huge creatures lie quietly on the ground, their huge bodies occupying a large area of ​​land, as if they are still telling the story of their power in life. The soldiers surrounded the dinosaur remains, with curiosity and awe written on their faces. They had never been in such close contact with these ancient creatures. The shock and novelty at this moment were intertwined, making everyone feel excited.

"Oh my god, this skin is as hard as iron!" A soldier couldn't help but reach out and touch the dinosaur's remains. His fingers traced the dinosaur's skin, making a slight metallic friction sound.

"Yes, with this power and size, no wonder they were once able to dominate the earth." Another soldier sighed, his eyes wandering over the remains of the dinosaurs, as if imagining the past glory of these creatures.

"I can't believe we actually defeated such a creature." A young soldier said excitedly, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Yeah, it's just like a dream." Another soldier agreed, a rare smile on his face.

The soldiers were talking around the dinosaur remains. They gently tapped the dinosaur's bones with the weapons in their hands, making a dull echo. They stroked the dinosaur's skin and felt the cold touch, but their hearts were filled with awe of life.

"Look, although this dinosaur's eyes are closed, it still seems to be staring at something." A soldier pointed at the dinosaur's head and said. Other soldiers came closer to observe. Indeed, although the huge eyes had lost their luster, they still seemed to retain an indescribable power.

"Perhaps, they are also regretting their own demise." A soldier whispered, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

The soldiers were silent for a while, as if thinking about the meaning of this sentence. They know that although these dinosaurs are ferocious, they are also a part of life. Their demise may also be an inevitable cycle in nature.

"However, we also do this to protect humans." A soldier broke the silence, his voice firm and powerful, "We cannot let these dinosaurs continue to harm innocent residents."

"Yes, our mission is to protect humanity. This is our mission." Another soldier echoed, with a firm gleam in his eyes.

The soldiers once again surrounded the dinosaur remains, their faces full of respect and determination. They know that this battle with dinosaurs is not only a training, but also a profound experience of life.

"Okay, it's time for us to clean up the battlefield." A soldier said, his voice regaining its former calmness and decisiveness, "Dispose of the remains of these dinosaurs and then return to the base."

The soldiers nodded, and they began to deal with the battlefield in an orderly manner. They used a laser cutter to cut the dinosaur remains into small pieces and put them into special containers. Although this process was somewhat tiring, everyone had no complaints because they knew that this was their duty as soldiers.

As the last piece of dinosaur remains was loaded into the container, the soldiers finally completed their mission. They stood in a corner of the battlefield, looking at the once ferocious creatures that had now turned into piles of relics, and they couldn't help but feel a surge of complex emotions in their hearts.

"Let's go, we should go back." A soldier said, with a hint of exhaustion in his voice but more of satisfaction, "We will remember this experience forever."

The soldiers nodded, and they turned and walked towards the armored vehicle. Although their steps were a little heavy, their faces were full of determination and pride.

The sun shines through the sparse clouds and shines on the dinosaur's huge body, covering it with a golden luster. Although these creatures were once a threat to humans, now they lie there quietly, like sleeping giants, giving people a feeling of solemnity and mystery.

The soldiers gathered around the dinosaur remains, their eyes wandering over the remains, seemingly looking for the best way to move them.

"This dinosaur remains is too big. We need to work together to lift it." A burly soldier spoke first, his brows furrowed, obviously thinking about how to move this huge beast.

"Yes, we can tie it up with a rope and pull it together." Another soldier suggested, with the rope in his hand ready.

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They acted quickly, some wrapping the rope around the dinosaur's body, while others stood aside and prepared to use force.

"Everyone, are you ready? Let's work hard together!" the burly soldier shouted, his voice full of strength and determination.

The soldiers responded in unison, gripping the rope tightly and pulling back with all their strength. The dinosaur remains moved slowly due to their efforts. Although the movements were a little clumsy, every step seemed extremely firm.

As the bodies were gradually pulled closer to the armored vehicle, beads of sweat began to form on the foreheads of the soldiers, but they did not stop and continued to persevere.

"Work harder and we'll almost succeed!" a soldier encouraged. Although his voice was a little breathy, it was still full of strength.

Finally, with the concerted efforts of everyone, the dinosaur remains were successfully loaded onto the armored vehicle. The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and smiled with relief on their faces.

"I didn't expect we could really do it." A soldier sighed, his eyes shining with pride.

"Yeah, this is really an unforgettable experience." Another soldier agreed, with a satisfied expression on his face.

They stood next to the armored vehicle and looked at the dinosaur remains on the vehicle, feeling filled with a sense of accomplishment. They knew that this transfer was not only a test of their physical strength, but also a test of their spirit of unity and collaboration.

"Okay, we should go back." The burly soldier said, his voice regaining its former calmness and decisiveness, "Bring these dinosaur remains back to the base, and then we can celebrate properly."

The soldiers nodded, and they turned and walked towards the cab. The armored vehicle slowly started amidst everyone's expectations and embarked on the journey back to the base with the dinosaur remains.

Amid the roar of armored vehicles, the soldiers were extremely excited. They knew that this experience of fighting with dinosaurs and carrying the remains would become an unforgettable memory in their military careers.

"I can't believe we actually did it." One soldier said excitedly, his face full of excitement and pride.

"Yeah, we're a real team," another soldier echoed, his eyes flashing with determination.

They sat in the armored vehicle, looking at the scenery outside the window, and their hearts were full of expectations and confidence for the future. They knew that this experience not only made them more united, but also made them grow into better soldiers.

As the armored vehicles moved on, the soldiers gradually calmed down. They began to talk about every detail of this experience, sharing their feelings and experiences with each other.

"I think this experience has made me understand the importance of unity better." A soldier said, with a hint of emotion in his tone.

"Yes, only by uniting together can we overcome all difficulties." Another soldier agreed, with a determined expression on his face.

They continued to talk, and everyone's face was full of confidence and determination. They know that this experience is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity to grow.

Finally, the armored vehicle arrived at the gate of the base. The soldiers got out of the car one after another. They looked at the familiar buildings in the base and felt a sense of intimacy in their hearts.

"We are back!" a soldier shouted, his voice full of excitement and pride.

(End of this chapter)

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