Chapter 665: Radiation Rat
However, despite the soldiers' best efforts, the number of radioactive rats was too large, and they came from all directions, seemingly endless. The soldiers' bullets were quickly exhausted, and they had to rely on close combat and weapons such as daggers and sticks in their hands to resist these crazy attackers.

The battle became extremely brutal, the soldiers were constantly scratched by the rats' claws and fangs, and their clothes were stained with blood. But they did not retreat, because they knew that if these radioactive rats escaped, it would cause immeasurable disasters to human society.

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly thought of a solution. He quickly took out a grenade from his backpack, which was the only heavy weapon they carried on this trip. He held the grenade tightly, and a gleam of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Everyone, scatter!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "I'm going to use this grenade to blast a path!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately dispersed according to Bai Ye's instructions and looked for a safe shelter. Bai Ye took a deep breath, pulled the fuse of the grenade, and threw it forward with all his strength, throwing it into the dense group of radioactive rats.

"Boom!" A loud bang exploded in the corridor, and flames shot up into the sky, engulfing everything around in the sea of ​​fire. When the flames faded, the corridor was already filled with the corpses and remains of radioactive rats, and the air was filled with a pungent burnt smell.

The soldiers walked out of the shelter and looked at the scene before them, with mixed emotions in their hearts. They were grateful for the successful elimination of these dangerous creatures, but also sad for this brutal battle.

"We... won." A soldier muttered to himself, his voice full of fatigue and relief.

"Yes, we won." Bai Ye nodded, but his eyes were unusually solemn. "But this battle is not over yet. We must move on, find more evidence and uncover the truth."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew the road ahead would be more difficult and dangerous, but they were ready to fight to the end for justice and the future of mankind. So they set out on their journey again, full of determination and resolve, heading deeper into the bunker.

With heavy but firm steps, the soldiers passed through the corridor destroyed by grenades, and each step seemed particularly heavy. In their hearts, they felt both the joy of victory and the deep worry about unknown challenges. Deep in the bunker, it seemed that there were more unspeakable horrors and secrets hidden.

"Everyone be careful, the environment here is getting more and more complicated." Bai Ye's voice sounded in front of the team, and his eyes revealed an unprecedented vigilance. The soldiers followed him closely, and the beams of their flashlights drew tracks of hope in the darkness.

At this moment, a deep and powerful roar suddenly came from the front. The sound was deafening, as if it could tear the air apart and make the entire bunker tremble. The soldiers' faces turned pale instantly. They knew that this was definitely not a sound that could be made by an ordinary creature.

"Radiation Tiger!" Bai Ye's voice was filled with an unquestionable determination, "Prepare for battle!"

The soldiers reacted quickly, and they quickly adjusted their formation, surrounding Bai Ye in the middle and forming a tight defensive formation. They knew that facing creatures of this level, any negligence could lead to the destruction of the entire army.

As the roars approached, several huge figures gradually emerged from the darkness. They were huge, muscular, covered with scales that shone with strange light, and their eyes flashed with cruelty and madness. These were the guardians deep in the bunker - the radiation tigers.

The radiation tigers did not seem to attack immediately, but slowly paced around the soldiers, as if assessing the strength of these uninvited guests. The soldiers held their weapons tightly, sweat dripping down their foreheads, but they did not retreat, because they knew that only by defeating these creatures could they move forward.

"Let's go together!" Bai Ye suddenly roared and rushed towards the nearest radiation tiger. Seeing this, the soldiers also rushed forward one after another. They knew that only by uniting together could they have a chance to defeat these powerful enemies.

The battle broke out instantly, and the soldiers engaged in a fierce battle with the radiation tiger. Bullets, daggers, and sticks flew in the air, colliding with the radiation tiger's claws and fangs, creating sparks. However, the radiation tiger's defense was amazing, and ordinary attacks could not cause effective damage to it at all.

"Their scales are too hard, our weapons can't break them!" a soldier shouted, his voice full of anxiety and despair.

Bai Ye frowned upon hearing this. He knew that if they could not find the weakness of these radiation tigers, they would be in dire straits. At this moment, he noticed that there seemed to be a subtle fragility in the eyes of the radiation tigers.

"Attack their eyes!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "That's their weak point!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers adjusted their attack direction and concentrated their firepower on the radiation tiger's eyes. Sure enough, these powerful creatures showed painful expressions after their eyes were attacked, and their offensive also weakened.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the soldiers launched a more fierce attack. Using their weapons and tactics, they gradually forced the radiation tigers into a desperate situation. After a hard and arduous battle, they finally succeeded in knocking down these powerful creatures one by one.

After the battle, the soldiers collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. Their bodies were covered with scars and blood, but their eyes were full of joy and pride of victory. They knew that the victory of this battle was not only due to their courage and wisdom, but also because of the unity and trust between them.

"We did it!" a soldier shouted excitedly, "We defeated the radiation tiger!"

"Yes, we did it." Bai Ye nodded with a smile, "But our mission is not over yet. We still need to continue to go deeper into the bunker to find more evidence and uncover the truth."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew the road ahead would be more difficult and dangerous, but they were ready to fight to the end for justice and the future of mankind. So they set out on the journey again, with determination and resolve in their hearts, heading towards the deepest part of the bunker. There, they would face even more severe challenges and an unknown fate.

The soldiers continued to move forward in the depths of the bunker, each step on the edge of the unknown and danger. Their breathing became heavy, and their heartbeats echoed in the silent passage, as if responding to the unknown challenge. The beams of flashlights drew narrow strips of light in the darkness, trying to illuminate the unknown darkness ahead.

As they went deeper, the structure of the bunker became more complicated. The passages were sometimes narrow and tortuous, and sometimes wide and open, like a huge maze, testing their will and wisdom. The air was filled with an indescribable smell of radiation, which made their nerves even more tense.

"Everyone, please be careful. The radiation intensity here is getting higher and higher." Bai Ye's voice came through the communicator, and there was a hint of worry in his tone. "We must find protective equipment as soon as possible, otherwise our bodies will not be able to bear it."

The soldiers quickened their pace upon hearing this, and looked around vigilantly. They knew that in this radioactive bunker, any negligence could lead to fatal consequences. At this moment, a low roar suddenly came from the front, accompanied by a slight vibration of the ground. The soldiers' faces suddenly changed. They knew that this was definitely not a natural phenomenon, but some huge mechanical device was starting up.

"Hide!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, and he quickly led the soldiers to hide in a nearby hiding place. As the roar approached, a huge metal door slowly opened, revealing the shocking scene behind the door - a huge laboratory, which was filled with various strange mechanical devices and experimental equipment, and in the center was a huge transparent container, which held a huge creature. Its body was covered with various pipes and interfaces, and it was obviously used as an experiment object.

"What is that?" a soldier whispered, his voice filled with fear.

"It looks like some kind of experimental subject." Bai Ye said in a deep voice, "But we don't know what it is exactly."

At this moment, the creature in the transparent container suddenly let out a deafening roar, and its body began to struggle violently, trying to break free. As it struggled, the liquid in the container began to roll violently, emitting bursts of pungent odor.

"Oh no! It's about to escape!" a soldier exclaimed.

Bai Ye reacted quickly and ordered the soldiers to prepare for battle. However, just as they were preparing to deal with the impending crisis, a strong radiation wave suddenly erupted from the container, shrouding the entire laboratory in a dazzling light.

The soldiers closed their eyes and covered their ears with their hands, trying to resist the sudden radiation shock. However, the power of this radiation wave was far beyond their imagination. They only felt a strong energy rushing into their bodies, as if to tear their bodies apart.

As the light gradually faded, the soldiers slowly opened their eyes and saw that the scene in the laboratory had changed dramatically. The mechanical devices and experimental equipment were damaged one after another, and some were even reduced to ashes. The experimental subject became extremely violent under the impact of the radiation wave. It broke free from its restraints and frantically destroyed everything around it.

"Retreat!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, knowing that it would be suicidal to fight the experimental subject in this state. Upon hearing this, the soldiers turned around and ran towards the entrance, but the experimental subject seemed to know their intentions and quickly caught up with them.

"It's catching up!" a soldier shouted in horror.

Bai Ye looked back and saw that the experimental subject was approaching them at an alarming speed. He took a deep breath and made a quick decision: "Run separately and lead it away!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately dispersed and each chose a direction to flee. The experimental subject was in a state of hesitation when he saw this, and he didn't know which one to chase. However, during this brief hesitation, Bai Ye had already taken the opportunity to rush to the side of the experimental subject. He suddenly jumped up, and the dagger in his hand flashed with a cold light, and went straight to the vital point of the experimental subject.

However, the experimental subject's reaction speed was far beyond Bai Ye's imagination. It turned around suddenly, and its huge claws instantly slapped Bai Ye. Bai Ye only felt a powerful force coming, and the whole person was slapped away and hit the wall heavily. He only felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if something was torn apart.

"Bai Ye!" the soldiers exclaimed, and they immediately turned around and rushed back to rescue. However, the experimental subject had already locked onto Bai Ye as its target, and it roared and pounced on Bai Ye, raising its huge claws again, ready to deliver a fatal blow.

At this critical moment, a soldier suddenly rushed out, holding a heavy machine gun, and fired wildly at the experimental subject. The bullets rained down on the experimental subject, and although they could not cause fatal damage to it, they successfully attracted its attention.

"Take Bai Ye away quickly!" the soldier shouted loudly, his voice full of determination and firmness.

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately stepped forward to help the unconscious Bai Ye up and quickly fled to the entrance of the passage. The soldier continued to stay where he was, using a machine gun to attract the attention of the experimental subject, buying time for them to escape.

After a difficult escape and battle, the soldiers finally took the unconscious Bai Ye out of the laboratory and returned to a relatively safe area. They sat on the ground exhausted, gasping for breath, their hearts filled with gratitude and emotion for surviving the disaster.

"We...we did it." A soldier whispered, his voice full of trembling and excitement.

In a dimly lit corner of the bunker, Bai Ye slowly opened his eyes. Everything around him seemed both familiar and strange. He tried to sit up, but the severe pain in his chest made him frown. Seeing this, the soldiers gathered around him and asked about his physical condition with concern.

"I'm fine..." Bai Ye's voice was weak but full of determination, "Where are we now?"

"Bai Ye, you're awake!" a soldier said excitedly, "We just escaped from that horrible laboratory and are safe now."

Bai Ye nodded, trying to recall what happened before. He remembered that he had led away the violent experiment alone to protect everyone, and then lost consciousness. Now it seemed that his comrades had rescued him.

"Thank you..." Bai Ye looked at the soldiers around him gratefully, "What should we do next?"

The soldiers looked at each other, all at a loss for a moment. They knew that there were more dangers waiting for them in the bunker, but the predicament before them made them feel helpless.

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly laughed, and his smile revealed an inexplicable ease and confidence. "Don't be so nervous," he said, "Since we can escape from the laboratory, we can definitely find a way out. Besides, I think we need to relax now, maybe... we can play some games."

The soldiers were stunned when they heard this. In this dangerous bunker, playing games? This sounded like a fantasy. However, looking at Bai Ye's serious eyes, they couldn't help but feel a little curious and expectant.

(End of this chapter)

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