I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 14 No weirdness, believe in science!

Chapter 14 No weirdness, believe in science!


"Then boss, let's go first, and we promise to be there on time tomorrow."

Frowning Zhang Lingtian saw it.

The three of them exhaled a breath at the same time.

It's like a relief.

Then he packed his things and left.


Rumors are like tigers.

Look, even your own employees suffer from it.

Thinking of Zhang Lingtian, he felt that he had to make a solemn statement on this matter.

08:30 next morning.

"Morning boss!"

Jiang Xiaohan was the first one to come to Ping An Shishi Shop.

"Morning, let's have breakfast first."

Zhang Lingtian responded with a smile.

Although the salary is only 4500, the little assistant I recruited is still very diligent.

Of course, he is not stingy either.

No, breakfast is ready.

One serving for each of three people.

"Hmm, boss, what kind of video are we going to shoot today? Could it be that we are recommending our funeral shop again? Then I think boss, you should just start the live broadcast directly. That is more flexible than video, and you can also interact with everyone. .”

Jiang Xiaohan asked very curiously.

Because only the boss himself appeared in the previous video.

And they are all simple words.

There is no need for screenwriters or rehearsals, they are only responsible for photography, post-production and data tracking.

Therefore, the specific content of the plot is not very clear.

You only know it when you shoot it.

But she feels that now that the boss has such a large number of fans here, it is actually better to start a live broadcast than to record a video.

And can also interact with netizens.

Speaking is also flexible.

"Is it a live broadcast... It's not a recommended store. I mainly want to shoot a clarification video today."

Zhang Lingtian said.

He hasn't tried live streaming yet.

"Clarification video???"

Jiang Xiaohan frowned.

"Clarify the video? Boss, what do you want to clarify? Was it exposed that you stepped on several boats? Or is it actually a hidden marriage? Then you hooked up with other girls and were discovered? And it could be that you, the boss, went whoring!!!"

Li Tiantian also arrived and was having breakfast.

When I heard this, I had a brainstorm!
The expression became more and more unbelievable.

If this is the case, it is too explosive! !
"What the hell???"

Zhang Lingtian was full of question marks.

Are these things on the minds of girls these days?

"No no no! Boss! Boss! I don't want employee discounts! Wait a minute! Give me a chance!!!"

Li Tiantian patted her forehead!

Then hurriedly picked up the phone.


Zhang Lingtian only saw that the other party quickly clicked into Douyin.

next second.

Account canceled.

This operation made him full of question marks.


After finishing all this, Li Tiantian supported her big chest and gasped for breath.

As if he had finished something exciting, he smiled silly at Zhang Lingtian.

That look seemed to say.

Thank you boss a lot.

I must work hard! ! !
"Brother Tian, ​​what do you want to clarify? Could it be that you came here in the morning and got caught violating traffic regulations? But at most, it's just a Moments post."

Su Wei didn't have Li Tiantian's brains.

But he really couldn't figure out what his boss wanted to clarify.

"You can watch what I wrote, this is the video I plan to record later."

Zhang Lingtian took out a piece of paper.

On the top is a line of very neat words.


Jiang Xiaohan, Li Tiantian, and Su Wei gathered together.

[Hello everyone, I am the manager of Ping An Shishi Shop.

Recently, there have been a lot of false rumors about me on the Internet. In fact, I am an ordinary person in the funeral industry, which is not so weird.

What happened before was mainly because they engaged in more dangerous live broadcasts or did not take care of their bodies.

For example, high altitude limit, taking pictures on the edge of railway cliffs, walking alone on the Tianzang line with modified vehicles, and sudden death caused by long-term staying up late and irregular work and rest time, etc.

Nothing to do with weirdness.

So please don't spread rumors, respect life and be kind to yourself.

Of course, if you have funeral information, you are welcome to contact me, Ping An Baishipu 24-hour funeral hotline, 508886**. 】

Zhang Lingtian wrote a very sincere clarification.

After all, all these rumors are so evil.

It is the assistant of the king of hell and the living king of hell.

Turning around and causing panic in public opinion, it would not be fun for me to have my water meter checked by relevant departments.

So please restrain yourself.

And actually it really has nothing to do with spooky.

Mainly they killed themselves.

Then there are some irregular work and rest.


"Be honest and be an ordinary person in the funeral industry?"

"It's not that weird? It's an accident, don't spread rumors??"

Jiang Xiaohan, Li Tiantian, and Su Wei thought their boss was going to record some video.

It turned out to be a clarification video.

But the key is who will believe it?

After all, the fourth one died!

Four deaths in a row in three days, and they died as soon as they paid attention, so I asked you if they were evil or not!
"What are you muttering about? And what expression is this?"

Zhang Lingtian watched the three of them muttering while holding the recorded content he had written.

And the expression is also very strange.

With a bit of confusion, it seems to be an enhanced version of the mobile phone for the elderly on the subway.jpg.

"No! The boss wrote great!!"

Li Tiantian is very clever!
He directly gave Zhang Lingtian a thumbs up!
Although the account is canceled.

But she couldn't bear the boss's words to pay attention to her body!

Zhang Lingtian's head was full of black lines.

Then he glanced at his little assistant, Jiang Xiaohan.

"Boss, you can try the effect first, but I think it's better to start a live broadcast if you really want to clarify."

Jiang Xiaohan still felt that if he really wanted to clarify, the effect of the live broadcast should be the best.

"Then record a video and send it out to see the effect."

So Zhang Lingtian started to record the video.

10: 20.

After some editing.

[I'm just an ordinary funeral person, I'm not that weird, now it's the world of science, please believe in science. 】

Uploaded to various short video platforms.

However, Zhang Lingtian's video has just been sent out.

Like a bomb in water.


It quickly attracted a large number of onlookers.

"You're just an ordinary undertaker? It's not that weird? You don't look very smart, but you're not stupid, right?"

"Believe in science? Woohoo! Then give me a scientific explanation that focuses on four people dying!"

"I believe it! I really believe it! Believe in you!"

"There is no silver 300 taels here, you must have a problem!"

"There are some fine people among our masses."

"Little cook did stay up all night, but you died as soon as you paid attention, and you said it was outrageous?!"


Three in the afternoon.

Apparently the video didn't live up to expectations.

Zhang Lingtian finally decided to persuade netizens by himself.

And so, the premiere began.

And this premiere started.

The live room exploded!
Play for a second.

1000 people.

Play for 30 seconds.

1 million people.

Start broadcasting for 1 minute!

10 people! !

Soon it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

"I don't know when it started. Everyone started to stay up late. The whole society is staying up late. It seems that if you go to bed before 11 o'clock, you are an outlier. This is not normal."

"Yeah, I still miss the time when every family went to bed early and woke up early when I was a child."

"The anchor is right, you must exercise, and you must have a regular schedule."

"Now it's too hard for young people to stay up late. I suffer from illnesses at a young age, weak body, hair loss, and lack of energy to do things. My roommate stays up every day at two or three o'clock in the morning to go to class. One night, two or three o'clock in the middle of the night has difficulty breathing all over the body. I was tired, but luckily there was a God of War who stayed up all night in the dormitory at that time. I heard something was wrong, so I went and asked our squad leader to carry it to the hospital, otherwise we would be dead when we got up the next day.”

"My classmate from college, her mother came to send her to school, and greeted everyone warmly. The person who helped her lay the bed sheets and change the sheets looked very normal. After cleaning up, she took the high-speed train back. As a result, her mother had a cerebral infarction as soon as she got home. It disappears at night, like a dream, so people are really fragile.”

After some active flickering, bah, boot.

Finally, most netizens believed it.

Yeah, it was accidental not weird!
"Fudge! You continue to fool!!"

"You are so good at talking about white affairs! I believe you!"

"That's right, everyone was limped by the Living Hades. Even if these people really have problems, isn't it the biggest problem that the four people you paid attention to died in three days?"

"I've seen it for a long time. Yan Wang is hiding his identity. Didn't Douyin release a function to randomly enter the live broadcast room? You randomly enter a live broadcast room, pay attention, and if nothing happens, we will believe you!"

"Fuck? A murderer was found upstairs?!"

"Dude, that's such a suggestion that the devil will have to detour if he sees you!"

Of course, there are still some diehards.

"Boss, why don't you randomly enter a live broadcast room and try it? This will also dispel everyone's doubts."

Little assistant Jiang Xiaohan also appeared on the scene.

At this moment, she said to him.

In fact, she really wanted to trust her boss.

Great rear.

Li Tiantian nodded frantically.


Just enter one.

If it's all right, it can also dispel their doubts.

"Okay, how about I order one at random and just eat the broadcast area?"

Zhang Lingtian ordered a safer eating and broadcasting area.

In fact, what happened before was those dangerous outdoor live broadcasts.

For example, Extreme Yang brother, high altitude.

Meizhao sisters, taking pictures by the railway.

Hiking Lily, walking the Tianzang Line alone.

The eating and broadcasting area is much safer.


(End of this chapter)

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