Chapter 611 Tornado Destroys the Camp

As night fell, Bai Ye took the soldiers for a walk outside the camp as usual. They walked across the soft grass, breathed the fresh night air, and enjoyed the rare quiet time. The moonlight sprinkled around the camp, covering the land with a layer of silver-white coat.

The soldiers were either talking in low voices or looking up at the stars, their faces full of satisfaction and expectation for their new home. Bai Ye walked at the front of the team, his eyes deep and firm, as if he could see through the darkness and see the hope for the future.

Suddenly, a gust of wind whistled and the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds. The soldiers stopped and looked up at the sky vigilantly. They saw that the swirling air currents in the clouds were getting stronger and stronger, gradually forming a huge tornado. It was like a roaring dragon, rolling in the air and rushing towards the camp.

Under the cover of night, the originally peaceful camp was suddenly enveloped by a strange atmosphere. In the distant sky, the sparse clouds began to gather rapidly, as if summoned by some mysterious force. The clouds rolled and gathered denser and denser, gradually forming a huge vortex, as if the earth's breathing became rapid, foreshadowing the impending disaster.

At first, it was just a light breeze, bringing a slight coolness. But in the blink of an eye, the breeze turned into a strong wind, whistling through the camp, rolling up the dust and sand on the grass, forming small whirlwinds. These whirlwinds circled around the camp, as if looking for a breakthrough, trying to break through the camp's defenses.

Then, the color of the sky became darker, and there was a faint flash of lightning in the clouds. Suddenly, a bright flash of lightning streaked across the sky, followed by a deafening thunder. This thunder seemed to be the roar of nature, announcing the coming of disaster.

At this moment, a stronger airflow rushed down from the clouds, forming the prototype of a tornado. This airflow was like a huge funnel, expanding rapidly and spinning towards the camp. It was so fast that it seemed to swallow up everything that stood in its way.

The fence around the camp was the first to be hit. The once sturdy wood and ropes became vulnerable to the power of the tornado, breaking and flying one after another. The sound of the fence collapsing seemed so weak in the strong wind, as if it was an insignificant victim of the power of nature.

Next, it was the central area of ​​the camp. The simple wooden houses shook violently under the impact of the tornado, and the leaves and grass on the roof were blown away instantly. The walls of the wooden houses began to crack, the windows shattered, and the beds and lockers inside were thrown out of the house, rolling in the air, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

The vegetables in the garden were not spared. The green leaves and roots were uprooted by the tornado and thrown into the air. They spun and struggled in the wind, but ultimately could not escape the fate of being destroyed. The vegetable garden, which was once full of vitality, became a mess in an instant.

The well was not spared either. The strong suction of the tornado swept the sand and rocks around the well into the air, and the well wall began to collapse. The clear well water was rippled in the strong wind, and was eventually swept into the tornado and disappeared without a trace.

The weapons and equipment on the training ground were also swept up by the tornado. The heavy iron and wood flew and collided in the air, making harsh sounds. These equipment originally used for training became so fragile and powerless under the ravages of the tornado.

Finally, there were the debris and garbage scattered around the camp. They were sucked into the air by the tornado's suction, mixed with dust and sand, and formed black whirlwinds. These whirlwinds raged and destroyed the camp, turning the originally neat camp into a ruin.

The entire destruction process lasted for a long time. Under the ravages of the tornado, everything in the camp was swept up in the disaster. The originally solid fences, the warm wooden houses, the vibrant vegetable gardens, the clear water wells, the weapons and equipment on the training grounds... everything was reduced to nothing. The camp was in a mess, with only trees twisted and deformed by the strong wind and ruins all over the ground.

"Quick! Return to the camp! Prepare for defense!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice sounding unusually firm in the strong wind. The soldiers immediately took action, they quickly ran back to the camp, began to reinforce the fence, move heavy objects, and prepare for the coming storm.

However, the power of the tornado was beyond their imagination. It was like an out-of-control beast, tearing everything in the camp madly. The wooden house was blown to the point of collapse, the vegetable garden was uprooted, and the well was buried by sand. Although the soldiers tried their best, their efforts seemed so insignificant in front of the tornado.

Seeing that the camp was about to be destroyed, Bai Ye suddenly stopped what he was doing. He stood in the center of the storm, letting the strong wind blow his robe and hair. There was a strange light flashing in his eyes, as if he saw something that others could not see.

"Hahaha!" Suddenly, Bai Ye burst into laughter. His laughter echoed in the strong wind, and it seemed so arrogant and wanton. The soldiers looked at him in surprise, not understanding why he could still laugh so happily at this critical moment.

"Bai Ye, you..." a soldier couldn't help but ask.

"Did you see it?" Bai Ye did not answer him, but pointed at the tornado in the sky and said, "This is the power of nature, which we cannot resist. But look at its direction, it is not rushing directly towards us, but sweeping towards the depths of the grassland."

The soldiers looked up at the sky upon hearing this. Sure enough, after destroying the camp, the tornado continued to sweep deeper into the grassland, as if being pulled by some force.

"Bai Ye, what you mean is..." another soldier asked tentatively.

"Yes," Bai Ye nodded, "Although this land has been eroded by radiation, the power of nature is still strong. This tornado is nature showing us its power. What we have to do is not to fight against it, but to learn to use it."

The soldiers looked at each other, not understanding what Bai Ye meant. But Bai Ye had already made a decision. He turned to the soldiers and said, "Well, our camp is ruined. But this is not a bad thing, because nature has pointed out a new direction for us. Let's abandon this camp and go running on the grassland!"

The soldiers were stunned when they heard this, but soon understood what Bai Ye meant. They put down their tools and followed Bai Ye into the depths of the grassland.

The soldiers running in the strong wind seemed to have become a group of wild horses. They faced the wind and stepped on the grass, releasing their inner repression and restraint. Bai Ye ran in the front, his posture was vigorous and powerful, as if he was dancing with the wind.

"Hahaha!" Bai Ye laughed again, his laughter was full of pride and ambition. The soldiers were also infected by his laughter and joined in, their cheerful laughter echoing across the grassland.

Although the sudden tornado destroyed their camp, it helped Bai Ye and the soldiers find a new direction. They were no longer bound to this land eroded by radiation, but bravely stepped into the unknown grassland. There, they would measure the land with their own feet and create a new future with their own hands. As the night deepened, the wind was still raging. But on this grassland, a group of brave soldiers were running hard. Their figures looked so firm and persistent in the moonlight, as if they had become the most beautiful scenery on this land.

The soldiers followed Bai Ye and ran across the grassland. Their heartbeats and footsteps intertwined to form an exciting movement. Their eyes were shining with expectations and longings for the future, as if they had already seen the new homeland that belonged to them.

During this run, the soldiers felt unprecedented freedom and happiness. They forgot their previous fatigue and hardship and just wanted to enjoy this rare time. They danced with the wind and sang with the grass, as if they had become the masters of this grassland.

Bai Ye was also immersed in this joy. He looked at the soldiers around him, his heart filled with gratitude and pride. He knew that these soldiers were his strongest backing, and it was their joint efforts that made him what he is today. He believed that as long as they were united and moved forward courageously, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

In this way, Bai Ye and the soldiers ran on the grassland all night. When the first ray of sunlight shone on them, they finally stopped. They stood on the grassland, looking at the vast land in the distance, their hearts filled with infinite hope and longing.

In the morning light of the grassland, Bai Ye led the soldiers to continue forward. Their steps were firm and powerful, as if nothing could stop them from moving forward. However, on this seemingly peaceful grassland, there were hidden unknown dangers.

After walking for a while, the air around them suddenly became unusually heavy. The soldiers stopped and looked around vigilantly. There were bursts of rustling sounds coming from the bushes, and then dozens of huge centipedes jumped out of the bushes. They were several meters long, with a strange green body and a strong smell of radiation.

"Radiated giant centipede!" a soldier exclaimed, his voice full of fear and tension.

Bai Ye turned around quickly, scanning these huge creatures with his eyes. He knew very well the danger of these giant radioactive centipedes. Not only were they huge in size, but they also carried strong radioactive energy. Once bitten by them, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Don't panic!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice echoing across the open grassland, "Keep in formation and prepare for battle!"

The soldiers immediately took action upon hearing this. They quickly adjusted their formation and surrounded Bai Ye. Each of them drew a weapon from his waist, held it tightly, and stared at the approaching giant radiated centipedes.

"Bai Ye, what should we do?" a soldier asked nervously.

"Don't act rashly." Bai Ye said in a deep voice, "Although these centipedes are huge, they are not fast. We can use this advantage and adopt guerrilla tactics to eliminate them one by one."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They followed Bai Ye closely and moved forward cautiously. The giant radioactive centipedes seemed to have sensed their intentions. They opened their ferocious mouthparts, made piercing hisses, and attacked them.

Suddenly, the sound of fierce fighting rang out on the grassland. Soldiers waved their weapons and fought a desperate battle with the giant radioactive centipede. Bai Ye stood at the front of the team, and the long sword in his hand drew sharp trajectories in the air. Every swing took the life of a centipede.

However, there were so many of these giant radioactive centipedes, and their bodies were as hard as iron, so it was difficult for ordinary attacks to cause fatal damage to them. Soon, the soldiers were in a bitter battle. Their weapons left deep scratches on the centipedes' shells, but the centipedes seemed to be unaffected and continued to attack everyone frantically.

"We can't go on like this!" a soldier shouted, "We need to find their weakness!"

Bai Ye nodded, and while waving the sword in his hand, he carefully observed these radioactive giant centipedes. Soon, he discovered the weakness of these centipedes - their heads. Although their bodies were as hard as iron, their heads were relatively fragile. As long as they could be hit in the head, they would be fatally injured.

"Attack their heads!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "Only by hitting their heads can we kill them!"

The soldiers immediately changed their attack method upon hearing this. They concentrated their firepower and launched a fierce attack on the centipede's head. Soon, several centipedes were hit in the head and fell to the ground. The other centipedes retreated one after another, but they did not give up the attack and continued to approach the crowd.

Bai Ye immediately swung his sword and rushed towards the centipedes. He was agile and swift, and each attack accurately hit the centipede's head. Under his leadership, the soldiers also launched a fierce attack on the centipedes. For a moment, the sound of fierce fighting rang out again on the grassland.

After a fierce battle, they finally wiped out all the giant radioactive centipedes. They sat on the ground exhausted, panting, but with a smile of victory on their faces.

"We won!" a soldier shouted excitedly, "Bai Ye, you are our hero!"

Bai Ye smiled and shook his head. He stood up and dusted himself off. He knew that this was just a small challenge on their way forward, and there would be more dangers waiting for them in the future. But as long as they had confidence, courage, and the power of unity, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and meet new challenges.

"Okay," Bai Ye said, "let's keep moving forward." His voice was full of determination and confidence. "No matter how many dangers lie ahead, we must move forward bravely."

The soldiers stood up one after another and continued to move forward following Bai Ye. The sunshine on the grassland shone on them, adding endless strength and hope to their journey forward.

(End of this chapter)

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