Chapter 631 Useful Materials

In the desolate ruins, the survivors gathered around a pile of disorganized materials, which they collected from the surrounding ruins, hoping to rebuild their lives. The sun shone through the sparse clouds, shining on these tired but hopeful people, bringing them a little warmth.

Bai Ye stood in front of the crowd, his figure looking particularly firm in the dim light. He looked around at everyone, then slowly spoke with unquestionable firmness in his voice: "We need to find parts from these materials that can be used to build cars and generators. This is the first and most important step in rebuilding our home."

The crowd began to stir, some with doubts on their faces, and some with excitement. An older man came forward, with a hint of doubt in his eyes: "Bai Ye, are you sure we can find what we need from these wastes? This looks like a pile of garbage."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, his eyes swept over the pile of materials, as if he had seen the treasure hidden in it: "Yes, I am sure. These seemingly useless things actually contain our hope to rebuild our home. As long as we work together, nothing is impossible."

After saying that, he turned to the soldiers and said, "Let's get started. You are responsible for instructing the survivors on how to sort these materials and find the parts we need."

The soldiers took action immediately, and they quickly divided the crowd into several groups, each of which was responsible for sorting a part of the materials. Bai Ye personally joined one of the groups and worked with the survivors.

He picked up a twisted metal plate and carefully observed the marks on it: "This metal plate looks very tough and should be part of the car. Let's put it aside and check it carefully later."

A young survivor asked curiously: "Bai Ye, how do you know this is part of a car? It looks like a piece of scrap metal to me."

Bai Ye smiled and explained patiently: "Look at the marks here. These are traces of welding, which means it was once part of a larger structure. Moreover, its shape and curvature also match the part of the car body. As long as we observe more and think more, we can find what we need from these seemingly useless materials."

Under Bai Ye's guidance, the survivors began to devote themselves to the sorting work more seriously. They carefully searched every piece of material, trying to find parts that could be used to build cars and generators. As time went on, piles of seemingly useless scraps were gradually sorted into piles of useful materials.

A soldier came over and reported to Bai Ye: "Bai Ye, we have found some car parts, including some engine components and transmission systems. However, we still need more materials to assemble a complete car."

Bai Ye nodded to show his satisfaction: "Very good, you have done an excellent job. Now, let's continue to look for the remaining materials. Remember, every detail may hide what we need."

Encouraged by Bai Ye, the survivors' morale was boosted. They continued to search for materials, and from time to time someone shouted excitedly: "I found it! This is a generator rotor!" or "Here are some car wires and switches!"

Bai Ye shuttled among the crowd, giving guidance and suggestions from time to time. His figure became a beautiful landscape in the crowd, and his determination and persistence infected everyone.

As time went by, the sun gradually set. However, the survivors did not stop their work. They knew that this was the first step in rebuilding their homes and the beginning of their new life.

In the desolate ruins, the survivors gathered around a pile of disorganized materials, with determination and hope in their eyes. The sun shone through the sparse clouds, shining on their tired but determined faces, bringing them a touch of warmth. At this moment, they have only one goal - to assemble these scattered parts into a generator to bring light and vitality to their temporary shelter.

The survivors began to carefully search and sort the materials. Although their movements were a little clumsy, they were full of concentration. A young woman, her fingers shuttled between the materials, as if playing a silent movement. She picked up a seemingly ordinary metal plate, carefully observed the marks on it, and then gently put it aside, where there were already some metal blocks piled up that she thought might be generator parts.

Another man squatted on the ground, his eyes revealing a hint of doubt, but more of determination. He held a dusty circuit board in his hand and was trying to wipe off the dirt with a rag. His movements were gentle and delicate, as if he was treating a precious work of art. While wiping, he muttered to himself: "This must be the control circuit board of the generator. As long as we wipe it clean, we can see its true appearance."

As time went by, the survivors gradually sorted out the materials. They began to try to assemble these parts together to form a complete generator. This process was full of challenges because many parts were damaged or deformed, requiring them to repair and adjust.

The young woman picked up a piece of metal that looked like a rotor, and she found that its surface was a little uneven. She frowned, then picked up a stone and began to carefully knock and smooth out the protruding parts. Her movements were a little clumsy, but very firm. As she knocked, she muttered to herself: "It must be flat, so that the rotor can rotate smoothly."

The man began to try to connect the circuits on the circuit board. He found that some of the circuits were broken and needed to be connected with new wires. He searched for a while and found some wires that seemed suitable, and then began to solder and connect them carefully. His fingers shuttled between the wires and the circuit board, as if weaving a complex network. As he connected, he muttered to himself: "This must be connected correctly, otherwise the generator will not work properly."

The survivors worked silently, their movements were slow but full of determination. They knew that this generator was crucial to their temporary shelter, it meant light, warmth and hope. Therefore, each of them went all out and was unwilling to miss any detail.

After several hours of hard work, the survivors finally assembled the various parts of the generator. They nervously looked at the machine they had built, hoping that it would work properly. However, when they tried to start the generator, they found that it did not make the roar they expected.

The survivors looked at each other, their hearts filled with loss and confusion. They didn't know where the problem was, nor how to solve it. However, they did not give up, but began to carefully check every part of the generator, trying to find out the problem. The young woman picked up the rotor again, and she began to carefully observe every detail of it. She found that although the surface of the rotor had been smoothed by her, there were still some tiny bumps and depressions. She frowned, then picked up a finer stone and began to knock and smooth it more carefully. Her movements were more gentle and delicate, as if she was treating a priceless treasure.

The man began to check the circuit connections on the circuit board. He found that some of the soldering points were not strong enough to prevent the current from flowing properly. He immediately picked up the soldering gun and began to re-solder the loose connections. His fingers moved more flexibly and skillfully between the wires and the circuit board, as if performing a silent dance.

With the joint efforts of the survivors, the problems with the generator were finally solved one by one. When they tried to start the generator again, it finally made a long-lost roar. The survivors cheered, their hearts filled with excitement and joy. They knew that this generator was not just a machine, but also a symbol of hope and hope for their reconstruction of their homes.

As the generators started to work, lights gradually lit up in the temporary shelter. Although the lights were weak, they were enough to illuminate everyone's hearts. The survivors sat around under the lights, their faces filled with happy and satisfied smiles. They knew that as long as they worked together and persevered, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and rebuild their homes.

On top of the ruins, the fire of hope is already burning. The survivors used their wisdom and courage to assemble a pile of seemingly useless materials into a generator full of vitality. This generator not only brought them light and warmth, but also pointed out the direction for them to move forward. They believe that in the days to come, they will be able to create more miracles in the same way and give their homes new vitality and vigor.

Bai Ye looked at the busy crowd, his heart filled with relief and expectation. He knew that these seemingly ordinary people actually possessed infinite power and wisdom. As long as they worked together, nothing was impossible.

As night fell, the survivors lit a bonfire and sat around it to rest. Although they looked tired, their eyes were full of hope and determination.

Bai Ye also sat by the fire. He looked around at everyone and slowly said, "We did a good job today. We have found a lot of useful materials, which is the first step in rebuilding our home. However, this is just the beginning. Tomorrow, we need to continue working hard to find more materials and assemble them into cars and generators. I believe that as long as we work together, nothing is impossible."

The crowd burst into warm applause and cheers. They knew that Bai Ye was right. As long as they worked together, nothing was impossible. They looked forward to tomorrow and continued to work hard to rebuild their homeland.

Under the light of the fire, Bai Ye's face looked particularly resolute and confident. He knew that although the road to reconstruction was long and full of challenges, as long as they held hope and united as one, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and move towards a bright future.

As the night deepened, the survivors fell asleep one after another. Only Bai Ye was still sitting by the fire, staring at the burning flames. His heart was full of visions and plans for the future. He knew that tomorrow would be an even more difficult day, but they were ready to meet all challenges.

In the flickering flames, Bai Ye's figure appeared particularly tall and firm. He seemed to have become the spiritual pillar of this group of survivors, leading them to a hopeful future. In this world full of ruins and despair, they found a new direction and strength, which was unity and reconstruction.

As the night deepened, Bai Ye slowly closed his eyes and fell into deep thought. The images of rebuilding his home kept appearing in his mind. Those images were as beautiful and desirable as a dream. He knew that this was not just a dream, but also the goal that all of them were working towards.

In his deep sleep, Bai Ye seemed to hear the roar of cars and the sound of generators running. He knew that was the sound of their hope for the future and their firm steps to rebuild their home. He was looking forward to the arrival of that moment and looking forward to witnessing this new beginning with them.

The night passed quietly. But on the ruins, the fire of hope always burned, lighting their way forward. Bai Ye and the survivors will join hands to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. They believe that as long as they hold hope and unite, they will be able to rebuild a better home.

Looking down from the sky, the building shelter looks lonely and tough, like an oasis in the desolation. It is located in a ruin, surrounded by collapsed buildings and broken roads, but it still stands and becomes a shelter for survivors.

The building's exterior is already mottled, and the traces of time and disasters make it look old and shabby. However, it is this appearance that highlights its strength and indomitable spirit as a shelter.

On top of the building, the survivors built a simple observation tower. From here, they can overlook the entire ruins and observe the surrounding situation to ensure the safety of the shelter. A flag fluttered on the observation tower, which was made by the survivors, representing their unity and determination. The flag fluttered in the wind, as if announcing their existence and indomitable spirit to the world.

Around the building, the survivors also opened up a piece of farmland and breeding area. They used limited resources to grow various vegetables and food, raise poultry and livestock, and maintain life in the shelter in a self-sufficient way.

As night fell, the building shelter presented a different scene. The survivors lit up the homemade lamps and torches, illuminating the building. From high above, the building was like a beacon, guiding the direction and giving hope in the darkness. Under the light, the survivors sat together, sharing each other's stories and experiences, and getting through this difficult time together.

In this building shelter, every detail is filled with the wisdom and efforts of the survivors. They built their homes with scrap materials and created the necessities of life with their hardworking hands. They supported each other, faced difficulties together, and wrote the miracle of life with unity and courage.

(End of this chapter)

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