I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 120 Thunderstorm in the entertainment industry, house collapse?This is a house collapse!

Chapter 120 Thunderstorm in the entertainment industry, house collapse?This is a house collapse!
"Why haven't you turned yourself in?!"

I only saw the tearing onion at this moment with a very shocked look and said to him.

This guy is still sleeping late.

Don't you know the sky has fallen!
Just now, he received the latest internal news.

Already got two of them!
"It's not Brother Onion, you can't say anything other than asking me to surrender every day! Why do I, a three-hearted citizen, police arrest me!"

Wu Mian looked sullen, feeling that Brother Cong hadn't done anything serious in the past few days, and he was persuading him to surrender all day long.

The key point is that people voluntarily surrender themselves to what they are doing.

Who else will be exposed?

There are too many shadows in the sun, and I am just a small piece, which is impossible to be discovered without anyone reporting.

But they are all voluntary, and the probability of reporting is completely equal to zero!

So as long as you don't have a big belly, you will always be safe.

In fact, it's okay if it gets bigger, as long as it is handled properly, it will be safe.

These days, since the appearance of the so-called King of Hades, he feels that Brother Cong is now a threat.

Of course, Brother Onion would definitely not be able to tell such things about himself to the outside world, he still believed in this character.

It's just that he makes himself surrender every day, if someone hears about it, it won't affect him well.

"Peat! Do you know what happened! Lord Yan started to kill randomly! If it wasn't for my buddies, who would remind you!!!"

Tie Cong noticed that Wu Mian was still indifferent, and immediately turned into a gesture of hatred. If it wasn't for a friend, he wouldn't call the other party.

After all, whether you live or die is none of his business!
"Random killing? Who went in?!"

Wu Mian woke up suddenly when he heard this sentence!

Then I checked some group chats in the circle, and there seemed to be no inside news!

Normally, if someone in the circle has an accident, there must be news from his side.

But now it's all quiet.

It's impossible for Brother Onion to find him early in the morning to have fun.

These idiosyncrasies of the rich are curious.

"What went in! Did you know that the S-level mysterious guest Rock who participated in our show "Mysterious Everyday" last night? He died in a car accident at six o'clock this morning! Everyone was burnt!!"

Tear Onion said to Wumian.

He watched the video of the scene, and it was so miserable!
First it hit a tree, and then the whole car was stuck inside a utility pole.

A raging flame quickly burned.

By the time the fire engines and medical staff came over, the other person's body temperature was nearly [-] degrees Celsius.

"Huh? Rock was in a car accident?!"

Hearing this, Wu Mian became more energetic!

"Nonsense! Can I still joke about this kind of thing?!"

Hearing Wu Mian's tone, Tie Cong replied immediately.

He's not a boring guy making fun of things like that.

From nine o'clock to six o'clock last night, that is nine hours.

Zero Day Law!

Tear Onion instantly thought of these four words.

There is nothing wrong with the post summed up by the prophet!

However, this should not be included in the scope of the previous post.

I remember that from the first time I cooperated with the female anchor Jian Sisiliang to the first time on the TV station, almost all accidents happened within 24 hours, and now the first time to go to Xiangjiang TV station is the same as before!
At present, there are eleven articles in Yanwangtie that have yet to be perfected.

I feel that it should be possible to classify this piece into a more detailed twelve articles.

"Brother Onion, do you think this could be an accident? After all, there are quite a lot of accidents in this society now. What if it happened to Roque? And I read the news, and the other party lost control of the vehicle due to speeding. And his car was also modified."

Wu Mian immediately logged into the bib through the computer.

[3. "Mysterious Everyday" S-level guest Rock died]

[It is reported that around [-]:[-] this morning, "Limit and Speed" starring Roque died in a car accident. The other party had just participated in Xiangjiang Satellite TV's live variety show "Mysterious Everyday". 】

The third most searched scarf is about Roque.

Mysterious every day, S-level guests, zero days, the opponent's buff is completely super superimposed, so the popularity soars to the third!

"You're all young, hahaha, Boss Zhang will either not make a move, or you will be dumbfounded if he makes a move!!"

"I haven't arrived in 24 hours, I just got one, it's outrageous!"

"You still said that the Jiangjiang Guo branch has nothing to do with you, and you said that you don't want to promote traditional funeral culture overseas, so you just say how does this Rock explain it!"

"Ah, ah, ah, the branch just opened, so it shouldn't be too deserted, right?"

"Ah! One really died! Why! Boss Zhang's acting skills are really so good! Could it really be an accident? After all, I don't think he is telling lies..."

"Ask the employees of Baishipu if their acting skills are good. It is rumored that each of them had several trumpets at the beginning!"


There are various comments above.

Everyone is also very enthusiastic.

At this time, after Wu Mian searched, he saw the whole process of Rock's case.

It's not that he doesn't trust Boss Zhang.

In fact, he believed it.

But it cannot be denied that there are two words of accident in this world.

What if the other party is really an accident?
Out of the sea of ​​surprises, there was a real surprise.

"Xiao Wu doesn't believe it? Are you planning to develop into a candidate for hell? You must know that those who didn't believe it before were so cold!"

Shredded onion was a bit of a shock.

What time is it now, the other party still has this fluke mentality.

Is this the villain who intends to be Hades?

It doesn't look like a fool to have today's results.

"Brother Cong, how is it possible, am I crazy? Don't you believe in Hades? I'm just asking if there is any possibility of an accident. Just in case it happens to be at the right time. After all, Hades just said last night that he won't kill randomly! Everyone It's all safe! It's impossible to change your mind today!"

Wu Mian spoke now.

That is to say, this kind of accident may or may not be true.

"Countless blood experience tells us that you must believe what the king of hell advises you, and you must be cautious if the king of hell says you can't. It's like if I ask you alone and answer that you don't like money, do you believe it? 100% don't believe it! Even I like money !
For Hades, we are each other's KPI, if he says he won't kill you indiscriminately, you will be young if you really believe it!I reckon that he has a purpose in coming this time, and it's not necessarily true!That is to see who is going to die, come and get a performance. Didn't you hear what the other employee said on the show? "

Tear Onion asked back.

On the show, Li Tiantian, an employee of Ping An Baishi Shop, expressed his surprise.

Because the other party thought they would not come.

The boss firmly opposes it!

He said that he would definitely not be on a variety show.

But unexpectedly, he signed a contract with director Yan Tao.

At that time, I thought it was natural and nothing special.

Now think about it carefully.

Why does Hades predict three days every time!
Prove that the other party should be able to see the life and death of others within three days!
Of course, it is also possible that the other party has room for it.

Maybe five days!
Hades' predictive ability is estimated to be like this, the closer the time is, the heavier the breath of death will be.

So the other party kept it for three days.

Because the accuracy rate is high in three days!

Then everything can be explained!

He's here to get the results!
It is also said in the Hades post that Hades' verdicts are divided into life and death verdicts and guilt verdicts. It is not necessarily true that the death performance will lead to the current guilt performance!

Wu Mian also recalled some details.

The employee of the other party did say that Boss Zhang said that he would definitely not participate in the show!

But later came over inexplicably!

Very suspicious.

"Are you still hesitant? Okay! Then let me tell you that I also thought it was an accident at the beginning. After all, it is impossible to determine what happened just once!"

"That's right! Brother Onion, you're so right. Just one thing happened right now, how can it be defined! It's too flimsy!"

Before Tear Onion finished speaking, Wu Mian immediately agreed!

It is simply a bosom friend.

Otherwise, how could they be good friends!

"But peat is not a thing, the SS-level mysterious guest is also cold, you know! Air crash!"

The mentality of tearing onions has collapsed!
He wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for Jorah!

"Ah! Brother Onion! Don't scare me!!"

Wu Mian was stunned by this wave.

There are no SS-level mysterious guests?

No way!
so outrageous?

"What's the use of scaring you? Look at the shitty things you did! Sooner or later, the King of Hades will find you to blame for your deeds!"

Tear Onion said angrily.

I have already persuaded the other party not to lie on a woman's stomach all day long, even if you lie on you, it is a formal change.

For example, one girlfriend today and one tomorrow.

Nothing like this is illegal.

But if a game like Wumian is exposed, it will definitely be cool!
"Brother Onion, I didn't find it. There was no plane crash as Jorah called it. Did you get misled by gossip?"

Wu Mian searched it.

Indeed, no information on this has been found.

"Oh, I'll send you a video directly."

Tear Onion said and sent a video directly through the computer.

"I fuck!!"

Wu Mian was shocked after watching this video!
"Now you believe it! To be honest, I think something may really happen to you. You currently have three ways to go."

Tear Onion said very seriously at the moment.

"Three paths? Brother Onion, tell me!"

Wu Mian is very curious!
Because he was really panicked!

"Article [-], if you surrender yourself, you will be put on file but the punishment will definitely be mitigated."

After all, the other party surrendered himself.

If the victim's forgiveness can be obtained, the best result is to be charged with a criminal case, and it may not be possible to go to jail.

"Brother Onion, this wave is definitely not going to work! I surrendered and all my belongings are gone!"

Wu Mian directly vetoed the opponent's statement.

It is impossible to really surrender!
"Actually, I also know that you may not want to lose all of this, so I will give you the second way to protect yourself, that is to find all the people you have hurt, and then use money to clear them up, and let them sign an agreement to keep this matter secret." thing."

In fact, although he was serious about asking Wu Mian to surrender, there is a high probability that the other party will not do so.

After all, who wants to lose everything they own!
Once you are labeled, you will never even think about turning over here in your life.

So he gave the other party a way to save his own money and eliminate disasters.

Pay compensation and sign a non-disclosure agreement!
Do it in advance, so that you can stabilize later, and you won't fall into a passive situation.

"This...Brother Onion, what is the third method you mentioned?"

Wu Mian asked curiously.

Just now Brother Onion also said that there are three methods!
Just said two now.

"The third method is to leave this place directly! Go back to your country! Leave the rest to fate!"

Tear onion said the third method.

In fact, the second and third can protect themselves.

It depends on what the other party wants to do!

The second method is the best if you want to develop here next.


"Are you stupid! Surrender yourself? You're ruining everything about yourself, you know! Isn't that what's wrong with men, who doesn't? Who is clean in this circle?!"

After hanging up the phone, Wu Mian found his mother Wu Qin.

When the other party said these words, he was immediately sprayed with blood by his mother!

After all this hard work, if I surrender myself, I will lose everything!

It's not like the brain is trapped by the door, so I can't say such a thing.

"I haven't thought about turning myself in. I'm mainly thinking about the second and third points that Brother Cong said, such as giving them some compensation and signing a letter of understanding."

The mother has the final say at home.

Wu Mian's heart beat wildly after being reprimanded by his mother Wu Qin!

Then he opened his mouth weakly.

Plan to spend money to eliminate disasters.

"Nervous! Don't you keep it for yourself? Once these contracts are exposed, how much impact will it have on you! Isn't this purely sick?!"

Wu Qin vetoed it again!

"Mom, shall we go back to Maple Leaf?"

Wu Mian wants to know what his mother is going to do!
After all, Hades has a bad reputation.

He just found his own mother when he couldn't make up his mind!

"Go back? Go back, will our mother and son starve to death? Besides, you have signed so many shows and endorsement contracts now. When we go back, you will pay for the money? Can you have a little brain when you are so old! Don't listen to the wind. Yu! If he really treats you as a friend, then don't say such a thing!"

Wu Qin severely taught his son a lesson.

And asked his son to remind him to tear the onion.

If the other party really regards him as a friend, then don't tell this matter.

"Mom, why don't we do anything? Now two of them are dead, what if the King of Hades really takes me as a performance!"

Wu Mian showed a very shocked attitude.

In fact, he thinks what Brother Onion said is quite reasonable.

Just like the second one!

But it is also true that these contracts are easy to become handles.

It's better to have some gossip than to get caught!

Especially now that there are so many contracts signed.

"Didn't I tell you just now, don't listen to the wind and the rain, Mom went to the temple this afternoon to ask you a peace amulet consecrated by an eminent monk, even if the other party is really the King of Hades, he is nothing."

Wu Qin waved his hands and answered in a nonchalant tone.

Because she already had a plan, and that was to ask for a peace talisman for her son.

In front of the Buddha, the King of Hades is nothing.

"Okay then, I'll listen to you."

Wu Mian nodded, he had never heard anything from his mother.

"This is my good boy. The life of our mother and son has been getting better and better all these years because of your obedience. All your friends in the world are not as good as your mother."

Wu Qin was in a good mood when he heard that his son listened to his words.

Xiangjiang, an office in Toilet Terrace.


Yan Tao sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Is it lucky to donate? Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight?"

Watching the news, a man next to him showed a smile.

"Mr. Wang! You still have a high profile! You know how to pay some tribute to Hades!"

Yan Tao praised the man next to him.

"Hahaha, if you are willing to give up, you will gain if you give up. If you want to make a lot of money, you must have faith to stabilize your mentality."

Mr. Wang seemed to be in a good mood.

After all, the return rate of this program is very high now.

It can be said that it has completely become a hit show.

And this is all thanks to one person, that is Boss Zhang!

As for why you should give some money to the other party, such as a [-]% dividend.

In fact, strictly speaking, he is not a person who believes in ghosts and gods.

But the crew must hold a ceremony before filming, and some people earn a lot of money and want to donate to temples and so on.

Regardless of whether there are ghosts or gods, if you do it, your mentality will be relatively stable.

You will feel that someone is blessing you in the dark, and then it will be smoother.

That's what the rich do.

Gotta donate something.

Such as temples and the like.

Tens of millions, hundreds of millions, even hundreds of millions!
Although he is a producer, he doesn't have such a big capital.

But give up 10% of the profits to pay tribute to Hades, no matter whether he needs to seek a psychological comfort or not, he can still do it.

If it doesn't work, you can make friends with Hades.

If it is useful, this wave will directly make money!
"Yes, yes, you can only gain if you give up!"

Yan Tao agrees with this sentence very much!

the other side.

It was ten o'clock in the morning.

Members of the funeral shop are packing their things.

After lunch in a while, I plan to go back to Chunjiang.

"What are you three Chichiwaiwai doing?"

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian noticed that Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tiantian seemed to be chatting about something.

There was a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Boss, we suddenly realized that we are really young."

Li Tiantian looked at her boss, hesitant to speak.

Jiang Xiaohan and Su Wei also nodded slightly, and they seemed to be in complete agreement.

"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little confused as to why he was so nervous again.

"Boss, I think you need a big screen to appreciate your achievements!"

Li Tiantian turned on the projector, and the next second the hot search for the scarf appeared in front of her.

【1. Mysterious Everyday】

【2. Global Village Chief】

[3. "Mysterious Everyday" S-level guest Rock died]

[4. Boss Zhang said please rest assured that nothing will happen to you]

[5. double kill, "Mysterious Everyday" SS-level guest Jorah died]


That's the hot search list for scarves.

[Huanqiu News: According to the latest news an hour ago, the leading actor of Taishan Orangutan, Qiao La, died in a plane crash. The other party had just participated in the Xiangjiang Satellite TV live variety show "Mysterious Everyday". This is the first death within 24 hours. There are two people, and Boss Zhang has no explanation for the time being. 】

Click to open the fifth place in the hot search list.

Inside is a ring request post.

"King of Hades Double Kill!"

"Double kill!!"

"I'm just asking you if you accept it! It's cold in less than 12 hours!"

"The two who are cold: the deepest road I have traveled is the routine of Hades."


After clicking on it, various comments appeared, and they were chatting about Hades' routines and double kills.

"What does he mean? Why did he mark 24 hours and Boss Zhang has no explanation yet?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at this post in a daze.

It feels like Huanqiu is messing around recently.

Isn't this misleading the public?

"Boss, don't care about such details. You can just show your cards with us employees. Seriously, boss, no matter what you transform into, we can accept it! We will definitely keep it a secret! Don't pretend! You are so tired ! I also promise that I will not ask you about Yangshou!!”

Li Tiantian feels sorry for the boss right now.

I'm soaring my acting skills every day.

How tiring!
Can you be honest, she promises she won't ask Yang Shou!real! !
"Boss, in fact, if you really can't say it, you can write it."

Jiang Xiaohan wondered if the boss had any restrictions that he couldn't say, so he could just write it down.

"By the way, Brother Tian, ​​you can do this, the little finger is no, the thumb is yes!!"

Su Wei thought of a more convenient way.

"What about the middle finger?"

Zhang Lingtian quietly raised his middle finger.


Baishipu employees collective internal injuries!
"Hurry up and pack your things. Our plane departs at 02:30 in the afternoon, and we'll be there after lunch."

Zhang Lingtian walked into his room.

Jorah was actually cold too.

It's outrageous!

"It's outrageous! The boss doesn't even admit it for this!!"

Li Tiantian turned off the phone recording.

She almost thought she could record the moment when the boss admitted that she was the real King of Hades.

It turned out that the boss would not admit it.

"Not only did he not admit it, he didn't even explain it."

Su Wei clutched his chest, the smell seemed familiar, the boss didn't even bother to make an unexpected excuse! !
It's outrageous to call out!
"Perhaps the boss has his own reasons!"

Jiang Xiaohan still thinks that the boss has his own difficulties, so he can't say it. After all, the boss doesn't seem like that kind of person with bad taste.

"Jiangjiang Country, I guess the boss is crazy if he understands it."

Li Tiantian didn't know why she suddenly wanted to understand the boss.

Now that two such influential people have accidents in a row, the other party must be trying to seduce their boss.

"Heh, maybe he's dancing with that pervert!"

Speaking of knowing the boss, I don't know why Jiang Xiaohan suddenly thought of that pervert Nathan in his mind.

Dressing up as a woman is so eye-catching!

And they have been waiting for this opportunity to pour dirty water on the boss!
Since she was impersonated, she has fully seen the methods of these people!

"Good guy, these two must be dancing, take a look at No.12 on the hot search list!"

【12. Ping An Baishipu Chinatown branch welcomes its grand opening】

Li Tiantian opened the scarf.

Then the next second I was very surprised!
Because of the Baishipu branch, it became a hot search.

Why did the trending search for the opening of this Baishipu branch come out after two cool downs?

Who else but know the boss? !

"Nathan! This trending search continues!!"

Just as Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tiantian thought, the boss is dancing a happy disco.

As for Nathan, he was also very excited.

This is simply a corner of life!

He almost thought that his boss was cool.

"Be sure to work hard!!"

I saw Nathan shouting.

Sauce domestic.

The news of the accident between the two rushed directly to the headlines.

It has become something that is no longer an explosion in the entertainment industry, but has affected the entire society.

For a while, everyone was worried!

Sleeping with the boss is destined to be a little messy this night.

"I plan to hold a press conference in a while! I asked Fanny to get in touch!"

I understand that the boss has spoken his mind.

He plans to hold a small press conference.

You can still enter this nursing home.

It's just that there can't be too many people.

He can let these reporters simply pretend to be maintenance personnel or other similar flower and plant maintenance personnel, and then hold a small press conference.

Old man diarrhea, you can't seal him! !
Because these people are already in!

After this dance, he went to meet these people!

"Yeah, I will definitely do my job well here. If you have something to do, boss, just tell me directly!"

Nathan spoke.

The current situation has broken the ice again.

The future is promising, Hades is awesome!

Toilet table hotel.

"Boss, our company account exploded again today."

Jiang Xiaohan turned on the computer and looked at the data on it.

"How much has it increased?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little curious.

"With 100 million followers, our company's account now has 400 million followers."

It was 300 million before, but now it has increased by 100 million.

This is some of the best data in recent times.

"Let's go up!"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

It is estimated that the impact of this program.

"So boss, are you going to broadcast a live broadcast today to clarify? It feels like everyone is panicking about you now. It's hard to change your image."

Jiang Xiaohan asked with a wry smile.

Now the style of painting in this comment area has changed again.

It feels like the boss urgently needs to refute the rumors.

"There is no need to refute the rumors, just like when we came to Xiangjiang before, everyone will be relieved when the time comes."

Zhang Lingtian said to him lightly.

I feel like my refusing rumors is almost like a thimble if I put it in a stalk on the Internet.

Straightforwardly, it is false!

So he simply didn't bother to refute the rumors.

"Then nothing will happen to the boss next time, right? For example, like the star of last night."

Jiang Xiaohan tentatively said softly.

Li Tiantian and Su Wei on the side also pricked up their ears to listen.

Especially Li Tiantian.

I prayed secretly in my heart.

Wu Mian and Dr. Tianlin must not have any accidents!

"It's a foreign country. Private jets and supercars are even modified. There are few people in our country who can do this. The attributes of the country make us very safe. Don't worry."

Zhang Lingtian's system couldn't detect that the two had an accident.

So for the two of them to be cold, I was quite surprised.

But after thinking about Rock's supercar modification, he even dragged his car!

There is a great possibility of accidents, no!

As for Jorah's private jet, although the possibility of an accident is very small, it does not mean that it is impossible, after all, that thing is very restrictive.

A little bit of bad weather or operational errors are fatal.

It's just a coincidence that the two come together, and it's really shocking!

As for the country, how many people can have such capital!

Also modified supercar, soaring to [-]? !
These people are all dying!

Besides, if he was really caught, his reputation would be ruined.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to reproduce what is currently happening in Jiangjiang.


Li Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief after hearing her boss' answer!

It seems that if I like these stars, I won't get thunderstorms and house collapses!
"Okay, okay, let's go."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

"Okay! I'm going to help Su Wei!!"

Li Tiantian rushed into the room with great enthusiasm.

However, it was a live broadcast appointment on the phone.

【Dr. Tianlin】

[Number of Live Reservations: 25w]

【Time: 10:50】

It turns out that Dr. Tianlin is going to broadcast live today.

If the boss doesn't open, wouldn't Li Tiantian have time to sit around and call Dr. Tianlin now?

Ten fifty.

A large number of water friends poured into Dr. Tianlin's live broadcast room.

"Hi everyone! I'm Tianlin! I'm very happy to have so many people enter my live broadcast room today!"

Tianlin now turned on the live broadcast.

The whole person had a smile on his face.

"Like Zan Zan!!"

Li Tiantian, little love, go crazy!
"Is this what you said to help me?"

When Su Wei came in, he saw that Li Tiantian was watching the live broadcast, and he was taken aback.

What kind of help is this Nima.

"Shh, it's early anyway! We can watch the live broadcast first."

Li Tiantian made a quiet gesture.

"I don't understand, what is there to chase after?"

Seeing Li Tiantian's excited look, Su Wei expressed his incomprehension.

But after thinking about it, these groupies are really incomprehensible.

"Ah? Mysteriously, two guests died every day. Do I know about this?"


Dr. Tianlin frowned.

"You don't know yet, do you?"

"Boss, Dr. Tianlin, hurry up and bring the gift to pay tribute to Hades!"

"Hahaha, don't panic!!"

"So do you know?"

After Dr. Tianlin's words sounded, everyone asked.

"I can only tell everyone that I know about this matter, but I don't know what the specific reasons for these two people are and whether it is the reason of Boss Zhang. The ghost knocks on the door, we walk in the world upright and honest, so why should we be afraid of these things?!"

Dr. Tianlin said something that went deep into his heart.

During this period of time, the live broadcast is the trend, and with so many fans of his, he also plans to transform at the moment, so he occasionally opens a live broadcast to meet the fans and so on.

On the one hand, it is to transform economic benefits, and on the other hand, it is to highlight one's own personality.

"That's great! Integrity is the foundation! It's upright!!!"

Hearing this, Li Tiantian couldn't help applauding!

This is the star she pursues, the idol!
"That is nice!"

"Boss Tianlin is right. The King of Hades is looking for people with problems. If there is no problem, it will be fine!"

"Yeah, if you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door. What is there to be afraid of when you are an upright person!"

"Like it, these words are full of positive energy! This is what the new generation of actors should look like!"

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room instantly boiled.

All of a sudden, my impression of Dr. Tianlin improved a lot.

"No, no, everyone, don't praise me too high. This is just a motto and code of conduct that is deeply rooted in my bones."

Dr. Tianlin benefited from everyone's praise, and said now with a smile.

"It's not high, it's No. 1 actor doctor after all!"

"That's right, big doctor, don't be humble! We scumbags can't reach the height of a doctor in this life!"

"Boss Tianlin! I'm a graduate student majoring in film! I've been bald recently writing a thesis! I want to study your thesis! What's your name on HowNet?!"

Dr. Tianlin's modesty was once again praised by everyone.

At the same time, there was a classmate who was bald enough to write a thesis and wanted to read Dr. Tianlin's thesis.


 Today is a little better than yesterday, 8000 words, asking for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket! !Ladies and gentlemen! !Thank you thank you thank you! !
(End of this chapter)

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