I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 147 Misfortune comes out of the mouth, promotion to hell

Chapter 147 Misfortune comes out of the mouth, promotion to hell

"Huh? I think??"

Zhang Lingtian never expected that this topic would be drawn towards him, and he immediately showed a puzzled look.


Mimi nodded.

The other guests also looked at Zhang Lingtian, wondering how he would express his opinion on this matter.

Are you full of curiosity like other netizens?

"To be honest, I haven't watched the videos circulating on the Internet, but there is a saying that Ms. Yangmi is right. Escaping really can't solve the problem, but I also want to mention that escaping can also curb some things. New problems arise."

Zhang Lingtian didn't know why he suddenly wanted to say such a sentence.

As for the specific meaning, I believe that those who have experienced it will be very clear, and even go deep into the bone marrow.

"Boss Zhang, hey... I suddenly found out that you are not only handsome but also very thoughtful. Why don't you help me be a matchmaker? Do you want to help Reba?? Just because she is young???"

After hearing Zhang Lingtian's words, Yang Mi showed a very bright smile.

If it is a gesture of raising hands, I believe that the other party can agree with both hands and feet at this moment, which many people don't understand.



"What do you mean by that? Why did Mimi suddenly become so bold? She actually teased Boss Zhang."

"+1, can someone explain this sentence that makes Mimi strengthen her courage?"

"Actually, to be honest, I'm not interested in this, but Mimi is planning to hook up with Boss Zhang? Is the stage going to show Mimi and Reba fighting for love later?"

"Is there such an interesting thing? Then please fast-forward to the battle! I like watching this the most!!"

After hearing this, netizens imagined many possibilities in an instant, and some people even had a scene of robbing love with a knife in their minds.


"If I remember correctly, this Reba seems to be an artist under Yangmi's banner, right?"

Li Tiantian murmured.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

"Then there's no such thing as robbing love at all, it's completely possible for the second female communist...uh, bah, bah, bah, bah!!"

Li Tiantian suddenly realized that she seemed to have said something incredible.

Seeing sister Xiaohan and Su Wei's gradually constricting pupils, they hurriedly patted their mouths with their hands, as if withdrawing manually.

"Li Tiantian, your state will come out sooner or later, and you will be promoted to the underworld, so let's see."

Su Wei glanced angrily.

It would be really terrible if the boss heard this.

"Hey, hey, hey, if you don't tell me, I won't tell Miss Xiaohan, who will know."

Li Tiantian immediately retorted.

But even though he said so on the lips, he already had an idea in his heart, that is, he must not speak casually in the future.

Otherwise, the Real Appreciation Hell wouldn't even have to take regret medicine.

Live variety show.

"Then how about Sister Mimi, I'll match you on the spot now?"

Torn onions came directly.

"Forget it, forget it, Boss Zhang isn't interested in me at all. I'd better leave it to Reba for the twisted melon. It happens that Reba also has this intention."

Yangmi's smile suddenly turned bad, and she glanced in Reba's direction.


As a guest, Reba's expression was full of surprise.

Isn't Sister Mimi on the same line as her?

Now is she going to sell her to Boss Zhang?

Zhang Lingtian glanced at Reba.

He is thinking about a question now, is the 500 million yuan a psychological relief fee?

After all, this is like an alternative version of the Tucao Conference?

And Reba happened to meet Zhang Lingtian's eyes.

Now her heart is beating wildly!
Has he started to look at himself?So what's next?
I don't blame her for thinking too much, the main reason is that the atmosphere has already been enhanced here.

"I suddenly discovered that Sister Mimi has a way of changing the subject. Do you think it's right?"

Seeing that the direction of the program group was being led astray, and someone was about to escape, at this moment, the host, Tie Cong, quickly came up and raised his mouth.

"Indeed, this topic has changed too much! I will give you the answer as promised!"

"If you want to pay, pay, what do you mean by hanging! Say it quickly!!"


"Yangmi did this on purpose."

"That's right, she just didn't want to say it, she was just avoiding the problem."

"It's still smart to tear the onion, I have been waiting for the answer to this question."

Online and offline water friends all agree with this statement.

Some even praised and tore the onion.

"Okay, okay, then I'll answer the incident that was circulated on the Internet, but first I have to ask Zhou Yi."

Yangmi looked at the only female anchor on the stage.


Zhou Yi was taken aback when she heard this.

Didn't you mean the video circulating on the Internet?
How did she talk about herself.



The audience in the audience was also dumbfounded.

After all, this thinking jump is a bit serious, and most people can't keep up.

The two sides seem to be completely at odds.

"Zhou Yi, the only Internet celebrity anchor on our stage, has left a lot of traces on the Internet, some are called Sister Zhou and some are called Zhou Tianyongmei, so I want to ask you if you are doing something that men like to do Will you let the other party take pictures when you are there?"

Zhou Yi, the female anchor of Tiger Fish live game area.

She is quite popular as a game anchor, so she is called Sister Zhou by netizens. Of course, she is also ridiculed as Zhou Tian Yongmei because she looks exactly like the AV actress Fukada Emi in her childhood.

Many people are waiting for her to make one.

I believe it should be a hit.

Even if it is not a hit, it must be supported to become a hit.

"Uh... is this topic so sharp? Probably not!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yi was stunned, and then replied weakly.

After all, it is very dangerous to do that kind of thing and take pictures.

So she definitely won't let the photo be taken.

"Right, since our sister Zhou knows how to take precautions, then of course I will too, and you can compare carefully that someone is as good as my figure? Is my voice so magnetic? I am as tall and straight?!"

The scale is really big.

After Yang Mi said these words, everyone was stunned, especially the other party twisted her body in coordination.

"This, is this something you can hear without paying?"

Tear Onion was stunned and said something.

"So what I'm saying is here, everyone can judge by themselves."

Yangmi continued.

In fact, they are all adults, and this is not a forbidden topic.

"Clap clap-"

There was unexpected sound of applause at the scene.

Yes, a thousand people have a thousand answers to this matter, so there is no need to forcefully explain it.

This is the core meaning of what Boss Zhang said just now.

So after hearing what Boss Zhang said, Yang Mi suddenly felt that she had been stabbed in the depths of her heart.

After all, the show is two hours long.

At this moment, after the topic of foreign honey, there are still some topics and other topics.

For example, whether Master Hua is still single.

"It's still a mother-fetal single dog."

Master Hua replied with a smile.

Then he continued to ask.

All in all, everyone had a good chat.

Only Reba was a little disappointed. She originally thought there would be a surprise, but in the end there was no such thing as a surprise.

And it seems that it is really wishful thinking of netizens on the Internet.

Boss Zhang didn't mean that at all.

"It's already 09:30, and our mystery still has half an hour to end every day. How are you feeling?"

With half an hour left in the show, Tear Onion finished some procedures and entered the final stage.

"Boss Zhang is a very interesting person, and the battle of wits that everyone is looking forward to will definitely not happen."

Master Hua was the first to speak.

"Even if Master Hua wants to fight, I can't handle it."

Zhang Lingtian replied.

After chatting for an hour and a half, everyone has changed from being cautious before to being like acquaintances now.

"Well, it's actually a kind of acting style. I put myself into it, and then there are inexplicable body movements that people don't understand. This makes me a little headache."

Master Hua touched his head.

Then Reba also spoke, followed by Li Hong and the others.

"Everyone has shared their thoughts, so now there is the last one, brother Baoqiang, do you have anything to say to Boss Zhang?"

Tie Cong looked at Bao Qiang, he was the last one who didn't make a speech.

"Boss Zhang, do you want to make a movie? The latest movie I directed happens to have a role that suits you. If possible, I would like to invite you over."

Lu Baoqiang was the last one, looking at Boss Zhang with a Hanhan smile.

There is still a big discrepancy between what was circulated on the Internet and the reality.

Just like Boss Zhang.

The other party is not an outrageous person.

He's still very reasonable.

And I really need such a person in my new play.

Appearance is responsible, connotation and social enthusiasm.

"Filming? Let's forget about it."

Zhang Lingtian refused.

The main reason is that he really didn't think about filming.

"Actually, we can have a detailed chat in the follow-up, and then we will host the host, and then the guests can withdraw?"

Baoqiang asked.

In fact, he was still a little bit reluctant to part with Boss Zhang.

I want to invite the other party into my new play.

"Brother Baoqiang, don't worry, there is still half an hour, and we still have a short video about you, Brother Baoqiang!"

Tear the onion said.

"Short video about me?"

After hearing this, Lu Baoqiang was stunned for a moment.

Everyone else became curious too.

And a short video about Baoqiang?

"In the industry, Teacher Baoqiang and his wife Rongrong can be said to be a model of affection. Sister-in-law Rongrong often records some blessings when participating in the show, right? So why are there so few blessings from sister-in-law Rongrong today. "

Large screen switching.


There was a commotion at the scene.

"Oh my God, I can still eat a mouthful of dog food when I come to be a guest."

At this moment, Yangmi looked in extreme pain.

"It's so miserable! Single mothers like us can't see this kind of scene."

Master Hua made a gesture of covering his eyes.

"very nice."

Reba clasped her hands together and blessed her face.

"Why don't you make a pair with Master Hua, Reba!!"

A water friend shouted directly in the live broadcast room.

"Reba, Master Hua, join us!!"

Offline, there are also masters who don’t think it’s a big deal to watch the excitement.

After all, Hades was not interested in the whole process, so Master Hua could catch a leak!

"You guys are getting more and more involved."

Li Hong smiled.

Zhou Yi also smiled happily.

"This woman, oh..."

Baoqiang sighed, but his eyes were full of doting and happiness.

"Husband, you are about to participate in the mysterious every day where Boss Zhang sits in the town. In fact, I know whether you can't eat or sleep well these few days. I want to tell you that this is just a show. There is nothing to be afraid of. We are not afraid of it." The shadow is oblique, what you should be afraid of is those people with dirty buttocks, come on, I'll wait for you to come back, of course, if possible, I would also like to ask Boss Zhang if there is no death indicator, right?"

In front of him, he switched to a Douyin account.

Then a video played.

"Boss Zhang, so this death indicator..."

The finale, of course, is to ask this.


But Zhang Lingtian shook his head.

"Strange, why does Boss Zhang feel that something is wrong."

"That's right, that's right, I thought I was the only one who noticed it, I didn't expect that everyone felt something was wrong just like me."

Everyone found that Zhang Lingtian was a little hesitant when denying this.

As if thinking about something.

【Ding!A system scan is complete. 】

[Scan object: ID Rongrong. 】

[Occupation: Producer, actor, housewife. 】

[Bad information: The restless heart has cheated on the manager many times. 】

[Danger signal: 0.1% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger location: There is no danger location within three days, but because the derailment may cause some side effects, the probability of danger is 0.01%. 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can pay attention to it or not. 】

Yes, the system scan is complete.

Looking at Brother Lu Baoqiang who was smiling and foolish, Zhang Lingtian's expression was inexplicably complicated.

So do you want to tell the other party next?
How to say?
Speaking in front of the studio?

This is watched by tens of millions of netizens.


"What's wrong with the boss's expression?"

Li Tiantian suddenly felt that something was wrong with the boss's expression.

"I don't know, it's strange."

Jiang Xiaohan naturally noticed this too.

"Tear the onion, tear the onion, take a closer look at Boss Zhang's expression, I suggest you seize this and discuss it in depth!"

The director also spoke to the earphones that tear the onion.

"Boss Zhang, it seems that you are a little interested in this short video? Do you think it's time to find a girlfriend to live a caring life?!"

However, I haven't waited for Tear Onion to answer.

At this moment, Yangmi also noticed Boss Zhang's expression, and asked immediately.

"No, no, by the way, I want to ask Bao Qiang, that is, do you like cakes?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at Lu Baoqiang.

"Cake? It's okay!"

Bao Qiang was stunned for a moment, and then he answered reflexively.

"Then what flavor do you like to eat?"

Zhang Lingtian asked again.

He was going to say it in a more euphemistic way.

"What flavor? Soft and smooth creamy chocolate, I like this one better."

Lu Baoqiang became more and more confused.

The others present also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Actually, I think matcha is more suitable for you."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Baoqiang and said a short sentence hesitantly.



 I’m still moving bricks in BJ today... Alas, I also sent a message in the group to inform the news, it will resume normal update on Monday, the group usually sends out red envelopes, and everyone can come in and have a look

(End of this chapter)

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