Chapter 662

Bai Ye's face instantly became extremely gloomy, but there was an indescribable light flashing in his eyes. He walked quickly to the soldier and stared at him coldly. "You did a good job." Bai Ye's voice was low and powerful, as if carrying an unquestionable majesty.

The soldier was stunned at first, then a proud and excited smile appeared on his face. He knew that he had done something to satisfy Bai Ye, and this satisfaction would bring him rich rewards.

Bai Ye took out a gold coin from his pocket and handed it to the soldier. "This is the reward you deserve." He said without any emotion in his tone.

The soldier took the gold coin, his eyes flashing with greed. He knew what the gold coin represented - it was Bai Ye's recognition and reward for him. He excitedly saluted Bai Ye to express his gratitude, then stepped aside and continued to watch this cruel farce with other soldiers.

The wailing of the little wild donkey gradually weakened, and finally turned into a silent cry. Its eyes were full of confusion and despair, as if it was questioning why the world was so cruel and ruthless. However, in this camp shrouded by power and desire, no one would listen to its voice, and no one would care about its fate.

The soldiers continued to play with the remaining wild donkeys, but their laughter was filled with a hint of indifference and alienation. They knew that these little wild donkeys could become the next victims at any time, and they would continue to move forward under this cruel law of survival.

Bai Ye stood quietly by the side, his eyes showing both satisfaction and deep thought. He understood that although such behavior could temporarily satisfy the desires and ambitions of the soldiers, it could not truly establish a harmonious and stable order. He began to think about whether there were other ways to guide the soldiers towards a better future.

In the suffocating silence, Bai Ye's face suddenly became extremely cold, and his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all disguises and get to the essence of things. He turned around abruptly, and his eyes swept around the little wild donkeys who were still playing, and the soldiers who had not yet recovered from their shock.

"Everyone stop!" Bai Ye's voice exploded like thunder, resounding throughout the open space. The soldiers were shocked by this sudden majesty, and they all stopped what they were doing and looked at Bai Ye in confusion.

Bai Ye did not explain, but took out a yellowed document from his pocket. He had just found it in a hidden corner deep in the camp. He slowly unfolded the document, and the densely packed text and illustrations on the paper were clearly displayed in front of everyone. The document clearly read: "Warning! The 'wild donkeys' that haunt this place are actually cunning mice in disguise. They not only steal food, but also sneak into the warehouse and steal precious basketballs!"

The soldiers looked at each other in disbelief at the document. They could never have imagined that those seemingly docile and cute little wild donkeys were actually mice in disguise and had committed such a "serious crime".

Bai Ye's eyes became even more cruel and ruthless, as if he had already made a decision. "These pretenders must be punished as they should be." There was no hesitation or mercy in his words.

Although the soldiers were full of doubts and puzzlement, they still chose to obey Bai Ye's orders. They quickly gathered around and surrounded the little wild donkeys who were still playing carefree on the grass.

The little wild donkeys seemed to sense the breath of danger, they began to become restless and fled everywhere. But where could they escape to in this open space blocked by soldiers?

Bai Ye did not give them any chance. He suddenly pulled out the grenade from his waist, the cold metal gleaming in the sunset. He smiled grimly, pulled the fuse of the grenade, and threw it at the panicked little wild donkeys without hesitation.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the grenade exploded in the herd of wild donkeys. Flames shot up into the sky, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and a pungent smell of burning filled the air. Those once lively and cute wild donkeys had now turned into piles of bloody remains, scattered on the grass.

The soldiers were deeply shocked by this scene, some of them covered their mouths in horror, while others stared with their eyes wide open, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief. They had never thought that they would personally participate in such a brutal massacre.

However, Bai Ye seemed to not care about this. He glanced at the soldiers coldly, as if checking whether they had completed their mission. "Remember, we cannot have any mercy or compassion for the enemy." His voice was cold and firm, as if he was giving the soldiers a cruel survival lesson.

The soldiers lowered their heads silently. They knew that in this world full of danger and uncertainty, Bai Ye's words might be their only rule of survival. They began to clean up the scene, piling up the bodies of the little wild donkeys and preparing to burn them to completely eliminate the traces of these "pretenders".

The fire burned brightly in the night sky, illuminating the open space shrouded in blood and death. The soldiers sat around the fire in silence, their hearts filled with complex emotions - awe and sympathy for life, fear and obedience to power. Bai Ye stood quietly aside, his eyes deep and indifferent, as if he had seen through the essence of this world.

This sudden killing not only made the soldiers witness the ruthlessness of the White Night, but also made them more deeply aware of the cruelty and ruthlessness of the world. They knew that in the days to come, they must be more cautious and vigilant in order to survive in this world full of dangers and opportunities. And those innocent little wild donkeys became the eternal pain and warning in their hearts - reminding them that in this world, the truth is often hidden under lies and disguises, and survival is an endless battle.

As the fire gradually dimmed and night fell quietly, the soldiers sat around the fire, feeling heavy and complicated. Bai Ye's stern face looked even more majestic under the firelight. He stood quietly, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, a soldier ran in from deep inside the camp, holding a videotape tightly in his hand, with an expression of disbelief on his face. "Bai Ye, absolutely must see this!" He shouted breathlessly, handing the videotape to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, took the videotape, and motioned to the soldier beside him to find an old player. As the machine roared, the picture gradually appeared on the screen, and this scene completely overturned the soldiers' understanding of the "Little Wild Donkey" and the entire world.

In the video, a few crude but mechanical helicopters suddenly appeared in a vast wilderness. What was even more shocking was that the helicopters were operated by creatures that they mistook for innocent little wild donkeys! They used their forelimbs to skillfully control the complex instrument panel, and their eyes flashed with wisdom that did not belong to nature.

As the scene progresses, the helicopter flies low over a basketball court, and those "little wild donkeys" jump out of the cabin one after another and land accurately on the court. They are on all fours, but they jump and run in an extraordinary way, and even complete difficult dunks in the air. The basketball is passed between them at a rapid speed, and every shot is accompanied by a deafening roar, as if even the sky is shaking. The soldiers stared at this scene with wide eyes in disbelief. They never imagined that those seemingly docile and harmless little wild donkeys could actually fly a helicopter, let alone show such amazing skills on the basketball court. At this moment, they finally understood why Bai Ye was so cruel to these "little wild donkeys" - it turned out that the "crime" they committed was far more than just stealing basketballs.

" is this possible?" a soldier muttered to himself, his voice full of fear and shock.

"It seems that we have always been deceived by their appearance." Another soldier sighed, with a complex emotion flashing in his eyes.

Bai Ye watched the video tape quietly, but there was not much surprise in his eyes. It was as if he had known all this for a long time and was just waiting for this moment to come. "Now, do you understand?" He spoke slowly, his voice low and powerful, "In this world, nothing is absolutely innocent or guilty. Everything depends on how we view and deal with it."

The soldiers were silent, and they began to re-examine their values ​​and worldviews. They realized that in this world full of unknowns and dangers, everything might hide unknown secrets and powers. And the justice and beauty they pursued might just be based on their limited cognition.

As the video tape ended, the soldiers gradually calmed down. They began to discuss how to deal with this new situation and how to survive in this uncertain world. Bai Ye stood quietly aside, with a more far-reaching plan in his mind.

"We can't act blindly anymore." A soldier broke the silence, "We need more intelligence and information to understand the true purpose and strength of these 'little wild donkeys'."

"That's right." Another soldier agreed, "Also, we need to strengthen our training and improve our combat effectiveness. Only in this way can we gain a foothold in this world."

Bai Ye nodded in agreement. "You are right." He said in a deep voice, "But we still need more allies and support. In this world, no one can face everything alone."

The soldiers nodded one after another, knowing that Bai Ye's words were meaningful. They began to plan how to find allies, collect intelligence, and strengthen training... Every step was full of challenges and dangers, but they were ready.

In the following days, the soldiers worked closely with Bai Ye to face one problem after another. They found that these "little wild donkeys" were not isolated and helpless, but a huge organization or force was hidden behind them. The real purpose and power of this organization or force were far beyond their imagination.

However, the soldiers did not back down. With their firm belief and unremitting efforts, they gradually uncovered the veil of this mysterious organization. They found that this organization not only possessed advanced scientific and technological power, but also attempted to achieve its ulterior purpose by controlling the world's resources.

Faced with such a threat, the soldiers and Bai Ye strengthened their beliefs. They knew that only by uniting and fighting together could they protect the world from disasters. So they began to plan an unprecedented counterattack, vowing to completely destroy this mysterious organization.

In this process, the soldiers experienced countless life-and-death tests and difficult choices. They learned how to find hope in despair and stay calm and tenacious in difficult situations. Bai Ye also gradually showed his extraordinary talent and profound wisdom as a leader. He led the soldiers step by step to the other side of victory and became the most solid support in their hearts.

Finally, in a thrilling decisive battle, the soldiers joined forces with Bai Ye to completely defeat the mysterious organization. They not only protected the world's peace and tranquility, but also won honor and respect for themselves. And those creatures that were once regarded as "little wild donkeys" also revealed their true colors - a group of alien creatures with high intelligence and technology. The story between them and humans has not ended, but opened a new chapter...

After that decisive battle, the soldiers and Bai Ye entered a new stage of reconstruction and exploration. The smoke of war gradually dissipated, but an indelible scar was left in everyone's heart. They began to reflect on the meaning of this war and the loss of those innocent lives, including the real wild donkey they accidentally discovered.

The body of the little wild donkey was found on the edge of a forgotten wilderness. It lay quietly in a patch of withered grass, its eyes closed and its hair losing its former luster, looking particularly desolate. The soldiers stumbled upon it during a patrol. At that moment, all the noise and fighting seemed to have left them, leaving only this scene in front of them, which deeply touched their hearts.

"This... this is a real little wild donkey." A soldier squatted down and gently stroked the little wild donkey's cold body, his voice full of sadness and confusion, "Why did it die here? Did the war affect it?"

Bai Ye walked closer, his eyes were deep and complicated. He knew that although this war ended the threat to the mysterious organization, it also brought countless sacrifices and destruction. The death of this little wild donkey was undoubtedly a cruel irony of their actions.

"No, its death has nothing to do with the war." Bai Ye said slowly, his voice low and powerful, "It may be just one of the countless innocent lives on this land, shrouded in the shadow of war, and ultimately unable to escape the arrangement of fate."

The soldiers fell silent after hearing this. They began to realize that the consequences of war were far more than just victory or defeat. They were more concerned about the irreversible loss of life. They began to think about how to prevent such tragedies from happening again and how to make the world more peaceful and beautiful.

Bai Ye seemed to see through the soldiers' minds. He continued, "We can't let such a tragedy happen again. What we need to do is not only to defeat the enemy, but more importantly to protect those innocent lives and maintain the harmony and balance of this world."

The soldiers nodded one after another, knowing that Bai Ye's words were right. They began to devote themselves to the reconstruction work more diligently, not only repairing the homes destroyed by the war, but also looking for a way of redemption and reconciliation in their hearts.

As time goes by, the relationship between the soldiers and Bai Ye becomes closer. They have experienced life and death together, and witnessed the cruelty of war and the beauty of peace together. They began to learn to cherish the friendship and trust between each other, and learned to support each other and move forward together in the face of difficulties.

(End of this chapter)

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