I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 181 Worship, in the middle of a horror movie!

Chapter 181 Worship, in the middle of a horror movie!

"What happened!!"

Li Jie's husband is brushing his teeth in the room at the moment.

Hearing the frantic knock on the door, thinking that his wife had just left, she hurried over to open the door.

Mainly he was also worried about the neighbors.

After all, the shout was so loud just after closing the door, it must have seen something unbelievable.

Is the door next door open?

Then an old man or woman with a stooped figure, or a pale complexion and a sluggish expression dragged his wife into the house to take revenge?

No wonder he thought about it.

It's mostly horror movies.

Especially when I once had the misfortune to glance at someone else's living room.

Although it was two months ago, the impression is still very deep now.

It is simply not a place where people live, it is simply a haunted house.

Living in such an environment, he was really a little flustered.

And yesterday, my wife filed a complaint with Lord Yan. When he filed the complaint, he was worried that he would be in danger, or that he would be missed by this family.

"Open the door quickly!!"

Their home is key locked.

The wife has the key.

But at this moment, the other party didn't even take out the key and was hammering the door frantically, which was enough to show how urgent this matter was.

It can be said that it is urgent.

"What's wrong! What happened!!"

Li Jie's husband opened the door and asked in surprise.

There is still foam on the mouth that I haven't had time to wipe off.

After all, I was just brushing my teeth.

Hearing his wife knocking on the door, he rushed over in a hurry.

"Look quickly!!!"

At this moment, Li Jie was pulling her husband.

Then he pointed to the door of the next door.


In the next moment, Li Jie's husband was stunned!
"Her, this is her home??"

The two stood at each other's door.

"That's right! This is smoke, right! Is their family holding a ceremony or talking!"

It turned out that there was smoke coming out of the cracks of the door, one by one, Li Jie was a little puzzled.

If a ceremony is held, is it taking revenge on someone?
If it's not a ceremony but a ceremony, then this is dangerous! !
"It's smoke, and it's getting thicker! It must be on fire!"

Her husband said after analyzing it.

Because there is still black smoke.

At the same time, the temperature is still a little high.

Isn't this a sign of fire?
However, the two did not knock on the door.

There are eight households with two floors on one floor, and there are four households on their side. They knocked on the doors of the neighbors on their side.

Then everyone knocked on the family's door together.

See what is going on.

After all, if it really caught fire, it wouldn't be a good thing for them to burn.

Even up and down will be implicated.

As a result, there was no answer after knocking for a long time, and then I found the property company to contact the family, but the phone of the only woman living alone who left the number was also turned off.

Reluctantly called the police.

Soon the fire alarm came to the community and forcibly broke into the house.

The living room was indeed on fire.

Because the family closed the windows tightly and drew the curtains, the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room were closed again, and the balcony was still sealed.

And the doors of every room are closed.

So the outside is not particularly obvious.

It can only be said that fortunately it was discovered earlier.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

I'm afraid the whole house will become a sea of ​​flames.

Especially with so much clutter.

"This, this family..."

The fire is finished.

The neighbors looked at everything around them, and suddenly a chill rose from the soles of their feet.

There is an old-fashioned altar on one wall of the living room.

There are three photo frames on it.

The first photo frame is written in red with strange runes similar to ghost symbols, and the second is a black photo frame with black characters on a white background. There are four characters in total, but the only one that can be recognized is Resurrection .

As for the third one, it is pure red, blood red, and written in yellow text.

The text is twisted and twisted, and I don't know what it is at all.


Neighbors also participated in the rescue.

Suddenly, a neighbor who knew the national characters of the southeast region next door spoke in surprise.

Talismans, Xiaozhuan, Thai, no one knows why they are enshrined on a table.

But I just felt very suffocated from the moment I came in.

Because in front of these three photo frames is a plate of fruit, and there is a yellow thing with a red congealed substance with blood on it, which is a bit similar to pig red, of course it may be human red.

At the same time, there is a stack of black and white photos on the left side, on which is a woman.

Of course, it's not actually oppressive.

The most oppressive thing is the wall.

The other party hung three photos.

It's all black and white photos.

And the kind that stares straight at you.

An old woman with a withered face, and a young woman and a little boy.

Although it is a black and white photo, you can still see the pale expression.

Among them, boys are the most vivid and chilling.

The other party didn't even seem to be wearing a shirt.

Just naked.

Like the little boy in The Grudge, with a pale expression and scary eyes.

There are also two stools on the left and right sides.

A bronze mirror stood on top of a stool.

The bronze mirror was written with a strange vein in red blood, and was tied to it with a blood-stained red rope.

Both are like this.

The ground was still black.

All kinds of things are crooked.

At the same time, there are burnt candles, charred runes, and even a villain.

Kind of like feeding on blood.

08: 30.

Firefighting work is over.


Li Jie and her husband are sitting on the sofa right now.

The faces of the two were a little livid.

"God, what the hell is she doing with those things?!"

The man opened his mouth.

I just went in from the outside and took a look before, so although I know it's scary inside, I'm not sure.

Not only them, but several owners were covered in goose bumps after entering.

It's like being in a horror movie.

"Husband! We should be glad! We are glad that we said these things to Lord Yan yesterday! He is finally the king of Hades!"

Li Jie also had lingering fears.

It was far scarier than she imagined.

"Yes, we should really thank Boss Zhang."

The man also nodded.

Now he also wonders if the other party is playing with their baby.

Taking a step back, even if the other party really has no such plan, but if the neighbor next to your house is like this, I will ask you if you panic?

"Yeah, actually, even if we don't visit Baishipu, we can still send some fruit to each other. I'll talk to Assistant Jiang first."

I saw Li Jie at this moment talking to her.


This matter can be regarded as an end.

In their hearts, the ghosts have completely disappeared.

It's all on fire after all.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Boss Zhang, eat slowly."

As soon as Hong Fugui brought the breakfast, he saw Zhang Lingtian entering the funeral shop, and he said to him with a very happy attitude.

Anyway, in his eyes, Boss Zhang has become the real king of Hades who can wash away the bad luck.

After all, there are rumors on the Internet that negatives make positives.

Being able to meet Boss Zhang proves that he is lucky today.

Of course, this still has to pay attention to randomness.

If you deliberately meet Boss Zhang, you will not be lucky, because you have a different purpose, and then you will only be more unlucky.

It's best to come across it by accident.

Just like Boss Zhang's lucky funeral objects.

The luckiest ones are random ones.

Someone bought the funeral goods of the person who got the lucky funeral goods before, and then live broadcasted them to scratch the lottery, and won one of the twenty tickets.

It can be said that it is as cool as it is.

"Thank you, Boss Hong."

Zhang Lingtian thanked Boss Hong.

"No problem!"

Boss Hong slipped away.

"Boss, I have already prepared the data."

Jiang Xiaohan spoke to Zhang Lingtian after seeing Zhang Lingtian coming in.

"It's pretty fast, so how about this, Xiaohan, play the PPT and directly connect to this big screen, and we will watch the data while eating."

Zhang Lingtian said to Jiang Xiaohan at this moment.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

It just so happens that the TV screen they installed in the tea room is also big enough.

It's just one size smaller than the conference room.

At that time, Zhang Lingtian considered that he might hold a meeting here.

So specially made the screen bigger.

Everyone is sitting together now.

"Didi, Didi!!"

However, after Jiang Xiaohan connected the computer to the display, messages popped up one after another.

"Director of Xingchen Group: Assistant Jiang, I have a daughter who happens to be at the young age, a little younger than Mr. Zhang, can you see..."

"North District Charity Leader: Assistant Jiang, I heard that Mr. Zhang is still single, and he also said in the live broadcast room that he wants to fall in love. There is a girl in our unit who graduated from top3. She is also very nice and looks like a juicy person. I took the photo. I have sent it to you, do you think it is suitable? The little girl is fine now."

"Commercial Bank President: Xiaohan, I heard that Mr. Zhang is not married yet and wants to fall in love. My daughter is 18 years old this year. I told her last night that I want her to go back to China and spend some time with Boss Zhang. What do you think? I've emailed you the photo."



After Su Wei saw this information, he was in a daze.

"Um, I'll turn off WeChat first."

Jiang Xiaohan opened it on the computer because he needed to use WeChat to transfer files.

But this job number is really a bit outrageous.

"Boss, there are so many marriage urging messages!"

I only saw Li Tiantian say something.

"Xiaohan, when did your WeChat explode like this?"

Zhang Lingtian asked his little assistant at the moment.

Seeing this information, he also felt that it was outrageous.

I remember that Xiaohan also logged in to WeChat when reporting work, but not as frequently as today.

Almost immediately another message popped up.

Even when adding friends, it shows 99+.

"Since yesterday, boss, you said that you want to fall in love after the live broadcast, it has become like this."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands helplessly.

"Outrageous, didn't they hear me say that falling in love requires fate? A swarm of introductions, I'm not a breeding."

Zhang Lingtian rubbed his forehead.

Today's outrageous event +1.

I knew I wouldn't have answered this topic yesterday.

This is all nonsense.

"Who knows, boss, I will send you the information of these young ladies in a while, and some of them are still very good-looking."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands helplessly, and then said to Zhang Lingtian.

She was busy with the work of summarizing, and she hadn't had time to sort out and send to the boss about the blind date.

"Why did you send it to me? I'm really going on a blind date! Then I'm nothing! Anyway, you just look at it and let me reject it. Don't talk about this early in the morning, let's talk about the sales of yesterday afternoon."

Zhang Lingtian has no interest in these things.

At this moment, he looked at Jiang Xiaohan.

Soon a PPT was presented in front of everyone.

"Okay. I mainly prepared four sections for today's morning meeting. The first is the overall sales data of Baishipu yesterday, the second is the production situation of our factory, the third is some feedback from users, and the fourth is development. As for the direction, let me briefly talk about it first, and if the boss has any ideas, let him add them."

The process is like this.

Every time, Jiang Xiaohan said first, and then Zhang Lingtian added what he had to add, and just let it go if he didn't.

"Everyone can watch while eating. We are a small company after all, and there are not so many rules in the market. Just be casual."

Zhang Lingtian greeted Li Tiantian and Su Wei.


Li Tiantian and Su Wei nodded while eating.

small company?
Not too small! !

Li Tiantian received a funeral company asset appraisal last night, and their Ping An Baishi Shop has reached a valuation of 3000 million, making it one of the top [-] funeral brands.

That is, their boss is casual.

In fact, how to say, in this company is pretty good.

Not as much stress either.

The key salary plus the year-end bonus is estimated to be around 20.

This is in Chunjiang.

A second-tier city.

The annual salary of 20 has exceeded the estimated 95% of the people or more.

"The first is sales. Our sales statistics yesterday revealed a very astonishing statistic. The total sales easily exceeded [-] million!"

Jiang Xiaohan first talked about sales.


Everyone's eyes were amazed! !
Even Zhang Lingtian felt incredible.

"Yes, shrouds, 88 pieces were sold, with a special price of 880 yuan per piece, and a total of [-] million yuan was sold."

Jiang Xiaohan presented all the data.

The shrouds alone sold [-] pieces.

This is the limit they set.

In other words, if it is set higher, it will definitely sell more.

But it can't be set like this.

Because 90% of the [-] pieces are pre-sold.

The factory machines are smoking.

The same is true for yellow paper, a total of 100 million pieces, 90% of which are pre-sold.

In seconds, a total of 220 million were sold.

There are 400 urns in stock online, but only 100 real ones, so 300 urns were pre-sold, with a total sales of 600 million.

Yesterday they brought goods in this game, 880w plus 220w plus 600w, with a total sales of 700 million.

As for the reward, it is also relatively high.

【Live details】

【Number of viewers: 2000.7 million people】

[Gift income: 2100000 yuan]

That's right, today's gift income actually reached 220 million directly.

Nearly 2000.

The number of people watching them also broke an all-time high.

reached 2000 million.

"As far as this data is concerned, it is difficult to make it with our current productivity."

Zhang Lingtian pondered.

"That's right, if our shroud workshop and yellow paper workshop want to produce the above-mentioned items with quality and quantity, it will take at least two months, and it will take one month at the earliest. The same is true for the urn."

Workers do this day and night, and it is estimated that it can be made.

As for the urns, they are purely artificial.

The same batch of craftsmen, who had just produced one hundred and then three hundred, were already exhausted.

"Tell Qu Jiangmei and the others to expand the production line and recruit more workers. Holidays must also be arranged, and rest should be taken."

Zhang Lingtian felt that he was about to become a black-hearted capitalist.

So he would rather recruit more people to do the work.

"I'm already looking for it, and I also talked about some manufacturers with production lines before becoming our foundries. If we can succeed, our speed will be much faster."

Jiang Xiaohan said to him.

"Yeah, this is fine."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

In the past, when there were few things, he could still do it himself, but now that there are many things, he leaves most of these things to Xiaohan to deal with.

The time soon came to ten o'clock.

"Work hard for Baishipu!!"

End of the meeting.

A slogan sounded.

"Okay, let's stop here today, and we actually had a meeting for more than an hour."

Zhang Lingtian got up and stretched.

The main reason is that today's content is a bit too much.

"Boss, twelve lucky funeral objects, we don't have any of them!!"

Li Tiantian looked devastated.

"What, you want?"

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian looked at Li Tiantian.

"Of course! The boss wants to send it to us!!"

Li Tiantian's eyes lit up.

She just made fun of it casually.

As a result, who would have thought that good things would really happen to them.

"You don't need to send it. The Baishipu employees are free. This is a benefit."

Zhang Lingtian grinned.

"Pfft——, goodbye, boss, I don't want to use free funeral goods until I'm 90 years old, I'd better leave it to others. Speaking of which, someone bought funeral goods to go to Chunjiang University today, as far as I know I know there was a murder case over there, the one you reminded the boss yesterday."

Li Tiantian shook her head frantically.

Then he talked about Chunjiang University.

"It can only be said that the boss has reminded him not to go to school, and the other party is going to die. What can he say?"

Su Wei spread his hands.

It can only be said that some people regret it only before they die.

"Indeed, if I knew that Lord Yan had reminded me, I would have been paying attention to Douyin's news all the time, but the boss sent him a message asking him to pay attention to his roommates, but he didn't read it! This is a big heart!"

Li Tian dessert nodded.

"You also know that I sent him a private message?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't watch the news today, nor did he turn on his Douyin.

After washing up, he headed towards the chalk shop.

So a little confused.

"Yeah, Brother Tian, ​​a classmate saw your private message at the time, and then took a picture of it, but Brother Tian, ​​how do you know that the other roommate has a problem? It feels so detailed!"

Su Wei asked curiously.

"Awei, you asked this question, there is no reason in the book of life and death."

Li Tiantian said something.

"Come on, it's the book of life and death. My ears are calloused, but I plan to undertake the funeral of the other party. If I do, I will trouble the two of you to restore the body."

Zhang Lingtian interrupted the topic.

"Ah? Okay!!"

Li Tiantian scratched her head.

Soon Zhang Lingtian entered his office.

Habitually opened the scarf.

[1. A vicious murder occurred at Chunjiang University]

Sure enough, the first one was about what happened to Chunjiang University last night.

I took a stroll.

He's here again.

[1. What do you think of the vicious murder case at Chunjiang University, where the victim was hacked to death 91 times by his fellow roommate even though he was reminded by Boss Zhang?Do you know the inside story, what warning does this incident give us?Is depression really that scary? 】

It seems that this place also rushed to the hot search list.

The popularity was as high as 5000 million.

Sit firmly in the number one position.

"Interests are related, the post bar was blocked last night. We chatted all night under the video of Yan Wangye. We can only say that although the incentive is that the person involved is not easy to communicate with others, it is easy to get into the horns, and he is aggrieved, tempered, unable to enlighten, and finally kills. On the road of no return, but I have to admit that sometimes I meet one or two people who think they are "funny and humorous", but in fact, their words and deeds always offend others intentionally or unintentionally. See you in the dormitory!"

Soon a high praise comment appeared.

"That's right, some people are just scumbags who like to tease others and think they are very humorous!"

"I'm deeply touched. Some people are really cheap. I just fell in love and my roommate gave me a happy breakup. I married the person you love. The bride is not you. I thought I didn't care when she sang, and then she suddenly asked me, do you hear me?" Did I put something? What did I say, she said that the person you love got married and the bride is not you, she was disgusted at that time!"

There are also many follow-up comments below.

Definitely a key factor.

Otherwise, this accident would never have happened.

"It's not that you don't want to provoke others if you have nothing to do, but don't underestimate the distortion and darkness of human nature, keep things on the front line, and see each other afterwards. When you encounter extreme personality or anti-social people, you have to flatter them superficially and stay away as much as possible - the way to save your life .”

"To be honest, I almost became Rong a week ago. Everyone said that impulsiveness is the devil, but who knows the helplessness of introverts when they are bullied? The mouth is noisy but not popular and no one is good, and they are bitten. , what else can I do besides holding a knife?!"

There are all kinds of forced friends, and some people have expressed their feelings.

At the same time, another said that he almost did the same thing out of impulse.

After all, sometimes people are impulsive.

"I'm a classmate of the deceased. I can only say that Long Teng deserves it. The other party has never been compelled to take his sneering as humor. The most important thing is that Lord Yan reminded him not to go, and even sent him a message telling him to be careful. My own roommate, but this guy didn’t have a bit of a clue to let the roommate come to his room, this is life! The kind that even the King of Hades can’t get back!”

"Everyone says he's guilty. It's true that Long Teng is really guilty, but the murderer has a twisted mind! Depression is definitely not his shield! Because I am also a depression patient!"

"+1, when I heard the other party say that I am depressed, I really feel speechless. Depression can kill people with a knife? With so many depressions, everyone is actively treating them, and they have never thought of hurting others. Obviously It’s just my own mental distortion and using that depression as a shield!”

One by one spoke enthusiastically.

The post came to four or five thousand.

Victims are not worthy of sympathy, but this Rong Wei is definitely not a teacher of justice.

At best, he is a mentally twisted person.

After all, even one's fellow countrymen can do it.

The scarf focuses on criticism and emotional venting.

"Deliberately concealing his son's mental illness and causing tragedy, his family has no one left!"

"That's right, the parents also have some problems. If you are sick, don't take them home and treat them properly. If you have mild symptoms, you have to tell them. It's so heartfelt to send them to the school with such peace of mind!"

After opening, almost all of them are comments of this type.

It's almost coercive but inexplicably seems a little warmer.

Maybe it's the environment.

"Haha, a buddy in our dormitory also suffered from depression when he first entered the freshman year. Four years later, he was assimilated into a big sand sculpture by us. Thinking about it, I'm quite proud."

"It's a coincidence brother, our dormitory is similar, but I'm that big sand sculpture of depression!"

"So it turns out: sand sculptures can save lives?"

"My dormitory is different. When I was a freshman, I had a roommate who was autistic (basically he didn't speak, and shook his head when he yelled out to eat). Now that he's a junior, he's been ruled by five of us. This belt has become a big color batch!"

"Sand Sculpture = Help, Help = Color Criticism, So Color Criticism = Help! I've Got It!!"


A happy base for youth.

One by one telling stories of the past.

Zhang Lingtian is also browsing at the moment.

After all, he often goes shopping too.

He basically understood the ins and outs of things.

How to say about this matter.

It can only be said that if you don't provoke people, there won't be such a thing.

After all, the relationship wasn't that good in the first place, and I felt high when I mocked being a teacher.

However, it is very bad to base your happiness on the pain of others.

There is no hate and love for no reason in this world. Why do people kill you and remain indifferent to other roommates? I don’t have any idea. I can only talk about the evil cause planted yesterday and the evil fruit tasted today.

It's normal if you can't get it back.

If it is really the kind of clear-headed and persuasive person, he won't have conflicts with his roommates.

Of course, Rong Wei's psychology is also distorted.

Depression is definitely not a shield.

Walking around, the time passed quickly, and it came to lunch time at twelve o'clock.

"Why did you buy so much fruit again?"

When Zhang Lingtian came to the tea room, he suddenly found that there were many more fruits.

Jiang Xiaohan even brought over a plate, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"The boss was sent by Ms. Li from the same city yesterday. He said that he is very grateful to you for saving their family. Now they feel that they have hope in life."

Jiang Xiaohan said to him, and brought a card over.

[Ms. Li: Boss Zhang, thank you very much!It is you who dispelled the haze that has troubled me for a long time, and brought our family back to the right track. Please accept this fruit! 】

Above is a passage written by Li Jie.

The other party directly found the same city to send it over, and filled in her number.

He probably sent her a message without adding her WeChat.

Because the boss was in the office, she didn't bother him.

After all, it is also the other party's intention.

And the fruit worth tens of dollars is not a big amount.

"It turned out to be like this. I said it was a psychological problem."

Zhang Lingtian had scanned with the system at that time, and the other party basically had a psychological problem.

"The haunted house is burned down and there are psychological problems. The boss is getting more and more outrageous."

Li Tiantian looked at the phone and whispered to Su Wei next to him.

"Burn? What burned??"

Zhang Lingtian happened to hear it vaguely.

Suddenly a little puzzled.

"Boss, in fact, many people also think that you burned it correctly. After all, our land can't accommodate the brat next door. Burn it if you want!"

Li Tiantian expressed support for the boss to do this!
"What the hell!"

Zhang Lingtian was completely dumbfounded.

"It's burning!"

Soon Li Tiantian cast a video on the screen.

"This is Li Jie's neighborhood??"

Seeing this video, Zhang Lingtian is incredible, mainly because he really doesn't know about this matter!
"The boss's expression is probably full marks!!"

Li Tiantian whispered a word to Jiang Xiaohan next to her.


It is always easy to forget the pain.

Just like the saying that the only thing people learn from history is history.

Can't remember the lesson.

This is not starting to be presumptuous again.

"They were all forced out. If you are disrespectful or untrue, you may not be able to complete the task."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands.

The boss looked like he really didn't know.

But the fact that the boss doesn't know?This is basically impossible!

How else would the house catch fire.

Wires shorted, candle holder burned cloth?

Anyway, she, Jiang Xiaohan, didn't believe it.

"Outrageous, outrageous."

Zhang Lingtian was speechless.

I can only sigh twice!
It feels like the system is getting more and more troublesome now.

"Boss, is the other party's ceremony enshrining a little ghost?"

All three of them asked curiously.

Nothing said online.

The boss is the real authority.

"Who knows, maybe it is, after all, this thing is just like the scene in the movie."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands, after all, this is what he saw in the movie.

To be honest, at first he thought it was the lights made by Succulent.

In the end, I didn't expect this family to be hard goods.

Really engaged in these sevens and eighty-eight things.

[3. Yesterday I just sued Hades, today the haunted house crematorium]

Sure enough, in the afternoon, the hot search was arranged.

"If you don't understand, ask, why is there a red thread wrapped around the bronze mirror?"

There is a video below this hot search.

It is the video after burning.

It's not from Li Jie and the others.

It was the videos recorded by the mobile phones of the neighbors who went in, and then posted in their respective circles.

Then it was exposed.

It happened to be combined with what Boss Zhang talked about yesterday.

It exploded all at once.

And this raised questions among many people.

For example, why is there a red thread wrapped around the bronze mirror.

"Prophet: Actually, this is very simple."

Under this topic, the prophet who won 500 million before came out.

"Fuck! Prophet!"

"Brother, give us some popular science, why is there a red thread wrapped around!!"

Immediately watched one by one.

After all, the prophet was one of the real authorities on such matters.

And from the last time he believed in Lord Yan, he bought 500 lottery tickets and won more than [-] million yuan. It can be seen that this person has something! !

Just this afternoon.

Ping An funeral shop.

Jiang Xiaohan entered Zhang Lingtian's office.

"Boss, Yan Tao called just now."

Her expression at the moment is a bit confusing.


 8000 words are delivered, and there are a little less tonight. At this time, there will be red envelope rain when entering the group~~ During the event of giving back to book friends, the minimum 100 yuan red envelope rain every day~~
(End of this chapter)

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