Chapter 680 Helicopter Battle

In his desperate escape, Commissioner Smith suddenly noticed the logos on the helicopters that were chasing him - they were emblems that he was very familiar with, representing their common belonging and faith. He suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky, with incredible astonishment and relief surging in his heart.

"Wait... that's our sign!" he muttered to himself, and then shouted loudly, trying to attract the attention of the soldiers on the helicopter, "I am Commissioner Smith! Cease fire! We are the same people!"

The soldiers on the helicopter also noticed this change. They quickly adjusted their flight attitude, slowed down, and began to confirm via radio. Soon, a helicopter slowly landed not far from Commissioner Smith. The door opened, and several soldiers walked out vigilantly with weapons in hand, but there was no hostility in their eyes.

"Commissioner Smith?" A soldier stepped forward, his tone filled with a hint of confusion and relief, "Why are you here? We thought..."

"It's a misunderstanding, a complete misunderstanding." Commissioner Smith smiled bitterly and raised his hands to show that it was harmless. "I was chasing a group of black mamba basketball birds, but I didn't expect to cause such a big commotion. I didn't expect you to arrive so quickly."

The soldiers looked at each other, then smiled in relief, and the tense atmosphere eased instantly. They began to help Commissioner Smith check his injuries and arranged for a helicopter to take him back to the city. On the way back, Commissioner Smith explained to the soldiers in detail the whole story and how he made a wrong judgment in the heat of the moment. After hearing this, the soldiers were surprised and amused, and they comforted him and reminded him to be more cautious in the future.

Back in the city, Commissioner Smith walked on the familiar streets with mixed feelings. He realized that his impulsiveness not only brought trouble to himself, but also put his companions in unnecessary tension and danger. He secretly vowed to face all challenges and temptations more rationally in the future.

However, just as he was immersed in self-reflection, an inconspicuous detail suddenly caught his attention - the old sofa in his home. The sofa had accompanied him for many years, witnessing his joys, sorrows, anger, and growth. But at this moment, under the afterglow of the setting sun, it looked particularly old and dilapidated, as if it was also telling the vicissitudes and helplessness of the years.

Commissioner Smith stopped and stared at the old sofa, and an inexplicable impulse surged in his heart. He realized that it was time to bring some new changes to his life. So he turned and walked to a nearby furniture store to choose a new sofa for himself.

The furniture store is brightly lit, with a wide variety of sofas on display. Commissioner Smith walks through the store, sometimes sitting down to experience the comfort, sometimes carefully comparing the materials and styles. He is no longer the calm and courageous commissioner on the battlefield, but an ordinary person who is full of enthusiasm and expectations for life.

"How about this one?" he asked the clerk, pointing to a sofa with a simple yet elegant design.

"Sir, you have a very good taste." The clerk replied with a smile, "This sofa is made of fine leather, comfortable to sit on and easy to care for. I believe it will become the highlight of your home."

Commissioner Smith nodded in satisfaction. He continued to select other furniture accessories, striving to make his home look brand new. In the process, he seemed to be rebuilding his life and future.

Finally, he returned home with a lot of gains. He moved the old sofa out of the room and replaced it with a brand new one. Sitting on the new sofa, he felt an unprecedented comfort and satisfaction. He knew that this was not just a replacement of a sofa, but also an adjustment and change in his attitude towards life.

As night fell, Commissioner Smith sat on his new sofa and looked out the window at the dimly lit city, his heart full of emotion and expectation. He knew that the road ahead was still long, but he was ready to face all challenges and opportunities with a more mature and rational attitude.

The next morning, the sun shone through the gaps in the curtains, scattering on Commissioner Smith's face, waking him up from his dream. He rubbed his sleepy eyes, still thinking of the satisfaction he felt after replacing the new sofa last night. However, when he was about to go to the furniture store again to complete the transaction, an embarrassing reality quietly emerged - he found that he was short of money, and he had not checked the balance of his wallet in a hurry yesterday.

Commissioner Smith stood in front of the mirror, staring at his slightly tired face, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. He knew that as a commissioner, he should have a strict life plan, but this impulse shopping put him in a dilemma. However, he was not discouraged, but began to think about how to resolve the crisis.

His eyes swept across the room and finally stopped at the black mamba basketball birds he brought back last night. Although these birds had lost their luster of life, their feathers still shone with a unique luster, reminding him of his adventure and impulse last night. An idea flashed through his mind - perhaps these birds could be a substitute for his payment for the goods.

With a hint of helplessness and self-mockery, Commissioner Smith picked up the bag containing the Black Mamba basketball bird and set off for the furniture store. On the road, pedestrians were in a hurry and no one noticed the unusual goods in his hands. He had a complicated mood, with a premonition of the embarrassing scene that was about to happen, and an inexplicable sense of relief - at least, he was trying to solve the problem in his own way.

When they arrived at the furniture store, it was already busy. Customers were walking around the various furniture items, selecting the items they liked. Specialist Smith went straight to the area where he had selected the sofas last night, silently praying that the matter could be resolved smoothly.

"Good morning, sir." The clerk came forward with a smile, obviously still remembering the hesitant customer last night, "Have you decided? Do you need help packing?"

Commissioner Smith nodded, but hesitated. "Actually," he took a deep breath and tried to make his tone sound natural, "I ran into some trouble... I don't have enough cash in my wallet... at the moment."

The clerk's expression instantly became complicated, but out of professionalism, he still kept smiling. "Then... do you have other payment methods? Like credit card or mobile payment?"

Commissioner Smith shook his head and slowly pulled out the bag containing the Black Mamba basketball birds from his pocket. "This is the only solution I can think of," he said with a wry smile, "I know it's ridiculous, but these birds... they're a little special."

The clerk took the bag, opened it curiously, and exclaimed. "Black Mamba basketball bird!" He took a step back, his eyes full of fear and disbelief, "How come these... these birds are here?"

Seeing this, Commissioner Smith's heart tightened. "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with them?" The clerk calmed down and began to tell his own experience: "Don't you know? These birds are notoriously ferocious and dangerous. I once encountered them during an outdoor activity and was almost injured by their beaks and claws. Since then, I have kept my distance from them."

Commissioner Smith felt mixed emotions while listening to the clerk's story. He had never expected that the bird he had casually killed would leave such a deep shadow on the clerk. He wanted to explain that he was just impulsive and ignorant, but he swallowed the words back.

"So..." the clerk asked cautiously, "you want to pay for the goods with these birds?"

Commissioner Smith nodded, preparing for the worst. "Yes, I know it's ridiculous, but it's the only solution I can think of right now. If you don't want to accept it, I understand."

The clerk was silent for a moment, as if he was weighing the pros and cons. Finally, he sighed and made a decision. "Well, sir," he said helplessly, "Although this sounds incredible, considering your special situation... I am willing to accept these birds as part of the payment. However, you still need to pay a part of the cash as the difference."

Commissioner Smith was overjoyed when he heard this, and he quickly took out a stack of crumpled bills from his pocket and handed it to the clerk. The clerk took the bills, counted them carefully, and finally showed a satisfied smile.

After the transaction was completed, Commissioner Smith walked out of the furniture store carrying the box of the new sofa, but his heart was filled with mixed emotions. He realized that although his behavior solved the current dilemma, it also exposed his impulsiveness and immaturity. He secretly vowed to be more cautious in every decision in life in the future and never let himself fall into such an embarrassing situation again.

As soon as Commissioner Smith took a few steps out of the furniture store, he suddenly heard a piercing scream. The sound was mixed with fear and confusion, which made his heart tighten. He subconsciously looked back at the store, and saw that the originally peaceful store was now in a mess, with tables and chairs overturned, customers and shop assistants fleeing everywhere, and in the center of this chaos, it was the Black Mamba basketball bird he had just used to pay for the goods!

But the scene before him was far beyond his imagination - those birds that were supposed to be dead seemed to come alive, not only flapping their wings and flying high, but also controlling the model helicopters in the store, circling and diving in the air, launching sudden attacks on the store employees. Under their deft control, the model helicopters seemed to have become real weapons, with the whistling sound of the wind, making the people in the store even more panicked.

Commissioner Smith was shocked and quickly realized the seriousness of the situation. He knew that these black mamba basketball birds were not ordinary creatures, they had extraordinary abilities and wisdom, and now they were resurrected in such a strange way and created chaos, obviously there was an unknown secret behind it.

Without time to think, Commissioner Smith's sense of justice and responsibility was instantly aroused. He turned around and rushed back to the store, determined to stop this unprovoked disaster. His eyes were firm and cold, as if he was ready to face all challenges.

Rushing into the store, Commissioner Smith quickly observed the surroundings. He noticed that although the black mamba basketball birds were small in size, they flew very fast and were extremely flexible, making it difficult for the store clerks to resist. The model helicopters they controlled became a deadly threat, and many store clerks were injured and fell to the ground while trying to avoid them.

Faced with such a situation, Commissioner Smith did not hesitate at all. He quickly adjusted his state and used his years of combat experience to find the best response strategy. He knew that it was not easy to attack these birds directly because they were not only fast, but also seemed to have certain defensive capabilities. Therefore, he decided to deal with the controlled model helicopters first to weaken the opponent's offensive.

So, Commissioner Smith quickly approached a model helicopter that was hovering at low altitude. He concentrated his mind, accurately judged the helicopter's flight trajectory and speed, and then swung his elbow violently and crashed into the helicopter at lightning speed.

"Bang!" A loud noise echoed in the store. Commissioner Smith's elbow hit the helicopter accurately, and the powerful force instantly smashed the helicopter into pieces. The fragments flew everywhere, causing the surrounding birds to panic.

However, this was just the beginning. Commissioner Smith did not stop, he continued to shuttle through the chaos, using his agility and strength to destroy the controlled model helicopters again and again. Every time he shot down a helicopter, he became more determined and confident.

But the Black Mamba basketball birds obviously would not give up. They seemed to feel threatened by Commissioner Smith and began to attack more frantically. Not only did they control more helicopters, they also tried to pounce directly on Commissioner Smith and fight back with their sharp beaks and claws.

Faced with such a challenge, Commissioner Smith was not afraid. With his extraordinary courage and wisdom, he fought fiercely with these strange birds. Sometimes he jumped and dodged, sometimes he punched, and each attack was accurate and powerful. With his efforts, more and more model helicopters were destroyed, and the pressure on the store clerks was gradually reduced.

However, just when Commissioner Smith thought he was about to win, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some mysterious connection between the Black Mamba basketball birds. Every time he shot down a helicopter, the other birds would become more violent and crazy, as if they were angry at the sacrifice of their companions.

Commissioner Smith realized that in order to completely solve this crisis, he had to find the root cause of the birds' resurrection. He looked around, looking for possible clues and answers. Finally, his eyes fell on an inconspicuous corner - there was a seemingly ordinary electronic device with a strange light flashing on it.

Commissioner Smith's heart moved, and he rushed towards the device. The moment he approached, he felt a strong energy wave emanating from the device. He understood - this was the key to controlling these black mamba basketball birds!
Without time to think, Commissioner Smith acted quickly. He punched hard and smashed the device to pieces. As the device was destroyed, the strange energy fluctuations disappeared instantly. And those black mamba basketball birds seemed to have lost control and fell from the sky, unable to move anymore.

The crisis was finally resolved. The shop assistants stopped and looked at the incredible scene before them. They looked at Commissioner Smith's tired but determined figure, and their hearts were filled with gratitude and admiration.

Commissioner Smith stood there panting, looking at the mess on the ground and the birds that no longer posed a threat. He did not feel the joy and pride of victory, but instead felt heavy and reflective. He realized that this crisis did not happen by chance, but was caused by some unknown force. He was determined to get to the bottom of it and uncover the truth and secrets of it all.

So, with the shop assistants looking at him with gratitude, Commissioner Smith slowly turned around and left. His back looked particularly lonely and determined in the afterglow of the setting sun. He knew that the road ahead was still long, but he was ready - no matter what challenges and difficulties he faced, he would move forward bravely and fearlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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