Chapter 615 More Antidotes
In the middle of the night on the grassland, when the last embers quietly extinguished in the campfire, the soldiers' discussion around the fire gradually subsided. Bai Ye stood up, his eyes seemed particularly firm in the night. He turned to face the soldiers and said in a low and powerful voice: "Although we won the battle today, there is still a long way to go in the future. We must always be prepared to face unknown challenges."

The soldiers nodded one after another, their eyes showing trust and respect for Bai Ye. Bai Ye nodded slightly, and then his eyes fell on the ring on his right hand. This ring looked ordinary, but it contained mysterious power. He gently twisted the ring, and suddenly a dazzling light shone on the ring.

The soldiers were attracted by the sudden light, holding their breath and staring at Bai Ye intently. Bai Ye took a deep breath and closed his eyes, as if communicating with the power in the ring. After a moment, he opened his eyes, with a determined light flashing in his eyes.

"We are going to another world." Bai Ye's voice was calm and firm. "There, I have a laboratory. Maybe we can find more clues to fight against zombies."

The soldiers looked at each other, curious and nervous about the upcoming transmission, but they knew that Bai Ye was their leader and they had to trust him unconditionally.

As Bai Ye twisted the ring again, the dazzling light instantly spread out, covering the soldiers. They felt as if their bodies were being pulled by an invisible force, gradually leaving the ground. Under the influence of this force, they quickly passed through the night sky of the grassland and flew towards an unknown world.

After a while, the light gradually dissipated, and the soldiers found themselves in an unfamiliar environment. They looked around and saw that this was a spacious and tidy laboratory with various advanced instruments and equipment arranged in an orderly manner. However, there was no one here, only the newly arrived soldiers and Bai Ye.

The soldiers were a little surprised, and they all looked at Bai Ye inquiringly. Bai Ye smiled and explained, "This is my laboratory, located in another universe. Due to the difference in time and space, this place is not synchronized with our world. It is late at night, and the employees have all gone off work."

The soldiers suddenly realized and were full of curiosity about this mysterious world. They walked around and carefully observed the various instruments and equipment in the laboratory. Some soldiers tried to operate some seemingly simple instruments, but found that they knew nothing about these equipment.

Seeing this, Bai Ye smiled and walked among them, and began to explain the purpose and operation of these instruments one by one. His words were concise and clear, allowing the soldiers to quickly master the basic operation of these devices.

"There are a lot of research materials about zombies here." Bai Ye pointed to a row of bookshelves and said, "Maybe we can find some useful information from them."

The soldiers walked to the bookshelf and began to read the books and materials on it. They found that these materials recorded in detail the origin, characteristics and methods of fighting zombies. Although many contents were beyond their understanding, they still read them carefully, hoping to find some inspiration from them.

Bai Ye was also reading the information, his eyes moving between the words, as if looking for some clues. His brows were sometimes furrowed, sometimes relaxed, and he was obviously thinking hard about how to fight against the zombies.

As the night deepened, the lights in the laboratory looked particularly bright in the night. The soldiers were still busy, their figures interlaced under the lights, forming a beautiful picture.

Late at night in the laboratory, when the last book was gently closed, the soldiers were already immersed in a mixture of fatigue and satisfaction.

He looked up at the starry sky outside the window, as if he could penetrate this cosmic barrier and see their original world. He knew that there were countless challenges and enemies waiting for them to face. He must use this opportunity to better prepare for their future.

Bai Ye slowly stood up and scanned the faces of every soldier. He could see the fatigue in their eyes, but more of it was perseverance and determination. He bowed deeply, and said in a low voice full of gratitude: "Everyone, today's battle and long journey have exhausted you. I order you to go down and have a good rest and recharge your energy."

The soldiers looked at each other, obviously a little surprised by Bai Ye's order. But their discipline allowed them to react quickly, and they stood up and lined up neatly. Bai Ye bowed to them again, then waved his hand to signal them to leave.

Deep in another universe, there is a mysterious and magnificent laboratory. This is the holy place where Bai Ye explores the unknown and seeks the truth alone. When the soldiers leave, the door of the laboratory slowly closes, and the whole space seems to be shrouded in a quiet and solemn atmosphere.

Inside the laboratory, the first thing that caught my eye was rows of towering bookshelves, on which various books and materials were neatly placed. The contents of these books covered many fields such as biology, physics, chemistry, and cosmology, and each of them recorded the crystallization of human wisdom. Incandescent lamps softly illuminated these books, giving them a faint golden halo.

At the end of the bookshelf was a large laboratory table. On the table were placed various sophisticated instruments and equipment. Their appearance was smooth and cold, as if they were telling the crystallization of technology and wisdom. Bai Ye walked to the laboratory table and his eyes stayed on each instrument for a moment, as if he was communicating with them silently.

In the center of the experimental table was a huge three-dimensional holographic projector. Bai Ye gently pressed a button, and the projector started instantly. Images and data about zombies appeared in the air. These images and data showed in detail the physiological structure, behavior patterns, and transmission methods of zombies. Bai Ye observed the data intently, with curiosity and determination flashing in his eyes.

In a corner of the laboratory, there is a huge microscope. This microscope is different from ordinary observation equipment. It can magnify to the molecular level, allowing Bai Ye to have a deeper understanding of the microscopic structure of zombies. Bai Ye walked to the microscope and carefully adjusted the focus and light until he saw those tiny, glowing virus particles. These virus particles are the key to causing zombie mutations.

In addition to these devices, various charts and models are hung on the walls of the laboratory. These charts and models show in detail the spread path of zombies, the mutation process, and possible countermeasures. Bai Ye often stands in front of these charts and models, running his fingers over them, as if thinking about how to transform this information into actual combat power.

On the top of the laboratory, there are rows of high-efficiency ventilation equipment and filtration systems. These devices can effectively remove harmful substances and virus particles in the air, ensuring the air quality and safety inside the laboratory. Bai Ye knows that in this world full of unknowns and dangers, it is crucial to keep the experimental environment pure and stable.

In addition, various high-tech monitoring and alarm systems are hidden in every corner of the laboratory. These systems can monitor the temperature, humidity, air pressure and other environmental parameters in the laboratory in real time, and automatically sound an alarm when an abnormality occurs. Bai Ye often checks the working status of these systems to ensure that they can play their due role at critical moments.

In this laboratory, Bai Ye seemed to have become a lonely explorer. He walked alone in this unknown area, constantly searching for the truth and answers. His heart was filled with a desire for the unknown and a persistent pursuit of the truth. He knew that only in this laboratory could he truly face his inner fear and anxiety and find his own courage and strength. As time passed, the lights in the laboratory gradually dimmed.

The soldiers left the laboratory in an orderly manner, and their footsteps echoed in the empty corridor. Bai Ye watched them leave until the last figure disappeared around the corner. He sighed softly, feeling an inexplicable loneliness and solitude. But he knew that this was his responsibility and his mission.

He turned back to the center of the laboratory and looked at the books and materials again. He knew that these materials might contain the key to fighting the zombies. He had to study them carefully to find the breakthrough.

Bai Ye walked to the bookshelf and began to flip through the books one by one. His fingers slid lightly across the pages, as if he was playing a silent movement. His eyes shuttled between the words, not missing any details. Sometimes he frowned in thought, and sometimes he nodded gently, as if he was having a conversation with the author across time and space.

Time passed unnoticed, and Bai Ye was completely immersed in this world. He forgot the passage of time and the fatigue of his body. He had only one thought in his mind: to find the answer.

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Ye finally stopped what he was doing. He looked out the window and saw the first ray of sunlight rising quietly in the sky. He felt an inexplicable sense of relief and satisfaction, because he knew that he had found the answer.

He walked to a large instrument in the center of the laboratory and began to get busy. He adjusted the parameters of the instrument and input complex data. His fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard, as if he was playing an exciting symphony. His eyes flashed with determination, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

After several hours of hard work, Bai Ye finally finished his research. He stood up and took a deep breath. He felt a sense of relief and joy he had never felt before, because he knew that he had found the key to fighting the zombies.

He walked to the window and looked out at the horizon. That was their original world, and the battlefield they were about to return to. He knew that they still had a long way to go and countless challenges to face. But he also believed that as long as they united as one and moved forward courageously, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

Bai Ye turned and left the laboratory, his heart full of expectation and confidence. He knew that his soldiers were ready, and they would meet the challenges and opportunities of the future together.

Decisions and actions in the White Night
Late at night in the laboratory, Bai Ye stood in front of a huge 3D holographic projector, staring at the ever-changing zombie virus images on the screen. His eyes were firm and deep, as if they could penetrate the screen and reach the core of the virus. At this moment, he made a major decision - to create an antidote for the zombie virus and transform it into a form that can be transmitted through the air.

Bai Ye knew that this mission required the assistance of the best scientists. He turned and walked to the communication equipment in the laboratory and gently pressed a button. After a while, a steady and powerful voice came from the other end of the phone: "Bai Ye, is there anything I can help you with?" This was Walter, a bald scientist wearing glasses, whose wisdom and talent were well-known throughout the scientific research community.

"Walter, I need your help." Bai Ye said straight to the point, "I need you to produce a large number of antidotes to the zombie virus and transform them into a form that can be transmitted through the air."

Walter was silent for a moment on the other end of the phone, obviously shocked by this request. But he quickly regained his composure and asked, "Are you sure this is the right decision? This method of modifying the antidote may bring many unknown risks and consequences."

Bai Ye took a deep breath and said firmly: "I'm sure. We must find a way to fight the zombie virus as soon as possible, and this transformation antidote may be our only hope at the moment. I believe in your ability, Walter, you will definitely be able to complete this task."

Walter nodded on the other end of the phone and said, "Okay, I will do my best to complete this task. However, I need more data and information to support my research. Can you provide it to me?"

"Of course." Bai Ye replied, "I will send you all the data and information about the zombie virus. At the same time, I will also send a special team to assist you in your work."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Ye immediately got busy. He retrieved all the data and information about the zombie virus in the laboratory, compiled it into a detailed document, and sent it to Walter. At the same time, he also contacted a team of elite scientists to go to Walter's laboratory to assist him in his work.

Soon, a group of top scientists gathered in Walter's laboratory.

In the following days, Walter and the scientists began intensive and orderly research work. They continued to conduct experiments and tests, trying to find a way to effectively suppress the zombie virus.

During this process, Bai Ye has maintained close contact with Walter. He always pays attention to the progress of the experiment and provides Walter with necessary support and help. He believes that as long as they unite as one and work together, they will be able to find an effective way to fight the zombie virus.

After several days of hard work, Walter and his team finally made a breakthrough. They successfully created an antidote that can inhibit the zombie virus and transformed it into an airborne form. This antidote can not only spread rapidly in the air, but also penetrate deep into the human body to directly fight the virus.

When Walter told Bai Ye the good news, Bai Ye was so excited that he almost jumped up.

(End of this chapter)

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