Chapter 652

Bai Ye led the soldiers, feeling nervous but determined, and continued to explore the depths of the bunker. Their footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, and every breath was accompanied by tension and uneasiness in the air around them. The beam of the flashlight swayed in the dimness, trying to penetrate the unknown darkness, but it could only illuminate a short section of the road ahead.

As we went deeper, the surrounding scene became more and more bizarre. The walls were covered with strange fungi, which emitted a faint blue light, interweaving with the ultraviolet lights in the hands of the soldiers to form a bizarre picture. The air was filled with a disgusting stench, mixed with the pungent smell of radiation, which made people almost suffocate.

"Bai Ye, are you sure we should continue?" A soldier's voice trembled slightly, his eyes full of fear of the unknown.

Bai Ye stopped and looked back at the soldiers, their faces were full of fatigue and anxiety. But he knew that he could not retreat now. He took a deep breath and tried to make his voice sound firm and powerful: "We must find the nest of these bookworms, otherwise they will continue to multiply and eventually turn the entire bunker into their territory."

The soldiers heard this, and although they were still afraid, they also understood that Bai Ye's words made sense. They looked at each other, nodded, and continued to follow Bai Ye.

After walking for a while, they suddenly heard a series of subtle rustling sounds coming from the front. The sound was getting closer and clearer, as if countless tiny feet were moving quickly on the ground. The soldiers' nerves immediately tensed up, they tightly grasped their weapons and looked around vigilantly.

At this moment, a faint beam of light shone through a hole in front of him, illuminating the edge of the hole. Bai Ye narrowed his eyes and observed the hole carefully, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Everyone be careful, the nest of the radioactive bookworms may be there." Bai Ye whispered, and slowly approached the cave entrance. The soldiers followed closely behind, and everyone's heart was in their throat.

When they finally stood in front of the cave entrance, they couldn't help but gasp at the sight. The cave was densely packed with radioactive bookworms, their bodies flashing strangely under the faint blue light, and their eyes were fixed on Bai Ye and the soldiers outside the cave entrance, as if they wanted to devour them.

"Run!" Bai Ye yelled, and turned around and ran back. Seeing this, the soldiers immediately followed Bai Ye and ran desperately. Their footsteps echoed in the bunker, interweaving with the rustling sound of the bookworms chasing behind them, forming a terrifying symphony.

However, to their surprise, the radioactive bookworms did not continue to chase them. Instead, when they saw Bai Ye and the soldiers panicking and in a mess, they stopped. Their bodies began to tremble, and their eyes flashed with complex lights, as if they were touched by some emotion.

"This...what's going on?" A soldier stopped panting and looked back at the bookworms who had stopped, his face full of disbelief.

Bai Ye also stopped and looked at the bookworms in surprise. He had never seen such a strange scene before. Those creatures that should have been extremely ferocious now looked so docile and... sad?
"Maybe... they also have feelings?" Bai Ye muttered to himself. He recalled the previous battles with these bookworms, each of which was so tragic and ruthless. But now it seems that these bookworms may also have their own world and rules.

At this moment, a larger radioactive bookworm slowly walked out of the swarm. Its body trembled slightly, as if it was trying to restrain something. Then, it suddenly made a surprising move - it stabbed its own body with its forelimbs!

Blood immediately gushed out of its wound, staining the surrounding ground red. But its face showed a look of relief. Soon after, other radioactive bookworms followed suit, and they all ended their lives in their own way.

The soldiers stared at this scene in amazement. They couldn't understand the behavior of these bookworms. But Bai Ye seemed to see some deep meaning in it. He whispered, "Perhaps... they are expressing their apology and gratitude to us in their own way."

The soldiers fell silent upon hearing this. They looked at the gradually falling bookworms, and mixed emotions welled up in their hearts. These creatures that once frightened them were now ending their lives in such a way, which made them feel shocked and sad.

"What...what should we do?" asked a soldier choking with sobs.

Bai Ye was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "We should respect their choice. Although these bookworms are ferocious, they also have their own emotions and dignity. Let's... let them rest in peace."

The soldiers nodded after hearing this. They stood silently in front of the cave entrance, paying their last respects to the radioactive bookworms who had passed away. Then, they turned around and left, continuing their journey of exploration in the bunker. But this time, they had more awe and understanding of life in their hearts.

Just when everyone thought everything was settled and was ready to readjust their mindsets and move on, the bunker suddenly fell into an eerie silence. This silence concealed an ominous premonition, as if a depressing atmosphere was frozen in the air. The soldiers' nerves were tense again, and they looked at each other with fear and confusion in their eyes.

"Bai Ye... those bookworms..." A soldier said in a trembling voice, pointing at the corpses of bookworms that were supposed to be lying on the ground not far away. The bodies that were originally motionless now slowly stood up in an incredible way. Although their bodies were still broken, their eyes that were shining with dim light were unusually bright, revealing an unprecedented determination and madness.

"Oh no! We've fallen into a trap!" Bai Ye suddenly came to his senses and shouted loudly. He quickly drew his weapon, looked around vigilantly, and issued an urgent order to the soldiers, "Prepare for battle! These bookworms are not dead, they were just pretending to be dead!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately dispersed according to the tacit understanding they had learned during training, each finding a good cover position to prepare for the upcoming battle. Their faces no longer had the previous relaxation and fatigue, but were replaced by a desire for survival and hatred for the enemy.

The "resurrected" radioactive bookworms did not attack immediately, but slowly approached in a strange formation. They seemed to be waiting for some signal, or brewing a more violent attack. There was a suffocating tension in the air, as if even time had frozen at this moment.

"Bai Ye, what should we do?" There was a tremor in a soldier's voice. He gripped his weapon tightly, and his fingers turned slightly white due to the force.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm. He knew that any panic in this situation could lead to the destruction of the entire army. He quickly analyzed the situation in front of him and looked for a possible breakthrough.

"We can't just sit there and wait for death!" Bai Ye said loudly, "We must take the initiative! Use our weapons and ultraviolet lights to fight them!" Hearing this, the soldiers nodded in agreement. They quickly adjusted their status and prepared for the upcoming battle. Bai Ye stood at the front of the team, inspiring every soldier with his firm eyes.

Following Bai Ye's order, the soldiers launched a fierce attack on the radioactive bookworms. They used their weapons and ultraviolet lamps to continuously attack the bookworms, trying to force them back into their nests or completely eliminate them. However, these bookworms seemed to be more tenacious and cunning than they imagined. They kept dodging the soldiers' attacks and looking for opportunities to counterattack.

The battle was extremely fierce and brutal. The soldiers' physical strength was constantly being consumed, but they dared not slack off. They knew that if they let down their guard, the bookworms might take the opportunity to counterattack. However, the bookworms seemed to have endless endurance and strength. They kept attacking the soldiers, trying to defeat them completely.

In this life-and-death contest, Bai Ye showed his extraordinary talent and courage as a leader. He constantly directed the soldiers to adjust their tactics and find the best time to attack and defend. At the same time, he personally fought against the bookworms, setting an example for the soldiers with his superb martial arts and extraordinary courage.

However, as time went by, the soldiers' physical strength gradually ran out. They began to feel tired and weak, while the bookworms seemed to be getting braver and braver. Although their number was decreasing, the remaining bookworms became more ferocious and crazy. They attacked the soldiers desperately, as if they wanted to vent all their anger and hatred on them.

Just when the soldiers were about to fall into despair, Bai Ye suddenly thought of a bold plan. He quickly gathered the soldiers in a circle and concentrated the ultraviolet light in the center to form a powerful light curtain. Then he shouted loudly: "Everyone, pay attention! Concentrate all ultraviolet light sources to the center! We must use strong light to drive these bookworms back!"

The soldiers immediately followed Bai Ye's instructions. They all aimed their ultraviolet lamps at the central light curtain and concentrated all the light to emit. Suddenly, a strong ultraviolet beam shot out from the light curtain, illuminating the entire cave and those crazy bookworms.

The bookworms screamed and wailed under the strong ultraviolet rays. Their bodies began to twist and deform as if they were burned by flames. They desperately tried to escape from the light curtain, but the light was too strong and they could not escape at all.

As the light curtain continued to expand and strengthen, the bookworms finally began to collapse and disintegrate. Their bodies gradually turned into ashes under the strong ultraviolet rays and finally disappeared into the air. Seeing this, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they had successfully defeated these terrible bookworms.

Although the battle was over, the soldiers were not relieved. They looked at the ruined battlefield and were filled with awe for life and worry about the future.

As the last radioactive bookworm was reduced to nothing under the ultraviolet light, the air in the bunker seemed to become a little lighter.

"What's that sound?" asked a soldier.

Bai Ye frowned, and he had no answer. But his intuition told him that this was definitely not a good sign. He made a quick decision: "Everyone, prepare to fight! We may have encountered a new threat!"

The soldiers immediately became nervous, and they quickly entered combat mode, observing their surroundings vigilantly. However, the roar did not stop, but became louder and closer.

Suddenly, one side of the bunker wall collapsed, and a huge mechanical monster slowly appeared in front of everyone in the dust. The monster had a steel body, sharp claws, and a pair of eyes flashing red light, like a demon crawling out of hell.

"What...what the hell is this thing!" the soldiers exclaimed. They had never seen such a terrifying creature.

Bai Ye also frowned, but he knew that now was not the time to be afraid. He took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Prepare for battle! No matter what it is, we must face it together!"

The soldiers were all cheered up after hearing this, knowing that they could only rely on each other to fight this unknown threat. They quickly adjusted their tactics and used their weapons and ultraviolet lights to attack the mechanical monster.

However, this mechanical monster was obviously much stronger than the previous radioactive bookworm. It easily dodged the soldiers' attacks and used its sharp claws and powerful body to fight back against them. The soldiers fell one by one, and the bunker fell into chaos and despair again.

Bai Ye was extremely anxious when he saw this. He knew that if this continued, everyone would die here. He had to find the weakness of this mechanical monster to have a chance of survival.

He carefully observed every movement of the mechanical monster, looking for possible flaws. Finally, he discovered a strange phenomenon: every time the mechanical monster attacked, a red gem on its chest would flash brighter. Bai Ye's mind moved, and he guessed that the gem might be the energy source or control center of the mechanical monster.

He immediately gave instructions to the soldiers: "Everyone, pay attention! Concentrate your firepower on the red gem! That may be its weak point!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers adjusted their direction and aimed their weapons at the red gem on the chest of the mechanical monster. With roars, countless bullets and energy beams shot at the gem. The mechanical monster roared and wailed, but it still resisted stubbornly.

However, at this moment, Bai Ye suddenly rushed out. Holding a sharp dagger, he used his agility to dodge the attacks of the mechanical monster and quickly approached the red gem. At the moment when everyone was holding their breath and staring, he suddenly jumped up and inserted the dagger deeply into the gem.

"Crack!" A crisp sound was heard, and the red gem shattered instantly. The mechanical monster's body trembled violently, and then let out a deafening wail. Its body began to twist and deform, and finally collapsed in the bunker, turning into a pile of scrap metal.

(End of this chapter)

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