Chapter 613 Ice Monster
Deep in the grassland, Bai Ye led his soldiers to continue forward. The breeze of the grassland, carrying the fragrance of the soil and the unknown in the distance, gently blew on their faces. The sun shone on the grassland, and the golden light intertwined with the reflections on the soldiers' armor, forming a magnificent picture.

The steps of the people were firm and powerful, but they were full of vigilance in their hearts. They knew that every corner of this grassland might hide unknown dangers. Therefore, they always maintained a high level of vigilance and scanned the surroundings with sharp eyes.

Just as they were passing through a dense bush, suddenly, dozens of huge figures jumped out of the bush. These monsters were huge, like moving hills. Their bodies were covered with thick ice, flashing with cold light. The most shocking thing was that the heads of these monsters were in the shape of deer, with a pair of sharp antlers that flashed with cold light.

In the vast grassland, the radiation giant ice super brave deer head monster with its unique posture and momentum has become the most eye-catching existence on this land. These monsters are not evolved naturally, but are affected by unknown radiation, genetic mutations, and then evolved into terrifying creatures.

The radiation giant ice super brave deer head monster, as the name suggests, their heads are in the shape of deer, but they are several times larger than any known deer. The antlers are sharp and curved, like two sharp scimitars, flashing cold light, which is daunting. Their eyes are deep blue, as if they can see into people's hearts, flashing strange light. Under the eyes are their sensitive nostrils, and every breath will spray out bursts of cold air.

The bodies of these monsters are covered with thick ice, as if they were wearing an indestructible armor. The surface of the ice is crystal clear blue, which echoes with their blue eyes, adding a bit of mystery and terror. The ice armor is covered with sharp ice spikes, which not only increase their defense, but also serve as their weapons in battle. When they charge, these ice spikes will cut through the air, making a sharp whistling sound, which is terrifying.

The limbs of the radiation giant ice super brave deer head monster are strong and powerful, with knotted muscles, as if they contain infinite power. Their hooves are as hard as iron, and every time they step on the ground, they will leave a deep mark. When these monsters run, they are very fast, like a flash of lightning across the grassland, which is dazzling.

The tails of these monsters are also a major feature. Their tails are long and thick, with forked ends, like a huge fan. In battle, they will swing their tails to sweep down the enemies around them. At the same time, the ice spikes on their tails will also become one of their means of attack, causing fatal damage to the enemy.

In addition to these remarkable features, the radiation giant ice super brave deer head monster has some impressive details. Their skin is a strange blue, as if covered by a layer of mysterious energy. On their bodies, you can also see some traces of radiation, which are distributed on their bodies in strange patterns, like a mysterious totem.

The behavior of these monsters is also full of wildness and bravery. They often run wildly on the grassland, making earth-shaking roars, as if challenging any creature that dares to approach them. When they find prey, they will attack without hesitation, tearing the prey into pieces with their sharp antlers, sharp ice spikes and strong limbs.

In the battle with human soldiers, these monsters showed amazing fighting power. They would use their huge bodies and the defensive power of ice armor to fight with the soldiers in close combat. At the same time, they would use their advantages in speed and strength to charge and crush the soldiers. In the battle, these monsters seemed to have become cold-blooded killing machines, making the soldiers feel extremely scared and desperate.

"It's a radioactive giant ice super brave deer-headed monster!" a soldier screamed in horror.

When everyone heard this, a chill suddenly surged in their hearts. They had never seen such a terrifying monster before, and they didn't know how to deal with it. For a moment, fear and panic spread in the hearts of the soldiers.

"Don't panic!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice echoing across the grassland, full of determination and strength. He quickly drew his sword and pointed it at the monsters, ready for the upcoming battle.

However, these monsters did not give everyone any time to prepare. They roared loudly, shaking the grassland like thunder. Then, they took heavy steps and rushed towards everyone.

The soldiers saw this and screamed and ran away. They ran in all directions, trying to escape the pursuit of these monsters. However, the speed of these monsters was extremely amazing, and they quickly closed the distance with the soldiers.

"Don't run!" Bai Ye shouted again, "Spread out and attack their eyes with long-range weapons!"

Under Bai Ye's command, some soldiers stopped, turned to face the monster, and raised their bows and arrows. However, their hearts were filled with fear and uneasiness, and the bows and arrows in their hands were shaking.

Bai Ye's heart tightened when he saw this. He knew that although these soldiers were brave, facing such terrible monsters would put their courage and confidence to the test. He had to find a way to inspire their fighting spirit and make them believe that they could defeat these monsters.

So Bai Ye took a deep breath, straightened his chest, and took a step forward. He raised the long sword in his hand, pointed it at the monsters, and shouted: "We are brave warriors! We have firm beliefs and great courage! These monsters are not invincible! As long as we unite as one and move forward courageously, nothing can stop us from moving forward!"

As soon as Bai Ye finished speaking, the soldiers seemed to be injected with new strength. They straightened their chests, raised their weapons, and prepared to face the upcoming battle.

At this time, the monsters had already rushed in front of everyone. They waved their sharp antlers and roared loudly. However, in the eyes of the soldiers, these monsters were no longer so scary. They knew that as long as they united as one and fought together, they could defeat these monsters.

The battle was about to start. Soldiers attacked the monsters one after another. Arrows rained down on the monsters' eyes, while Bai Ye wielded his sword and rushed to the center of the monsters. He was as agile as a dragon, and every swing of his sword was accompanied by a sharp sword aura, forcing the monsters to retreat again and again.

With everyone's joint efforts, the monsters gradually showed signs of fatigue. Their attacks became weaker and weaker, while the morale of the soldiers became higher and higher. Finally, after a fierce battle, everyone finally defeated all the monsters.

After the battle, the soldiers gathered around Bai Ye, cheering and celebrating this hard-won victory. Bai Ye looked at everyone with a smile, his heart full of relief and pride. He knew that this battle not only tested their courage and wisdom, but also made them more united and stronger.

"We won!" a soldier shouted excitedly, "We really won!"

"Yes," Bai Ye nodded, "We won. But we must remember that this is just the beginning. There are more challenges and dangers waiting for us ahead. We must always remain vigilant and courageous and keep moving forward."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew that Bai Ye was right. They must always remain vigilant and courageous and keep moving forward. Only in this way can they overcome all difficulties and challenges and realize their dreams and goals. In the afterglow of the setting sun, Bai Ye and the soldiers set out on a new journey. They knew that the road ahead might be more difficult and dangerous, but they were ready. As long as they united as one and moved forward courageously, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, Bai Ye and his soldiers set out on a new journey. Their shadows stretched out across the grassland, as if they were a symbol of bravery and determination. The wind on the grassland blew gently, bringing calls from afar and taking away the smoke of battle.

The soldiers' emotions were complicated, with both the joy of defeating the monster and the fear of the unknown future. They exchanged glances with each other, as if they wanted to find strength and courage in each other's eyes. Bai Ye took a deep breath, knowing that it was time to boost morale and let everyone regain their faith and fighting spirit.

“Everyone,” Bai Ye stopped and turned to face the soldiers, “We have just experienced a difficult battle, but we did not retreat or give up. We relied on courage and wisdom to defeat those seemingly invincible monsters. This is our common victory and a symbol of our strength.”

The soldiers listened quietly, Bai Ye's words were like a spring that washed away the fear and anxiety in their hearts. They straightened their chests, with a determined light flashing in their eyes.

"But," Bai Ye changed the subject, "this victory is only a small step in our journey. There are more challenges and dangers waiting for us ahead. Deep in the grassland, there may be more powerful enemies hiding. But remember, we are an invincible team. As long as we unite as one and move forward courageously, nothing can stop us from moving forward."

The soldiers shouted in unison: "Forge ahead bravely! Be fearless!" Their voices echoed across the grassland, full of strength and determination.

Bai Ye nodded and continued to move forward. He knew that the journey ahead would be even more difficult. But he also believed that as long as they maintained their faith and courage, they would be able to overcome all difficulties.

As night fell, the temperature on the grassland began to drop sharply. The cold wind whistled through the grass, bringing a biting cold. The soldiers wrapped themselves tightly in their battle robes, but they still couldn't resist the cold wind. Their footsteps began to become heavy, and every step seemed to be on ice and snow.

Bai Ye also felt the cold, but he did not stop. He knew that at this time he needed to stay awake and firm. He quickened his pace, trying to inspire the soldiers with his actions.

At this moment, a low roar suddenly sounded, breaking the silence of the grassland. The soldiers immediately became nervous, they tightened their weapons, and looked around vigilantly. Bai Ye also stopped, staring ahead, trying to find the source of the sound.

Soon, a group of huge figures emerged from the darkness. They were tall, their skin was a strange blue, and their eyes were flashing with cold light. These monsters were different from the previous radiation giant ice super brave deer head monsters. They were bigger and more ferocious.

"It's a new monster!" a soldier shouted in horror.

Bai Ye did not answer, he just observed these monsters silently. He knew that these monsters would be the next challenge they would face. He took a deep breath, calmed down, then turned to the soldiers and said: "Get ready to fight! We must unite and defeat these monsters with wisdom and courage!"

The soldiers responded in unison, raising their weapons in preparation for the upcoming battle. Bai Ye also drew his sword, and in a flash, he rushed to the center of the monsters. He swung his sword, and each swing was accompanied by a sharp sword aura, forcing the monsters to retreat again and again.

Seeing this, the soldiers also launched attacks on the monsters. Bows and arrows rained down on the monsters, while some brave soldiers brandished their swords and engaged in close combat with the monsters. For a moment, the grassland was filled with the flashing of swords and the flying of arrows, and the battle was extremely fierce.

However, these monsters were extremely powerful. Their skins were as hard as iron, able to withstand most attacks; and their attacks were also extremely fierce, with each swing bringing up a gust of wind. Although the soldiers fought hard, they were still unable to stop the monsters' attack.

Bai Ye's heart tightened when he saw this. He knew that these monsters were more powerful than the previous ones. He had to come up with a new tactic to deal with these monsters. While he was waving his sword to fight the monsters, he was thinking about countermeasures.

Just then, he noticed a cold light flashing in the eyes of these monsters. An idea suddenly came to his mind. He shouted loudly: "Aim at their eyes! That's their weak point!"

The soldiers adjusted their attack direction upon hearing this, and concentrated their firepower on attacking the monsters' eyes. Soon, some monsters lost their combat effectiveness due to eye injuries. Bai Ye was overjoyed upon seeing this, and he continued to command the soldiers to attack the monsters.

After a hard battle, the group finally defeated all the monsters. They sat on the ground exhausted and panting, but their faces were filled with the joy of victory. They knew that the victory of this battle was inseparable from Bai Ye's command and the bravery of the soldiers. They were proud of themselves.

Bai Ye looked at the tired soldiers and smiled, saying, "Thank you for your hard work! But we can't stop and rest for too long. We must keep moving forward and look for the next goal."

The soldiers stood up and nodded in agreement. They knew Bai Ye was right. Now was not the time to rest. They had to keep moving forward and look for the next target.

In the night, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to move forward. They walked through the rugged mountain roads and crossed the freezing cold river and finally arrived at a safe place. They rested here for a night and prepared to face new challenges and adventures.

(End of this chapter)

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