Chapter 647

The first ray of dawn quietly emerged from the clouds, dyeing the horizon with a touch of light gold. Bai Ye stood on the simple dock, looking firmly at the vast sea, with both expectation and trepidation in his heart. He knew that this sea exploration was not only to find food and resources, but also to confirm whether there were any signs of life in this world besides them.

"Soldiers, are you ready?" Bai Ye's voice was low and powerful, penetrating the tranquility of the early morning.

The soldiers quickly gathered, their faces full of seriousness and determination. Although last night's victory made them temporarily forget the cruelty of war, the shadow of reality always loomed in their hearts. They knew that every departure could be a journey of life and death.

"Ready, White Night!" the soldiers answered in unison, their voices echoing throughout the dock.

Bai Ye nodded and turned to the boat that the survivors had built together. Although the boat was simple, it was their only hope to reach the unknown world. He climbed onto the bow and signaled the soldiers to follow. With a slight shake, the boat slowly left the dock and headed towards the vast sea.

The sea breeze blew on his face, bringing with it a salty and humid breath and a barely perceptible chill. Bai Ye stood at the bow, his eyes as sharp as torches, scanning the sea around him. The sea was unusually calm, as if not even a ripple was willing to break the tranquility. However, it was this excessive calm that gave Bai Ye a sense of foreboding.

"Everyone, pay attention, stay alert." Bai Ye's voice was transmitted to every soldier through the communication equipment on the ship. The soldiers immediately became nervous, they clenched their weapons and looked around vigilantly.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the boat sailed on the sea for a long time, but there was no shadow of a seagull. This unusual silence made the soldiers feel uneasy, and they began to talk in low voices.

"Bai Ye, why is the sea so quiet? There's not even a bird?" a soldier couldn't help but ask.

Bai Ye didn't turn around, but replied in a deep voice: "Keep quiet and observe carefully."

However, as time went on, their anxiety gradually turned into despair. Apart from their small boat, there was no sign of any life on the sea. Even the fish and marine creatures that once roamed in the sea seemed to have disappeared overnight.

"Bai Ye, are we...are we the last lives in this world?" Another soldier's voice was trembling and fearful.

Bai Ye was silent for a moment, then slowly turned around and looked at the soldiers with deep eyes. "I don't know." His voice was low and heavy, "But we must keep moving forward until we find the answer."

The soldiers looked at each other and saw determination and unyielding in each other's eyes. They knew that no matter what fate was waiting for them, they had to face it bravely.

The boat continued to sail on the sea, but every stroke seemed to be rowing towards deeper despair. The sun gradually rose higher, and the sea began to glow with golden light, but this beauty could not dispel the haze in their hearts.

"Bai Ye, look over there!" a soldier suddenly shouted, pointing forward.

Bai Ye looked in the direction the soldier pointed and saw a black object floating on the sea in the distance. His heart tightened and he immediately ordered the soldiers to get closer to check.

As the boat approached, they found that it was a huge corpse of a marine creature. Its body was already rotten and exuded a foul odor. The soldiers covered their mouths and noses with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

" is this possible?" a soldier muttered to himself.

Bai Ye stared at the corpses in silence, with an indescribable sadness in his heart. He knew that this was not just the passing of a life, but also the witness of the end of the world.

"Let's...let's go back." A soldier finally said, "There is nothing here."

Bai Ye did not answer immediately. He just stood silently at the bow, staring at the rotting corpse. After a moment, he took a deep breath and turned to face the soldiers.

“No, we can’t go back.” His voice was tired but firm. “We must continue to explore this ocean until we find all the answers. Even if we are the only ones left in this world, we must live on, for the lives that have passed away and for the hope that may still be waiting for us to discover in some corner.”

The soldiers straightened their backs after hearing this, and the flame of hope burned in their eyes again. They knew that Bai Ye's words were not just orders, but also the most firm belief in their hearts.

The boat set off again, heading towards the unknown depths of the ocean. Although the road ahead is long and full of unknowns and dangers, they are ready to meet every challenge with their courage and wisdom. Because they know that as long as there is hope and faith in their hearts, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

Following Bai Ye's order, the boat continued to shuttle through the waves. This time, their goal was no longer to find signs of life, but to record this once prosperous but now lonely sea. The soldiers took out cameras from their backpacks. Although these cameras were not as advanced as modern technology, they carried their desire and record of beautiful things.

The sun shines through the clouds and falls on the sea, making the waves sparkle like countless diamonds dancing gently. The sea breeze, carrying the salty fragrance of the sea water, blows away the haze in their hearts and awakens their awe of the beauty of nature.

"Look, there's a coral reef!" A soldier shouted excitedly, pointing not far away. When they approached, they saw a colorful coral reef lying quietly on the seabed. Although it had lost its former vitality, its beauty was still shocking. The soldiers approached carefully, fearing that they would disturb the tranquility, and pressed the shutter to freeze this scene forever. Bai Ye also picked up the camera. The picture under his lens was not only the splendor of the coral reef, but also the light refracted through the water surface and the subtle changes in light and shadow in the surrounding environment. He knew that these photos were not only a record, but also a kind of remembrance and tribute to this world.

As the boat went deeper, they encountered more natural wonders. Sometimes, they would see groups of dolphins jumping on the sea. Although these dolphins seemed extremely lonely, their vitality and freedom made people yearn for them. The soldiers hurriedly recorded these rare moments, as if they could feel the rhythm of life through these photos.

However, there are more quiet and magnificent views. When the sun sets, the sea is dyed with a layer of golden afterglow, and the whole world seems to be gently wrapped. Bai Ye stood at the bow, raised his camera, and took in the tranquility and beauty of this moment. He knew that such scenery might be difficult to see again in the future, but he hoped that through these photos, future generations would know the beauty and harmony that the world once had.

As night fell, stars dotted the night sky, and dots of fluorescence appeared on the sea. That was the light emitted by a creature called "sea fireflies", which swayed gently in the sea water, like stars in the sky falling to the earth. The soldiers were deeply attracted by this wonderful scene. They turned on their flashlights and shone the light on the sea surface, trying to capture these tiny life forms. Although the camera could not fully restore the shock and beauty of the scene, they still tried their best to record and feel it.

During this voyage, the soldiers not only took a lot of beautiful photos, but also left a deep impression in their hearts. They began to realize that although the world has suffered great trauma, the beauty of nature has never disappeared. These beautiful scenes reminded them that even in the darkest moments, they must maintain the pursuit and yearning for beautiful things.

Bai Ye watched the soldiers busy and focused, and a warm feeling welled up in his heart. He knew that although these young soldiers had experienced the baptism of war, their hearts were still pure and beautiful. They fought against despair and fear in their own way, and used their cameras to record the beauty and hope of this world.

As the voyage continued, they encountered storms, fog, and countless unknowns and challenges. But every difficulty and setback did not make them retreat or give up. On the contrary, they strengthened their faith and determination. They knew that as long as there was light and hope in their hearts, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

Finally, when they returned to the camp with a load of photos and memories, the whole camp was in an uproar. The survivors gathered around them, vying to see those beautiful photos. They were shocked and moved by the scenery in the photos, as if they saw another world and another hope through these photos.

Bai Ye stood in the middle of the crowd, looking at those faces full of joy and hope, his heart was filled with comfort and satisfaction. He knew that this voyage was not just a simple exploration and record, but also a baptism and rebirth of the soul. They used their actions to prove that even in the most difficult times, we should keep pursuing and yearning for beautiful things; they used their photos to announce to the world that even if the world has become so desolate and lonely, the beauty of nature will never disappear.

Amid the hustle and bustle of the camp, a sudden change broke the rare tranquility. A soldier's eyes suddenly became empty and blurred, as if he was being pulled by some invisible force. He walked forward slowly, holding tightly in his hands the photos that recorded the beauty of the sea, which were their common efforts and witnesses. However, the next scene shocked everyone.

The soldier's hand suddenly tightened, and the photo twisted and tore in his hand, with the fragments falling like snowflakes. What was even more shocking was that he actually picked up the fragments one by one, put them in his mouth, chewed them, and swallowed them. His movements were mechanical and repetitive, as if he was performing a silent ritual, or was caught in some kind of crazy self-punishment.

"No! Stop!" The soldiers around shouted and tried to stop him, but they were obviously a little too slow. The soldier had already completed his "ritual", with some lingering crumbs hanging from the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were gleaming with a strange light.

At this moment, he turned around and rushed to a helicopter at the edge of the camp. It was an old helicopter, usually used for reconnaissance and short-distance transportation, but now it became his tool to escape from reality. He started the engine skillfully, and the huge roar instantly drowned out the surrounding noise. The helicopter slowly rose, hovering over the camp with an ominous omen.

"Bai Ye! Think of a solution!" a soldier shouted anxiously, and everyone's eyes were focused on Bai Ye. However, Bai Ye seemed exceptionally calm, with a frown on his face, staring deeply at the out-of-control helicopter.

"Everyone, don't panic, let me do it." Bai Ye said slowly, and took out a bottle of soda from his backpack. This bottle of soda looked ordinary, but he prepared it specially for emergencies. He gently unscrewed the bottle cap and held the soda high, as if he was performing a mysterious ritual.

"Soldier, listen to me." Bai Ye's voice was clearly heard by the soldier through the roar of the helicopter. He raised his voice, his tone full of firmness and comfort, "You are not alone, we are all here. These photos are our memories and our hopes, but they should not be treated like this. Come, drink some soda and calm down."

Miraculously, the soldier seemed to have heard Bai Ye's words, and his movements began to slow down. After the helicopter circled in the air for a few circles, it slowly descended. The soldier walked out of the cabin, and his eyes gradually regained clarity, but he was still a little confused and frightened.

"Kids... I'm back..."

He murmured to himself, his voice full of mixed emotions. The soldiers around him looked at each other, not understanding the meaning of this sentence, but they could all feel his inner struggle and pain.

Bai Ye quickly stepped forward and handed the soda to the soldier. The soldier took the soda, drank it mechanically, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Bai Ye and his companions around him.

"What...what did I do?" There was a hint of trembling and confusion in his voice.

"You almost lost yourself." Bai Ye said gently, "But it doesn't matter, we are all here. These photos are our memories and our common wealth. We can lose a lot of things, but we can't lose ourselves, and we can't lose our pursuit and yearning for beautiful things."

The soldier lowered his head and looked at the soda in his hand, as if he understood something. He slowly drank the soda and took a deep breath. Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers also gathered around him to comfort and support him.

"Thank you, Bai Ye." The soldier said gratefully, "I don't know what happened to me, but I feel much better."

"I'm glad you're okay." Bai Ye patted his shoulder. "We all need time to adapt to this new world, but as long as we unite as one, nothing can defeat us."

With the landing of the helicopter and the return of the soldiers, the camp returned to peace again. But this incident was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

(End of this chapter)

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