Chapter 543 Texture
The smoke cleared from the ground, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt earth and undissipated radiation dust. On the dilapidated battlefield, the corpses of radioactive creatures were lying in disorder. Their skins showed strange colors, some glowed with a faint blue light, and some seemed to have been scorched by fire. These creatures were once the masters of this land, but now they are just silent remains, silently telling the cruelty of war.

Bai Ye stood in the corner of the battlefield, his face expressionless, his eyes calm and deep. He was wearing a suit of armor covered in dust, and the long sword in his hand still had some dark red blood stains on it. Under his leadership, the soldiers began to examine the bodies of these radioactive creatures one by one. They moved quickly and orderly, as if all this had become their daily routine.

In this once vibrant land, now only a dead silence remains. The smell of gunpowder smoke has not completely dissipated, and there is an indescribable sense of depression in the air. On this battlefield eroded by radiation, the corpses of radioactive creatures were scattered all over the ground. Their once ferocious and violent appearance had now turned into silent sadness.

These radiation creatures may have had their own unique shapes and habits, but under the devastation of radiation, they have become beyond recognition. Their skin showed a strange color, some seemed to have been burnt by fire, charred and cracked; others glowed with a faint blue light, as if covered by icy frost. These colors look particularly weird in the dim light, like absurd and terrifying paintings.

Their bodies have also become distorted and deformed. Some limbs are overly elongated, as if they have been pulled by invisible forces; some have shrunk into a ball, and their original shapes can hardly be seen. Their eyes are hollow and deep, as if they can swallow up all light, making people afraid to look directly.

There are still some strange traces left on the corpses of these radioactive creatures. Some corpses were covered with cracks, as if they had been torn apart by a huge force; others had strange bulges and depressions, as if they had been eroded by some unknown force. These traces silently tell the pain and struggle they experienced during their lives.

Around the corpse, some residual radiation energy can also be seen flickering slightly. These energies are sometimes strong and sometimes weak, as if they are the resentment that these creatures still refuse to dissipate after death. They formed strange beams of light in the air, making the battlefield even more strange and terrifying.

The corpses of these radioactive creatures not only look terrible, but also exude a suffocating aura. It was a pungent smell that was a mixture of rot, burnt smell, and radiation, making people nauseous. This smell permeates the air, like an invisible poison, corroding people's senses and nerves.

On this battlefield, the corpses of these radioactive creatures are like silent monuments, recording the cruelty and ruthlessness of this disaster. Where they were once ferocious and violent, now there is only silence and desolation left. They use their lives to write unspeakable tragedies.

As night falls, the horror of these corpses seems to become more intense. In the dim light, their skin looks even weirder, and the remaining radiant energy becomes weirder and brighter. It seems that in this darkness, these corpses are telling their stories in a special way.

The wind blew gently, causing a slight noise. The corpses of those radioactive creatures seemed to be shaking slightly when blown by the wind. They seem to be bidding farewell to the world and the lives that once coexisted with them in a silent way.

In this land eroded by radiation, the corpses of these radioactive creatures have become a unique landscape. They use their existence to remind people of the cruelty and ruthlessness of this disaster. Although they are dead, their bodies still tell stories of unforgettable history.

On this dead battlefield, the corpses of these radioactive creatures lay quietly, as if they had become part of this land. They use their existence to witness the end of this disaster and the beginning of new life. Although they once brought endless fear and pain, now they have become part of this land and have experienced the vicissitudes of time with this land.

As time goes by, the bodies of these radioactive creatures gradually change. Their skin becomes dry and brittle, and flakes fall off at the slightest touch. The remaining radiation energy also gradually dissipated in the air, leaving only weak traces. These changes occur silently, as if to tell people that no matter how powerful and terrifying the creatures were, they will eventually turn into dust and disappear in the torrent of time.

However, even as these bodies begin to die, the mark they leave will never disappear. Those twisted and deformed shapes, weird and terrifying colors and suffocating breath will remain in people's memory forever. They remind people to cherish life and respect nature, and also warn people to be wary of forces that may bring disaster.

In this land eroded by radiation, the corpses of these radioactive creatures have become a special existence.

"Captain, the number of these radioactive creatures is indeed increasing." An experimenter walked up to Bai Ye, his voice low and serious. He wore a pair of thick protective glasses and a special radiation-proof suit to deal with possible dangers.

Bai Ye didn't answer immediately, he just silently observed the scene in front of him. After a moment, he said: "Yes, I noticed it too. These radioactive creatures seem to be constantly mutating and their numbers are increasing. We need to find the cause as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

The experimenter nodded in agreement. He continued: "I have collected some samples and are preparing to take them back to the laboratory for detailed analysis. I hope to find some clues."

Bai Ye nodded slightly, then turned around and gave the order to the soldiers: "Continue to check and make sure nothing is missed. At the same time, stay vigilant. Although these radioactive creatures are dead, there may still be dangers hidden in their bodies."

The soldiers agreed in unison and continued their work. They carefully turned over the corpses, looking for any information that might be useful.

The atmosphere on the battlefield was extremely heavy, and everyone knew that they were facing an unknown and dangerous challenge. However, they did not back down and carried out their mission firmly.

Bai Ye stood aside, his eyes scanning the faces of every soldier. Their faces were full of exhaustion and nervousness, but more importantly, determination and bravery. He knew that these soldiers were his strongest backing, and together they guarded the peace of this land.

Time seemed to slow down extremely slowly at this moment, and every second was full of tension and anticipation. The soldiers continued to examine the corpses, while the experimenters were busy collecting samples.

Suddenly, a soldier let out a cry of surprise. The spear in his hand pierced the chest of a corpse, but did not penetrate. Bai Ye immediately walked over and saw that the corpse had a thick layer of carapace on its chest, which looked extremely hard.

"What is this?" Bai Ye frowned. He reached out and touched the carapace, feeling an unusual hardness and coldness.

The experimenter also came over. He observed the carapace carefully, and then said: "This seems to be a new defense mechanism. These radioactive creatures are constantly evolving, and they are becoming more and more powerful."

Bai Ye nodded, knowing that this meant they would face greater challenges. He turned to the soldiers and said: "Everyone, be careful. These radioactive creatures may have evolved new defense mechanisms. We must handle their corpses more carefully."

The soldiers nodded to show their understanding, and they continued to carefully examine the corpses. Bai Ye and the experimenter stood aside, discussing the possibility of the evolution of these radioactive creatures and what measures they should take next. As time goes by, the smoke from the battlefield gradually dissipates, but people's worries become more and more serious. They know that this battle is far from over and they must keep moving forward until they find a final solution.

The soldiers carefully looked at the corpses of these radioactive creatures, their expressions were serious and focused, and every movement seemed cautious. In this land eroded by radiation, these corpses have become important objects of their research. They hope to find some clues from these corpses to reveal the truth of this disaster.

"Look at the skin of this corpse. It has this weird blue color." A soldier pointed at a corpse and said. His voice was low and strong, and he was obviously shocked by what he saw.

"It's really strange. I've never seen this color before." Another soldier squatted down and carefully observed the skin of the corpse. His brows were furrowed, as if he was pondering the meaning of the color.

"Could it be a mutation caused by radiation?" An older soldier put forward his own guess. He is experienced and has a deep understanding of the dangers of radiation.

"It's possible." The other soldiers nodded in agreement. They know that this disaster was caused by the leakage of radiation, and these radioactive creatures are likely to be the direct product of radiation.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly discovered something unusual about a corpse. He pointed to the chest of the corpse and said, "Look here, what are these lines?"

Other soldiers came over to check and saw strange lines on the chest of the corpse. They were crisscrossed and seemed to be a special pattern.

"These lines look like some kind of symbols or marks." One soldier guessed.

"Is it some unknown language or code? But these are just things without intelligence. How could they do that?" Another soldier put forward his own idea.

The soldiers began to discuss these lines and they tried to decipher their meaning. Although they don't know what these lines represent, they believe that these clues will definitely help reveal the truth of the disaster.

During the discussion, the soldiers also shared their experiences and knowledge on the battlefield with each other. They recounted the thrilling moments of fighting the radioactive creatures and shared each other's life and death moments. These experiences have brought them closer together and strengthened their determination to reveal the truth.

"I remember one time, we encountered a group of particularly ferocious radioactive creatures." A soldier recalled, "They were numerous and extremely powerful. We were almost in dire straits. At that time, I thought I would never see it again. It’s the sun tomorrow.”

"Yeah, that battle was really tough," another soldier said, "but we all got through it, and that's our strength."

"Yes, that's very good! That's what we are like!"

The soldiers nodded in agreement, their eyes shining with determination. They know that no matter how difficult and challenging they face, they will persevere until the truth of the disaster is revealed.

Over time, the soldiers gained a better understanding of the bodies of these radioactive creatures. They found that the internal structures of the bodies had also undergone dramatic changes, with some organs becoming abnormally enlarged and others completely atrophied. These changes made them more convinced that these radioactive creatures were mutated due to the influence of strong radiation.

"It seems that these radioactive creatures have undergone many changes during the evolution process." One soldier concluded, "We need to bring these findings back to the laboratory for further research."

"Yes, only in this way can we find a solution to this disaster." Another soldier added.

Soldiers began to sort out samples from these corpses and prepare to take them back to the laboratory. They know that this battle is far from over and they must continue to work hard to find the ultimate victory.

On the way back to the camp, the soldiers were still discussing these radioactive creatures. Their hearts are full of doubts and curiosity, but also full of hope and courage.

Night gradually fell, and the lights on the battlefield gradually turned on. The soldiers began to pack their tools and prepare to return to the camp. Bai Ye stood at the corner of the battlefield, looking into the distance. He knew that the future of this land was full of uncertainty and danger, but they must persevere for the sake of those innocent lives and those unspeakable hopes.

"Captain, we should go back." A soldier walked up to Bai Ye and said.

Bai Ye retracted his gaze and nodded: "Okay, let's go back." He turned around and walked towards the camp, each step appearing heavy and firm. He knew that this was just one stop on their long journey, and they still had a long way to go.

In the night, their figures gradually disappeared into the darkness in the distance. And that battlefield fell into silence and darkness again, as if nothing had ever happened. However, everyone knows that this is only a temporary calm, and the real challenges are still waiting for them ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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