I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 166 Unique insight, the fairest lottery! 【2】

Chapter 166 Unique insight, the fairest lottery! 【2】

On the other side, Ping An Shishi Shop.

"Hey, Ah Wei, Miss Xiaohan seems to be back."

By this time, everyone had already finished their breakfast.

Li Tiantian and Su Wei were guarding the store, while Zhang Lingtian was in the office.

Suddenly Li Tiantian saw a busy figure outside, who seemed to be unloading something, and immediately patted Su Wei.

"Come on, let's go out and have a look."

After being reminded, Su Wei also saw Jiang Xiaohan outside.

"Sister Xiaohan, why do you still have two boxes of fruit? Did the boss buy it?"

When they came outside, Li Tiantian and the others discovered that what Jiang Xiaohan was carrying were fruits.

Two full boxes!
Suddenly, her face was a little confused.

Could it be the fruit bought by the boss?

Don't say it's really possible.

After all, if Miss Xiaohan bought it herself, she could have mailed it to her home.

What is the operation of sending this to Baishipu?
So there's a good chance it was bought by the boss.

Only in this way can it be explained.

But what Li Tiantian didn't expect was that the boss would actually buy so many fruits.

This is so fresh.

"It's not the boss, it's from Li Dazhuang, who wrote down my number."

Jiang Xiaohan wiped the sweat from his forehead.

She originally thought it was two boxes of small fruits.

Who would have thought there would be so many.

"Li Dazhuang?"

Li Tiantian and Su Wei's expression froze at the same time after hearing this sentence.

"Yeah, the other party said that it was thanks to the boss's gratitude that he became popular, so he sent the boss some fruits from his hometown, such as oranges and strawberries."

Jiang Xiaohan said to the mouth.

"I didn't expect that after the other party became popular, they would send fruit to thank the boss, and strawberries, I like it!!"

Li Tiantian's eyes lit up when she heard this.

And Su Wei is an activist.

Carried the fruit directly to the tea room.

3 minutes later.

"Sister Xiaohan, is this the absolutely fair lottery machine you bought?"

The fruit has been washed.

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan come in with fruit, Li Tiantian, Su Wei and Zhang Lingtian looked at the machine in front of them with puzzled expressions.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

"Miss Xiaohan, you are too hardcore."

Su Wei observed the wave carefully.

I found out that this is the lottery machine when the lottery was drawn.


"Too hardcore +1."

Li Tiantian silently raised her little hand.

Shocked her for a whole year series.

To be honest, Zhang Lingtian himself was very surprised.

Who would have thought that the other party would actually set up a lottery lottery machine.

No wonder Xiaohan said that she would go out for more than an hour.

He thought it wouldn't be troublesome to get a few small balls.

Even buy a few table tennis balls and write numbers on them, then cover them with a piece of cloth and pull them out directly.


The little assistant is too strict.

"The main reason is to stop the mouths of some netizens. After all, I feel that this should be considered absolutely fair. The ten numbers between 0-9 are all random."

Jiang Xiaohan said to him at this time.

This lottery lottery machine is not fair and just, so what else can be fair and just.

So she went off to buy one.

It just so happens that there are also sales in the city.

"That's true. There is basically no black box operation with this machine."

Li Tiantian nodded slightly in agreement.

Needless to say, the credibility of the lottery is definitely leveraged.

The lottery lottery machine is the same.

"Boss, Tiantian, Awei, you all have a taste of these fruits sent by Li Dazhuang."

Jiang Xiaohan brought the washed fruits in front of everyone.

"Mm~, the taste is really good!!"

Li Tiantian took a strawberry.

The whole person looked very happy.

"It's really fresh."

Su Wei also nodded.

"It's true that Li Dazhuang sent so much fruit without saying a word. Let's do this. When the time comes, each of you will take a few catties home and eat it yourself. Otherwise, you won't be able to store it for many days in the funeral shop, and it will be ruined in the end."

Zhang Lingtian was surprised to see so many fruits.

At least thirty catties here.

"thank you boss!"

The three of them immediately thanked the boss when they heard what the boss said.

As for being polite!

There is no need to be polite when you are so familiar with the boss.

Just accept it from the boss.

"Speaking of, Miss Xiaohan, boss, have you watched Li Dazhuang's latest video this morning?"

Li Tiantian asked with a curious attitude at the moment.


Jiang Xiaohan shook his head.

"what happened?"

Zhang Lingtian also showed a puzzled look.

"I'll show it to you, it's amazing! And it seems that more and more people have joined in! Now it's no longer him and his little Li Sanbao."

As Li Tiantian spoke, she directly turned on the projection screen of her phone.


After the video was opened, Jiang Xiaohan and Zhang Lingtian both had a puzzled look in their eyes.

This is actually the third brother's suit! !

"Girls, where are you going? I can take two with me on a motorcycle..."

The opening scene is that two men wearing the costumes of the third brother next door are sitting on a motorcycle, and opposite are three girls wearing the costumes of the third sister.

Li Sanbao sat at the front.

After speaking with the accent of the third brother and the rhythm of brainwashing, he patted his motorcycle.

"Is it super explosive, hahaha, you will know after watching it."

The video continues to play.

Li Tiantian held back a smile and continued watching.

To be honest, the other party's funny talent in this video is really too high.

"We never ride in a stranger's car..."

The two girls who were dressed in the costumes of the third sister next door shook their heads with a look of rejection.

Then Li Sanbao continued to pat his car.

It means that your car is powerful, and you can sit one in the front and one in the back.

As for the companion who was with him, he was pushed down directly.

There was a live performance of what it means to value sex over friends.

"No, no, no, we refuse to ride in a stranger's car."

The two girls also replied in that singing tone.

"Sister, don't reject me, quickly ride on brother's motorcycle, and don't worry about where you go."

In the past, there was a duet of folk songs, but now there is a duet of three elder brothers.

No, Li Sanbao's third brother in makeup wore a golden turban, smeared his face and slapped the motorcycle vigorously, as if a younger sister was sitting on the bow of a boat and hugging his elder brother behind his back.

Yet at this moment.

Here comes the scariest and funniest picture ever.

The lens switches.

In the next second, a woman with heavy makeup, red and green collocation and a strong third brother style appeared in the camera.

The opponent '0' pursed his mouth.

Dancing the ugly version of the third brother Cleopatra dance towards everyone.

The whole look is extremely excited.


"My god, are you going to laugh at me to death! My stomach hurts when I came to my relatives today, and it hurts even more after seeing this!"

"Oh my god! The live beads are here! Look at the three treasures that scare people so much that they don't even dare to ask for motorcycles!!"

"I like this series, I hope Da Zhuang will not stop, and create hard for me! I want to see ten episodes a day! I advise you not to be ignorant!"

That's right.

The ugly version of the woman who rushed out at this moment was Li Dazhuang.

The other party was wearing a red and green skirt and heavy makeup, and his face and posture were more coquettish than ever before.

It just came out at nine o'clock in the morning.

It's only past eleven o'clock.

Like 10+, share 10+, bookmark 10+, and tip 10+.

This is still the data of a single platform.

It can be said that there are as many fires as there are.

The other party was even called a living bead by netizens because of this superb acting skills and this fatal appearance in women's clothing.

"He's getting more and more proficient in women's clothing."

Looking at this scene, Jiang Xiaohan's heart spurted blood.

But I have to say that the other party's appearance of learning from a woman is more than worse.

"Boss, why are you scratching your head?"

Suddenly Li Tiantian noticed that the boss was scratching his hair.

"This acting skill is a little crooked."

At that time, Zhang Lingtian did see that the other party's acting skills were 80 points in the skill prediction section of the other party, and recommended the other party to learn it, and even encouraged Li Dazhuang to develop in this area.

It's just that he didn't expect Li Dazhuang to have a third brother's version of women's clothing.

And now it's getting more and more penetrating.

It's almost unbearable to look directly at.

"Is there no one on this planet who the other party cares about?"

After the broadcast was over, Jiang Xiaohan also said something silently at this moment.

"It is said that a multiple of 0.5 looks better."

Li Tiantian replayed it again.

This time it was played in multiples of [-].

As a result, this multiple came out and matched with that expression, it was simply amazing! !

[Chunjiang Focus: Da Zhuang Zhenghuo is on the hot search again, what made him change within a week, from a low-level Internet celebrity to a big Internet celebrity with 80 fans approaching a million fans?Reveal the truth of Boss Zhang's advice. 】

At this moment, Li Dazhuang was completely on fire.

The increase in fans is hundreds of thousands a day.

Breaking through one million fans, maybe after the video is posted today, it will directly break through one million fans.

After all, it's already 80 now.

Of course, the other party's popularity also attracted some media reports.

Among them is to pay attention to Boss Zhang's instructions.

But everyone knows that this path cannot be repeated.

At the beginning, the other party deliberately collided with Boss Zhang in the show, which finally attracted the attention of Boss Zhang. He even instructed the other party to assist the police in capturing the hidden big drug lord. At the same time, he and Boss Zhang ate at the same table, and finally got the advice from the other party, how to live broadcast next.

If there are still people who deliberately touch Boss Zhang.

If you want to reproduce this road, it is basically equivalent to replicating a road to heaven.

After all, Boss Zhang didn't know about it before.

Now you touch again.

Even a fool knows it.

So the other party is already annoyed, you must be cool.

This is the reason why people dare not do it even though the way to get rich is right in front of them.

To be honest, there are ways to get rich written in the criminal law.

But how many people dare to do it?
What's more, Boss Zhang is even more dangerous than the way to make money in the criminal law.

Because the way to make money in the criminal law is at least the people's court has to try you, follow the law, and in most cases, the death penalty will basically not be imposed.

But Hades, this is completely a shortcut.

Life and death are just a thought.

Everyone just wants to get rich and not die.

If you really want to die, jumping directly into the river or jumping off the building is not faster than looking for Lord Yan, especially if he has to create an accident and it will be more troublesome.

"Thank you for the interview. It's the same sentence. Without Boss Zhang, I wouldn't be where I am today. If Boss Zhang gives advice, everyone should listen to it."

Da Zhuang and his team were interviewed.

"Well, now we have established our own studio. Is the third brother series that everyone cares about the most? We will definitely work hard! We will strive to create more works that will make everyone happy."

During the interview, Da Zhuang answered questions from reporters.

Let’s be honest, every video can go viral.

This was something he had never dreamed of before.

Especially the current Three Brothers series has attracted the attention of so many netizens, I'm really flattered.

"Mr. Li Dazhuang, we are now asking a topic that netizens are more concerned about, that is, do lucky funeral objects really exist? Did you get lucky funeral objects? And is your success related to lucky funeral objects?"

This time the interview was with a reporter from Star Video.

The other party can be regarded as a relatively influential media in China.

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party is the first to contact Da Zhuang.

So Da Zhuang and the others naturally accepted the interview.

"The reporter chose this question with a level!"

"I also want to know, oh, is it just because of the advice of King Yan, or is it because Li Dazhuang has the bonus of lucky funeral objects? It would be really great if he could have this effect just because of the advice."

"Want to know, +1"




The interview was conducted live.

So many people left messages and posted bullet screens.

"Although this is just one sentence, there are quite a lot of questions. Let's put it this way, I think lucky funeral items should exist. After all, there are so many examples in foreign countries. It wasn't that there was a lucky value that exploded after being signed by Boss Zhang and won the lottery."

Li Dazhuang answered the first question.

"Then, has Mr. Li Dazhuang ever received a lucky funeral item before?"

The reporter asked further questions.

And the number of online viewers in the live broadcast room also soared crazily at this moment.

"To be honest, no, I didn't even buy funeral goods from Boss Zhang's house before because of the lack of news, but I definitely plan to buy some in the future. Even if I don't get the lucky funeral goods, I will count them as tributes."

Da Zhuang showed a smile and said to him at this moment.

"Not at all!"

"In other words, these are two systems!"

"Good guy, the brothers actually don't need to seek Boss Zhang's advice. Everyone can choose to ask Boss Zhang for some lucky funeral items. This is more realistic."

Netizens were overjoyed to hear this.

After all, who would have thought that these are actually two systems.

Guidance is also useful, and lucky funeral objects are also useful.

"As for the third question, I don't think I need to answer it."

Li Dazhuang said at this moment.

After all, this third question follows the second.

If there is no answer to the second question, then there is no need to answer the third question.

"No need no need!"

"Thank you Da Zhuang, now I will go to Boss Zhang who squatted at two o'clock to start the live broadcast."

"I'm going to squat too!!"

"I've been really unlucky recently. I hope that this time the goddess of luck will come, and I will either get advice or get Boss Zhang's lucky funeral items."


With the end of the interview.

Friends of the water have expressed that they will squat to watch the live broadcast of Ping An Shishipu at two o'clock.

[Zheng Huo Da Zhuang: Then wish everyone good luck and wish me good luck at two o'clock. /Ping An Baishi Shop Pictures.jpg]

Netizens are enthusiastic.

Li Dazhuang also posted a post on the bib.

"Hey guy, you come too!!"

"Bah, bah, bah, what are you doing watching the live broadcast, hurry up and take a video of your third brother!"

"Liuzhu, I advise you not to be ignorant of good and evil, be careful, I will take a kitchen knife to your crew to apply for a job in a while!!"

"Reminder! The house is a kitchen knife factory, I hope you are more sensible!"

After Li Dazhuang's previous video became popular, more and more people are paying attention to the opponent's bib account.

There were hundreds of fans before.

But now there are tens of thousands.

For Da Zhuang, this is already very satisfying.

And after his news came out, he was urged to update by the water friends one after another!


01:30, Ping An Shishi Shop.

Everyone has finished their lunch.

And arranged the details of the live broadcast for a while.

The first step is to introduce the machine.

The second step is to select people who can point out the maze.

The third step is to bring the goods.

Final summary.

It's just a few things in a nutshell.


Li Tiantian made an OK gesture.

"Xiaohan, do you still need to prepare? You can simulate it in advance."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Jiang Xiaohan.

"Yeah, I'll try the machine again."

In the spirit of rigor, Jiang Xiaohan nodded slightly and prepared to try the machine.

It would be embarrassing if it gets stuck.

So try to minimize the occurrence of this kind of thing.

[Douyin system reminds you: The live broadcast of Ping An Baishipu will officially start at 14:00, are you ready, make an appointment quickly... "The number of appointments is 100.9w"]

At this moment, there is a new interface for Ping An Shishipu.

It was a black and white live broadcast room.

Above is the number of reservations.

There are actually 100 million! !
And now there are still 5 minutes before the broadcast.

Somewhere in an upscale hotel.

Reba, who had just finished filming, looked at the assistant next to her.

"Sister Reba, wait, you'll be fine soon."

The little assistant is operating the computer.

At the same time, he looked at the phone and entered the password.

[The Douyin system prompts you: The account "Passionate Like Fire" has successfully logged in, please learn to use the Douyin function. 】

It was a purely new account.

"Just skip it, I'll do it."

Reba operated the account.

Then choose to skip newcomer mode.

In the next second, directly search for 'Ping An Bai Shi Shop'.

[Reminder: You have entered the Ping An Baishipu live broadcast room, and there are still 120 seconds before the live broadcast starts...]

Reba entered the live broadcast room.

At this moment, there are still 2 minutes before the live broadcast starts.

"Finally come in."

Reba is actually very interested in this live broadcast.

So she opened a trumpet and came in.

I want to see what Boss Zhang is broadcasting live.

Soon time came to the countdown.

"Long time no see, everyone."

The countdown is over.

Zhang Lingtian and his little assistant Jiang Xiaohan appeared in the camera.


"What is this?"

"What are Boss Zhang and Po Meng planning to do?"

"Lottery lottery machine??"

Looking at the things in front of them, all the netizens who entered the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Seeing that everyone is very confused about what is on display, I also said it this morning. Since everyone wants to hear me say a few words, but there are so many people, it is really hard to choose who, so the assistant went to purchase this tool. It can guarantee absolute fairness. I will leave the specific details to Xiaohan to tell everyone."

After Zhang Lingtian made an introduction, he handed over the right to speak to Xiaohan.

"Our Douyin account has a total of ten digits, and this one happens to be ten digits. The method of drawing is very simple, just follow the order of the numbers drawn. Of course, some people may think that this range is too large. Don't worry, we still have fan benefits..."

Jiang Xiaohan explained the rules at this moment.

"This is interesting!!"


"Show, it's really hardcore, but I like it!"

"This really turns into a lottery draw. /Crying and laughing."

"Let's get started, I can't wait!!"


Netizens responded enthusiastically to this rule.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

"Because of some special reasons, only one person can be drawn at most every day, so I will only draw one person today. Of course, if there is time in the live broadcast in the future, you can do a lottery first."

Zhang Lingtian said in front of the camera.

"It doesn't matter once!!"

"It's good to have it once! And Boss Zhang, it's free, and there are fan benefits, which is much better than lottery tickets!"

"That's right! Boss Zhang and Po Meng, let's start now!!"

Netizens began to urge.

Buy a lottery ticket and invest at least two dollars.

There is no need to invest a dime, it is completely random, and there is even a bonus for fans.

Everyone is excited who will be the lucky one.

"Xiaohan, let's start first."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Jiang Xiaohan.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded, and then started the machine.


In the next second, a '01' fell down.

"01! Isn't this the '1' I won?!"

"Fuck! I also start with 1!"

"Hehehe, I think the lady luck is coming to me!!"

Seeing that the first dropped number is 01, which is '1' according to the rules, many Douyin water friends who start with '1' were immediately excited.


Soon the '09' dropped.

There was another burst of boiling for a while.

Then they fall one by one!


At the same time, in a teahouse on the street of Chunjiang Baishipu, a man in a blue shirt was staring at his phone and rubbing his eyes vigorously! !
Now there are eight numbers!
These eight numbers are exactly the same as his Douyin number!
Could it be that he was hit by this wave?
Excited hearts trembling hands!
He immediately picked up his phone and switched the interface to send a voice message to his mother.

"Mom! The haunted villa at home seems to be saved!!!"


 It’s too late for illustrations today, insert some pictures tomorrow, and then ask for a monthly ticket recommendation, big guys! !
(End of this chapter)

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