Chapter 617 Dinner Party
After inspecting the drone production line, Bai Ye spoke highly of the efficient operation of the production line and the professionalism of the workers. But he knew that the next task was equally important - filling the drones and ensuring that they could be delivered to the warehouse in time to prepare for the next task.

Bai Ye walked through the production line and came to the antidote filling area. It was a spacious and bright space with rows of neat shelves filled with packaged antidotes. He noticed that the workers were filling the antidotes in an intense and orderly manner.

A worker is operating an automatic filling machine. This machine can accurately fill the antidote into the drone's spraying device. The worker places the drone on the filling machine, and the machine automatically opens the drone's spraying device and slowly injects the antidote into it. The whole process is precise and fast, without any waste.

"This machine is really efficient." Bai Ye walked forward and observed the filling process carefully.

The worker looked up and saw Bai Ye. He smiled and nodded, "Yes, this automatic filling machine has greatly improved our work efficiency. In the past, we had to fill it manually, which was not only slow but also prone to errors. Now with this machine, we can complete the filling work quickly and accurately."

Bai Ye agreed with the worker's answer and continued to observe the filling process. He noticed that each drone would go through a strict inspection process after filling. The workers carefully checked the drone's spraying device and filling to ensure that there were no problems.

"These antidotes are very important and there cannot be any mistakes." Bai Ye emphasized.

“We understand,” the worker replied. “We will strictly follow the procedures to ensure that every drone meets the standards.”

Bai Ye nodded and expressed his appreciation for the workers' professionalism. He knew that it was these silently dedicated workers that made the entire plan go smoothly.

The filling work was carried out in an orderly manner. After the filling was completed, the drones were sent to the next stage - packaging and transportation. The workers placed the drones neatly in cartons and fixed them with tape. These cartons were labeled with information such as the model of the drone, the type and quantity of antidote filled, etc.

After packing, workers moved cartons to trucks waiting nearby. These trucks were specially prepared for this mission, with spacious and stable bodies to ensure the safety of drones during transportation.

"Have these trucks been strictly inspected?" Bai Ye asked.

“Yes, we have checked them all,” a worker in charge of transportation replied. “We make sure that each truck meets safety standards and can successfully deliver the drone to the warehouse.”

Bai Ye nodded, expressing his satisfaction with the arrangement of the transportation work. He knew that these trucks would carry hope and mission and head towards an unknown future.

As the last drone was loaded onto the truck, the transportation work came to an end. Bai Ye stood aside and watched the truck slowly drive off the production line. He was full of expectations and confidence, knowing that these drones would play an important role in the near future and bring hope and vitality to mankind.

At this time, the workers on the production line did not stop their work. They continued to be busy preparing for the production of the next batch of drones. Bai Ye knew that this production line would continue to operate and contribute to the future of mankind.

In a corner of the production line, Bai Ye noticed a young worker. He was concentrating on operating a machine, assembling parts into drone wings. His eyes were full of love for his work and expectations for the future. Bai Ye walked up to him and asked softly, "How do you feel about this job?"

The young worker looked up and saw that it was Bai Ye. He replied nervously, "I think this job is very meaningful. Although it is very tiring, when I see that these drones can bring hope to mankind, I feel that it is all worth it."

Bai Ye smiled and nodded, expressing his appreciation for the young worker's answer. He knew that these workers were real heroes who were contributing to the future of mankind with their hands and wisdom.

As night fell, the lights on the production line gradually came on. Bai Ye stood beside the production line, quietly watching the busy figures of the workers. His heart was filled with gratitude and respect. He knew that it was these silently dedicated workers who made the whole plan go smoothly. He believed that in the near future these drones would fly to those infected areas with hope and antidote to bring new life and victory to mankind.

At this moment, Bai Ye's heart is full of confidence and expectation. He knows that his mission is not over yet. He will continue to stick to this post and contribute his strength to the future of mankind until the last moment. And this production line and those silently dedicated workers will also become eternal memories and sources of strength in his heart.

As the last drone on the production line slowly rolled off, Bai Ye stood aside, his eyes sweeping over the busy and orderly workers. Their faces were filled with expressions of satisfaction and exhaustion, and the tools in their hands were shining with the brilliance of hard work under the lights. Bai Ye knew that this day's work was extremely difficult for every worker, but they had no complaints, silently worked hard for the same goal.

Bai Ye slowly walked towards the workers, his steps were firm and powerful, and every step seemed to convey strength and faith. He stood among the workers, took a deep breath, and then clapped his hands vigorously. The applause echoed in the empty production line, crisp and loud, instantly attracting the attention of all the workers.

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work!" Bai Ye's voice rang out on the empty production line, full of gratitude and praise. "Today, we have completed a great task together. I know that this journey was full of challenges and difficulties, but you never backed down and always stayed at your posts. You are the best!"

When the workers heard Bai Ye's praise, they smiled with pride and joy. They looked at each other, their eyes flashing with recognition and appreciation for each other. At this moment, they felt their own value and significance, and also felt Bai Ye's affirmation of their work.

Bai Ye continued, "To thank you for your hard work today, I decided to invite you all to a dinner party. This is not just a meal, but also a testimony of our friendship. I hope we can share this joy and glory together." Hearing this, the workers cheered, their faces filled with anticipation and joy. They knew that this was not just a simple meal, but also a manifestation of the deep friendship between them and Bai Ye.

On the way to the dinner, the workers chatted excitedly. They talked about their work experiences today, and shared their interesting stories and experiences. Bai Ye also joined in, chatting and laughing with the workers, sharing his thoughts and feelings. Every word he said was full of warmth and care, making the workers feel unprecedented closeness and trust.

After arriving at the dinner venue, the workers were shocked by the scene in front of them. The restaurant was spacious and bright, beautifully decorated, and the tables were filled with a variety of food and drinks. Bai Ye personally poured drinks and served dishes for everyone, making the workers feel unprecedented respect and care.

As night fell, Bai Ye's dinner with the workers officially kicked off. The restaurant was brightly lit, and the warm lights sprinkled on each carefully prepared dish, adding a bit of tempting color to this feast.

In the center of the table, a roasted whole lamb with good color, aroma and flavor attracted everyone's attention. The whole lamb was roasted to a golden and crispy texture, and the skin was sprinkled with spices and sesame seeds, exuding an alluring aroma. Roasted over charcoal fire, the lamb was tender and juicy, and every bite could taste the rich meaty aroma and unique roasted flavor.

Next to the roasted whole lamb, there are plates of exquisite sashimi platters. Fresh seafood is sliced ​​into thin slices and placed on ice trays, retaining its original sweet taste. The salmon sashimi is bright in color, delicate in texture, and melts in your mouth; the tuna sashimi has a light sour taste and a delicious taste; and the Arctic scallop sashimi is more crisp and has a fresh ocean flavor.

In addition to seafood sashimi, there are also various sushi rolls on the table. Each roll of sushi is wrapped with fresh ingredients, the perfect combination of rice and seaweed, and paired with various sauces and ingredients, which makes people salivate. The eel sushi roll has a crispy skin, soft inside, and rich taste; the crab sushi roll has a hint of sweetness, which makes people linger; and the grilled salmon sushi is a perfect combination of the delicious fish meat and the aroma of charcoal fire, which makes people unforgettable.

In addition to seafood dishes, there are also rich meat dishes on the table. The braised beef is bright red in color, tender and juicy, and melts in your mouth; the pan-fried steak uses top-quality beef, which is carefully pan-fried, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with an excellent taste. In addition, there are home-cooked dishes such as spicy chicken wings and sweet and sour spare ribs to meet the taste needs of different people.

The restaurant also prepared vegetarian dishes with great care. A dish of stir-fried seasonal vegetables was colorful and fresh, while another dish of broccoli in garlic sauce had a light garlic aroma and the sweetness of broccoli, which whetted people's appetite. In addition, there were also cold dishes such as cold-mixed black fungus and hot and sour potato shreds, which added a refreshing taste to the table.

In addition to the main dishes, the snacks and desserts on the table are also dazzling. A plate of golden fried chicken wings with crispy skin and tender meat; another plate of crispy and delicious spring rolls wrapped with various fillings, with rich and diverse tastes. As for desserts, there are sweet durian pancakes, dense matcha mousse and colorful fruit tarts, etc., satisfying people's love for desserts.

In terms of drinks, the restaurant also prepares a variety of choices for guests, including refreshing and thirst-quenching juices, rich-tasting milk teas, fragrant and delicious coffees, and refreshing and pleasant beers. Each drink is carefully prepared to meet the taste needs of different people.

The whole table was filled with a variety of delicious food with good color, aroma and taste. Bai Ye sat with the workers and tasted these delicious dishes together. While tasting the food, they talked about the little interesting things in work and life. Every dish made them praise it and leave a lasting aftertaste.

Bai Ye looked at the table full of delicious food and the workers' satisfied expressions, and his heart was filled with gratitude and joy. He knew that these delicacies were not only to satisfy everyone's appetite but also to thank everyone for their hard work and contribution today. He stood up and raised his glass to the workers: "Thank you for your hard work and contribution today! Let us work hard together for a better future!"

The workers also raised their glasses to respond to Bai Ye's thanks. They knew that this dinner was not just a simple banquet but also a recognition and affirmation of their work. They felt Bai Ye's care and respect as well as the cohesion and centripetal force among the team.

As the dinner went on, the atmosphere at the table became more harmonious and warm. Everyone shared their stories and experiences and listened to each other's voices. In this warm and beautiful night, they felt each other's company and support, as well as the hope and strength for the future.

During the dinner, Bai Ye constantly expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the workers. His words were full of sincerity and gratitude, which made the workers feel their value and importance. At the same time, he also encouraged everyone to continue working hard and contribute more to the future of mankind.

The workers toasted Bai Ye to express their respect and gratitude. They thanked Bai Ye for his leadership and support, and thanked each other for their company and cooperation. The whole restaurant was filled with laughter and a warm atmosphere, as if all the fatigue and hard work were released and relieved at this moment.

As the dinner went on, the workers became more and more excited. They talked about the future, shared their dreams and wishes. Bai Ye was also infected by their enthusiasm and vitality. He encouraged everyone to dare to pursue their dreams and face challenges. His words were full of passion and strength, which made the workers feel unprecedented encouragement and motivation.

After the dinner, Bai Ye and the workers returned to the production line. Although they were exhausted, their faces were filled with satisfied and happy smiles. They knew that the hard work of the day was worth it because they contributed their own strength to the future of mankind.

Bai Ye walked up to each worker, shook hands with them, hugged them, and said goodbye to them. Each of his actions was full of gratitude and respect, making the workers feel unprecedented warmth and care. They all expressed that they would continue to work hard and contribute more to the future of mankind.

When all the workers left the production line, Bai Ye stood alone on the empty production line. He looked around, his heart full of emotion and pride. He knew that this day's dinner was not only a reward and affirmation for the workers, but also a testimony and sublimation of the deep friendship between them. He believed that in the days to come, they would be more united and work hard together for the future of mankind.

As the night deepened, Bai Ye returned to his office. He sat at his desk, thinking about everything that happened today. He knew that today's dinner was just a small beginning, and there was still a long way to go. But he believed that as long as they worked together and fought together, they would be able to create a better future. Thinking of this, a firm smile appeared on his face, as if he had already seen the future full of hope and light.

(End of this chapter)

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