I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 168 Go directly?Is it so decisive!

Chapter 168 Go directly?Is it so decisive!

"Brother! You found your blind spot!!"

"I rub it? Could it be that the street where the Ping An Shishi Shop is located has a bonus?!"

"Damn it! Is this the hairy guy? Damn it! In the morning, I lined up behind me! Brother, what the hell are you doing in a villa? You can directly ask Lord Yan to calculate a lottery number for you, isn't that comfortable!!"

Someone made a point.

Is there a lucky bonus on the street where Boss Zhang's Ping An Baishi Shop is located?

Many people think that this seems quite reasonable!

Among the water friends who spoke, seeing a familiar bullet screen, a thin figure instantly appeared in Yan Dong's mind. This is the online loan brother who ranting against him at the door of the Hong's breakfast shop when he was queuing this morning?

As long as the export is dirty, there is probably no one but the other party.

"Okay, this friend really belongs to Chunjiang?"

Zhang Lingtian showed a puzzled look at this moment.

Because I didn't find the IP address when I looked at the other party's homepage before.

And these uploaded videos and the like do not have a clear geographical identification.

So Zhang Lingtian thought the other party was from outside the province.

Who would have thought that it was actually in Chunjiang, and the other party was even drinking tea in the teahouse around Baishipu.

"North Wind and South Wind: Yes, if Boss Zhang doesn't believe it, I can show up at the gate of Baishipu in 5 minutes, oh no, at most 3 minutes."

Yan Dong typed a message, and then sent it out.

From here to Baishipu, it is about 3 minutes away.

Of course, if you run.

If you walk slowly, it is estimated that it will take 5 minutes.

But since he was going to see Boss Zhang, it was definitely impossible to walk slowly.

"People say it's in Chunjiang. So, Boss Zhang, are you going?"

"It's definitely going. Didn't Boss Zhang say that he's going to go there in Chunjiang? You can't just keep your word."

"Yes, yes, I hope that Assistant Jiang will broadcast live, so that we can also see what a villa that can scare animals looks like."

"Haha, Lord Yama exorcising ghosts, it's fun to think about this scene."

"I also think it's interesting. When I see Lord Yan coming in, even the ghost king will probably look dazed!"

The water friends are very interested in the haunted villa that Boss Zhang is going to, and they even look forward to what Li Gui will look like after seeing Lord Yan.

It is estimated that in the eyes of Lord Yan, no matter how fierce the ghost is, it will be just a little ghost.

"These netizens are really making trouble."

Naturally, Su Wei was also watching the live broadcast, so he couldn't help but speak at this moment.

"Awei, don't you want to watch the boss go to the villa to drive out ghosts?"

Li Tiantian looked at Su Wei who was on the side.

"Of course I thought about it. I just think these netizens are a little messy. Brother Tian has already started to make up various scenes before he went."

Su Wei showed a different smile. In fact, he really wanted to see Brother Tian exorcise ghosts.

"I thought you didn't want to, but to be honest, I'm also making up my mind, haha~"

Li Tiantian grinned.

I just don't know if it is a male ghost or a female ghost. If it is a female ghost, how will the boss solve it?It is said that Lord Yan does not fall in love in Yangjian, is it because his love object is a female ghost...

Thinking about it, an outrageous idea popped up in her mind.

But she definitely wouldn't be so stupid as to say it, after all, what happened last time is still vivid in her memory, she doesn't want to really know it.

"It feels like Miss Xiaohan is also looking forward to the boss going to the haunted house."

Su Wei and Li Tiantian were chatting behind, only to see Su Wei speak.

"Sister Xiaohan, don't look a little cold, but her personality is full of curiosity, and it's very normal to look forward to it."

Li Tiantian added.

She even felt that sister Xiaohan was interested in the boss, but it was just because of Jian Sisi's affairs.

Ping An Baishipu live broadcast room.

"Understood. If this is the case, then I promise to go there with you. Let's talk in detail after our live broadcast."

Since I have said that if I am in Chunjiang, I will go and have a look, then since the other party is really in Chunjiang, I must not be able to shirk it, so I will go and have a look.

Anyway, he firmly believes that there are no ghosts in this world. Of course, if there are, he also wants to see the appearance of ghosts with his own eyes.

See if the system can suppress.

After all, the system is here.

What if the weird recovery also exists?

Although a bit outrageous.

"Nanfeng and Beifeng: Thank you, Boss Zhang, for your help. I'll come right after your live broadcast."

After hearing Zhang Lingtian's words, Yan Dong was very excited. He didn't expect Yan Wangye to actually agree.

What he thought before was that although Lord Yan had this ability, he might not agree to it.

It may not even be possible to go to the door to beg the other party in person.

It turned out that it was never expected to be so easy.

"Okay, it's early two o'clock, we'll broadcast live for about two and a half hours, and the broadcast will be broadcast at around 04:30. You can watch and arrange the time."

Zhang Lingtian said to Yandong, after all, the Baishipu members had to get off work, so they couldn't delay everyone's time.

"Southern and Northerly: OK, then I'll be here on time at 04:30."

Hearing this, Yan Dong immediately smiled back.


Zhang Lingtian nodded and looked at Jiang Xiaohan.

"The deal is concluded, and our first lucky draw session is over. I thought it was an answer to questions, but I didn't expect to go to the villa to exorcise ghosts. Not to mention, this is not only interesting to the friends in front of the live broadcast room, but also to me."

Jiang Xiaohan had exchanged the password with the boss before.

Know that this means the end of the first session.

As a person who is similar to a fan, she certainly summed it up.

At the same time, he handed the lottery machine to Su Wei who was beside him.

Because after this link is over, the lottery machine is basically useless.

"Can the haunted house be broadcast live?"

"I hope that Assistant Jiang will broadcast live!!"

"That's right, it must be broadcast live! We want to watch Lord Yan exorcising ghosts online!!"

When it comes to haunted houses, everyone wants to watch the live broadcast of exorcising ghosts.

All of them had the words "live broadcast" on the public screen.

"Everyone is very enthusiastic about the live broadcast of the haunted house, but whether it will be broadcast or not depends on our boss. He agrees, and our colleagues will definitely do a good job in the live broadcast."

Jiang Xiaohan showed a smile.

To be honest, it was the first time she saw her boss being tricked by herself.

But the matter of starting the broadcast is really not in her hands.

It depends on whether the boss is willing or not.

"It's nothing. If everyone wants to watch the live broadcast, we can start the live broadcast at the villa."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

I am not pretending to be a ghost, so I can start a live broadcast.

"Boss Zhang is mighty! That's how it should be!"

"I'm more curious now, if the ghost really comes out by then, how will Boss Zhang plan to explain it?"

"Actually, what I'm more curious about is, if ghosts really appear at that time, will the live broadcast room of Ping'an Baishipu be blocked?"

"Your question is a little level..."

"Douyin: One side is the King of Hades and the other side is the rules, what do you say I should do! How to do it!! (Hysteria)"

Another new topic was born.

That is, if there is a ghost, will it be banned?
"It seems that our colleagues are busy again, so everyone is looking forward to entering the second funerary goods sale in the live broadcast room, but before the sale, boss, I would like to ask you some questions that netizens are more concerned about."

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian after introducing this topic.

"Oh? What's the problem?"

Zhang Lingtian showed a puzzled look.

"Is it about signing?"

"It should be a matter of signing!"

"I hope Lord Yan will sign the funeral supplies and distribute them randomly to netizens."

"That's right, I hope Lord Yan's signature will be randomly distributed to everyone! But it is also recommended not to send too many, or the currency will depreciate when everyone wins the prize!!"

Out of the ten messages in the live broadcast room, basically nine of them were all about signing.

Baishipu also made a question statistics before it was broadcast.

Lucky funeral objects and Yan Wangye's autograph are the hottest topics.

"It's the lucky funeral item that was reported earlier, and everyone is very interested in it."

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian with beautiful eyes.

"Lucky funeral supplies? How can there be such things! It's all just accidental accidents."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands, there was no such thing as lucky funeral supplies.


"It's still hidden! If it's really a coincidence, what would you say if a child won a lottery after asking for your autograph?"

"Maybe it's not Boss Zhang's stubbornness. Maybe the other party's setting is like this. It's the same as the non-disclosure agreement we usually sign. Even if you get the answer right, you can't nod, otherwise it will become an admission of violation of the agreement."

Seeing Zhang Lingtian still categorically denying it, some water friends found out the cliché reasons.

That is, Lord Yan cannot admit to himself, otherwise he will reveal his secret.

"That's right, we don't believe there are lucky funeral items in this world either."

Jiang Xiaohan first affirmed his boss.

"However, the existence of such rumors makes netizens feel itchy, so many netizens suggest that they hope that you will sign your name on the funeral objects that are mailed out, or directly mix a signed note into it."

This was the most popular piece of information that Jiang Xiaohan had collected before.

At the same time, Douyin himself also received many private messages, and everyone hoped that Boss Zhang would do the same.

I also suggested that she talk to her boss during the live broadcast, so she said it now.

"Write names on funeral objects or write notes into them?"

Zhang Lingtian frowned, isn't the amount of work a bit large?Hands will be broken!

"Of course, boss, you can't write every one of them. In this way, we will calculate according to the number of online users in the live broadcast room. If there are 100 million copies, and now there are 200 million people watching online, then you can write two signatures. It's not troublesome, and then we will randomly mix them with the buyer's products and send them out."

Jiang Xiaohan said.

Since receiving suggestions from netizens, she has been thinking about how to plan better, and finally she came up with this plan.

It can not only increase sales but also increase the number of fans and the number of people watching in the live broadcast room.

"One million people sign one signature...well, let's sign two first."

Zhang Lingtian glanced at the number of people online and nodded slightly.

This is not troublesome, he thought he would sign a large number of water friends, if that is the case, there is no way to do it.

"Do not!"


"It is recommended to calculate the number of online users after the broadcast!!"

"That's right! It is recommended to count the number of people when the broadcast is down. It is too early to count now!"

"Everyone, hurry up and get people in! If there are 100 million more people, there will be one more autograph! This is ten times more likely than the one in the morning!"



Netizens are pulling in foreign aid one after another!


Li Tiantian looked at the data with a stiff mouth.

"It's outrageous!!"

Su Wei felt that it was outrageous like never before.

"I have never seen such appeal."

In a certain hotel, Reba exclaimed.

201, 210, 220, 230... 280 million.

Tens of thousands of people rose almost every second.

In less than a minute, it suddenly rose by 1 million.

"Everyone, pay close attention to Baishipu's account, and there must be no signs of freezes or crashes during page loading."

A live streaming software headquarters.

The old programmer has never seen this crazy scene.

Can you believe a live broadcast room where 100 million people joined one account in just over a minute?

"it is good!!"

The programmer in the uniform plaid shirt touched the few hairs on his head.

Programmers on the night shift were also called in to telework.

Let's protect the Douyin server from failure!

After all, this Ping'an Baishipu is really evil. If something goes wrong and affects the experience of the other party, then the occasional sudden death is unbearable.

that's it.

Under the guardianship of bald programmers, Douyin's servers withstood the influx of millions of viewers in an instant. .

Until 25:[-] in the afternoon.

[1. Young people should learn to endure hardships and go to places where the motherland needs them to work hard]

[2. Lucky viewers will be selected by the hardcore draw in the Ping An Baishipu live broadcast room]

[3. The villa is haunted, Boss Zhang applied to play]

【4. Signature of Zhang Lingtian】

[5. A new record, the number of online viewers of Baishipu reached 600 million]

[6. Mental breakdown of the suspect in the dismemberment case]

【7. Grandma Chi Mengzhen didn't know that her granddaughter had been killed yet】

【8. The sales of Ping An Baishipu's live broadcast room reached 600 million】


On the list of most searched bibs at the moment, Boss Zhang once again dominated nearly half of the list in this live broadcast.

And the first one is obviously a positive trending search.

But at the moment when I opened it, I found that they were all complaining.

And apart from this outlier, the following is basically about Boss Zhang.

Their income from this live broadcast is also unprecedentedly high.

Actually sales reached 600 million.

And there are 600 million viewers online.

It can be said to be very powerful, and has rushed to the top ten of Douyin's online viewership list.

"I didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic today. Of course, I also know that many people place orders for lucky funeral goods, so I think I should take out part of the money. I also said during the live broadcast that I will donate 500 million when the sales volume reaches 100 million. But now it is 600 million. Then calculate according to 100 points of 120 million. I will donate [-] million to charity this time. Thank you very much for your support!"

Ping An Baishipu's live broadcast room.

Zhang Lingtian thanked everyone.

His factory is going to be busy again.

After all, a large part of this time is pre-sale.

Because they are only two or three million in stock.

"After this sum of money is completed, I will contact Chunjiang Charity, and then post the donation certificate."

Jiang Xiaohan also spoke at this time.

"Boss Zhang, are you really donating money?!"

"You guys are too arrogant, donating 20% ​​is not much benefit."

"Upstairs should be a colleague. In fact, the profit of this kind of thing is not high after excluding various costs. At first I thought that Boss Zhang and the others said it for the effect of the live broadcast. Who would have thought that they would actually plan to donate it."

"Shut up for Boss Zhang!!"

"Boss Zhang, I want to ask you, will you choose a lucky viewer every time you live broadcast in the future? If you don't sell goods, can you also live broadcast, everyone really wants to hear your advice."

Seeing that Zhang Lingtian really planned to donate, many water friends were shocked.

After all, the profit of funeral goods is not high. If such a donation is made, it is equivalent to a loss of 120 million in profit, which is really generous.

Of course, some people hope that Boss Zhang will live broadcast more in the future.

"Hahaha, in fact, because we are all our own factories, the profit will be slightly higher than everyone thinks. As for the live broadcast, we will definitely draw one. After all, the lottery machines are ready."

Zhang Lingtian explained to him.

"Boss, do you usually live broadcast? It's when you don't sell goods."

Jiang Xiaohan also cooperated in copying the sentence mentioned by Shui You.

After all, the last thing you can do with a live broadcast is to be cold.

Jiang Xiaohan sometimes prepares some questions from netizens for Zhang Lingtian, so as to keep the live broadcast room as active as possible.

"If you don't sell goods, it depends on the situation. Of course, you can chat with everyone if you have time."

Zhang Lingtian showed a smile.

"This is good!"

"Speaking of which, Boss Zhang, have you forgotten something?"

"Yeah, a destined person!!"

"Yeah, I haven't seen a predestined person for a long time. The last predestined person selected by Boss Zhang, Ding Rang didn't reply, and I don't know if he is alive or dead now."

Suddenly it occurred to everyone that there are still predestined people who have not been selected.

"Boss, why don't you draw some predestined people while there are still a few minutes left? How about using the lottery machine to draw?"

Jiang Xiaohan said that he was going to bring the lottery machine over.

"No, no, let's save the words of this predestined person for next time. After all, I have to meet that artist friend, thank you everyone!"

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

Use the lottery machine?

The one drawn out would not be called the Chosen One.

It's no different from picking lucky viewers.

"Okay, then we'll see you next time on the live broadcast."

Jiang Xiaohan also showed a smile and waved goodbye to everyone.

Of course, a question mark also appeared silently in her heart.

Why does it feel like the boss is rejecting lottery selection of predestined people.

Could it be that this predestined person has certain stability?
And the words of lucky viewers can be random?

"Okay, goodbye, Boss Zhang!"

"Looking forward to tomorrow's live broadcast, the lucky draw is really great!"

"When you go to the haunted villa, remember to start the live broadcast, little Meng Po!!"

"Yes, yes, let's start the live broadcast, of course I also hope that I will be the recipient of the lucky funeral item!!"


"Indeed, I also took yellow paper for the student party. The urn is too high-end. The lowest one gets 10,000, and the highest one gets [-]+. The probability of [-] in [-] is really high. Although Lord Yan said that his signature has no special effect, who would believe it!"

It turns out that the things sold on the live broadcast just now mainly include yellow paper, shrouds, and urns.

Among them, boss Zhang signed three signatures on the yellow paper on the spot, and wrote the numbers ①, ②, and ③ respectively.

For shrouds, sign directly on the clothes, and the numbers are ④ and ⑤.

In the case of the urn, there is a note inside, which is sealed when it is delivered, and it is forbidden to open. The number is ⑥.

Among them, the number of urns is the least, only [-].

So that's a [-] in [-] chance of winning.

And the most is yellow paper.

It is estimated that there are nearly a million orders.

After all, there are two or three yuan per order.

Instead, it was randomly placed in.

So now it depends on whether your luck is good enough or not.

The live room screen turns off.

"Is Boss Zhang here?"

As soon as Zhang Lingtian and the others played the broadcast, there was a person standing at the door.

The other party was wearing a blue shirt and had a mustache. He really looked like a painter.

"Mr. Painter, right? You came here very quickly."

Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, at 04:30, the other party appeared at the door of Baishipu on time.

"Mr. Zhang, you can call me Yandong or Adong. This artist is always a little uncomfortable, and he should be punctual. After all, he dare not waste Mr. Zhang's time."

Yan Dong has a relaxed look on his face at the moment.

But I was inexplicably nervous.

Because Zhang Lingtian gave him a very strange psychological pressure.

It's even more stressful than the big leader he met.

"Come in and sit down, Xiaohan, go and get a cup of tea, you can slow down for the data."

Normally, they have to hold a meeting to summarize the data.

But it's okay to slow down a little bit now.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

"Boss Zhang, our villa is really weird. I invited a Taoist priest before, and when he entered, he said that there are ghosts hidden inside..."

Yan Dong talked about his weird villa.

"That place is not far from here, it's half an hour away."

Zhang Lingtian spoke after listening.

"Yeah, it's not very far. It's been about half an hour from here."

Yan Dong nodded.

"Then go and have a look."

Zhang Lingtian got up.

"Ah? Go directly??"

Yan Dong was stunned.

Is it so decisive? ?
"Otherwise? It's [-]:[-], and there will be a traffic jam later."

Although Chunjiang is a second-tier city, it can make you doubt your life in traffic jams.

"Okay! Then let's go there now!!"

Yan Dong was overjoyed!

In this way, Yan Dong drove ahead to lead the way, and after Jiang·A04048 started, he drove the members of Baishipu towards the haunted villa.

Everyone in the car was a little nervous.

It was a dark castle.

Sunset falls.

A black shadow passed by.

The voice of resentment lingered in my ears!



The ear-piercing suona sounded!

Red wedding sedan chair.

Dancing ghosts.

Pale face.

Inexplicably, the scene of watching ghost movies when I was a child appeared in Li Tiantian's mind.

"Brothers! Lord Yan is leaving the ghost villa!!"

Some of Chunjiang's group chats were the first to get the news.

Instantly ignited.


 6400 words, today is a little more than yesterday, trying to adjust the state o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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