I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 150 Young girl, perverted madman

Chapter 150 Young girl, perverted madman

"Captain Qin, your dinner party is very unique."

Entering the meeting room of the serious crime team of the police, Zhang Lingtian said something half-jokingly.

First look at the body parts and then have dinner.

It is estimated that only the police can do such a thing.

Of course, this may also be the case with forensic medicine and certain types of doctors.

As for why it was possible, it was because he had never seen it before, so he could only guess.

"We have already arranged the place for Mr. Zhang to eat at night, but we still need your help in this case. Let's see if we can find some clues."

Zhang Lingtian is a special talent of their police.

It also helped the police discover the location of the criminals during the last major disappearance case.

The case was finally cracked.

So he thought about calling the other party over this time to see if he found anything new.

"Well, take me to have a look."

Soon Zhang Lingtian, led by Qin Yan, Chen Chuan, and Bai Jin, arrived at the location of the corpse.

"These are the complete body parts that were found in the bag, and our examination found that almost all the body parts were there."

Chen Chuan said.

Lately they've been investigating to no avail.

"Then I'll take a look, but I'm not sure if I can find any clues."

Zhang Lingtian first explained to the other party.

That is, I may not necessarily be able to help the police solve the case.

After all, the system has never tried to scan a corpse.

To be precise, this is not even a corpse.

Because now it has become more than 2000 yuan.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter if Mr. Zhang can't find it. If you can find a clue, it will be a pleasant surprise."

Qin Yan said.

Although Mr. Zhang can sometimes find some clues that the police did not find.

But the other party is not a god, how could it be possible to solve any case at a glance?

The main purpose of looking for the other party is to have a dinner, for the celebration banquet last time.

To be honest, if Mr. Zhang hadn't influenced Shi Qiuping, they probably would have had to take a long detour.

It is even possible to let the suspect escape.

After all, Chunjiang is relatively close to foreign countries.

So the focus is on the potluck.

This one was just a passing thought on his part.

It's just that the thinking is limited now, so let Mr. Zhang help find a thinking.

Of course, if you can't find it, that's okay.

They had an attitude of giving it a try.

"Okay, Captain Qin, you can also tell me how far this case has gone, and whether the identity of this person has been found out."

Zhang Lingtian approached these corpses.

【Ding!The system displays Scan function active. 】

16CM distance.

After Zhang Lingtian approached, a voice came from his mind.

Even corpses can be scanned! ?

After hearing this voice in his mind, he looked extremely surprised.

It seems that this system is not as stretched as I imagined.


Suddenly, a 'boom' sound came from Zhang Lingtian's mind in the next second.


Zhang Lingtian frowned for a moment.

It was a sound he had never heard before.

[System Error: The scanned object is not within the scanning range of the system, please scan again! 】

It turned out to be a system error!
But the other party reminded to re-scan, so do it again?
Zhang Lingtian approached again at this moment.


[System Error: The scanned object is not within the scanning range of the system, please scan again! 】

It was the same reminder again.

Now Zhang Lingtian understood.

In short, body parts cannot be scanned.

"Well, I'm ashamed to say it. We haven't even found out who the victim is. The key point is that there are no valuable clues in this bag. For example, clothes and so on are just a bag of pure meat and bones, but we have already We are stepping up the investigation, but the amount of work is relatively large, because there is no clue of the girl's DNA in the Chunjiang DNA library, not even a similar one, and it will take some time for the national comparison."

Qin Yan talked about the clues they have investigated so far.

It can almost be said that there has been no progress except to determine the approximate time of death, sex, and approximate age.

The murderer has a very high anti-reconnaissance ability.

"Now what you suspect is the woman who lost her footing?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"Yeah, because there are no similar clues in Chunjiang's DNA library, it may be someone from outside, and of course it may not be recorded, but generally speaking, if a girl is missing at home, someone should report it after a week, and then So the reason why no report has been made so far may be that people like the woman who lost her footing have little contact with her family."

The woman who lost her foot is now temporarily a direction for their investigation.

belong to the key group.

"Well, if you have any clues in the future, you can continue to tell me, and I will follow up this case with you."

For those who have died before, he can use the detail card to restore the other party's personal information.

That's when Douyin can be used.

But reality scan doesn't have this feature yet.

The opponent didn't even prompt what card to use.

So basically the scan can be declared a failure.

This time, I did not get any clues that would help the case.

But he doesn't intend to give up.

So when the police find more valuable clues, such as who this person is, he should be able to dig out the clues of the case through the detail card.

To be honest, a girl in the prime of her life turned into 2000 yuan.

If there is such a perverted maniac hidden in the place where you live, do you panic?Living comfortably?
So for this kind of thing, of course he can help the police if he can.

After all, he is now a member of the police.

"Mr. Zhang, it's getting late, so let's have dinner together first."

Qin Yan sighed slightly.

In fact, he still trusts Mr. Zhang.

Unexpectedly, the other party also fell silent facing these corpses.

But after thinking about it, it is true. If you can see the clues just by looking at the body parts, then this is really a miracle.

Some information has to be connected in series to make a comprehensive judgment.

"Then let's eat first."

Fortunately, he is the boss of funeral goods.

I usually see a lot of corpses, and I have seen one or two of the most terrifying ones.

If someone else went to eat after watching the body parts, it would probably be really loud.

"Master, why did Deputy Bureau Qin want to eat directly? Didn't he say to go after listening to Mr. Zhang's analysis of the case?"

Qin Yan and Zhang Lingtian walked in front.

Followed by Bai Jin and Chen Chuan.

At this moment, Bai Jin squinted and asked his master Chen Chuan.

Because in the past, Deputy Bureau Qin asked everyone to listen to Boss Zhang's analysis first, and then go to dinner after the meeting.

"I guess Boss Zhang can't see anything."

Chen Chuan said.

If Boss Zhang sees something, according to the character of the other party, he should say it directly.

But since he hasn't said it now, it proves that he may not have seen anything.

In this case, you understand, I understand, and everyone understands.

No need to say it.

"What! Boss Zhang finds it difficult?"

Hearing this, Bai Jinmei's eyes were full of disbelief.

From the beginning when he suspected this man to now, Bai Jinzhen admired him so much in his heart, especially when the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine rescued people, then discovered the spies later, and then helped them solve the serious disappearance case.

The four names of criminal experts are true.

Even she was a little shaken in her mind, whether this person has some superpowers or something.

Originally thought that this time he could bring new ideas to the crime team.

As a result, I didn't expect that even Boss Zhang would find it very difficult.

"For you, don't you find it troublesome to come directly to see a pile of corpses? After all, there are no tattoos on these corpses, and they are almost complete."

If you can see why it came out in this way, then it's really a ghost.

Now this fact proves that Mr. Zhang is a normal person at all, and what about Lord Yan and the like are completely nonsense by netizens.

But the police didn't bother to refute the rumors.

After talking for a while, some rumors appeared, saying that the police and Boss Zhang were in collusion to help the other party clean up their crimes.

In short, these people are all kinds of brain supplements.

"It's also..."

What can be seen in a pile of corpses.

Unless Boss Zhang can test the DNA by touching the body parts.

The key is this possible?

Soon Zhang Lingtian went to dinner with the police officers.

It's in the box of a food stall near the police station.

At this time, the news was broadcasting on TV.

"Entertainment gossip, everyone is welcome to watch today's Spring River Entertainment. Today is the 47 hours of Mystery broadcast every day. After Li Feng, Master Li, Master Hua, and Li Hong exploded, Bao Qiang is sure to eat matcha-flavored cakes. I have to say that Boss Zhang is top-notch.”

The initial state of the TV is Spring River Entertainment TV Station.

After they came in, they didn't switch, so now they have been entertaining satellite TV.

[1. Boss Zhang has sharp eyes]

【2. Lu Baoqiang Matcha Flavored Cake】

【3. Niu Rongrong】

[4. One hundred house opening records, she calls this love]

【5. Baoqiang's property was transferred】

It turned out that in the evening of this day, Zhang Lingtian, who was at the police station, was topped the hot search list.

He was followed by Lu Baoqiang with a matcha-flavored cake.

After returning back then, he pondered what Boss Zhang said.

Then his brother's wife contacted him and said that his wife had an improper relationship with her husband.

He originally thought that women might be sensitive.

Actually nothing.

Then when the other party brought out one hundred house opening records, Bao Qiang's expression changed.

But it has changed, but even if there is a record of opening a house, it doesn't mean anything, right?

One is his wife, and the other is his manager and brother.

It's reasonable to open a room and take a break, right?
However, this also aroused his thirst for knowledge. Is there anything wrong with these two people?

I happened to see my wife's mobile phone was charging at home.

He doesn't know the password.

So I found a little relationship and broke my wife's mobile phone password.

After recovering the phone information, Baoqiang almost stopped.

Both parties are called husband and wife, so call him a fool?

The most exaggerated thing is that there are videos in it!
The wife can take as much initiative as she wants!

Even called! !
You can bear it! !

When they do that, they are always moving by themselves!

She was lying down and even played with her phone silently!


Baoqiang felt that his dignity as a man had been insulted like never before!
Immediately called my wife to come back, and asked her what happened to the videos, photos, and WeChat chat records in her mobile phone!

As a result, the other party didn't come back directly.

He even threatened to leave him alone.

Any more talk will ruin his reputation.

Checking later, Lu Baoqiang was surprised to find that his card had also been swiped.

The wife also transferred his property.

[Internal Entertainment News: The honest and powerful actor Lu Baoqiang was interviewed, and said that after eating a matcha-flavored cake, all this suddenness made him feel that his life was really gloomy like never before. 】


Click on the trending search term, and the first thing that appears is an interview about Lu Baoqiang.

[Lu Baoqiang: That’s right, I’m eating matcha-flavored cake, Boss Zhang. /thumbs/thumbs. 】

The second one is about Lu Baoqiang's self-ridicule.

The other party also gave Boss Zhang two thumbs up emoticons.

"I knew, Boss Zhang can't be wrong when looking at people."

"It's really green? It's awesome! I think we can let Boss Zhang take a picture first when we make boyfriends or girlfriends."

"Indeed, there is one business that Ping An Baishipu can expand this time around, and that is fortune-telling."

"I have already left a message to Boss Zhang, and I sincerely hope that I can open a photoshop."

Under the hot search about Lu Baoqiang, netizens all felt that Boss Zhang's photoshoot is really good.

After all, it was also on the show.

The other party just glanced at Niu Rongrong.

Immediately after that, they mentioned matcha-flavored cakes.

He also reminded Lu Baoqiang.

It's a pity that the other party just doesn't believe it.

"Niu Rongrong: What nonsense are you talking about? This is a plan made by me and my manager, Aji, because my husband basically has no black material, but if there is no black material on the show, he will die. So it seems that my manager and I will give my husband Created a black material, that is cheating, I worked so hard to save your husband, I really didn’t expect that in the end, the dog bit Lu Dongbin and didn’t know a good heart.”

07:30 p.m.

A comment rushed to the top of the entry.

It got more than [-] likes.


"What the hell? I'll give you the money, can you go to public relations right away?!"

"This pattern is indeed opened, why didn't I expect to be able to reply like this?"

"So there were white lies before, and then there were well-intentioned cheating, right? This year's netizens are really talented!"

And the netizens below this post also said, talent! !

Truly a talent.

"Oh my god! He died young! Something happened to Baoqiang!!"

Zhou Yi watched the news.

This is the first few.


Suddenly Zhou Yi's phone rang in the next second.

"Hello? Are you??"

After answering the phone, Zhou Yi was a little puzzled.

"Hello, I'm the manager of Ji Kun's studio. It's our Mr. Ji Kun who wants to say a few words to you. Do you think it's okay? Miss Zhou Yi."

It turned out to be someone from Ji Kun's studio.

"Okay, what is he going to say?"

Zhou Yi asked.

I really didn't expect the people from Ji Kun's side to call her.

Although she is indeed a big anchor in Tigerfish.

But in fact, there is really no way to compare it with Ji Kun, a traffic niche.

"Sister Zhou, do you think we should go to Lingfo Temple for a few days?"

It turned out that Ji Kun asked Zhou Yi to go to Lingfo Temple.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other party directly called Sister Zhou, which was also Zhou Yi's name in Huyu.

"Go to Lingfo Temple??"

Zhou Yi was taken aback for a moment.

In a villa on the other side.

"Is this a human being! Is this a human being! They eat my food and use mine, and secretly buy a ticket for me to appear on the boss's show!!"

Lu Baoqiang was furious!
Because as he dug deeper, he discovered that the reason why he was able to squeeze into the top eight was because his agent was secretly buying tickets.

It was still his money...

(End of this chapter)

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