Chapter 673 Breakfast
After calming down the excited customers in the bar, Bai Ye slowly stood up. His eyes showed both helplessness towards this unexpected admiration and a deep understanding of the responsibility on his shoulders. He nodded slightly to the people around him to show his gratitude, then turned around and walked towards the exit of the bar with firm steps. The lights in the bar gradually dimmed behind him, as if foreshadowing the end of a journey and the beginning of another unknown one.

Pushing open the heavy wooden door of the bar, a gust of night wind blew in his face, bringing with it a bit of coolness and the unique smell of the wilderness. Bai Ye took a deep breath, letting the fresh air wash away some of the irritability in his heart. He looked up at the night sky, a bright moon was hanging high in the sky, and the silver light was spreading all over the earth, covering this quiet night with a mysterious veil.

Without stopping for too long, Bai Ye walked towards the huge iron gate not far away, which was the only way to the edge of the city. The soldiers guarding the iron gate on both sides had already noticed his figure. There was a flash of surprise in their eyes, but more of awe. In front of Bai Ye, they seemed to have become silent statues, just standing quietly, without making any sound, and without the slightest intention of blocking him.

Bai Ye slowly approached the iron gate, his steps were light and firm, and every step seemed to be saying goodbye to the city. When he stood in front of the iron gate, a soldier quickly stepped forward and opened the chain of the iron gate with trembling hands. The iron gate slowly opened, making a heavy creaking sound, which was particularly harsh in the quiet night.

Bai Ye did not look back. He walked straight through the iron gate and set foot on the road to the wilderness. The city behind him gradually faded away, the lights dimmed, and finally turned into a blur of light and disappeared from his sight. He knew that this time he left his familiar umbrella of protection and stepped into the wilderness where the unknown and danger coexisted.

In the wilderness, the wind was stronger and the moonlight was colder. Bai Ye walked alone on the rugged path. The only sounds were the wind and the occasional roar of wild animals. It seemed particularly desolate and lonely. But he did not stop, but instead quickened his pace, as if he was escaping from something, or looking for something.

Under the moonlight, his figure was very long, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding scenery. His face was expressionless, and his eyes were deep and complex, as if hiding countless secrets and stories. In this wilderness, he was no longer the hero admired by everyone, but just a lonely traveler, a soul lost between himself and reality.

He walked for a long time until his feet began to feel tired, and finally stopped on a relatively flat grassland. He found a big rock to sit on, leaned his back against it, and looked up at the moon in the night sky. The moon was still bright and full, but it did not seem to bring any warmth or comfort to the white night. On the contrary, the cold silver light made him feel more lonely and helpless.

He closed his eyes, and various images emerged in his mind: the hustle and bustle of the city, the sacrifice of his comrades, the expectations of the people... These images flashed through his mind quickly like a movie, making him feel dizzy and tired. He tried to grasp something, but found that he could not grasp anything. He was like a lone boat, drifting in the vast ocean, unable to find the direction and unable to see the other side.

"What am I living for?" Bai Ye asked himself silently in his heart. He asked this question many times, but he never got a satisfactory answer. He knew that he had the responsibility to protect the city, but this responsibility seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, making him feel unbearable. He longed for freedom and peace, but reality pulled him back to the cruel reality again and again.

He opened his eyes and looked at the moon again. The moon was still bright and indifferent, as if laughing at his weakness and powerlessness. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. He knew that he couldn't just give up. No matter how difficult and long the road ahead was, he had to persevere. Because he knew that in this city, there were still countless people waiting for him and needing him.

He stood up, dusted himself off, and set out on the road again. Although the road ahead was unknown and full of dangers, he was ready. He was no longer the lost and helpless traveler, but a warrior with firm faith and determination. He would use his own strength to protect the city and those who needed him.

The night wind was still blowing fiercely, but Bai Ye's heart was full of strength and courage. He believed that as long as he did not give up and did not abandon the people and things he cared about, he would be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges. In this wilderness, he would continue to move forward, continue to explore, and continue to fight until he found the sky that belonged to him.

Bai Ye fumbled out a slightly old pen and a slightly wrinkled paper from his inner pocket. This was his habit for many years. No matter where he went, he would always bring these two things with him. For him, painting was not only a way to relax, but also a means to record life and express emotions. In this desolate and mysterious wilderness, he felt unprecedented inspiration and impulse, and wanted to capture everything in front of him, whether it was the scenery or the mood, on paper as much as possible.

He first looked around and determined a general composition. The wilderness under the moonlight was a world of silver and shadows. In the distance were rolling mountains with blurred and deep outlines, as if they were the breath of the sleeping earth; in the near distance were sparse trees and overgrown weeds, which swayed gently in the night wind, making rustling sounds, adding a bit of vitality to this quiet night.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and began to paint. His brushstrokes seemed a little hesitant at first, as if he was testing this unknown canvas. But as time went on, his movements gradually became smoother and more powerful, and each stroke was full of emotion and vitality. He first outlined the contours of the mountains, using lines of varying depths to show the layering and three-dimensionality of the mountains; then, he carefully depicted the shapes of trees and grass, using delicate brushstrokes to capture their changes in light and shadow under the moonlight.

During the painting process, Bai Ye seemed to merge with the surrounding environment. He forgot about fatigue and loneliness, the burden and responsibility on his shoulders, and only focused on the painting in front of him. His mind gained unprecedented peace and satisfaction, as if all the troubles and worries disappeared with the flow of the brushstrokes.

However, as time went on, Bai Ye began to realize the limitations of the painting. Although he tried his best to capture and express the scene before him, the picture on the canvas could never fully restore the reality and grandeur of the wilderness. He realized that some things could not be depicted with a brush, such as the touch of the wind, the silence of the night, and the freedom and vastness that made people feel relaxed and happy.

Therefore, Bai Ye began to try to incorporate more emotions and imagination into his paintings. He was no longer limited to the description of the scenery, but incorporated his feelings and thoughts into every stroke. He imagined the stories and legends behind this wilderness, the creatures and people who lived on this land, and their laughter and tears, hope and despair. These imaginations made his paintings richer and more vivid, and also touched and enlightened his soul to a deeper level.

As time goes by, Bai Ye's paintings gradually take shape. It is no longer a simple landscape painting, but a work full of emotions and stories. Every detail in the picture contains Bai Ye's thoughts and emotions, allowing people to feel his inner world while appreciating it.

When the last stroke was made, Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at his work with satisfaction, and his heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. He knew that this painting was not only his record and expression of the wilderness, but also an exploration and discovery of his inner world. He carefully folded the drawing paper and put it into the inner pocket of his clothes. Then, he stood up and looked at the vast wilderness again. The moonlight was still bright and cold, but at this moment, Bai Ye felt an unprecedented ease and comfort. He knew that no matter how difficult and long the road ahead was, he would continue to move forward with this love and pursuit of life. And painting will always be the purest love and persistence in his heart.

Bai Ye put away his pen and paper in a hurry, even with a hint of imperceptible annoyance. He looked down at the work he had just completed, and an indescribable emotion surged in his heart. The painting was originally his most sincere depiction of the wilderness, and every stroke carried his emotions and thoughts. But at this moment, it became blurred because of the water droplets that were accidentally stained, and lost its original color and charm.

A trace of determination flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, and he sighed softly, as if bidding farewell to a corner of his heart. Then, he stretched out his hand without hesitation, slowly unfolded the drawing paper, and then, with force, he tore it into pieces bit by bit. Those pieces that carried his efforts and emotions gently drifted away in the night wind, and finally turned into nothingness.

After tearing up the painting, Bai Ye did not feel relieved, but a heavy sense of loss. He looked up into the distance, and the wilderness that he had tried to capture with his brush now seemed even more distant and unfamiliar. He knew he could not stay here any longer, so he turned around and took heavy steps to embark on the road back to the city.

It was already daybreak, and the first ray of sunlight penetrated the clouds and sprinkled on the earth. Bai Ye was walking on the way back to the city, and everything around him gradually became clear. He passed through fields and saw that the farmers had already started their day's work; he passed by villages and heard the sounds of chickens crowing and dogs barking; he passed by rivers and saw that the river water was glittering silver in the sun, as if countless stars had fallen into the mortal world.

However, these beautiful scenes did not make Bai Ye feel better. His heart was still full of loss and confusion, as if shrouded by an invisible haze. He didn't know why he had to return to the city full of constraints and responsibilities, and he didn't know how to face those expectant and admiring eyes.

When he finally walked into the city gate, he was slightly stunned by the scene in front of him. It turned out that as the sky got brighter, breakfast stalls in the city had been set up one after another. Steaming buns, fragrant soy milk, golden and crispy fried dough sticks... the aroma of various delicacies intertwined together to form an attractive smell. People sat or stood in front of their stalls, enjoying their first meal in the morning, with smiles of satisfaction and happiness on their faces.

Bai Ye looked at this scene, and a sense of sadness suddenly welled up in his heart. He remembered that he was once a member of this city, busy with work and life every day, and had no time to take care of these simple and beautiful moments. But now, when he stood here again, he found that he had lost the happiness and peace that belonged to ordinary people.

He walked slowly past each stall, his eyes lingering for a moment on each busy figure. He saw the hardworking hands of the stall owners, heard the cheerful conversations of the customers, and felt the unique life atmosphere of this city. However, all of this seemed so strange and distant to him.

Finally, Bai Ye stopped and stood in front of a stall selling soy milk and fried dough sticks. He looked at the steaming soy milk and the golden and crispy fried dough sticks, and an urge to taste them surged in his heart. He knew that this might be a way for him to temporarily escape from his inner confusion and loss.

So he walked up to the stall owner and said in a low voice: "Give me a bowl of soy milk and fried dough sticks." The stall owner looked up at him, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure and quickly prepared breakfast for him.

Bai Ye took the breakfast and sat down in a corner. He slowly savored the sweetness of the soy milk and the crispness of the fried dough sticks, feeling the warmth and satisfaction brought by the food. However, this satisfaction did not last long, and was soon replaced by his inner confusion and loss. He looked at the food in his hand, his heart filled with helplessness and bitterness.

The soy milk reaches its peak at the moment of boiling. The stall owner carefully controls the heat to prevent it from over-boiling, so as to maintain its delicateness and smoothness. When the first pot of soy milk comes out of the pot, the whole stall is surrounded by this rich aroma, attracting the eyes and footsteps of passers-by. It is steaming hot and exudes an attractive luster, like the rising sun, warm and bright.

Youtiao is the best companion to soy milk. They are made by repeatedly pulling and folding the dough, cutting it into strips, and then gently frying it in hot oil. As the oil temperature gradually rises, the dough sticks expand rapidly in the pan and become golden and crispy. In the short moment they are soaked in water, they absorb water and become softer, forming a sharp contrast with the smoothness of soy milk, but complementing each other.

The fried dough sticks are golden and crispy on the outside and soft and porous on the inside. Every bite is an ultimate temptation to the taste buds. They are placed in a bamboo basket, exuding an alluring aroma, waiting for the perfect encounter with soy milk. When diners hold the steaming soy milk in their hands, paired with a freshly fried dough stick, and gently bite it, the dual taste of crispness and tenderness interweaves a wonderful melody in the mouth, which makes people linger.

He knew that he could not escape his inner troubles forever. No matter where he went or what he did, those problems would follow him like a shadow. He had to face them and solve them in order to find his own path and answers.

So he finished his breakfast, stood up, and set out on the road again. This time, his steps were more firm and powerful. He knew that no matter how difficult and long the road ahead was, he would bravely face and overcome all difficulties. Because only in this way could he find his own light and hope.

(End of this chapter)

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