I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 128 The real murderer behind the scenes has surfaced, it's so cold!

Chapter 128 The real murderer behind the scenes has surfaced, it's so cold!
Let the network storm suddenly rise.

At this time, Zhang Lingtian's eyes were only on the videos sent by netizens, news networks, and self-media.

He took a closer look, and the other party's vehicle was far away from him.

Then suddenly accelerate.

It seemed as if it was about to collide with the rear of its own car.

And just after he walked off the ramp, the other party got confused and had an accident.

This is the point of his suspicion.

After all, if he really couldn't stop this brand of car and had an accident, then he should be better off after he left.

Because the front view is wide.

How could he lose control just after he left!

If you really lose control, you have to drive for a while.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ping An's extravagance..."

Zhang Lingtian now opened a video.

[The system scan starts. 】

His system real world scan can only be started once a day.

But if you scan Douyin, you can do it an unlimited number of times.

So he decided to scan himself this wave.

Speaking of which, he hadn't scanned himself before.

The main reason is that I don’t know what to scan myself for. Now I accidentally discovered this function, and I think it’s good to scan myself to see the probability of danger at any time.

【Ding!Scanning begins! 】

[Scan object: ID Ping An Shishi Shop. 】

[Scan subject: Zhang Lingtian. 】

【Occupation: Boss of Ping An Baishi Shop, special police talent, crime expert. 】

[Bad information: Massive accidents. 】

[Danger signal: 80% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: The probability of being murdered is greatly increased due to the outstanding performance. Please be aware of changes in the surrounding environment in time. This system can only detect the probability of danger at present, and cannot resurrect the host from death. Please pay attention to life safety. 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The object of this scan is the system itself, and it doesn't matter whether you pay attention or not. 】

The scan is complete.


Looking at the messages, Zhang Lingtian was full of question marks.

First of all, what kind of bad information about yourself is actually a massive accident?

This is too much! !
Furthermore, this dangerous probability has not disappeared!
Isn't the person in Unstoppable a killer?
Or is it that the black hand behind the scenes still doesn't give up! !

Zhang Lingtian frowned!
If this is the case, then you have to be careful next time.

If it wasn't for Dean Mei's funeral, to be honest, he would have to consider lying at home for a few days.

Wait until three days have passed.

Rabbit Country, another place.

"Then we'll go back first."

There were three people drinking tea.

One of the men in a black jacket got up and said.

"Go ahead and remember that if our affairs are exposed, no one will be able to live a good life."

The middle-aged man sitting at the head of the tea table nodded.

And also emphasized that everyone is now a grasshopper on a rope.

So you have to work together.

"Don't worry, if he is the real King of Hades, let him return to the underworld, and if he is a fake King of Hades, let him meet the real King of Hades!"

Beside a black jacket, a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses showed a ruthless look. Not to mention, his ruthless appearance was a bit like the villain Lu Guofu played by Wang Xun in the recent hit Chinatown 2. It just so happened that his surname was also Lu.


After saying this, the man surnamed Lu and the man in the black jacket were about to leave.

Suddenly, without knowing what happened for a second, he actually tripped over the threshold!
He fell straight into the mud!

"Old Lu! What's going on with you! You fell like this!"

A slightly Mediterranean man in a black jacket can't hold back.

I fell badly!
The gold-rimmed glasses were all shattered.

One of the front teeth was knocked out.

"Brother Lu, watch the road, watch the road!"

The man sitting on the main seat of the tea table with a general belly of about 201 jin shook his head, and got up to help.


In the next second, I don't know what happened and accidentally hooked the wire of the kettle.

The boiling water was spilled directly, and the 201-jin weight suddenly jumped up! !

"Director Wang! Be careful too!!"

The man in the black jacket Mediterranean also ran over immediately.

"Damn it! Today is so fucking evil!!"

Director Wang's full name is Wang Yi!

In the past, I couldn't hook the line of this kettle, why did I accidentally touch this line today!

Fortunately, I wore more clothes, otherwise I would have been seriously burned today.

After all, the water has just boiled!
But even with clothes on, Wang Yi was choking.

The general's stomach was scalded directly to the skin.

"Go to the hospital first, if you are unlucky, you will always encounter some accidents, right?"

In this way, Lao Lu, who had his eyes and teeth broken, and Director Wang, who was scalded, were driven to the hospital by a man in a black jacket Mediterranean!
The black A6 sedan was running wildly along the way.

fast way.

A Q5 is preparing to merge onto the main road from the ramp.


The Mediterranean man kicked the accelerator!
After all, the other party was behind him before, but now coming up from the ramp, he kicked the accelerator and got in front of him first.

The Mediterranean was instantly unconvinced.


I didn't see my big A6.

I have no eyesight!

However, I didn't expect that this Q5 is also a bad temper.

Just kick the accelerator and try to go faster!
But A6 just won't give way!
Just squeezed through!

Because of being squeezed, the vehicle was in direct contact with the fence.

"mock up!"

The Mediterranean man sneered.

You are dumb!

"Director Wang, don't worry, we will arrive at the No. [-] Hospital of the city soon!!"

Said the Mediterranean man.

The co-pilot was Lao Lu who had broken his glasses and knocked out his teeth.

Sitting behind is Director Wang.

All three of them are top leaders, and they all belong to charities.

But director Wang is the director of the district, Lao Lu is the director of the city, equivalent to Xu Xiaoya, and he is the director of the city's key district.

The level is equivalent to the director of a county-level charity organization.

Of course he is not qualified to open a big six.

This is the car of the district director.

It's just because the offices are all in one area.

After all, one is the district level, the city level, and the urban area.


In fact, there is also a small clinic where they work.

But as the director, of course I have to go to a big hospital to see it.

The distance is actually not too far.

About 15 minutes or so.

Director Wang didn't say anything about the Q5.

After all, the other party really has no eyesight to see!
They were rushing to the hospital, but the other party actually came from the auxiliary road to overtake.

Damage to the paint can be regarded as a lesson for him.


Suddenly the next second, their car was hit violently.


The Mediterranean man was a little stunned! !

Desperately hold the steering wheel!

However, this Q5 still squeezes towards them! !


The three people in the car screamed in unison.

In the next second, the car was hanging on the fence of the viaduct! !

All three people in the car were terrified! !

Don't even dare to move.

This is a viaduct!
If it loses balance and falls, it will be fatal! !

"Come on! They don't care about me! Crap!!!"

The Q5 on the other side lowered the window of the co-pilot, cursing frantically at the moment.


Mediterranean men freak out.

He originally drove the A6 today and planned to pretend.

Of course, because I have a little position on my body, I am used to being arrogant, and there is no room for sand in my eyes.

In the end, who would have thought of encountering a lifeless road rage!
Almost sent the three of them away!
"Wang, Director Wang, do you think this has something to do with Zhang Lingtian? Did he find out that today's incident was arranged by us?!"

His teeth were broken and his glasses were broken.

Director Wang was scalded by the scalding water.

Now they were almost pushed off the bridge by Lu Nu, Lao Lu was a little panicked this time.

And it seems that a similar thing happened before tearing the onion.

Continuous bad luck! !
"This is impossible! Could it be an accident!"

The Mediterranean man froze for a moment.

"Don't think about this, just figure out how to get down!"

Mr. Wang sat behind the co-pilot this time.

He looked down and almost had a heart attack.

It's worth falling down!
"Beep beep-"

Meanwhile, the police came here.

The drivers were taken to the police station.

As for Director Wang and Director Lu, they went to the hospital under the escort of a police car.

Soon this incident was also spread on the Internet.

It quickly rushed to the hot search list.

Netizens have commented that Road Rage is not desirable.

Of course, some people think that A6 was at fault first, and Q5 was just chasing after the hit and run.

Anyway, there are all kinds of opinions.

It was exactly two o'clock in the afternoon at the Ping An Shishi Shop.

"Sister Xiaohan, let me deliver the water!!"

At this moment, Li Tiantian looked extremely excited.

Because there is a black Mercedes-Benz parked at the door.

Of course it wasn't Nathan, or the boss who knew who was here, but Tie Cong and his assistant! !
I am chatting with the boss in the reception room right now!
"go Go."

Jiang Xiaohan handed over the task of delivering water to Li Tiantian.

Meeting room.

"Boss, Principal Onion, and this assistant, your tea."

Li Tiantian entered the reception room, and immediately brought tea to the three of them.


Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Thank you."

Tear the onion and thank you.

"Thank you Miss Sweet."

Assistant Yu Xiaoyun also thanked her.

"You are welcome! Use it slowly!!"

Li Tiantian left after close contact.

"Actually, how should I put it? Actually, I didn't pay much attention to this matter. It's a bit too reserved to come here to apologize. You can also make a phone call."

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect that Tie Cong would come to apologize in person.

"No, no! Boss Zhang happened to come to Chunjiang for a stroll because I had nothing to do, and then I'll explain it to you, so as to avoid some misunderstandings."

Tear Onion said with a smile.

Make a call?A set of spells? !

Go crazy! !

Of course, some people may think that he, the son of the richest man, actually came to Xiaochunjiang to personally explain to Zhang Lingtian that the so-called tearing the green onion and paying tribute, the big disaster turned into a small disaster, the Hades lacked indicators, and the abbot filled the performance. What the son of the richest man should do.

Then he can only say, come on, you are the son of the richest man, why don't you give Boss Zhang a try?

As a person with a higher education or philosophy, he doesn't believe in this stuff at all!

But what is outrageous is that one crop after another.

First he had a car accident.

Then Boss Zhang's mass accident.

Coupled with the subsequent mysteries almost wiped out every day.

The temple abbot who said he was going to protect him was found out to be the main culprit in the 20-year extermination case!
Especially the rumor-mongering reporter broke his leg!

Just ask you, are you coming to clarify this matter face to face?
Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what.

Obviously it can be solved properly, so why risk your life to gamble?Right!

Besides, he is not the kind of person who wants to save face.

He is still very flexible.

You have to be cowardly!
"Boss Zhang is actually mainly to blame for this matter. I called Brother Cong. Who knew that unscrupulous reporter spread rumors and changed the recording."

This is the first time for Yu Xiaoyun to come to Baishipu to see the real Zhang Lingtian.

Found that the other party is very handsome.

But the real irony actor.

He also said he didn't care.

I don't care how this Li Jiali lost three limbs.

Could it be another accident? !
"Okay, this matter is basically over. I have some things to do in the afternoon, so I can only receive a short while. You can play freely in Chunjiang."

Zhang Lingtian originally just took the time to chat for a while.

"Boss Zhang! Ah! The shredded onion is also there!!"

At this moment, a man who looked like Jiang Wen in a suit walked in.


Tear Onion saw that this person was full of question marks!

Zhang Lingtian was also a little dazed.

"Boss, director Yan Tao said that he happened to be doing research in Chunjiang today, and then he came to visit you. I came here suddenly..."

The little assistant said that he didn't react, and the director Yan Tao went straight to the reception room.

"It's okay, you go and do your work first, Director Yan Tao, what's the matter with you this time?"

Zhang Lingtian let the little assistant go about his own business.

After all, there was a funeral in Anjiang.

She is arranging all kinds of funeral necessities.


The little assistant left.

"Boss Zhang, you also know that our program group is completely popular, so we plan to start the second episode. I was planning to come over to chat with you today, but I didn't expect that Scallion is here, so it's just right. Mr. Tiecong, we are short of a host for the second episode, and you happen to be called the Discipline Inspection Commission of the entertainment industry, so after discussion, we decided to hire you as a resident host, what do you think?"

Yan Tao asked with a smile.

It's not a coincidence that the other party doesn't see him after making an appointment with him!

"Yan Tao! I will not participate in your mysterious every day!!"

Torn Onion immediately became irritable.

After all, if there is no this program, how can he have the 300 million and trembling later!
If Wu Mian hadn't already entered, he would have kicked the opponent a few times anyway.

Otherwise, I will not be relieved!
"Boss Zhang, I'll go first, you guys talk!"

Tear Cong said and took Yu Xiaoyun away.

The black Mercedes at the door started.

"Brother Onion, actually, I think this show is so popular now, and you are the only guest who has not been recruited. If you become the host, you should get a lot of benefits, right?"

Yu Xiaoyun was a little unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, Tear Onion refused directly.

"I, Wang Shicong, even if I am beaten to death or starved to death, I will definitely not be on this show again!"

He never wants to have any contact with Hades again!
And this idiot Yan Tao!
The other party must have known that he was here, and even Nima Chunjiang did the research. Your research can go directly to the reception room of Baishipu for research!
Anyway, in a word, even if he was beaten to death or starved to death, he would definitely not be on this show and become that shit host!
"Hey, it seems that the work of tearing shallots is a long way to go. Mr. Zhang Lingtian, do you have any ideas?"

At this moment, Yan Tao looked at Zhang Lingtian.

"Director Yan, I don't think I have time to record the show anymore. After all, it's quite troublesome."

Zhang Lingtian declined.

"Mr. Zhang Lingtian, don't worry, two hours, 500 million recording fee!!"

Yan Tao was smart, he didn't talk about any nonsense scripts, and directly offered the price!

"Oh? 500 million? I'm afraid that if the date of your program collides with the funeral of Baishipu, I'm afraid..."

In fact, 500 million is very fragrant!
But he was afraid that there would be a collision date.

"If Boss Zhang is really busy then, he can even record a video! Or a live connection is fine! In addition to the 500 million recording fee, there is also a 10% share of the post-program income!"

Yan Tao continued.

This seems to be saying, it doesn't matter if you come or not, you can connect if you don't come.

Just show up!


Zhang Lingtian called the assistant.

After half an hour.

"Thank you, Boss Zhang, then we'll see you in the second phase!!"

Yan Tao laughed so happily!

After all, Boss Zhang is here, can tearing onions be far behind?

After Yan Tao was sent away, it was evening when Zhang Lingtian's phone rang.

It was actually Qin Yan who called.

"Captain Qin, what's the matter?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little curious.

Is there a lack of performance?

Or do you need to consult him on any case?

Speaking of which, after all, he is now a special talent of the police, and he receives a subsidy every month!

In some cases, it is reasonable to ask him.

But I don't know if I can give advice.

After all, the system function is there.

"Mr. Zhang, today we found a knife in the car that was involved in the accident. You should pay attention to your own safety recently. We suspect that someone may have done something to you recently."

Qin Yan and the others also checked the surveillance carefully, as well as the information of the deceased.

As a criminal investigator, he sensed that something was extremely wrong, maybe it was because someone did something to Mr. Zhang Lingtian.

"So that's what happened, thank you Captain Qin."

Zhang Lingtian originally wanted to call the police today, but after thinking about it, he has no evidence, so it is impossible to waste police force and let the police protect him 24 hours a day.

So there was no report.

Unexpectedly, the police discovered the clue by themselves.

"You are welcome, Mr. Zhang. After all, you are our special talent. Now we have arranged for someone to protect you secretly, and we are also trying to find out the murderer as soon as possible. However, it is difficult for us to proceed because of the lack of information. Mr. Zhang can do it if he has time." Come to the police station and talk about it."

Qin Yan said that he would definitely solve the case as soon as possible. Of course, if Zhang Lingtian had time, he also hoped that the other party would come over.

Meanwhile, a certain police station.

"You think Boss Zhang found out that we arranged that person, right?"

Because the vehicle had an accident, it happened that there was a driving recorder on the car.

After calling, I heard such a recording.

All of a sudden, several police officers handling the case glanced at each other. Could it be that they had broken through their iron shoes and had nowhere to find them?After all, there is no clue about the case of Chunjiang's vehicle getting out of control and catching fire!Could it be that the murderer was the three of them? !
The police officers have lights in their eyes!
Come on! !

[2. Voting for the second issue of "Mysterious Everyday" starts at 20:00, choose the guest you most want for the next issue! 】

On the other side, the scarf, director Yan Tao also made a unique move.

Vote online!

Let the netizens choose the celebrity artists who will send invitations in the second phase!
This wave of operations detonated the entire network, and everyone was gearing up to see who would become a candidate at [-] o'clock in the evening!Then cast your favorite vote with your little hands! !


 There are only 5000 words today, and the transition of the plot is relatively slow, and there are also some small texts. If you have any ideas, you can post them in this chapter, and you need a little inspiration o(╥﹏╥)o!

(End of this chapter)

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