Chapter 655

"Bai Ye, look at this!" A soldier ran over excitedly, holding an ancient book with a torn cover. Bai Ye took the book and flipped it open. It contained various legends about the crystal ball and this mysterious space. These legends not only revealed the origin and power of the crystal ball, but also mentioned the ancient tribe that guarded this space and the trials and tests they left behind.

"It seems that we have really found the key clue." Bai Ye's frown finally relaxed. He realized that there were huge secrets and power hidden behind all this. "We must bring this information back to the base as soon as possible so that the experts can analyze and study it."

However, just as everyone was about to leave, a sudden tremor broke the tranquility of the garden. The ground began to shake violently, and the surrounding walls seemed to collapse, making a harsh sound. The soldiers could not stand steadily and could only hold on to the objects around them to prevent themselves from falling.

"What's going on? Is it a mechanism that has been triggered?" Bai Ye asked loudly, and he quickly looked around to try to find the source of the vibration. But at this moment, he suddenly found a huge crack in the center of the garden, and a dazzling light shone through the crack, as if it was a portal to another world.

"Everyone be careful! This may be the final test!" Bai Ye reminded the soldiers loudly and made a quick decision, "We must go through that crack and find the real exit!"

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew they had no way out and could only charge forward. Under Bai Ye's leadership, they approached the rift cautiously, ready to face the unknown challenge.

The moment they stepped into the crack, a strong energy wave instantly swept through their bodies, making it almost impossible for them to breathe. Fortunately, this energy did not last long and gradually dissipated. When they opened their eyes again, they found that they had come to a brand new space - a laboratory full of technology and futuristic sense.

The laboratory was filled with various advanced equipment and instruments, and the walls were inlaid with huge screens displaying complex data and images. In the center of the laboratory was the crystal ball they had been looking for. The crystal ball was no longer a simple energy storage device, but the core of a huge and complex energy network.

"This... where is this?" a soldier asked in surprise, his eyes full of shock and confusion.

"It seems that we have found the real secret." Bai Ye took a deep breath and felt the powerful energy in the laboratory. He knew that he was only one step away from uncovering the truth. "We must bring this discovery back to the base as soon as possible so that everyone can know the truth of this secret."

However, at this moment, a burst of urgent alarms suddenly sounded, breaking the silence of the laboratory. The data on the screen began to jump wildly, indicating that some unknown threat was approaching. Bai Ye and the soldiers looked at each other, knowing that they had to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise they might fall into greater danger.

"Everyone prepare to evacuate!" Bai Ye made a quick decision. He ordered the soldiers to collect key evidence and information and then find a way out of the laboratory. But at this moment, they found that the exit of the laboratory had been blocked by some unknown force and they could not return from the original route.

"This is bad..." Bai Ye said to himself. He realized that they might have been trapped in this laboratory. Unless they found a new way out, they would not be able to escape from this dangerous place.

"Don't panic! We will definitely find a way out!" Bai Ye encouraged the soldiers loudly while thinking quickly about countermeasures. He noticed a seemingly inconspicuous machine in a corner of the laboratory with a faint light flashing on it. He walked over quickly and began to study the machine. After some effort, he finally found that the machine was actually an emergency escape device. As long as the correct password was entered, the passage to the outside world could be opened.

"Everyone come and help! I found a way to escape!"

Bai Ye's fingers jumped quickly on the keyboard, and every tap was accompanied by the urgency and anxiety in his heart. He was sure that the password he entered was correct, which was the result of careful calculation based on the clues in the ancient books and the prompts in the laboratory. However, when the last character fell, the expected "click" sound did not sound, and the seemingly ordinary door remained motionless, as if mocking their incompetence.

"How is this possible?" Bai Ye muttered to himself, with a flash of disbelief in his eyes. He turned back to look at the soldiers, and saw that they were also stunned. Some of them even tried to push the door hard, hoping for a turnaround, but the result was in vain.

"Bai Ye, what should we do now?" a soldier asked anxiously. His voice was trembling a little, and he was obviously frightened by this sudden change.

Bai Ye was silent for a moment, and he quickly considered various possibilities in his mind. He knew that any panic at this moment would only make the situation worse. So, he took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and then slowly said: "We can't just wait here, we must continue to look for other ways out. At the same time, we must also pay attention to any abnormalities in the laboratory, maybe we can find other clues."

The soldiers nodded when they heard this. They knew that what Bai Ye said made sense, so they dispersed again and began to search carefully in every corner of the laboratory. Bai Ye walked to the emergency escape device and checked it carefully again, trying to find out why the password was invalid. But no matter how he fiddled with it, the machine still did not respond.

At this moment, the continuous vibration suddenly stopped, and the entire laboratory became extremely quiet, with only their own breathing and heartbeats to be heard. This sudden calm made people feel even more uneasy, as if a bigger crisis was brewing.

"Everyone be careful, the cessation of vibrations may mean new changes." Bai Ye warned, his eyes quickly scanning the laboratory, looking for any possible threats. The soldiers also became more vigilant, holding their weapons tightly, ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

However, after searching for a while, they did not find any obvious threats. Instead, Bai Ye noticed that there were some cleaning tools piled up in a corner of the laboratory - brooms, mops and some detergents. These seemingly ordinary items caught his attention at this time.

"Wait, look at those tools." Bai Ye pointed at the cleaning tools and said, "Maybe we can do something with them."

The soldiers looked at him in confusion, as they did not understand what these cleaning tools were used for. But Bai Ye did not explain too much, but walked over and picked up a broom and a mop. He looked at these tools carefully, and gradually came up with a bold idea.

"Everyone, listen to me," Bai Ye gathered the soldiers around him, "Since we can't open the door directly, maybe we can try to use these tools to create some interference or obstacles to buy us time to escape."

The soldiers suddenly realized what was going on, and they picked up the cleaning tools around them and started to move. Some soldiers used brooms and mops to build simple obstacles to try to block possible enemies; others used detergent to create a slippery area on the floor, making any enemy who tried to approach lose their balance. Bai Ye was more daring, and he used the handle of the broom as a lever to try to pry open the door. Although it seemed impossible to succeed, Bai Ye was very persistent. He believed that as long as he found the right angle and strength, he would be able to open the door.

Time passed slowly in the tense atmosphere. The soldiers were busy setting up fortifications while vigilantly observing the situation around them. Bai Ye continued to pry the door with all his strength. Every attempt made his arms ache, but he never gave up hope.

Finally, after a fierce prying, the door suddenly made a dull sound, and then a gap slowly appeared in front of everyone. Bai Ye was delighted and immediately increased his strength. Finally, the door opened with a bang under the gaze of everyone, revealing a passage leading to the outside world.

"Success!" Bai Ye shouted excitedly. He quickly walked through the door and looked back at the soldiers. "Everyone, follow us!"

The soldiers cheered upon hearing this and quickly walked through the door to catch up with Bai Ye. When they walked out of the laboratory, they found themselves in an abandoned factory filled with a strong metallic and decaying smell. But they could no longer care about these things because being able to escape from this dangerous place was their greatest victory.

However, just as they were about to leave, a burst of hurried footsteps suddenly came from the other end of the factory. Bai Ye and the soldiers immediately became alert and quickly found shelter to prepare for the upcoming threat...

The appearance of the robot army was like a cold steel torrent, instantly filling every inch of the abandoned factory. Their steps were in unison, making a dull metallic collision sound, and every step was chilling to everyone's heartstrings. These robots had different shapes, some holding laser guns, some equipped with sharp mechanical arms, and others carrying unknown devices, which were obviously designed to perform different tasks.

"Prepare for battle!" Bai Ye ordered in a low voice. His voice was soft but full of unquestionable determination. The soldiers quickly adjusted their status and recovered from their previous slackness. They each found a good cover position, tightly grasped their weapons, and stared at the approaching robot with a sharp gaze.

"Remember, our goal is to break through, not to fight hard." Bai Ye emphasized again. He knew that with their current strength, a head-on confrontation with this group of well-equipped robots would be like hitting a rock with an egg. Therefore, they must use the terrain and tactics to minimize casualties and find a chance to escape.

As the robot army gradually approached, a fierce battle quietly unfolded in the abandoned factory. Laser beams intertwined in the air to form a network, illuminating the entire space, and the sound of metal collisions and explosions came one after another, deafening. With their tenacious will and flexible skills, the soldiers fought a desperate battle with the robots.

Bai Ye always rushed to the front line, using his rich combat experience and keen observation to command the soldiers to fight. Sometimes he jumped out of the bunker and used accurate shooting to open a breakthrough for the soldiers; sometimes he moved quickly to avoid the robot's attack and look for the next target. Every move he made was full of strength and wisdom, which gave the soldiers more confidence.

However, there were too many robots, and their reaction speed and attack power were far superior to humans. Soon, the soldiers were in a tough fight. Their ammunition was gradually exhausted and their physical strength began to decline. However, the robot army seemed to have no sense of fatigue and continued to pour in.

"This is not a solution!" Bai Ye was secretly anxious. He knew that if they continued like this, they would be consumed by the robot army sooner or later. So he began to look for new tactics to break the deadlock.

At this moment, he noticed a robot that looked like a commander in the robot army. This robot was huge and well-equipped, and was obviously the core of the entire army. Bai Ye's mind moved, and he thought of a bold plan - if he could destroy this commander robot, then the entire robot army might fall into chaos.

"Everyone, pay attention! Concentrate your firepower on attacking the commander robot!" Bai Ye shouted loudly. As he spoke, he took the lead in raising his gun and aiming at the commander robot. Upon hearing this, the soldiers turned their guns and concentrated all their firepower on the commander robot.

At once, countless bullets and laser beams rained down like raindrops. The armor of the commander robot began to deform, melt, and even explode under the powerful firepower. Finally, in a violent explosion, the commander robot collapsed and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

As the commander robot fell, the entire robot army fell into a brief chaos. They began to run around and lost their original uniform pace and tacit cooperation. This was exactly what Bai Ye expected.

"Now is the time to break out!" Bai Ye shouted again. He led the soldiers to seize this rare opportunity and rushed to the other end of the factory. They took advantage of the chaos and loopholes of the robot army and successfully broke out of the encirclement and came to the periphery of the factory.

However, the battle did not end there. Although they had temporarily escaped the pursuit of the robot army, the outside world was still full of unknowns and dangers. Bai Ye knew that they had to find a safe place to rest and seek support as soon as possible.

So they continued to run forward through the abandoned streets and ruined buildings. Behind them were the constant sound of alarms and the pursuit of the robot army. But Bai Ye and the soldiers could no longer care about these. They had only one thought in their hearts - to survive and find a way home.

After a series of difficult escapes and battles, they finally arrived at a relatively safe place. This was an abandoned warehouse with no trace of the robot army around. They breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the ground, gasping for breath.

"We...we succeeded!" a soldier said excitedly with tears in his eyes. Yes, they succeeded! Despite paying a huge price, they still managed to escape from that dangerous place.

Bai Ye looked at the exhausted soldiers with deep emotion. He knew that this mission was much more difficult than they had imagined, but they still persevered with their courage and wisdom. He believed that no matter how great the difficulties and challenges they encountered in the future, they would be able to face and overcome them bravely.

"Everyone, take a break first, and then we will find a way to contact the base for support." Bai Ye said. The soldiers nodded one after another. They knew that the road ahead was still long, but they were ready to face any challenge.

They found a safe haven in this abandoned warehouse. Although the outside world is still full of unknowns and dangers, they believe that as long as they unite as one, they will be able to overcome all difficulties and find their way home.

(End of this chapter)

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