Chapter 678 New Military Camp
Before the first rays of sunlight in the morning completely dispelled the darkness of the night, Commissioner Smith could not wait to get up, his heart full of anticipation and anxiety about sharing his "discovery" with Bai Ye. He quickly packed up his equipment and carefully packed the seemingly abundant but actually expired food he brought back from the storage room last night, making sure that none of it would be scattered on the way. Then, he put on the power armor that had accompanied him across the line of life and death countless times. The heavy metal shell shone with a cold light in the morning light, as if it was the embodiment of his determination and belief.

Commissioner Smith walked through the narrow and winding corridor with firm and powerful steps. In his heart, he was afraid of the unknown and eager for answers. He knew that Bai Ye, who always concealed his profound wisdom with a cold appearance, would be the key to judging the results of his efforts these days.

When Commissioner Smith entered Bai Ye's room, he saw him sitting behind a large desk, flipping through a confidential letter with a frown on his face, as if he was troubled by some problem. The atmosphere in the room was heavy and depressing, in stark contrast to the morning light outside.

Commissioner Smith coughed lightly, breaking the silence in the room. "Bai Ye, I found something that may be helpful to us." He said as he gently placed the package in his hand on the table, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Bai Ye raised his head slightly after hearing this, and his eyes moved away from the secret letter and fell on the seemingly insignificant package. He did not immediately reach out to open it, but looked at Commissioner Smith with a scrutinizing look, as if he wanted to read more information from the other's expression. "Oh? Tell me, what did you find?" His voice was low and magnetic, but with a hint of indifference that was hard to detect.

Commissioner Smith took a deep breath and began to describe his discovery process in detail: "Last night, I accidentally found a storage room in that secret room, which was full of food and other necessities of life. I thought this was our life-saving straw, but when I checked carefully, I found that these things were out of date..." At this point, his voice couldn't help but become a little low, as if even he was disappointed with the result.

Bai Ye listened to Smith's narration quietly, without much expression on his face. He slowly stood up, walked around the desk, walked to the package, and stretched out his hand to open it. Suddenly, a mixture of stale and moldy smells hit his nose, and what came into view was a pile of food with damaged packaging and dull colors. He reached out and picked up a bag of expired canned food, shook it gently, and a dull sound came out from it, as if telling their helplessness and sorrow.

"These...are really useless." Bai Ye sighed and put the canned food back into the package, his tone full of helplessness and disappointment. He turned around and looked at Commissioner Smith, with a hint of mixed emotions in his eyes, "I know you have tried your best, but reality is often much more cruel than we imagined. These expired foods not only cannot provide us with nutrition, but may become a burden on our road to survival."

Commissioner Smith's face turned pale when he heard this, but he quickly adjusted his mood and tried not to let his disappointment show. "I understand, Bai Ye. But at least I tried, didn't I? Maybe there are other clues waiting for us to find." There was a hint of stubbornness and unyieldingness in his words.

Bai Ye nodded slightly, expressing his recognition of Commissioner Smith's efforts. "Your spirit is worthy of praise, but our time is limited and we cannot waste it on these useless things. Remember, true hope is often hidden in the most inconspicuous places, and we need to use a more discerning eye and firm faith to find it."

At this point, Bai Ye suddenly changed the subject, with a meaningful smile on his face: "However, since you have carefully found these things, I will not let them go to waste. Although these expired foods cannot be eaten, they may have other uses. For example... as a reward for those soldiers with outstanding performance."

Commissioner Smith was stunned when he heard this, and then he suddenly realized it. He understood Bai Ye's intention - to use these seemingly useless things to motivate the soldiers, letting them know that even in the most difficult times, as long as they work hard, they will get the rewards they deserve. Although this reward may not be what they originally expected, it can at least give them hope and keep moving forward.

"I understand, Bai Ye. Thank you for giving me this revelation." Commissioner Smith looked at Bai Ye with gratitude, and a warm feeling surged in his heart. He knew that although he had not found real hope for the time being, he had at least gained this valuable experience and lesson. He believed that in the days to come, he would work harder to search and strive until he found the bright place that belonged to them.

When Commissioner Smith turned to leave the office, he felt mixed emotions. He knew that although Bai Ye's decision seemed absurd, it also revealed the cruelty and helplessness of reality to some extent. He said nothing more, but just quietly opened the door, letting the heavy metal door hinges creak, as if accompanying his mood at the moment.

Outside the door, the corridor was still dark and long. Commissioner Smith's footsteps echoed in the empty space, seeming particularly lonely. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but the feeling of loss and frustration was like a maggot attached to his bones, difficult to get rid of. He shook his head and continued to move forward, each step seeming particularly heavy.

At the same time, in another spacious office, Bai Ye was standing in front of the window, staring at the devastated scene outside the window. A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was both a mockery of reality and an expectation for the future. He turned around slowly, his eyes flashing with determination and firmness, as if he had made some kind of decision.

"Soldiers, assemble!" Bai Ye's voice echoed in the empty corridor, with unquestionable majesty. Soon, a group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms quickly gathered from all directions. They stood straight, their eyes sparkling, waiting for Bai Ye's next instruction.

Bai Ye walked up to them, his eyes swept over each young and resolute face, and a complex emotion surged in his heart. He knew that these soldiers were his most precious wealth and their only support in this cruel world. He took a deep breath and slowly said: "Soldiers, I have a mission for you."

The soldiers straightened their backs immediately after hearing this, and listened to Bai Ye's orders attentively. "I want you to take action immediately and build a new barracks." Bai Ye's voice was clear and powerful, and every word was like a heavy hammer hitting the soldiers' hearts.

The soldiers looked at each other, obviously a little surprised by this sudden order. But they quickly regained their composure and answered in unison: "Yes! Bai Ye!"

Bai Ye nodded and continued, "This barracks must be equipped with all necessary facilities such as water, electricity, and air conditioning. I want you to complete this task in the shortest possible time, and you must not back down no matter what difficulties you encounter."

When the soldiers heard this, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes, but it was soon replaced by determination. They knew that Bai Ye's order was their guide to action, and no matter how ridiculous or unrealistic the order seemed, they would execute it without hesitation.

So the soldiers took action quickly. They were divided into several groups, some responsible for finding building materials, some responsible for planning the layout, and others started digging the foundation. The whole camp suddenly became busy and orderly.

However, during this intense and busy work, something ridiculous happened. It turned out that a few soldiers were playing basketball while carrying materials. They passed the ball while running, and the basketball drew beautiful arcs in the air, attracting the attention of the surrounding soldiers. "Hey! What are you doing?!" A soldier in charge of supervision saw this and immediately shouted loudly. But the soldiers playing basketball seemed not to hear and continued to have fun.

"Don't worry about them." Bai Ye's voice suddenly sounded. He had arrived at the scene without knowing when, and was standing aside quietly watching the scene. "Let them play, they won't get tired anyway."

The soldiers looked at him in surprise when they heard this. They had not expected Bai Ye to condone such behavior. But since Bai Ye had spoken, they naturally did not dare to say anything more.

As a result, the soldiers playing basketball became even more unscrupulous. They chatted and laughed while playing, as if they had completely forgotten that they were carrying out a difficult mission. The surrounding soldiers were gradually infected by this relaxed and happy atmosphere, and they stopped their work and gathered around to watch the game.

The basketball flew in the air, and every shot was greeted with cheers and applause. The soldiers' faces were filled with long-lost smiles, as if they had temporarily forgotten the cruelty and hardship of the war. However, this relaxation and happiness did not last long. Soon, Bai Ye spoke again: "Okay, let's get back to work after having enough fun. Don't forget what our mission is."

The soldiers heard this and put away their smiles, returning to their intense work. But the relief and joy in their hearts did not completely dissipate. They knew that no matter how difficult and long the road ahead was, as long as they united as one and worked together, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges.

As time went by, the sun gradually climbed to the zenith, casting its blazing light unreservedly on this land baptized by war. In the ruins, a new military camp was quietly rising. It was huge and brand new, like a touch of different color in this desolate land, out of tune with the surrounding environment.

The speed of construction of this military camp was astonishing. The soldiers seemed to be driven by an invisible force, working tirelessly day and night. Their figures shuttled back and forth on the construction site, and their clothes were soaked with sweat, but no one complained, just because they had a common belief in their hearts - for Bai Ye's order and for this military camp that could provide them with shelter.

Finally, after countless times of moving, stacking, and fixing, the main structure of the military camp has stood tall. The towering walls, solid guard towers, and wide playgrounds... everything is proclaiming the extraordinary nature of this military camp. However, for the soldiers, this is far from enough. They know that to make this military camp a real home, more efforts are needed.

Bai Ye stood at the entrance of the military camp, looking at the military camp that he had planned and built himself, with a satisfied smile on his face. He turned to look at the soldiers who were still busy, and shouted: "Soldiers! Well done! But our work is not over yet. Now, I want you to continue moving furniture in to make our military camp more complete!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers stopped their work and looked at Bai Ye. Their eyes showed both fatigue and excitement, as if they were looking forward to the next challenge. No one raised any objections, and no one backed down. They acted quickly, some went to the warehouse to collect the furniture, and some began to plan how to place the furniture.

"Everyone, pay attention! Be careful when moving the furniture, don't damage it." A soldier in charge of the command shouted. The soldiers nodded in agreement and began to move the furniture carefully. They carried the furniture on their shoulders or in their hands, or two people lifted a table or chair together, carefully walked through the narrow aisle, and placed them in the designated location.

In this process, the soldiers cooperated more and more tacitly. They helped and encouraged each other and overcame difficulties one after another. Sweat slid down their cheeks and dripped on the ground, but no one wiped it off. They had only one thought in their minds - to complete this task as soon as possible and make this military camp more warm and comfortable.

However, while the soldiers were busy, an accident happened quietly. It turned out that when carrying a heavy sofa, the two soldiers accidentally fell to the ground due to the slippery ground, and the sofa also fell to the side. This scene immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding soldiers, and they gathered around to check the situation.

"Are you all right?" a soldier asked with concern. The two soldiers who fell struggled to get up from the ground, patted the dust off their bodies, and shook their heads to indicate that they were fine. "It's just a little scrape." One of the soldiers said with a smile.

"That's good." The soldiers around him breathed a sigh of relief. "But you have to be careful, the ground here is very slippery." Another soldier warned.

"Got it, got it." The two soldiers who fell down smiled and responded. They stood up again, lifted the sofa together again and continued to move forward. Although they were more cautious this time, the relaxed and happy atmosphere did not dissipate.

As time went by, more and more furniture was moved into the barracks. Beds, wardrobes, desks, chairs... every piece of furniture was carefully placed in the right place by the soldiers. The barracks gradually became full of the breath of life, as if it had really become a home.

However, during this process, the soldiers gradually felt tired and sleepy. Their bodies had reached their limits, but their wills remained firm. They knew that if they held on a little longer, they would be able to complete the mission.

Finally, as the sun was about to set, all the furniture had been moved and neatly placed. The soldiers stood in the barracks and looked around, with satisfied smiles on their faces. Although their bodies were exhausted, their hearts were full of a sense of accomplishment and pride. Because they knew that this barracks was the home they built with their own hands, and it was their only support and shelter in this cruel world.

(End of this chapter)

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