Chapter 660

In the underground world shrouded in dim light, Bai Ye's mood was as heavy as the gloomy sky. Ever since he decided to hunt the wild donkeys, he had always been entangled in an indescribable guilt. Whenever it was late at night, he would always think of the wild donkeys that once ran side by side with them and flew freely, and an irrepressible sadness would surge in his heart.

On this day, the soldiers went out hunting as usual, but when they returned, their expressions were very different from the past. A soldier carefully held a young wild donkey, whose eyes were full of fear and helplessness, and whose thin limbs struggled helplessly in the air, making weak cries. The little wild donkey was obviously discovered accidentally during the hunting process, and its mother might have become the prey in the hands of the soldiers.

The soldiers looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment. They knew that bringing the little wild donkey back to the camp meant that they would have to take responsibility for taking care of it, which was in stark contrast to their previous hunting behavior. But looking at the helpless look of the little wild donkey, they couldn't bear to abandon it in this dangerous underground world.

"Bai Ye, what...what should we do?" A soldier broke the silence, with a hint of hesitation and uneasiness in his voice.

Bai Ye was silent for a moment, his eyes moving back and forth between the little wild donkey and the soldiers. Finally, he slowly spoke: "We will take it back and take care of it as best we can."

The soldiers were surprised when they heard this. They didn't expect Bai Ye to make such a decision. After all, it was contrary to their previous actions. But looking at Bai Ye's firm eyes, they knew that this decision could not be changed.

So the soldiers carefully carried the little wild donkey back to the camp. They found some soft hay and cloth and built a simple nest for the little wild donkey. The little wild donkey was very nervous when it first arrived in a strange environment. It curled up in a corner and kept making weak calls.

Bai Ye walked to the little wild donkey, and gently stretched out his hand, trying to comfort the injured little life. But the little wild donkey was obviously full of vigilance against him, and it suddenly shrank back and hid further away. Bai Ye was not discouraged, he continued to call gently, and gently patted the ground with his hands, trying to convey his kindness.

"Don't be afraid, little one. We will protect you." Bai Ye's voice was soft and firm, and his words were full of warmth and strength.

Perhaps it felt Bai Ye's sincerity, the little wild donkey finally stopped resisting. It carefully poked its head out and looked at everything around it with its black and shiny eyes. Bai Ye took the opportunity to reach out and gently stroked its head. The little wild donkey trembled slightly at first, but soon relaxed. It closed its eyes and enjoyed this rare peace.

Seeing this, the soldiers also gathered around. Some of them brought food and water to the little wild donkey, while others quietly guarded it. In this small camp, an unprecedented warmth and harmony began to spread.

However, the good times did not last long. As the little wild donkey grew up, its wildness began to show. It was no longer satisfied with being kept in a small space, but longed to run freely in the vast world. Every night when it was quiet, it would make a series of shrill cries, as if telling of its desire for freedom.

Bai Ye and the soldiers knew this very well, but they could do nothing about it. They knew that once the little wild donkey was released into the wild, it would likely become prey to other wild animals; but if it continued to stay in the camp, it would forever lose its freedom and wildness.

"What should we do?" The soldiers were confused and struggling again. They looked at the little wild donkey's eyes full of desire, and their hearts were full of contradictions and entanglements.

Bai Ye was silent for a moment before saying, "We cannot deprive it of its rights and dignity as a wild donkey. Perhaps... we can try to train it so that it can live in the camp while retaining its wildness."

The soldiers' eyes lit up when they heard this and they all agreed. So they began to try to develop a training plan for the little wild donkey to teach it how to identify danger, how to hunt, and how to communicate with other wild donkeys. However, this process was not easy. The wild nature of the little wild donkey made it difficult for it to accept these restraints and restrictions. It often roared and resisted angrily.

"Bai Ye...will this really work?" a soldier asked worriedly.

Bai Ye frowned. He knew that this road was full of unknowns and challenges, but he also knew that this was the only thing they could do for the little wild donkey. He took a deep breath and said firmly: "No matter how difficult it is, we must persevere because we cannot let it lose its nature as a wild donkey."

In the following days, Bai Ye and the soldiers put in a lot of effort and time to train the little wild donkey. They patiently guided it, encouraged it, and accompanied it through countless days and nights. Gradually, the little wild donkey began to adapt to this new way of life. It learned how to live in the camp, how to build trust and friendship with humans, and at the same time retained the wildness and freedom that belonged to the wild donkey.

However, this harmony did not last long. As the resources in the underground world became increasingly scarce, the conflict between the soldiers and the wild donkeys escalated again. Although the little wild donkey lived in the camp, it could never fully integrate into this human world. Whenever it saw its own kind being hunted, it would surge with uncontrollable anger and hatred.

Finally one day, the little wild donkey's anger and unwillingness reached a peak. It was a stormy night, and the roars of wild animals came from outside the camp, which seemed to foreshadow some ominous omen. The little wild donkey stood in front of its simple shed, looking through the rain curtain into the unknown darkness, with a complex light flashing in its eyes - it was a desire for freedom and a worry about the fate of the tribe.

"Bai Ye, I think... something seems to be wrong with the little wild donkey." A soldier standing not far away whispered to Bai Ye. His voice was full of worry, as if he had already anticipated what was about to happen.

Bai Ye heard this and immediately turned to look at the little wild donkey. He noticed that the little wild donkey's body was tense, his limbs were trembling slightly, and his eyes, which were once full of curiosity and innocence, were now full of determination and anger. Bai Ye's heart tightened, and he knew that he had to make a decision, and this decision might change everything.

"Everyone, step back." Bai Ye ordered in a deep voice, and slowly walked towards the little wild donkey. His steps were firm and slow, trying to calm the little wild donkey in this way. However, the little wild donkey did not calm down because of his approach, but instead let out a low and powerful roar, as if to declare his determination.

At this moment, there was a deafening crash outside the camp, followed by more wild beast roars and chaotic footsteps. Obviously, a sudden attack was approaching. The soldiers quickly prepared for battle, but they could not take their attention away from the little wild donkey.

"Bai Ye, what should we do?" the soldiers asked anxiously. They knew that this battle not only concerned their life and death, but also the future of the little wild donkey.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and looked at the little wild donkey with a firm gaze. "We can't restrict its freedom, nor can we let it become a burden to us." He said in a deep voice, "But we can't let it just rush out to die." As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ye suddenly took a step forward, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the little wild donkey's neck. His movements were gentle and powerful, as if he was trying to establish some kind of connection with the little wild donkey. "Little wild donkey, I know you yearn for freedom, and I understand your anger. But you can't leave now, you need to wait for the opportunity and use your strength to protect your tribe."

The little wild donkey seemed to feel the sincerity and power in Bai Ye's words, and its roar gradually subsided, and its body was no longer so tense. It lowered its head and gently rubbed Bai Ye's hand with its nose, as if to express some kind of gratitude or understanding.

At this moment, the attack outside the camp became more intense. The soldiers had to give up paying attention to the little wild donkey and devote themselves to the battle. The little wild donkey stood quietly aside, staring at the movement outside, as if looking for a chance to escape.

However, just when the battle reached its climax, the little wild donkey suddenly made an amazing move. It suddenly jumped up, broke through the simple shed, and rushed directly to the battlefield. The soldiers were surprised, but they also reacted quickly and made way for the little wild donkey.

The joining of the little wild donkey did not change the direction of the battle, but its brave and fearless figure deeply shocked everyone. It used its own strength and wisdom to deal with the beasts, and from time to time it issued majestic roars, as if declaring to them the ownership of this land.

Bai Ye stood in the distance, watching the little wild donkey galloping on the battlefield, his heart filled with mixed emotions. He was proud and gratified by the little wild donkey's bravery and strength, but also worried and heartbroken about the dangers it might face.

However, the little wild donkey did not disappoint Bai Ye. After a fierce battle, it finally found a breakthrough and led a group of wild animals to escape from the battlefield. The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. They knew that although the battle was difficult, they finally protected their homeland.

After the battle, the soldiers sat around the campfire in silence. Their faces were full of fatigue and vicissitudes, but their eyes were shining with unyielding light. They knew that this battle was just the beginning and the road ahead would be long and difficult.

"Bai Ye...did we really do something wrong?" A soldier broke the silence, his voice filled with a hint of confusion and self-blame.

Bai Ye did not answer him immediately but looked into the distance in silence. He kept asking himself this question in his heart. But he knew that no matter what the answer was, they could not turn back. They could only move forward and find a delicate balance between survival and morality.

"We may have done a lot of things wrong, but we also have the right to make amends and change." Bai Ye finally spoke, his words full of firmness and determination. "The choice of the little wild donkey gives us hope and courage. We can't let the same mistakes happen again. We must use our actions to prove our value and significance."

The soldiers nodded in agreement after hearing this. They knew Bai Ye was right and that they could no longer dwell on past mistakes but must bravely face the future and create a better life with their own hands.

So they set out to rebuild their homes, strengthen their defenses, and look for new sources of resources. They knew it would be a long and difficult road, but they also believed that as long as they united as one and moved forward courageously, they would be able to find their own way.

What about the little wild donkey? After escaping the battlefield, it did not immediately return to the tribe but wandered alone in the wilderness. It explored and experienced the world in its own way to find its own answer and destination.

Perhaps one day in the future it will return to the camp and reunite with Bai Ye and the soldiers.

In the wilderness dyed red by the afterglow of the setting sun, Bai Ye and the soldiers set out on a journey to find the little wild donkey. Their steps were heavy and firm, and every step was a reflection on the past and an expectation for the future. The wind, with a bit of coolness, shuttled through the withered grass, making a rustling sound, as if it was the silent sigh of nature.

"Bai Ye, are you sure the little wild donkey will come back here?" a soldier couldn't help but ask, his eyes full of uncertainty and worry.

Bai Ye stopped and looked back at the soldier, his eyes were deep and complicated. "I don't know, but this is our only clue to find it." His words were brief and powerful, revealing his unquestionable determination.

The soldiers did not say anything, but followed Bai Ye silently and continued to move forward. They passed through barren lands and crossed several dry rivers, but they never saw the little wild donkey. As time went by, the soldiers' physical strength was gradually exhausted, but their faith in their hearts became stronger and stronger.

Just when they were about to give up, a faint cry came from the grass not far away. The soldiers immediately perked up and looked in the direction of the sound. They saw a familiar figure nibbling on the green grass with its head down. It was the little wild donkey they had been thinking about day and night.

"Look! It's a little wild donkey!" a soldier shouted excitedly, with a hint of unbelievable joy in his voice.

Hearing this, Bai Ye quickly looked in the direction the soldier pointed. Sure enough, the little wild donkey was leisurely enjoying the food, unaware of the impending danger. A warm current surged in Bai Ye's heart, and he knew that they had finally found this lost companion.

"Everyone, be careful and don't disturb it. After all, reinforced concrete is made by us. Everyone should understand this. If you don't understand, then you must not understand. In this case, we also have a certain responsibility. Be generous and don't use kilowatts on food. Be nice to it."

"Come on, let's go together. What day is it today? Have you had breakfast this morning? Are you in a good mood today?"

Bai Ye gave the order softly, while slowly walking towards the little wild donkey. The soldiers followed closely behind him, their movements gentle and cautious, for fear of disturbing this fragile life.

(End of this chapter)

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