Chapter 638

As Bai Ye's inspiring words fell, the atmosphere on the grassland seemed to become solemn and firm. The soldiers straightened their backs, their eyes flashing with unprecedented determination and courage. Bai Ye turned around and walked towards the truck. His steps were steady and powerful, and every step seemed to tell the soldiers: Although the road ahead is long and difficult, we will definitely move forward hand in hand.

"Get on board, brothers." Bai Ye's voice rang out in the silence, deep and powerful. The soldiers moved quickly, boarded the truck in an orderly manner, and each found a seat. As the last soldier boarded the truck, Bai Ye also sat in the cab and started the engine. The truck roared, as if it was also preparing for the upcoming journey.

"Fasten your seat belts, let's go." Bai Ye briefly reminded them, and then released the brake. The truck started slowly and drove away from the grassland that had given them countless thoughts and inspirations. The wheels left deep marks on the grass, but they were soon covered by the grass waves blown away by the wind, as if nothing had happened.

As the truck drove, the surrounding scenery began to change. The green of the grassland gradually faded, replaced by a world covered in silver. Snowflakes fluttered down from the sky, dressing the earth like a fairyland in a fairy tale. The soldiers looked at this unfamiliar snowy land curiously through the car window, with both amazement and a hint of uneasiness in their eyes.

"Bai Ye, where is this place?" A soldier finally couldn't help but ask. There was a tremor in his voice, obviously shocked by the sudden cold.

"This is the Snowland, a place we have never set foot on." Bai Ye's voice was calm and firm, "But please believe that no matter how many unknowns and challenges there are ahead, we will face them together."

The soldiers nodded in agreement after hearing this. Their eyes were less anxious and more resolute and trusting. They knew that as long as Bai Ye was there, nothing was impossible.

The truck continued to move forward in the snow, but soon encountered a problem. Due to the deep snow, the wheels began to slip and could not move forward. Bai Ye decisively stopped the car, opened the door, and jumped out. He looked around and saw only a vast expanse of white snow. Apart from their truck, there was no other trace.

"Everyone, get out of the car. We need to clear the snow on the road and make way for the cars." Bai Ye said to the soldiers. His voice revealed an unquestionable determination, which made the soldiers act immediately.

Soldiers got off the vehicles, picked up the shovels and other tools they carried with them, and began to clear the snow on the road. Their movements were swift and powerful, and despite the biting cold wind, beads of sweat gradually oozed out of their foreheads. There were sounds on the snow one after another, including the sound of shovels shoveling snow, the words of encouragement from the soldiers, and the occasional panting.

"Come on! We can do it!" a soldier shouted loudly, his voice echoing in the snow, inspiring everyone.

"Yes! We are a team, nothing can stop us!" another soldier echoed, with a determined smile on his face, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

Bai Ye also joined the ranks of snow clearing. Holding a shovel, he dug the snow one shovel at a time, his movements were powerful and precise. His eyes were focused and determined, as if the snow in front of him was not a problem, but a challenge he had to overcome.

As time went by, the snow on the road was gradually cleared, revealing a passable road. Although the soldiers were exhausted, their faces were filled with the joy of victory. They knew that this road was earned with their sweat and hard work, and was a testimony to their unity and persistence.

"Okay, everyone, get in the car," Bai Ye said to the soldiers, looking at the cleared road with satisfaction. His voice was full of relief and pride.

The soldiers quickly returned to the truck and took their seats. Bai Ye started the engine again, and the truck roared onto the newly opened road. The wheels left deep tracks on the snow, but this time they were no longer obstacles to progress, but bridges to victory.

As the truck drove, the scenery on the snow kept changing. Sometimes it was an open snowfield, a vast expanse of white; sometimes it was rolling hills, covered tightly with snow. The soldiers admired this rare snow scene through the car window, their hearts filled with awe and admiration for nature.

However, they also know that this snowy land is not only beautiful and peaceful. In this seemingly peaceful land, there are countless unknowns and challenges. But they firmly believe that as long as they unite as one and move forward courageously, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

During the long journey, the soldiers and Bai Ye established a deeper friendship. They supported and encouraged each other and faced the difficulties and challenges of the journey together. Their laughter and cheers echoed in the snow, as if they had become the most beautiful melody on this land.

In this boundless snowy land, the snow in front of me seems to be the purest and most mysterious language of nature, telling the endless story of winter in a silent but powerful way. The sky is a deep blue, forming a sharp and harmonious contrast with the vast expanse of white snow below, as if only these two colors are left between heaven and earth, pure and peaceful.

Snowflakes are the protagonists of this snowy land. They fall lightly from the sky, silently landing on every inch of land, every leaf, and even on branches that are already covered with thick layers of snow. Each snowflake is unique. They are hexagonal or octagonal, with delicate and sharp edges, like carefully carved works of art, but the moment they touch the ground, they turn into the most gentle hug. These snowflakes, big or small, fast or slow, rotate and dance in the air, and finally gather into a visual feast that makes people involuntarily indulge in it.

Every inch of the snow is covered with thick snow, like a soft white velvet blanket spread across the vast land. The snow is spotless and pure, as if it can wash away all the dust and troubles in the world. The sun occasionally penetrates the clouds and sprinkles on the snow. The golden light and the white snow complement each other, flashing a dazzling and warm light. At this time, the snow seems to have turned into a brilliant galaxy, and every snowflake is like a twinkling star in the night sky, which makes people yearn and awed.

However, the beauty of this snowy land is not just about its whiteness and tranquility. As you look deeper, you will find that this snowy land actually contains rich layers and changes. In some places, the snow is thick and fluffy, and it makes a "squeaking" sound when you step on it, which is a unique winter movement; in this snowy land, time seems to become slow and long. Snowflakes are still falling, and each one carries the secrets of the sky and the expectations of the earth. They gently cover the old snow, or are gently blown up by the wind, circling in the air for a few circles, and then fall back to the ground. This scene has been repeated countless times, but each time it brings people different feelings and experiences.

When night falls, this snowy area will present another charming scene. The moonlight falls on the snow, and the silvery white light shines with the stars in the night sky, as if the whole world is shrouded in a mysterious and dreamy veil. At this time, if you are lucky enough to walk or sit in this snowy area, you will definitely feel an unprecedented tranquility and peace, as if you have merged with the entire universe, and all your sorrows and troubles have disappeared.

This is the snow in front of us. It is not only a natural phenomenon, but also a spiritual comfort. In this snowy area, people can forget the troubles and constraints of the world and find the innocence and tranquility in their hearts; they can feel the magic and greatness of nature, and thus be full of awe and gratitude for life. All this beauty and touching comes from the pure, white and mysterious snow.

As the sun sets, the sunset glows on the horizon, dyeing the snow with a layer of golden light. Although the soldiers are exhausted, their hearts are full of warmth and hope. They know that no matter how long and difficult the road ahead is, as long as they work hand in hand and move forward courageously, they will definitely reach the other side of their hearts.

Bai Ye sat silently in the cab, staring at the unknown world ahead. His eyes were filled with both expectation and determination, as if he had already seen the future.

After a snowy area, the convoy slowly left this quiet and mysterious white world. The wheels left a series of traces of varying depths on the compacted snow road, which were soon covered by the falling snow, as if nature was silently smoothing out all traces and returning everything to its original tranquility.

Bai Ye sat in the leading vehicle. Through the car window, he looked back at the snowy field that was gradually receding. An indescribable emotion surged in his heart. It was a desire to explore the unknown, and also a nostalgia for the quiet time he had just experienced. He gently closed his eyes, letting his thoughts linger in his mind for a moment, and then turned to look at the book in his hand. It was a habit he had carried with him for many years. No matter where he was, he could always find a moment of peace between the lines.

Inside the car, the heater was turned on very high, forming a sharp contrast with the severe cold outside. The soldiers were sitting or standing, each immersed in their own world. Some closed their eyes to rest, trying to recover their strength during the short journey; others talked in low voices, sharing their stories and experiences. Bai Ye noticed these subtle movements, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously. This tacit understanding and harmony among the team was his most cherished wealth.

"Bai Ye, where are we going?" A soldier suddenly broke the silence in the car, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity and expectation.

Bai Ye raised his head, his eyes gently swept across the soldier's face, and then he slowly spoke: "There is a new mission waiting for us ahead, but before that, we need to find a safe place to rest. Don't worry, no matter what the road ahead is, I will lead you to arrive safely."

The soldier smiled in relief upon hearing this, and the soldiers around him also looked at him with trust. Bai Ye's words were like a ray of sunshine in winter, warm and firm, giving them the strength to move forward.

As the vehicle continued to move forward, the atmosphere inside the vehicle gradually became relaxed. The soldiers began to take turns telling their own interesting stories and observations in the snow. The laughter and conversation intertwined, making this originally dull journey lively and interesting. Bai Ye listened quietly on the side, occasionally interjecting a sentence or two to guide the topic in a more positive direction.

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly noticed an unusual light flashing outside the car window. He frowned slightly, quickly picked up the telescope beside him, and observed carefully. After a moment, he put down the telescope and his face became solemn.

"Everyone, pay attention. There may be a situation ahead." Bai Ye's voice was low and powerful, instantly attracting the attention of all the soldiers.

The soldiers immediately stopped talking, sat up straight, and looked out the window vigilantly. Bai Ye quickly communicated with the driver, adjusted the speed and direction of the car, and prepared to deal with possible emergencies.

However, as the vehicle approached, the light gradually dissipated and finally disappeared without a trace. Bai Ye's tense nerves finally relaxed a little. He looked at the soldiers and found that although they had a little tension on their faces, they were more eager to try the unknown challenge.

"It seems that we are worrying too much." Bai Ye said with a smile, "However, this also reminds us that we must not let our guard down at any time or place. Next, everyone continue to rest and maintain their strength. We will reach our destination soon."

The soldiers nodded in agreement, and the atmosphere in the car returned to its previous relaxed and harmonious state. Bai Ye also picked up the book in his hand again and continued to immerse himself in the world of words. He knew that as a leader, he not only had to lead the soldiers to face the challenges of the outside world, but also had to be a beacon of their hearts, giving them guidance and comfort when they were lost and confused.

As time went by, the scenery outside the car window kept changing, but the atmosphere inside the car remained the same. The soldiers were either resting or talking, while Bai Ye always maintained his concentration and calmness, sometimes reading a book, sometimes staring out the window, as if he was having some kind of deep conversation with the world.

Finally, the convoy slowly stopped on an open plain. Bai Ye stood up and looked into the distance, where they were going to rest. He took a deep breath, feeling the freshness and freedom in the air, then turned around and said to the soldiers: "Everyone, we are here. In the next period of time, you can have a good rest and recharge your energy. I believe that as long as we are united, nothing can stop us from moving forward."

The soldiers cheered upon hearing this. They knew that no matter how difficult the road ahead was, as long as Bai Ye was there, they would have the confidence to overcome all difficulties. And Bai Ye also felt unprecedented strength and responsibility in this trust and expectation. He believed that in the days to come, they would be able to work hand in hand and write their own glorious chapter together.

(End of this chapter)

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