I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 161 Horror case, monstrous malice

Chapter 161 Horror case, monstrous malice
And many of these people have seen the world.

After all, there has been enough publicity in recent years.

Of course, it is a misunderstanding if everyone still feels that there is a glimmer of hope just for this.

Until one of the police relatives shook his head slightly, the storm came.

"You! You! I said that when I met Boss Zhang, the other party directly pushed our mother and daughter out, saying that it was not evil, and beating around the bush and asking us to accompany you! Are you doing human affairs!!"

Following the old man's slap, the 50-year-old woman next to him also picked up the broom!

Then he slammed down on the young man kneeling on the ground!
She really never dreamed that her son would do such a thing!

Before that, I thought about being haunted by evil spirits!

This is indeed haunted by evil spirits!Modern evils, the kind that even Hades can't solve!

"We thought Boss Zhang was telling me and Mom to bring someone to give you a boost of yang energy, but it turned out that it was to give you this yang energy! Zeng Xiaoquan! You have let us down so much!!"

Zeng Xiaotian also cursed her brother, she was really angry!
The bottle cap of the mineral water bottle is drilled, and a pipe is directly connected.

It is impossible to tell them that this is experiencing AD calcium, right?

"Xiao Tian, ​​did you find Boss Zhang?"

These relatives were very surprised when they heard what the mother and daughter said.

"Boss Zhang can also talk about this?"

It was a cousin in his thirties who spoke, and he was surprised!
"The other party didn't say anything, he just called us a few words."

Liao Hongmei said only at this moment.


Everyone present was stunned when they heard this.

"Well, because of my brother's matter, we also found the sorceress, but it turned out that the sorceress was a liar. In the morning, my mother went to Boss Zhang with money and jewelry, but I didn't expect that Boss Zhang would ask us to invite us back. At the same time, he He also said some strange things..."

Zeng Xiaotian recalled everything in the morning to everyone, and said it in detail.

"Isn't that a hint!"

Speaking of the key point, a relative said excitedly.

"It's a hint!"

Another chimed in.

"That's why Yan Wang Ye can actually do fortune-telling, but the other party doesn't want to do it."

After listening, I don't know why everyone is inexplicably excited.

Just ask who do you turn to for fortune-telling, is it effective to ask Lord Yan for fortune-telling?This undoubtedly opened up a new path for everyone, that is, in the future, you can ask Lord Yama for a fortune-telling fortune!
It must be very effective!

Of course, compared to other fortune-telling masters, some say that fortune-telling depends on the mood, although there are flaws in the superficial sense of immortality.

And this King of Hell is different, the other party is really fortune-telling based on his mood, the kind that no one can force.

After all, who dares to force Lord Yan, isn't this courting death?

Ping An funeral shop.


There was a sound of closing the door.

At this time, they were heading towards a farm in the suburbs called 'Nongshengzhuang' after get off work.

The temporary joint task force will have dinner here, including the police from Chunjiang and the police from Chunbei.

At the same time, a person from the General Police Department also came.

After all, the case that Chun Jiang solved this time is no small matter, but Third Brother Du has been tracked down for a long time.

On the way, because it is already winter in November.

It was just over six o'clock and the sky in Chunjiang had already darkened.

Jiang A·04048 was driving on the streets of Chunjiang, heading towards Nongsheng Village, and attracted many people to take pictures along the way.

Of course Zhang Lingtian who was driving must have not noticed, but Li Tiantian and the others in the back seat saw a lot of people taking pictures with their mobile phones.

It feels like this car is about to become a check-in point for Internet celebrities.

06:30, Nongshengzhuang.

"Mr. Zhang and the others are here, let's serve."

Chen Chuan greeted.

"The road is a bit congested."

Qin Yan, Bai Jin and his party came to the front, Zhang Ling got out of the car and said, it was originally a 10-minute journey, and it took over half an hour.

"It's okay, it's okay, come here, Mr. Zhang, you all sit in the box."

Qin Yan invited Zhang Lingtian and the group to sit in the box inside.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, if it weren't for you this time, our joint operation would not be so smooth."

As soon as he arrived at the box, a man who was about the same age as Qin Yan stretched out his hand with a smile. He seemed to be in his 40s and 50s, and he was very energetic.

"Mr. Zhang, this is Zhang Gu from the Chunbei Deputy Bureau and concurrently the head of the Criminal Police Detachment. He is an old friend of mine."

Qin Yan introduced.

Joint action partner is person in charge.

"Director Zhang, my brother."

Zhang Lingtian stretched out his hand and smiled.

The same surname 500 years ago is not necessarily a family.

So they are also called brothers.

"Mr. Zhang, it's true that we are brothers in the same family, but don't call me the director. The real director is Lao Qin. I don't know if there is any drama here in my life. Of course, if you are interested in living with us in Chunbei, by the way If you come to us to guide and direct the work, then I may still have a role to play."

Zhang Gu had a funny face.

"Old Zhang, you are not kind! How can you snatch someone right after you arrive! You will be fined for drinking!"

Qin Yan pretended to be angry.

"Officer Bai, Captain Qin has been promoted?"

Zhang Lingtian turned to look at Bai Jin.


Bai Jin nodded.

"Borrowed by Mr. Zhang, you have been promoted to one level, so you can't escape Mr. Zhang's wine today. Assistant Jiang can drive, right?"

Qin Yan opened a bottle of wine.

In an instant, the faint smell of wine hit.

"Yes, you can drink."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

Although the boss usually drives, she can also drive.

It's just that I don't have the money to buy a car. The main thing is that there are relatively few places to use the car, so it doesn't make much sense to buy it.

"Then I'm relieved. Come on, Mr. Zhang, I have to drink the first glass of wine with you first. They all say that you are the living king of hell. I think I should correct it. You are the evil living king of hell and the lucky star of justice."

Qin Yan raised his glass and drank it down.

Another case was solved.

Also captured fugitives.

And I just got the news this afternoon that he is about to be appointed as the new bureau because of his recent outstanding performance.

To be honest, he never thought about that position, and even felt that he had no hope of retiring, after all, there were still nine years left.

In the end, it was Zhang Lingtian who pulled him up abruptly, so Qin Yan was very grateful to him, and at the same time proved once again how correct he was to invite Zhang Lingtian to be a special talent in the police.

"That's a good word!"

At this moment, a man wearing a black business jacket walked in from outside the door, with a thick voice and a bright smile on his face.

You have to ask who he looks like.

There is a bit of Ji Changming's image.

"Director Nan, didn't you tell us to call us when we arrived? Why did you come here directly!"

Seeing this man enter the box, all the police officers at their big table in the box stood up, especially Zhang Gu and Qin Yan, with surprise and confusion on their faces.

"Why don't you come to have a meal, and you still need to greet me? Let's not do this in private!"

The man in the black business jacket smiled, then looked at Zhang Lingtian and the others.

"Boss Zhang, Assistant Jiang, Li Tiantian, Su Wei, this... this should be the anchor Li Dazhuang, right?"

The men in black business jackets identified the people on the table one by one.

There was a black A6L outside, and the driver in a black suit was waiting in the car.

"Old Qin hastened to introduce to Boss Zhang and the others."

Seeing this doubt, Zhang Gu immediately reminded him.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhang, this is Director Nan Shiwen, with a rank of prison, and the assistant to the Chief of Police is also the director of the office."

Qin Yan introduced to Zhang Lingtian and then looked at Jiang Xiaohan and the others.

"Hello Director Nan."

Jiang Xiaohan and the others greeted each other.

Big man.

The next step should be the Deputy Commissioner of Police.

I didn't expect that even big bosses of this level would come to the dinner party tonight.

It's so lively.

"That's an official job. Let's not talk about it in private. It seems distant, right, Boss Zhang?"

Nan Shiwen held out his hand.

"Director Nan is right."

Zhang Lingtian also stretched out his hand to hold Director Nan together.

"Don't be dazed, everyone, hurry up and eat."

Nan Shiwen greeted him.


Everyone started to eat.

"I originally planned to come early today, but there was a meeting that delayed a little bit of time."

Nan Shiwen was slightly apologetic.

"It doesn't get in the way, it doesn't get in the way, we're just getting started."

Zhang Lingtian said.

Then the dinner began.

Everyone had a drink.

Satisfied with wine and food, they gradually became familiar with each other.

"Boss Zhang, I offended you unreasonably and tried to use you to make money from traffic. I will punish myself three times!!"

Li Dazhuang stood up and made three bowls of wine for himself.

"It would be nice to have a little drink, but it's actually nothing."

Zhang Lingtian didn't care about it at all.

What's more, this Li Dazhuang didn't actually do anything, on the contrary, he was very courageous and cooperated to go deep into the enemy's rear.

They said it was thanks to themselves this time, but in fact it should be thanks to Li Dazhuang. After all, if he didn't risk his life to be an undercover agent, there would be absolutely nothing later.

"Boss Zhang, I, Li Dazhuang, was given this life by you. In the future, if you have anything to do, please call me. I will definitely be there no matter if it's doing coolies, gathering people, or whatever!"

Li Dazhuang refused to listen to the persuasion, and made three bowls in a row.

Soon the dinner came to an end.

Li Tiantian, Su Wei, Da Zhuang, and Mu Feifei were left at the main table.

As for Zhang Lingtian and Qin Yan, they drank tea in another private room.

"Brothers! I had a drink with Boss Zhang tonight! You are approachable! You are so approachable and have no pretensions at all!!"

Li Dazhuang started the live broadcast at this time, his whole face was full of excitement.

"Looks like you've had a lot to drink!"

"It's true that I drank a lot."

"Brother, you have to calm down, because the last one who said that Boss Zhang is very approachable has already been thundered."

The broadcast started while drunk, and everyone joined in the fun.

In a VIP tea room on the other side.

Qin Yan, Zhang Gu, Nan Shiwen, and Zhang Lingtian were drinking tea to sober up. Chen Chuan and Bai Jin were sitting beside them. Bai Jin seemed a bit reserved, after all, they were big bosses.

"Mr. Zhang's tea is Director Nan's treasure. We don't usually drink it."

Qin Yan joked.

"Fresh and lively, refreshing and pleasant, it is indeed a good tea for sobering up."

Zhang Lingtian nodded, at least this is one of the best teas he has ever had.

"It's just some rough tea, as long as Brother Zhang likes it."

Nan Shiwen is 51 years old. Although he is more than 20 years older than Zhang Lingtian, the little brother is also a brother, so he called him that for the sake of kindness!

There has never been any entanglement in addressing Zhang Lingtian, especially since he is still the director of the General Administration. To be honest, if I don't awaken the system, I might never see such a big guy in my life, let alone drink tea with him here.

"One chrysanthemum, three roses, and six honeysuckle flowers, you only need to throw them into the thermos, and you can drink them, and you don't need to ask for the rest. Speaking of Captain Qin's case of dismembering the corpse?"

He is the kind of person who can eat coarse and coarse, and can taste fine and fine.

So as long as there is tea, it doesn't matter what you are.

But now Zhang Lingtian also wants to know the progress of the corpse case.

"I asked Mr. Zhang to come to this small room to drink tea to sober up. In fact, there is one reason I want to talk to you about the dismemberment case. This case has caused great public opinion and put a lot of pressure on our police, even alarmed. Arrived at the headquarters."

There were some things that were difficult to say at the dinner table just now.

After all, it involves the case itself.

It would be bad if it was spread out.

So I came to this small room and chatted while drinking tea and sobering up.

They are all members of the police system, and the leaks are minimal.

And Bai Jin and Chen Chuan nodded slightly.

Indeed, everyone has been working overtime and crazy these days.

"The main reason is that this incident is too bad and has caused serious social impact. Now the General Administration is considering whether to personally supervise the handling. The bottom line is that you will solve this case by the end of November at the latest."

Nan Shiwen looked at Qin Yan and the people he brought.

It's not that the General Administration is driving ducks to the shelves. The main thing is that this matter has a serious social nature.

When he came to Chunjiang before, there were some food stalls on the street at night, surrounded by people.

Now even if you go to the busiest university town, there are few people there.

Everyone dared not come out at night.

Some vendors even dare not go out to set up stalls. How far do you think this has affected?
Almost everyone is in danger!

"Captain Qin, didn't you tell me that there was progress last night? What is the specific progress now? Did you find the source of the corpse?"

As a person in Chunjiang, he certainly hoped that this case would be solved as soon as possible.

"Through DNA, it has basically been determined that the other party is from two places, Qingsong and Qingbei, and there are more than 4000 people from these two places who meet the age and have entered Chunjiang but have not yet left the record. After checking the other party's phone number, etc. , and finally identified [-] suspicious objects, and finally identified this girl named Chi Mengzhen, and her friends also said that they have not contacted her for several days."

Qin Yan talked about the progress of the current case.

I don't know if it was lucky, but among the thirty suspicious objects, the first one they started to investigate was Chi Mengzhen. After in-depth investigation, they found that their friend had been unable to contact her seven days ago.

The timing basically coincided.

Later, the other party sent pictures of their lives, and a mole on the other party's hand made everyone extremely excited.

That's her!Can't go wrong! !

"If the source of the corpse is found, then it's not far from solving the case."

A light flashed in Zhang Lingtian's eyes when he heard this, it seemed that he was going to solve the case.

Although Zhang Gu and Nan Shiwen were not directly involved in the case, they were listening carefully at this time.

After all, both parties are police officers, and listening carefully to some thoughts and ideas that are sometimes provided unintentionally can often help the case.

"Yes, normally speaking, the purpose of destroying corpses is to eliminate traces? This also usually happens when acquaintances commit crimes. After all, it can be found out when the social relationship is reached, but this year Chi Mengzhen is just now. For a college student who has graduated less than half a year, we checked the life trajectory of the other party, it is very simple, there is no boyfriend, and he has never been in a relationship, and he is only busy with work."

Qin Yan continued to speak.

"So this is most likely a random case?"

Nan Shiwen spoke.

"high possibility."

Zhang Gu agreed.

"Is there any other information?"

Zhang Lingtian asked curiously.

"Mr. Zhang has it."

Bai Jin narrated the results of their investigation and told everyone about it.

Chi Mengzhen, female, 22 years old, from Qingsong City, studying at Chunjiang University of Science and Technology, just graduated in June this year. 3-year-old deceased father, 10-year-old mother disappeared after going out, and has been living with her grandma since she was a child... According to the only collected The DNA of the family members was compared to confirm that it was her.

"The hemp rope is only broken at the fine point, and bad luck is only for the poor."

After listening to Bai Jin's investigation results, Zhang Gu couldn't help but sigh with emotion. For some reason, he thought of a little girl named Pu Jie on horseback.

"Solve the case as soon as possible, and if you need help, we will send a team of experts to Chunjiang."

Nan Shiwen is also in a very complicated mood.

I didn't expect this girl to have such a rough life experience, and at the same time, I also knew why no one contacted me after she disappeared for so many days.

Because the parents died early, the other party only had a grandma at home.

And because she herself plans to take the postgraduate entrance examination at the end of December after graduating this year, and gives herself two months to prepare for the exam, so she has less contact with her classmates, which ultimately leads to so much free time.

"Captain Qin, send me a copy of all the other party's personal accounts that you have investigated."

He decided that he could help in this case.

Even without system rewards.

"Yeah, let's sort it out and send it to you, Mr. Zhang. I also hope that you can actively put forward your opinions and strive to cooperate in solving the case. Of course, I also hope that Director Nan can transfer some experts to come over to conduct criminal testing."

Qin Yan said at this time.

There are many Chunjiang parks, and some are even forest parks.

What happened this time was also inside the forest park.

Chi Mengzhen lives in an urban village next to Chunjiang University of Science and Technology, and there are no other reasons for living here. It is cheap and close to the school, so it is suitable for studying in the library and preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination.

After graduation, she held two jobs at the same time.

One is to work in the breakfast shop in the morning, and the other is to work part-time in the coffee shop of Chunjiang Furen Mall at night.

The former is full-time, from 3500:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, and costs [-] yuan a month.

The latter is a part-time job.

From 20:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m., meals are included, part-time job is [-] yuan an hour, a total of five hours.

The latter's coffee shop work has been done since his junior year, until before the accident.

It is about two kilometers from the rich man's shopping mall to the place where she lives in the village in the city by taking a small road, and this small road will pass through a forest park.

You can understand the shape of this forest park as a long flat banana shape, and the waist is a small road. It is about 2 kilometers from the wealthy shopping mall to the school, and it takes 10 minutes to half an hour to walk.

Of course you can also take a car.

It just takes an hour to get to the school, and it costs 2 yuan.

Ever since she found out about this part-time job in her junior year, Chi Mengzhen has been taking small paths to and from get off work and then back to the dormitory.

Perhaps it was because I was with my classmates that I never had any accidents for more than two years.

And a week before the incident.

The friend who had been going to the coffee shop with her gave up further studies and went home to take the exam, leaving only Chi Mengzhen.

On the day of the incident, because she was a little afraid of walking alone at night, she told her friend who was taking the exam that she would resign, and then worked hard to prepare for the exam for two months.

But something happened that night.

After she resigned, she never returned to the village in the city next to the school. The police suspected that she was a shop assistant, but it was later discovered that this might be a coincidence.

According to the surveillance video they retrieved, they only saw her leave the mall and walk towards the familiar path.

Because there is no monitoring in the path, and the entire forest park is very large, with all kinds of trails extending in all directions, and some surveillance cameras have been in disrepair for a long time and cannot be retrieved, so it is impossible to know who has such a monstrous malice towards such a girl.

"Brother Zhang, I'm actually quite curious, and I also want to ask whether the Five Arts Metaphysics, Looking at Life and Predicting the Future, really exists?"

Nan Shiwen poured tea for Zhang Lingtian while his expression was full of interest.

He does not believe that Zhang Lingtian is a person with special magic power.

But Nan Shiwen firmly believes that there must be some secret hidden in Zhang Lingtian.

For example, a certain item of Wushu Metaphysics.

It is rumored that the boss of Jiangjiang Country has raised a large number of Feng Shui masters and theologians.

And their country is a country with thousands of years of civilization.

In fact, there are also some in-depth researchers and masters of certain aspects of certain cultures.

These things can really predict some things to a certain extent, but sometimes they are accurate and sometimes inaccurate. You have to use scientific explanations to explain the probability problems, but these in-depth researchers and masters are very convinced that learning can be 100% predictable.

"Does Director Nan think it exists?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't answer but asked back.

Not how smart he is.

It's just that I don't know how to answer it.

So I want to hear what Director Nan has to say.

"Brother Zhang, it doesn't matter if you don't want to talk about it. We have paid attention to your affairs. The main thing is to use your ability to benefit the country and the people. The country is your eternal backing, and it is also the most solid backing. I am here today to convey this means."

In fact, they have already paid attention to Zhang Lingtian's affairs.

And the opponent's abilities are also used in the right way, which is beneficial to the country and the people. The opponent is now also a criminal expert and special talent of the police, so they support each other.

After all, everyone has secrets, and they respect such people.

Take the simplest example.

There are many prescriptions for Chinese medicine.

And many of them are top-secret family members.

As long as you prepare a case, the country will not plunder you.

Anyway, the higher-ups are very optimistic about Mr. Zhang's evaluation, and he also thinks that he is a talented person with great potential.

"Director Nan, among other things, Mr. Zhang's three views are absolutely right!"

Qin Yan said that he had really investigated Zhang Lingtian.

"I can see it too. He is handsome and has a good outlook, not like Wu Mian and Ji Kun messing around with men and women. Speaking of which, Brother Zhang should also have a girlfriend, right? Or do you mean that you don't want this aspect?"

Nan Shiwen looked at Zhang Lingtian with a smile.

Qin Yan and Zhang Gu are also very interested.

Normally, this guy in his 20s is still so handsome, it shouldn't be.

Is it because being in the funeral industry has been disliked?

"Director Nan, what you said is right. My sexual orientation is fine, and I'm not a eunuch. How could I not want to?"

Zhang Lingtian said angrily.

It's just that I haven't met the right one.

Speaking of which, did he come here to discuss the case or was he being urged to marry?

"It's true, it's normal that there are fewer girls in the funeral industry, and people in traditional industries are still quite taboo about this."

Nan Shiwen seemed to remember something.

"It's simple! There are many policewomen in our Chunbei police station. Let me introduce a few to you, Mr. Zhang! My old Zhang's daughter is also a senior at Chunjiang University this year. If you don't want a policeman to be your wife, I can introduce my daughter to you! My girl is still very beautiful!"

As Zhang Gu spoke, he took out his personal mobile phone.

As for the police, both mobile phones are normal.

One for business use.

One is for personal use.

Zhang Gu's screensaver is also his own daughter.


Bai Jin and Chen Chuan were in a daze.

Why did he push his daughter up.

"I grew up with the little girl of the old Zhang's family, and now she is even more beautiful and protected by him. It seems that she studied psychology in college, right? You really still..."

"It's really a good match! She studies psychology and doesn't care about funerals and the like, and she is really good-looking, a proper man and woman, Mr. Zhang, I will add you to WeChat and push my daughter to you! Talk carefully! It’s okay to make an appointment! You don’t have to worry about the surname issue in the later stage, our family has the same surname! That’s right!!”

Regardless of the confusion between the two, Qin Yan spoke.

But before he finished speaking, Zhang Gu started talking again, the 50-year-old man spoke more breathlessly than the 20-year-old boy.

"Hey, old Zhang, why are you so anxious, don't stare like a bell when you see Mr. Zhang's eyes, as if you are not reconciled if you don't arrange him to be Chunbei's son-in-law, indeed, Your daughter is not bad, but our family Mu Mu is really a good match in terms of a good match, and even though your mentality is strong, medical students have already seen it."

As Qin Yan spoke, he also took out a photo of his daughter. His daughter is a student of Chunjiang Medical University. Although Qin Yan looks a bit like a 51-year-old old man, her daughter is still very beautiful.

"You guys..."

Zhang Lingtian now has a puzzled face on his face. Did he come to the blind date corner in the People's Park?

"How do you know what kind of professional girl Brother Zhang likes? This can't be matched by imagination, right?"

Nan Shiwen frowned and spoke.

"Director Nan's words are reasonable, this is not breeding..."

Sure enough, it was Director Nan who forgot to make friends at the beginning of the game, and these words came to the bottom of his heart.

"Brother Zhang, I also have a 17-year-old daughter who is just a sophomore in high school. What major do you want her to study?"

Nan Shiwen stroked his beard and suddenly said something.






Not only Zhang Lingtian was dumbfounded, but Qin Yan and Zhang Gu were also dumbfounded, and Chen Chuan and Bai Jin were even more shocked.

Leaving a big spectrum!
"Director Nan, I'm sober. You guys continue to chat. I have to go to work tomorrow morning, so I will leave first."

This small room was so scary that Zhang Lingtian ran away with oil on the soles of his feet.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, we'll see you off!"

Nan Shiwen immediately planned to send Zhang Lingtian off, and Qin Yan and Zhang Gu also prepared to get up.

"Don't stop, drink slowly."

Zhang Lingtian walked to the door of the VIP tea room.

"Although I said that for a talent like Mr. Zhang, we must not only keep him but also take care of him in every way, but you can't be so outrageous! Bai Jin, are you right?"

After Zhang Lingtian left, Nan Shiwen said to Qin Yan and Zhang Gu with an angry look.


Bai Jin's mind was still blown.

She also seemed to have come to a corner of the blind date park by herself.

"Old squad leader, who is outrageous! It's clear that you are outrageous! Xiaoyun is only 17 years old, and your eyes look like they are shining. There must be some news from above, right?!"

Qin Yan said angrily, "The 17-year-old daughter is pushed out, who is the beast!"
The old squad leader is a proper beast!

Speaking of it, their relationship is more complicated. Nan Shiwen was the old squad leader when Qin Yan was a recruit, and then Qin Yan and Zhang Gu were comrades in arms, and Qin Yan was the old squad leader when Chen Chuan was a recruit.

Later, Nan Shiwen was admitted to the military academy from the army, and then he was promoted all the way, and then transferred to the Police Headquarters.

"That's all right, all right, let's leave this matter alone. After a while, you can push brother Zhang's WeChat account to me, and I'll chat with him about work matters."

Nan Shiwen waved his hands to look at Qin Yan.


Qin Yan, who is over half a century old, raised a question mark.

As for Bai Jin and the others, their expressions were more like 'Do you believe it?I do not believe! ' gesture


On the other side, Zhang Lingtian walked towards the gate of the farm.

"Hell is coming!!"

"Fuck, Lord Hades is here, it's time for Da Zhuang to see your fate!"

"Boss Zhang can drink like this? It feels like there is no movement on his face at all, unlike Da Zhuang's blush like a dragon fruit."

"Have you forgotten what Boss Zhang is? Lord Yan! Lord Yan can still lose his temper after drinking a little wine? This doesn't exist at all, okay?"

"Speaking of which, if you are brave enough, you can go to Lord Yan for fortune-telling. It is said that Lord Yan gave a fortune-telling to a mother and daughter this morning, and it turned out that Wang Zang was really prescribed."

Da Zhuang now has 30 fans.

Seeing Zhang Lingtian coming from behind, they shouted at each other one by one.

There are rumors that being in the same frame as Boss Zhang has a hard life, otherwise accidents will easily happen.


Seeing Zhang Lingtian coming, the Baishipu members greeted each other.

"Boss Zhang, drink some wine and chat with the brothers, I will turn off the live broadcast right now."

Da Zhuang turned around and greeted Zhang Lingtian as well.

Then the live broadcast screen was turned off directly.

"Bull batch!"

"Da Zhuang is really decisive!"

"Nonsense, can you not be decisive in front of my life!"

Seeing that Da Zhuang decisively turned off the live broadcast.

Everyone left messages under each other's video account.

"It's okay, you continue to broadcast, we are going back."

Zhang Lingtian walked to the parking area 200 meters away.

They parked their car over there before.

If Li Dazhuang wants to chat, he can chat. After all, the other party's personal live broadcast room can do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't promote such weird and illegal things.

"No, no, I want to send Boss Zhang to you. I don't know what to say if I don't challenge the live broadcast. Seriously, the day Boss Zhang was followed by you, I really thought I was going to die. In the end, not only did I not die, but I made a great contribution. It's like dreaming."

Da Zhuang talked to Zhang Lingtian next to him.

The whole person has a very grateful gesture.

It is indeed that sentence.

Without Boss Zhang, there would be no him.

As for the live broadcast, unless he was going to complete the challenge, he really didn't know what to say.

"Live broadcast challenges are always boring, but you can try to stand out from yourself and not limit yourself. For example, you don't have to go to Hengdian Big Dyeing Tank, even if you create your own, you can try it."

Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.


In front of him at this moment is a skill forecast.

Before awakening, it was 100% display form.

But now it has directly become a potential point.

The so-called [-] acting points means that if the opponent trains systematically, the upper limit is very high.

Because 80 is already an excellent level according to the classification of the system.

He estimates that many so-called fresh meats are only 60.

Even some are less than 60.

[Returned to the previous level. 】

Zhang Lingtian clicked back after reading.

[Scan object: ID Dazhuang. 】

[Account subject: Li Dazhuang]

[Occupation: Network anchor. 】

[Bad information: long-term staying up late and disordered eating. 】

[Danger signal: 0.1% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger location: None for now. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Customer Attributes: Temporarily low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】

At this moment, Li Dazhuang's system scan risk probability is 0.1%.

When the other party came over just now, he scanned it by the way.

The main reason is to see if the other party will be retaliated by drug dealers.

From the current point of view, there is basically no danger within three days.

In fact, to be honest, these drug dealers shouldn't seek him even if they want revenge.

After all, it was the drug dealer who raped the other party first, and then he found out that he cheated on the drug dealer himself backhandedly.

This poisonous third brother has gotten to this point and is still cold in this kind of situation. It can only be said that he hunts geese all day long and makes geese peck his eyes. He is just a laughingstock in the industry.

"Yes, I also feel that this kind of challenge is a bit boring, I understand, I want to break through myself!!"

Li Dazhuang nodded at this moment, with a very firm expression on his face!
He seemed to orient himself.

That is to break through the self.

Don't limit yourself!
"Let's go, bye."

Everyone in Baishipu waved their hands.

"It's the first time I'm in the co-pilot, I was sleepy at first, but what happened to my inexplicable energy?"

Although he knew Xiaohan could drive.

But at this moment, sitting in the co-pilot position is inexplicably a little flustered.

"Brother Tian is like this, I'm also nervous when I'm sitting in the co-pilot! It's a pity that I drank tonight!"

Su Wei couldn't understand what he felt at the moment.

"Oh? It seems that there are quite a few co-pilots in the past!"

Suddenly, Li Tiantian quietly said something from the side.

"It's quite a lot, probably a dozen times, and I don't know who must drive."

Just graduated without a car.

Sometimes when shopping late, they sweep the shared cars.

Then every time it was Li Tiantian who wanted to drive, he took the co-pilot.

To scare him into high spirits!
"Boss, you are out of the circle again."

Jiang Xiaohan started steadily, and then said something.

"Out of the circle? Out of the circle? Don't be like Li Tiantian who always likes to talk dumb, just say that I don't eat people."

Zhang Lingtian spoke angrily.

I don't know what circle I get out of.

"It's the mother and daughter this morning. Boss, you hit all the points. This is straightforward enough, isn't it?"

Li Tiantian said.

She actually said that she likes to speak dumb.

"Huh? All hits? What are you talking about?"

Zhang Lingtian was stunned.

He just asked the other party to spend more time with his family this morning.

What hit!

"Boss... But after thinking about your task requirements, I can't understand your embarrassing acting skills. It was just today that a message was sent out in the Chunjiang group saying that the mother and daughter came to the boss this morning, you can help me." His son, you said to spend more time with your family and love him, and then they followed your words and discovered the fact that the business went bankrupt and his son took drugs."

Li Tiantian read out the group chat record merger news that was currently circulating in the major group chats in Chunjiang.

But it wasn't what the mother and daughter said.

But the other party's relatives.

Then it was shocking.

"Can you believe it? My cousin and the others begged the king of Hades to save my cousin who was haunted by evil spirits in the morning, and then the king of hell said directly that he was haunted by evil spirits, so stay with him more. The fact that my cousin took drugs was discovered at night. It’s so old!!”

"Those who are bold can ask Hades for a fortune-telling fortune!"

"Plastic bottle with straw picture.jpg."

"Beating Picture 1.jpg"

"Beating Picture 2.jpg"


Message forwarding in WeChat group chat.

"Tonight's hot search list hasn't been seen yet, and it should be fermented tomorrow. After all, everyone is waiting for you, the boss, to help with fortune-telling."

Not to mention Jiang Xiaohan's driving is quite stable.

Of course, he also expressed his own thoughts.

"...In fact, my initial analysis was that he suffered a mental blow after he went bankrupt and showed symptoms of mental illness, so I asked their family members to spend more time with them."

Zhang Lingtian couldn't even be dealt with.

Why did I manifest myself again!
It's just off the charts.

"I suggest, boss, if you open a fortune-telling category, the business of Baishipu must be very hot. After all, Sister Xiaohan's place is fully booked now."

Li Tiantian was speaking at the moment.

"Appointment full?"

Jiang Xiaohan is his assistant.

But usually he doesn't care about many things, and gives the other party full responsibility.

After hearing this sentence, there was a puzzled look in his eyes.

"There is such a thing. Many people want to calculate for themselves, their family members, and their children. The asking prices are more and more outrageous. Boss, why don't you give it a try?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian in a different way.

The highest company director offered 100 million hexagrams.

The other party wanted to tell his son's fortune.

"Come on, how can I know this stuff."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

Of course he also wants to do good things like helping others and getting money, but it's a pity that he doesn't have the ability.

Today this truth can be regarded as being supplemented by the brain.


There was an uproar in the backseat.

"Is it a limit on the number of times? In fact, boss, you can pretend to be mysterious, such as watching one every three days, or even draw lucky ones online as before."

Jiang Xiaohan stared at the front and then spoke.

After all, when driving, you have to pay attention to whether it is front, rear, left, or right.

"Let's talk about it again."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

After sending Li Tiantian home and then Su Wei home, only Jiang Xiaohan and Zhang Lingtian were left in the car.

"Goodbye, boss."

Later, Jiang Xiaohan parked the car downstairs in Zhang Lingtian's community.

"I'll send it to you."

Zhang Lingtian sent her to the entrance of the community, and did not go upstairs until she took a taxi.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening.

He took a shower.

And this night, the person in charge of Xiaoguo Culture had a headache!

"Haosi, are you fucking crazy? You said this!!"

Hao Goudan scolded angrily! !

"I didn't expect them to record it either."

Haosi also seemed a little aggrieved.

Who would have thought that people would record it.

"Didn't expect you to be able to talk about it? What kind of topic is this? You don't have any clues? You think that if you come into contact with the outside world, you will be superior to others and look down on some foolish people, right! Let me tell you, these people are the best! Ascension to cross the catastrophe, you have to hold back some words!"

Hao Goudan cursed loudly.

Now the higher-ups attach great importance to this matter and plan to punish them exceptionally.

"Mr. Hao, I know I was wrong, and I won't dare in the future."

Haosi said sincerely.

"In the future? You fucking have a future? Your future is to go abroad with a man named Chi to smear money!!"


[6. Xiaoguo Culture: Haosi revises the manuscript without permission and is terminated from the contract and will never be hired]

In the end haosi was fired.

"After watching the original video, I really don't understand why I can laugh out loud after listening to it."

"+1, I don't understand, where are the people sitting in the audience laughing?"

"The audience roaring with laughter and numbness is the same as the foreign students who Lu Xun mentioned were watching a movie shot and applauded."

"The one who laughs in the video is "Tuo", which helps to laugh. Generally, if there is a little bit of laughter, with the help of such a support sound, everyone will naturally find it funny. If you have such a laugh, you will not laugh. , which means it’s really not ridiculous at all.”

The original video made everyone feel angry.

After all, soldiers are the prerequisite for standing here to talk about talk shows.

[3. The joint investigation team decided to fine Xiaoguo Culture 3000 million yuan and suspend business for three months for rectification. 】

twelve o'clock.

The statement of the joint investigation team also came out.

"haosi, a man who let Hao Goudan pay 3000 million."

"Hahaha, the loss this time is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions."

“A company like this should really be shut down for rectification.”

Everyone talked about the result of such punishment.

And Ji Kun continued to explode that night.

Because he was warned by the Performing Arts Association that there was a risk.

Even the official media took down all his works.

Millions of little sunspots lost their jobs overnight.

The time came quickly the next morning.


seven o'clock.

Zhang Lingtian's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I didn't sort it out last night, but I sent it to your mailbox this morning."

He just went to the bathroom.

I didn't see this message and opened the other party's folder directly.

There was actually a lot of case information inside.

But currently, the Douyin account is the most useful for him.

【Search: Dream Come True】

Soon he found the other party's social account.

The Douyin here is different from the Douyin in the previous life, and the account in the previous life can be edited by yourself.

But the Douyin account here is a number, the same as the QQ account.

The vest can be changed, but the account number is the only identity plate.

[The system is scanning. 】

[Scan object: ID dreams come true. 】

[Account Subject: Chi Mengzhen. 】

Finally the scan started.

[Occupation: Expired. 】

[Bad information: expired. 】

[Danger signal: Expired. 】

[Danger positioning: expired. 】

[Customer attributes: expired. 】

[System prompt: None. 】

Sure enough, all of them have expired.

[Does the host use the details card to view information? 】

Fortunately, he still has a detail card, and now he is not life-threatening for the time being, and he has kept this card for almost a month. Now he is going to use the detail card to find out who the murderer is, after all, he is so heinous.


 The update is a bit late, 11000+ words, please recommend a monthly ticket!Then the author has read everyone's opinions, and the change must be slow, and the next few chapters will be more exciting! !
(End of this chapter)

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