Chapter 676: Battle of the Giant Owl

Commissioner Smith was filled with doubts and uneasiness. He stood up slowly and scanned the long-abandoned underground darkroom for the last time, trying to imprint every detail deeply in his mind. The worn-out cans, plastic bags, the iron box covered with years of dust, and the photos and letters accidentally found in the box were like unsolved mysteries that lingered in his mind and could not be shaken off.

He took a deep breath and turned to walk towards the exit of the darkroom. As he walked away, the musty and stale smell gradually faded away, replaced by the fresher air from the outside world, but this freshness did not relieve the heaviness in his heart.

Just as he was about to walk out of the dark room and step into the unknown, a sharp whistle suddenly came from the sky, breaking the silence around him. Smith looked up suddenly and saw a huge radioactive owl swooping down at him at an incredible speed. The owl's eyes flashed with a strange green light, its wings spread out like dark clouds covering the sun, and its body exuded a frightening radioactive energy.

Smith's face suddenly became solemn. He realized that this radioactive owl was not an ordinary creature. It was probably a mutant creature unique to this abandoned land. Without any hesitation, he quickly took out the portable power armor from his backpack. This is a set of equipment designed for extreme environments and high-risk missions, which can greatly enhance the wearer's combat effectiveness and survivability.

With the sound of "clicking", the various parts of the power armor were quickly assembled on Smith, wrapping him in a layer of solid metal shell. He felt an unprecedented sense of strength and security, as if even his breathing became stronger.

The whistle of the radiation owl became sharper and sharper, and it was approaching Smith's head. Smith quickly activated the propulsion system of the power armor, and his body suddenly soared into the air, creating a distance between him and the huge creature. The high-energy laser gun in his hand was also activated, and a dazzling blue beam of light cut through the night sky and went straight to the radiation owl.

However, the radiation owl was extremely agile, it easily dodged Smith's attack, drew a graceful arc in the air, and launched a fierce attack on Smith again. Its claws flashed with cold light, as if it could tear apart all obstacles in front of it.

Seeing this, Smith quickly adjusted his posture and used the flexibility and strong maneuverability of his power armor to engage in a fierce aerial fight with the Radiation Owl. Sometimes he jumped up to dodge the attack, sometimes he dived to counterattack, and the two sides fought back and forth, and the battle was indisputable.

But as time went on, Smith gradually felt the pressure. Each attack of the Radiation Owl contained huge energy, and even with the protection of the power armor, he felt bursts of pain. Although he could temporarily suppress the creature, he could not give it a fatal blow.

What's worse is that he realizes that this battle may have just begun. In this abandoned land, there is no telling how many such mutant creatures are hidden, and can he survive alone in this dangerous environment?

Thinking of this, Smith could not help but feel an unprecedented sense of despair and helplessness. But he knew that now was not the time to give up. He had to cheer up and use his wisdom and courage to fight this radioactive owl to the death. Only in this way could he continue to move forward, uncover the secrets of this underground world, and complete his mission.

So Smith concentrated again and threw himself into this life-and-death struggle. He used every advantage of the power armor to fight the radiation owl more fiercely. The creature seemed to sense Smith's tenacity and determination, and it began to make a more piercing whistle, as if issuing a final challenge to Smith.

In this thrilling battle, the figures of Smith and the radiation owl shuttled and intertwined in the night sky, forming a shocking picture. What will be the final result? Will Smith be able to defeat this powerful creature and continue to move forward? Or will he perish in this abandoned land and become one of the countless unsolved mysteries? Everything will be revealed in the next moment...

As the fierce aerial battle reached its climax, Commissioner Smith, with his unyielding will and indomitable spirit, finally found the flaw of the Radiation Owl. He keenly captured the creature's slight pause after continuous attacks, which was a brief moment of distraction in its physical strength and attention.

Smith quickly adjusted his posture, the thrusters of the power armor roared, and his body shot out like an arrow, directly hitting the vital point of the radiation owl. At the same time, the high-energy laser gun in his hand charged again, but this time he did not fire immediately, but kept it as a backup, just in case.

Just as the two sides were about to collide, Smith suddenly changed direction, bypassing the Radiation Owl's claw attack at an incredible angle, and at the same time, with the help of the flexibility of the power armor, he landed steadily on its back. This sudden change caught the Radiation Owl off guard, and it let out an angry whistle and flapped its wings wildly, trying to throw the uninvited guest off its back.

However, Smith was already prepared. He held the feathers of the radiation owl tightly, clamped his legs tightly around its back, and stood still despite the howling wind. He knew that at this moment, any slackness could lead to failure.

While the Radiation Owl was losing its mind due to anger, Smith quickly pulled out the sharp chainsaw sword from his waist. This sword was specially prepared by him to deal with extreme situations. Its teeth were extremely sharp and could easily cut through the hardest metal. At this moment, it would be the key to ending this battle.

Smith took a deep breath, gathered all his strength into the chainsaw sword, and then swung it out. The sword flashed like lightning, cutting through the night sky, instantly leaving a deep wound on the back of the radiation owl. Blood and green radioactive liquid gushed out, dyeing the surrounding air red.

The radiation owl screamed heartbreakingly, its wings were no longer as powerful, and its body began to sway in the air. Smith seized the opportunity and swung the chainsaw sword again, this time he was more ruthless, and each sword landed accurately on the vital points of the radiation owl.

Finally, after a tough fight, Commissioner Smith, with his extraordinary courage and wisdom, succeeded in subduing the giant radioactive owl. He stood on the lifeless monster, gasping for breath, and his clothes were soaked with a mixture of sweat and blood.

He looked around and confirmed that there were no other threats around, then he slowly relaxed his tense nerves. Although the battle was difficult, he won in the end. He felt an unprecedented sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, as if he had become the master of this abandoned land. However, this satisfaction did not last long. Smith soon realized that this radioactive owl was just one of the many challenges he would face. In this world full of unknowns and dangers, there are more mutant creatures, traps and puzzles waiting for him to solve.

He put away his chainsaw sword, reorganized his equipment and mood, and then carefully jumped off the body of the radioactive owl. He knew that he could not stay here for too long and had to find a way out as soon as possible and move on.

He turned on the flashlight again to illuminate the road ahead. This time, his steps were more firm and powerful, and his eyes were full of determination and fearlessness. He knew that no matter how many difficulties and obstacles were waiting for him, he had to move forward bravely, because this was his mission and responsibility as a commissioner.

As Smith explored further, he gradually discovered more secrets of this underground world. This was once a huge scientific research base, which was abandoned due to a sudden disaster. The worn-out cans, plastic bags, photos and letters in the iron boxes were all relics left by the researchers back then. And the mutant creatures were the terrible consequences left behind after the disaster.

Smith recorded all the information he found while moving forward, hoping to bring these valuable materials back to the surface so that the world can understand this forgotten history. However, he also knew that this road was destined to be bumpy. He would have to face more challenges and dangers, and he might even have to pay the price of his life.

But he does not regret his choice. Because he knows that as a commissioner, his duty is to uncover the truth and safeguard justice. No matter how many unknowns and dangers are waiting for him ahead, he will continue to move forward without hesitation until he completes his mission.

Commissioner Smith kicked the lifeless corpse of the giant radiation owl hard, and the huge body rolled to the side like a boulder, making a dull sound that echoed in the empty underground space. He cursed, his voice mixed with fatigue, anger, and dissatisfaction with the unknown world. These emotions intertwined into a complex emotional torrent in his heart, but he had no time to savor them carefully, because the unknown ahead was still waiting for him to explore.

He bent down to pick up the flashlight, and the light flickered in the dimness, guiding him in the direction. Smith's eyes revealed an unquestionable determination, he knew that he could not stay here for too long, and he had to go to the newly discovered secret room as soon as possible to see what secrets were hidden inside.

He took a step and walked towards the direction where he had vaguely discovered the secret room. As he walked deeper, the surrounding environment seemed to become more gloomy and terrifying. The walls were covered with moss and vines, and the air was filled with an indescribable smell of dampness and corruption. But Smith did not retreat. Every step he took seemed extremely firm, as if he was announcing his existence to this abandoned world.

Finally, he came to the entrance of the secret room. It was an iron door that was almost unrecognizable due to the erosion of time. It was covered with rust and scratches, as if it was the marks left by countless hands in despair. Smith took a deep breath, reached out his hand, and pushed open the heavy iron door.

The iron door creaked harshly and slowly opened to both sides, revealing a dark passage leading to an unknown area. Smith held the flashlight tightly and stepped into the secret room carefully. As he went deeper, the light of the flashlight gradually illuminated everything around him.

This secret room was obviously larger and more complex than the previous underground dark room. The walls were inlaid with various strange instruments and equipment, many of which were severely damaged, but their former glory and precision could still be vaguely seen. In the center was a huge metal table, on which were scattered some seemingly important documents and materials. At the other end of the secret room, there was a tightly closed stone door, engraved with complex patterns and symbols, as if hiding the secret to another world.

Smith looked around, his heart full of curiosity and vigilance. He knew that he had come to a key place, where the most important secrets of the entire underground world might be hidden. He slowly walked to the metal table and began to carefully read the documents and materials.

Most of these documents were yellowed and damaged, and the handwriting was unclear, but Smith still relied on his keen observation and rich experience to barely recognize some of the contents. He was surprised to find that these documents actually recorded a highly confidential scientific research project - experimental research on radiation and biological mutation. The ultimate goal of these experiments was to try to create super creatures that could withstand nuclear disasters through artificial means!

Smith felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart. He realized that this experiment was not only extremely dangerous, but also completely violated the bottom line of human ethics. If these experiments were really successful, what kind of chaos and disaster would the world fall into?

He continued to look through the documents, trying to find more information about the experiment. But at this moment, he suddenly heard a subtle sound coming from the other end of the secret room. The sound seemed to be the low groan of some creature squirming, which was creepy.

"What the hell is that back there? This feeling is not good. It's really not good. What the hell is that back there? I must go and take a look. If it's something valuable, then today's trip will be worthwhile."

"The power armor should be able to protect me, and there shouldn't be anything particularly dangerous around. Yes, that must be the case. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Smith."

Smith immediately became alert, quickly put down the documents in his hand, held the flashlight and the weapon he carried, and walked carefully towards the direction of the sound. As he approached, the chill became stronger, as if something was spying on him in the dark.

Finally, he came to the tightly closed stone door. He took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to push the stone door open. However, when he saw what was hidden behind the door, his face instantly turned as pale as paper...

(End of this chapter)

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