I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 153 Let go of the badge of helping others and respect the fate of others!

Chapter 153 Let go of the plot of helping others and respect the fate of others!
It was a big iron boat, and it could be said to be the size of a giant ship in Chunjiang.

However, it has been parked on the shore for too long and has not been taken care of for a long time, and it is almost abandoned.

To be honest, sailing is actually quite profitable, and there is no danger to life. Even if there is an accident, it is not as fast as a car accident.

Totally time to escape.

Unlike other large vehicles.

For example, an airplane is 100% cool in the event of an accident.

"It's a pity that this boat has been left unattended for a long time. If you really don't want to do other work, go get a certificate. I'll leave the boat to you. After all, it's hard to find a home now."

Chang Jun took a puff of cigarette and said to his son.

It cost 13 yuan to buy this boat back then, but now it has been sold for [-] yuan and no one has taken over it, so it can only be parked here at the pier.

But the longer this thing is parked, the more it will lose value.

It has to be used.

"Certification is so troublesome."

The father and son had already boarded the boat, and Chang Ye was clearly annoyed by scratching his hair.

In fact, he can open it but has no certificate, and he is too lazy to take the test.

"What's the trouble?"

Chang Jun glanced at his son angrily, then opened the cabin and got in.

"Actually, good skills are enough. You have to get a certificate to earn money. I also convinced these people."

Chang Ye picked up a stone and threw it directly at the surface of the water.

Although standing on the boat, three or four water circles appeared when the stone was thrown out, and the technique is indeed amazing.


At this moment, Chang Ye's cell phone rang, it was actually a video call.

"Sister Ye Wen? What's wrong?"

When he joined the company, this sister Ye Wen took good care of him, and she introduced him to be familiar with the business, so the two parties added WeChat before.

Chang Ye didn't expect Ye Wen to make a video call to him, and suddenly felt a little strange.

"Aye, have you contacted the boss? I heard that just behind the scenes, Boss Zhang called Sister Mei, the human resources director, to ask about your situation. Don't be stubborn, you can't be careless about your life."

Ye Wen just heard that Boss Zhang's assistant, Jiang Xiaohan, also called to inquire about Chang Ye's whereabouts, and asked him to contact him immediately.

She also called to ask about it. After all, Chang Ye was only in his early 20s, and it wasn't worth losing his life because he didn't pay attention to it later.

"Qu Jiangmei did call me, don't worry, I will contact Zhang Lingtian at night, I don't know what he is anxious about every day, as for it."

Chang Ye muttered a few words angrily, as if he took others' kindness as malice.

"Hey! You're on a boat!!"

Ye Wen suddenly found that the environment around Chang Ye was a bit strange, as if he was on a boat.


Chang Ye nodded.

"I said, are you a tiger! Didn't Boss Zhang tell you not to get close to the boat, and you still ran on the boat? Are you doing it against the king of hell?!"

Ye Wen patted her forehead, honestly she was a little angry.

They all told the other party not to go, but this person still ran to the boat.

Boss Zhang and the director both called him, but he didn't take it seriously, as if his life was not his life.

To be honest, if someone else told her instead of encountering this kind of thing herself, she would even wonder if the other party was talking nonsense.

Young people who often surf should know about Boss Zhang's deeds, and I don't know how many times he has said it on the Internet to listen to his advice to keep him safe.

There are still people who don't take it seriously.

If someone told her about it, wouldn't she think it was a typical rubbing of her audience's IQ on the ground?

However, it turns out that such people do exist.

She was so angry, why is she so stubborn!
"No! Sister Ye Wen, this is our family's own boat. If it is parked on the shore, there will be no accidents. Moreover, I will not go out by boat or take a boat for three days. I will never give him a chance. Don't worry. , unless there is a missile suddenly falling from the sky, but this is even more outrageous than winning the lottery...haha."

Chang Ye spread his hands and switched the rear camera.

"Just to be on the safe side, let's go, even if it's our own boat."

Ye Wen tried to persuade her.

"I'll go back after I finish my work. Now go to the cabin to help my dad move bricks. If I really don't want to find a job, I'll just sail the boat."

Chang Ye talked about his plan.

"Okay, I'm here to remind you, anyway, it doesn't hurt to listen to Boss Zhang as much as you can."

Looking at Chang Ye who was walking towards the cabin, Ye Wen said to him.

"Haha, it's not a big problem, so I'll hang up first."

Chang Ye had already reached the cabin and was about to go inside, but it was a little dark so he didn't need to play the video.

"Well, bye~"

Ye Wen nodded.


However, at the moment when the two parties turned off the video, suddenly there was an exclamation on the phone.


Ye Wen froze for a moment.


Just when she was about to say something, the other end of the phone had already hung up.

【Often industry】

"Ye Wen: What's wrong???"

"Ye Wen: What happened, Ye?"

After Ye Wen hung up the phone, she immediately sent a WeChat inquiry.

Because the other party died, she couldn't understand the follow-up situation.

On the ship.

"Dad! What's wrong with you!!"

However, Chang Ye saw his father unconscious in the cabin, so there was no time to read WeChat.

You don't even have to jump off a small ladder.

Suddenly he also felt that his throat was so hot, and the smell was also very pungent, and soon he himself collapsed beside his father.

Of course there is also consciousness, but the body is out of control.

In the confusion, he suddenly thought that what Zhang Lingtian said not to approach the boat might not be because he was drowned but because he was smothered to death in the cabin...

But it was too late.

After a while, Ye Wen was a little worried.

Because they don't answer the phone.

Immediately, she called Chang Ye's family contact, that is, the other's mother, and then the other's mother, Yang Xue, ran to the pier by the river bank.

"Help me—"

The ship was silent.

However, when Yang Xue looked into the cabin, her hairs immediately stood on end.

Immediately shouted loudly, and then rushed in to drag the person out first.

"Don't go in!!"

The drivers of the other ships in the distance rushed over when they heard the shout.

Seeing someone coming, Yang Xue was about to rush into the cabin, and one of the uncles saw this scene and rushed towards him at a faster speed.

With sharp eyesight and hands, he quickly held his breath, and immediately dragged Yang Xue up to the cabin who was about to save someone.


In just a few short breaths, Yang Xue found that she could not stand still, and her whole head was dizzy.

"Are you crazy? This is not saving lives, this is killing lives!!"

The uncle yelled at him.

"Quickly ventilate first, and then call 120 if you bring your mobile phone."

Someone came again, they thought they were stuck or something, some ran too fast without even taking their mobile phones.

And when I opened the cabin and looked inside, I found that I had fainted inside, and experienced people dared not go in.

During the period, a young man also came over. It was not far away anyway. He thought that he could carry a person out in 2 minutes at most and wanted to go in for rescue, but he was also stopped.

Later, the doctor and firefighters came together, and I was very grateful that the experienced people prevented other rescuers from going in to save people.

Otherwise a few more lives may have to be lost, as this is a pretty standard confined space accident.

The so-called limited space mainly includes several types, underground limited space, such as underground pipelines, basements, underground warehouses, underground projects, underground ditches, tunnels, culverts, pits, waste wells, cellars, sewage pools, biogas tanks, septic tanks , sewers, etc.

Airtight equipment, such as cabins, storage tanks, vehicle-mounted tanks, reaction towers, refrigerators, pressure vessels, pipes, flues, etc.

This time it was the cabin that had the accident.

Working in this kind of space is very prone to risks such as poisoning, hypoxia suffocation, and explosion.

Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate first, at least four hours, and then carry out air testing, with special supervision, and the rescue cannot be blind, otherwise it will be one after another.


One point fifty.

"Get ready for the funeral."

Firefighters rescued him, and the hospital sent him to the emergency room for emergency treatment.

In the end, it was announced that the rescue failed, and Chang Ye, Chang Jun and his son died because of blindness and carelessness.

Yang Xue cried into tears.

Two o'clock noon.

Ye Wen pays attention to WeChat from time to time at work to see if Chang Ye has sent her a message. Unfortunately, there is no message and the phone is even turned off.

She could only hope that there were no surprises.

Chunjiang, Ping An Bai Shi Shop.

"Boss, has this Chang Ye contacted you yet? Shall we contact Mr. Qu again and ask her directly for the other party's number?"

Jiang Xiaohan in the office asked his boss.

She feels that the boss's performance is both leading and attracting people.

The so-called bringing people is easy to understand, that is, taking people to hell to increase performance.

And when it comes to fishing people, it means that those people who shouldn't die should be fished, and it is estimated that this can also increase performance.

Just like Tan Xiaojie before, a murder case was orchestrated by her husband.

If the boss hadn't scooped up the other party, it would have been a long time ago.

And the same is true today.

Since the boss chose a predestined person in the morning, he has been very concerned about the other party's affairs.

I sent a private message to the other party in Douyin, but the other party did not reply, and then called Qu Jiangmei to ask the other party to contact me or reply to the message.

She does not have permission to log into the company account.

Jiang Xiaohan even saw that the boss sent a message to Qu Jiangmei after calling him.

"Ping'an Baishipu: If you don't want to call, just read Douyin's message. Don't get close to the ship and don't go to the closed cabin. It will be dangerous, remember."

This is a message sent by the boss after calling Qu Jiangmei before, but the other party has not replied until two hours later.

I don't know if the general message of Qujiang Meiqu has been conveyed.

So she came over and asked her boss if she should directly ask the other party for his contact information and then call Chang Ye to talk to him, so as to perfectly complete the task of recruiting people and get a performance bonus.

After all, I made the phone call in person, and I made it so clear not to go to the cabin, surely there will be no idiots against me, right?

"no need."

Zhang Lingtian took a sip of the water in the thermos.

"Oh? The boss's task is completed? Fished out?"

Jiang Xiaohan's eyes lit up, no wonder the boss was so calm.

"It's over."

Zhang Lingtian closed the lid of the thermos cup after drinking the tea, and said lightly.

"Hey, boss..."

Jiang Xiaohan suddenly looked at him with a smile as if he had discovered something.


Zhang Lingtian was stunned for a second.

"It's not my trick, it's you who slipped your tongue and admitted it."

I didn't expect the boss to slip his tongue.

Volunteer to admit that you have a mission.

It seems that what I guessed before should be more or less the same.

The boss is Lord Yan of the underworld, and he probably came to the world to practice, so his ability has been sealed and he needs to complete some task assessments.

And the ones posted on the Internet before may be the possible direction of the accident that the boss saw.

Of course, in addition to this guess, there is another guess that the boss is about to inherit the power of Hades. These are also assessments, and they can inherit after completion, etc.

Anyway, no matter what, the boss is Hades is almost inseparable from completing the task.

"I mean this person is finished, there's no need to fish it up, and where are you going?"

Zhang Lingtian said angrily.

What a leak.

Is it because I have watched too many TV shows, and I don't have those weird tasks at all, okay?

Now at most, you can see the danger value of others, and then choose whether to speak out to help the other party.

Maybe some people express respect for the fate of others, let them do what they want!
In fact, he thought so too.

Especially when some people still refuse to listen, he really wants to be too lazy to persuade him, so he can do whatever he likes.

As a result, this person was cold.

to the next person.

After all, he couldn't bear it.

Maybe it's because I'm in the funeral industry myself, and while revering life, I've seen too many farewells.

In many cases, a person is not a single individual. There are parents, children, wives, relatives and friends, and so on.

Leaving home suddenly can take a heavy toll on a family.

So he is still based on the principle that if he can save one, he counts as one.

Although some people feel helpless if they don’t listen to him, but after thinking about it before, those who didn’t listen to him are already cold. This time the scan is another person who persuades another person, which belongs to a new beginning.

What if others listened and saved a person and a family?

Of course, saving people can also be rewarded by the system.

That's much faster than focusing on precise users.

It's a pity that he originally thought that Chang Ye would listen. After all, the young man should be quite spiritual and not rigid, but he only said in the morning that the other party had an accident at noon.

Some people really can't catch it.

For this Chang Ye, he can only say that he really has to respect the fate of the other party and let go of the plot of helping others.


Jiang Xiaohan was taken aback for a moment.

"Hmm, I just..."

"Don't, don't, boss, you don't need to explain. You must say that you just found out about this news or a certain information channel through an online search. In fact, I'm not sweet, I won't talk nonsense, and your task requires the first essentials to be sure. You can’t reveal your identity, right, so I don’t know anything! Boss, I’ll make you tea first!!”

Before Zhang Lingtian finished speaking, the little assistant immediately made up a paragraph.


Zhang Lingtian sighed.

Although the little assistant wasn't completely misled, his brain power was outrageous.

Fortunately, the other party's mouth is relatively strict.

Speaking of which, I saw some information on the Internet before, saying that the prophet who does not have a Douyin account and then logs out after speaking, only haunts Tianya and Bibo, and the prophet is Xiao Meng Po. It can only be said that the rumors are becoming more and more unscrupulous.

Forget it, let's get the rewards from the system first.

【Ding!Concerned user ID Chang Ye died due to an accident in a limited space when he entered a closed cabin. 】

This is a hint that came to mind just now.

[Do you accept the funeral? 】

After Zhang Lingtian clicked on it, the system popped up a prompt, asking familiarly whether to undertake Chang Ye's funeral.

[The host has undertaken the funeral, and the contacts have been issued. After completing the funeral, the host will receive system rewards. 】

As a former employee, Zhang Lingtian still wanted to undertake the funeral, so he clicked accept.

As for whether the other party's family is willing to let him pick it up, it can only be said after contacting.

Anyway, you have to fight for it.

[Reminder: The number of accurate followers has reached 20, and the system rewards will be issued, please host to receive them. 】

After clicking on the funeral, another reminder appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

[Precise number of people: 20/20. 】

The precise number of people is shining brightly.

He originally wanted to save people, but he didn't expect to reach the precise number first.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Real World Scanning Distance Double Card*1, and an opportunity to awaken a predictive ability by choosing one of the two. 】

At this moment, a purple card appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian, with a golden glare supporting it at the bottom.


Zhang Lingtian directly used the real-world scanning distance doubling card.

【Ding!In the real world, the scanning distance doubling card is successfully used, and the scanning distance is 32cm. 】

[Reminder: The real-world scanning function can be scanned once a day and cannot be accumulated. When high-risk objects are found, it will actively scan. Please use the host as much as possible to increase the number of accurate people every day in order to get rewards. 】

After using the card, two more text reminders appeared in front of him.

[Precise number of people: 20/30]

Soon, the option of accurate number of people was also actively updated, becoming thirty.

In other words, if you take the initiative to pay attention to ten accurate customers, you can get another system reward.

However, if you succeed in persuading ten times, you will get ten rewards. I feel that persuading human nature is more expensive.

[Whether to enable the ability to choose one of the two predictions. 】

The length was increased to 32cm, and a new reminder appeared in front of him at this moment.

"What is an alternative prediction?"

There was a puzzled look in Zhang Lingtian's eyes.

[The host has successfully turned on the ability to choose one of the two predictions. This function is an additional edge function of the system. The main purpose is to enrich the host's capabilities. It can be used in real-world scanning and Douyin scanning, but the number of times per day is one. 】

After clicking open, a new prompt appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

"Damn it? Could it be fortune-telling and other five-element mystic arts!!"

Zhang Lingtian was stunned for a moment. Could it be that the system is going to teach him the ability of ancient profound arts?
For example, divination, geomantic omen, Zhouyi five elements and so on.

If so, this wave is really worth looking forward to.

I hope that the ability to awaken this time will also help the 2000 yuan matter.

Zhang Lingtian is still thinking about this case in his heart at the moment, and hopes to help the police solve the case as soon as possible.

[Option [-]: Marriage prediction ability. 】

Soon the first option came out.


Zhang Lingtian's expression directly changed to that of the subway old man's mobile phone.

Marriage prediction ability?

What the hell?
Funeral system, is your skill point a bit crooked?

But there are not two.

So he was going to wait patiently for the second article.

[Option [-]: Skill prediction ability. 】

A second prediction follows.


Zhang Lingtian raised three question marks again.

Immediately afterwards, he clicked on the notes on both sides with an unprecedented bewildered expression.

[Tip [-]: An overview of the ability to predict marriage and love. The host can predict the marriage and love desires of the other party when scanning the object. For example... the system is randomly scanning. 】

A radar scanning image suddenly appeared in Zhang Lingtian's mind.

"The tea the boss made for you is here."

Jiang Xiaohan walked in.

[Scanning objects are being captured. 】

The system was updated synchronously, and Jiang Xiaohan was confirmed.

[Marriage forecast: Single, with a high desire for marriage and love up to 70%, the host can focus on or recommend others to follow, the specific details will be unlocked after selection. 】

Now Zhang Lingtian understood.

The so-called marriage and love prediction is whether the person who reads the scan wants to get married, or what the marital status is like.

"Isn't this thing tasteless?"

Zhang Lingtian said angrily.

"Ah? What's wrong, boss??"

Jiang Xiaohan froze for a moment.

"It's nothing, you can go to work first."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

It's really tasteless, who wants to read this.

He is a funeral man, not a matchmaker, so it's outrageous to talk about marriage.

At this moment, he decisively turned off the first one.


At this time, the little assistant went to work first.

[Tip [-]: An overview of the skill prediction ability. The host can predict the skills of the opponent when scanning the object. For example... the system is randomly scanning... Please refer to the text for no scan object. 】

Scan failed.

[Skill prediction: The host can check other people's skill points, and then recommend a suitable direction for development, such as...]

Zhang Lingtian looked at the skill forecast and probably knew what it meant.

For example, if a person whose occupation is a construction worker scans out 50% of the future potential of a construction worker, he recommends singing, and the future potential of singing is as high as 80%.

"But isn't this thing tasteless? What does it have to do with my current career??"

Zhang Lingtian felt that he was really looking forward to it in vain, and it turned out to be a marginal function.

Guessing that the system thinks that he is also a member of metaphysics as a business owner, so he doesn't know how to add a little fortune-telling skill to him.

【Ding!Host selection skill predicts success. 】

With little thought, Zhang Lingtian chose Skill Forecast.

Because this is a choice between two tasteless ones, he can only choose one that is not so tasteless.

And the latter skill prediction is indeed somewhat useful. In short, you can see what others are good at, and then recommend the other party to go in the direction that you are good at.

such a pity.

Still haven't been able to awaken the desired skill.

He thought that this time he could get a card that could identify information just by looking at the corpse.

But this time the rewards are not all accumulated.

At least now his real world scan is 32cm.

Scanning others doesn't have to be so close.

Basically, people can be scanned at a normal distance.

Still, he hopes it will be longer in the future.

It is best to change it into one meter, ten meters, 100 meters, and one kilometer.

"Fuck——, no way! I've lost my regular karma?!"

However, while Zhang Lingtian was thinking, an unbelievable sound came from outside!

It's Li Tiantian.

She is swiping her phone.

Then I saw the news from the Chunjiang local group.

For a moment she froze.

It was a big iron boat, the kind that transports sand, and it was full of firefighters in orange suits.

According to insiders, the deceased's surname was Chang, and his name was Chang Ye.

Father and son are gone together.

Mother almost died.

"what's the situation??"

Su Wei also came over immediately.

"This... Are you sure this is the boat owner? Is the person surnamed Chang crazy? Why do you have to get close to this boat after saying don't go to the boat!"

Li Tiantian's ability to gossip is still very strong, with various local group resources, Su Wei roughly understands what happened.

In short, they entered the closed cabin to work and caused an accident in a limited space. Normally, the other party, as a boat owner, should have a sense of safety.

"He's going to save his father! If he doesn't go on this boat, his father will die."

What we basically know now is that Chang Ye went in to save his father after he found out that he was unconscious, and then died with him.

"If you don't get close to this boat, at least one can survive, right? What's the difference between saving grandpa and Calabash Baby now? It's just as dead."

Su Wei said.

"Um...that's true."

Li Tiantian discovered her logic error.

If you listen to the boss, at least the mother and child can survive, and there will not be only one mother left now.

"I tried my best, but if I can't get it, what can I do?"

Jiang Xiaohan was messing with the computer.

After taking a sip of water, he said helplessly.

As the boss's assistant, she could tell that the boss had been working very hard to find people.

It's a pity that some people didn't hear it.

As long as he opened Douyin and took a look at the private message, he reckoned that there would be no accidents.

But he always thinks so.

"It's really a bit self-righteous, and it's also quite stubborn, a single-minded type, said by a group friend who claims to be the other party's classmate."

Li Tiantian recounted what she saw at this moment.

It is probably because this Changye is often the type that he thinks it is.

Don't want what you think, I want the enhanced version I thought.

05:30 in the evening.

"It's still half an hour before I get off work. Although I only brought the goods for one morning today, the sales volume is still good. We will continue tomorrow."

Zhang Lingtian said to the crowd.

"Okay! Work hard to become the first group of funerals for Baishipu!"

Everyone looked energetic.

After all, now the company has begun to take shape.

I believe that it is not impossible to go public in the future.

In this way, Baishipu continued to hold meetings.

[2. An accident in Chunjiang resulted in the death of two people]

At the same time, what happened at noon today also rushed into the trending searches.

[Chunjiang News: At noon today, on a long-term docked ship by the Chunjiang River, the owner Chang and his son Chang boarded the ship. The owner Chang opened and entered the sealed cabin of his ship. Because no ventilation measures were taken, It caused a coma, and his son found out that he was unconscious and went to rescue him. He was also in a coma. The wife of the ship owner, Yang, found the two unconscious in the cabin. 】

After clicking on the hot search, there is a press release.

"Is this Chang a Changye? That's the one that Lord Yan called out during the live broadcast this morning?"

"Keyword ship, surname is Chang, it's almost inseparable, but in what age is it that this kind of thing still happens, what if Lord Yan's words are a fart? What if I even gave away all the things related to ships at home? lost!"

"My classmate, I was quite shocked to receive this news, but how can I put it? It is purely related to the other party's personality. He is relatively stubborn and at the same time he is stubborn. He always refuses to listen to other people's suggestions and has his own ideas. But I It never occurred to him that he would ignore even Lord Yama’s words.”

"Yan Wang wants to get someone, but you give it away desperately, I am convinced!!"

"I'll tell you a ghost story. It is said that the deceased was a newly resigned employee of Yan Wangye's subsidiary."



Netizens in the bib felt incomprehensible about Chang Ye's behavior.

Of course there were also ghost stories!
【2. An accident occurred in Chunjiang today. The father and son had an accident due to a limited space accident. How should we deal with this accident?And how to prevent it? 】

This question almost rushed to the second position.

"How should I put it? This is a typical failure to follow safety procedures and lead to tragedy. Open the cabin for ventilation before entering the closed cabin!"

"Yes, this wife really has to thank the person who pulled her out, otherwise she would become her second son, coma, and die."

"Big one, you also fainted after going in for rescue? Why am I uneducated?!"

"In short, the rust of the iron ship will consume the oxygen in the warehouse, just like the effect of iron powder in the food packaging bag, and if there are other items stored in the place that has not been ventilated for a long time, it is easy to be poisoned and die. Very quickly , I have also seen the deep wells in the enterprise before, and one dies when one goes down.”

"What I said above is basically correct. The rust in the cabin will oxidize with the air and cargo for a long time, producing toxic gas. Although a hole is opened to enter, the specific gravity of the harmful gas is heavier than the air. Cases, such as downholes to save people, such as road manhole covers Accidents like people falling down and rescuers being poisoned and comatose one after another could have been avoided by using an electric fan to infuse fresh air from the outside.”

"To put it simply, it is the same as the cellar in the north. The physics teacher in junior high school taught us to do a light experiment before going down to test whether there is oxygen."

At this moment, it is almost time to start popular science.

It even explained the reason why it was so cool.

"Please pay attention to all shipping companies: must earnestly learn from recent years when crew members entered closed cabins and failed to comply with operating procedures and suffocation fatal accidents, strengthen publicity and education for the crew members of their ships, and strictly require not to carry out operations in closed cabins unless necessary, and carry out operations in closed cabins Safety operating procedures must be strictly followed during operation, and only after sufficient ventilation, oxygen and explosion tests and safety precautions have been implemented can it be carried out, so as to prevent casualties from happening.”

Some water friends even sent safety rules.

This kind of limited space accident is really very fast.

And people are really vulnerable in front of this.

[3. A tragic and vicious case occurred in Chunjiang]

At the same time, the matter of 2000 yuan also made it to the top three on the hot search list.

There was a lot of uproar all of a sudden, and the police were also under enormous pressure to solve the case.


At the entrance of Ping An Shishi Shop.

"Brothers, I am Da Zhuang, what we play is the truth, this is the street where the king of hell lives! All I have to do now is pass by the king of hell!"

At this time, an Internet celebrity named Da Zhuang appeared on the street outside Ping An Baishipu.

He holds up a selfie stick.

Today is to challenge and pass by Hades!

(End of this chapter)

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