I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 188 Saying goodbye to the director, the suona blows!

Chapter 188 Saying goodbye to the director, the suona blows!

"Yeah! I can already foresee the scene where Big Brother will be killed instantly in this program led by the director!"

The assistant's flattery was really loud.

But to be the director's secretary, how could he be a male secretary?

"It's not easy for our region to win against Big Brother. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Director Ge sighed with emotion.

The public reacted so strongly, it can be seen that finding a girlfriend for Boss Zhang is what the people want.

"Oh my god, it's in the top three most searched!!"

Vehicles are driving on the road.

The director specifically told the driver to drive slowly.

After all, getting home safely is the safest thing.

He has decided not to touch any sharp objects when he gets home, nor to eat anything with bones or cores.

Let's wait until the show starts.

"Free marketing is so fast, if we can develop Boss Zhang's big IP for a long time, why worry about no future!"

The director looked at the hot search and nodded slightly, and the whole person looked very emotional.

[Top ↑Multi-departmental joint cancellation of housing restrictions to maintain sound and rapid economic development]

[1. A woman who killed a peacock while walking her dog without a leash was claimed 36 yuan]

[2. The digital anchor of Dagou on the bridge is inappropriate to speak]

[3. "Mysterious Everyday" is rumored to have a third season]

On the trending list.

Ms. Jia Ailin, who treated the dog as her son and then beat her own son on the bridge, took the first and second places on the hot search list at the cost of not eating or drinking for five years at the fastest.

Everyone loves the first one.

After all, the dog ran into the peacock garden without leash and killed more than 30 peacocks.

The most important thing is that this woman ignored other people's warnings before, and even scared the children and said that her dog does not bite people. This is simply a typical punishment of this world.

Seeing that is called a relief.

As for the second one, it is a video of beating a dog on a bridge.

Regarding this matter, some people think that magic defeats magic, and of course some people think this behavior is inappropriate.

No, some anchors shouted that dogs are innocent, don't beat dogs, we can pay for it, and so on.

[Writer Chen Nan: Isn't it more than 30?Come come come sister to you!Since it is the dog I raise, I should bear this responsibility. If my dog ​​makes a mistake and needs to be compensated, I will definitely pay without saying a word. I will never beat the dog, because it is an extremely stupid behavior! #Women's bridge hit dog]

[Global Associate Editor: I was shocked to see a piece of news today. It was a video of a woman tying her dog to a bridge and beating it with a stick!Since you don’t love, please don’t hurt, the thing has already happened, so you can only face it positively. Hitting is useless. I hope this lady can listen to the voices on the Internet and wake up earlier. If you really want money, I believe everyone will also will help you. #Women's bridge hit dog]

Among them, writer Chen Nan and Global deputy editor also supported these anchors.

"You're doing great!!"

"I didn't expect Lao Hu to be a dog lover. I also think this woman's behavior is too stupid."

"Tears! It's rare for a big V to speak up. I'm suffocated when I see this video today. Only you are the cutest people, unlike some big Vs who just pretend to be stupid!"

The deputy editor-in-chief of Global is called Lao Hu, and many netizens commented on his remarks.

One by one expressed tears!

This is what contemporary Internet celebrities should look like.

However, they never imagined that they usually just earn traffic online by chatting, but this time they actually failed and met a real full-level woman!

As for what kind of sparks will be wiped out, it will only be known when it is wiped.

In addition to these two most popular.

The most eye-catching trending search with the greatest potential is the news about the upcoming third season of "Mysterious Everyday".

And this is said to be a blind date show as a selling point.

I have to say that the marriage of the single Boss Zhang really made everyone very interested, and at the same time, it also made many female compatriots compete to express themselves.

[Domestic entertainment news: According to internal news from Toilet TV, Toilet TV is about to plan a large-scale live reality dating show called "Mysterious Every Day Season [-]: Marriage is Not Yet". I heard that many sisters have secretly signed up. Are you looking forward to it? ?Who will be Boss Zhang’s girlfriend in the end?Where are you from?Are you from Chunjiang?Let’s wait and see! #爱不有你】

After the third hot search was clicked, there was a news post about internal entertainment.

At the same time, a topic called 'Marriage Without You' was created.

"Oh! Big dating show! I like it!!"

"Is Boss Zhang finally going to be on a reality blind date show? Jimei guys, hurry up and sign up!"

"This is Boss Zhang's ostentation. His previous show had a bunch of women standing there to pick a boy, but now it's a bunch of women standing there waiting for a boy to pick him. The key is to choose the kind that doesn't matter."

"Hello, Boss Zhang. I'm a model from Chunjiang Academy of Arts. I like traveling and all kinds of scary incidents. I also contacted Toilet TV to sign up for this program. I hope I can get to know Boss Zhang better."

"I'm here for a blind date. I'm 22 years old. I'm 172cm tall and weigh 105kg. I have fair skin and a good figure. I'm the type that the older generation says is suitable for having children! Boss Zhang, come and see me! I want to give birth to you. monkey!!!"


Under this hot search.

The comments are really bullshit.

There are even people going on blind dates down there, or directly saying that they want to give birth to a monkey for Boss Zhang.

It's so audacious that it's breathtaking.

"Boss Zhang, I am a senior girl majoring in Psychology at Chunjiang University. I have a pretty face, fair skin, long hair and shawls, simple and elegant clothes, stylish and tasteful. People around me say that I am kind and friendly, and I am good at cooking. I often cook all kinds of delicacies, and there is always a strong aroma and warm atmosphere in my home. I am definitely a person who makes people feel warm and comfortable, and feels the beauty and happiness of life. I am also planning to sign up for a blind date program I hope you can pay more attention to it.”

And after these blind date posts came out, more people also launched self-introduction posts under this hot search.

One of them was even more highly praised.

"Hahaha! Sister, if you are kidnapped by your parents, just blink!!"

"This laughs me to death, as if I saw my mother write my resume and go to the blind date corner in the park."

"Calm young people, anxious parents, are the parents so anxious to hold their grandchildren when they are only in their senior year?"

"Boss Zhang is an absolute potential stock, so everyone is in a hurry to change it! If it weren't for my daughter who hasn't grown up yet, I would try to fight for it!"

This highly praised answer has attracted numerous follow-up comments from friends.

I figured it must be from my parents.


In the rented room at No. 13, Building 1203, Area A, Teacher's Apartment next to Chunjiang University.

"Yeah, that's the only way to be comprehensive! This is called the initial impression! And you see that everyone's format is completely different from yours. You are unique, and you will be highly praised soon."

The man read the comment while eating.


The girl is at the table at the moment, with food between them.

The man in front of her is her father, who is already in a daze.

"Don't look down on this comment, look at coconut milk, it's trendy when it's soiled to the extreme, and it's the same here, as soon as this parent format comes out, you can see if everyone's likes come up!"

The man is none other than Zhang Gu.

After seeing this post, he edited an introduction post for his daughter.

As a result, it immediately caught fire when it was sent out.

Now there are tens of thousands of likes and hundreds of comments.

"Yes, yes, eat quickly, Dad! There are six dishes for the two of us!"

The girl's name is Zhang Yaoyao.

Only 21 years old.

She was really handsome and had bright eyes. She was eating food quietly at the dinner table, and she looked at her father angrily.

He said that there might be guests coming tonight and asked her to prepare a few more dishes. She bought a lot of ingredients.

It turned out to be a pigeon.

Now another outrageous post to myself.

Now it's completely dead.

Although Boss Zhang is indeed the mate selection criterion for more than 80% of the girls in their school, and she really wants to communicate with Boss Zhang in depth, but isn't it too outrageous for you to send this kind of information?

Especially when dad wants to sign her up for marriage without you...

"No hurry, let's eat slowly."

Zhang Gu looked at these comments with joy.

The main reason is that adults don't care about their daughter's happiness, and now they have finally caught a son-in-law whose daughter likes him more, so he has to work hard!
Speaking of which, Director Nan and Lao Qin are both thinking about it!
spring river.

"Eat slowly and don't rush."

Tonight, Zhang Lingtian and the others still had dinner together, after all, the employees had helped him a lot.

And tonight they chose a cafeteria.

It is still the familiar place and the familiar position.

No, Li Tiantian and the others started working.

Barbecue, pig's trotters, salmon, large seafood, and abalone are all made indiscriminately.

"Boss, this is an unexpected meal for us."

Li Tiantian smiled while eating.

"Brother Tian, ​​what should I do if you don't agree to this show, but now it's on the hot search list? Will you still participate in this show then?"

Although Su Wei was very unhappy with the kidnapping of Toilet TV, he felt that the arrow was on the line.

And this comment area is simply spectacular.

Many girls have filled in their own information below.


Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

Going to this dating show on Toilet TV?It's not that I'm full and have nothing to do!
"Boss, more and more people are posting similar texts under this trending search. Someone will definitely ask this in the live broadcast tomorrow. How about I call Director Yan Tao?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked.

"No need."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

He has already emphasized it today, but how did Yan Tao do it?

The other party ignored his words, and released this kind of information in the afternoon.

Obviously this was done on purpose.

Anyway, he just ignored it!
Just make a statement later that this matter has nothing to do with him and he will not be involved.


Time came quickly the next morning.

As the incident continues to ferment.

[1. "Mysterious Everyday Season [-] Marriage Without You" "Boiling"]

With the blessing of one night, this incident directly shot to the top of the hot search list.

And it has become one of the hottest searches today.

The selected female guests have not yet been announced, and the registration website has not even been posted. The popularity has already reached 8000 million!
If there are more showy operations like last time, I believe this will be a big hit.

"It feels like Toilet TV has found the traffic code."

"Indeed, if this show is run, it will probably be a wind vane-type dating show in the future, and the domestic ceiling will belong to it."

"This is the first time I see girls so excited, even leaving their own messages one by one. I envy Boss Zhang! I also want to ask when the talent show will be held!"

"Ahem, I heard that Boss Zhang is very dissatisfied with this program!"

"Oh? Brothers of Zhan Youqun? If there is a wind, I guess we can't go on!"

"Ah? What are you talking about? Why can't we go on?"

"It is recommended to check the video of a commercial vehicle in Xiangjiang being hit by an out-of-control truck last night."

The comment area that was originally filled with excitement and cheers did not appear, but many riddlers were surprised.

Eight thirty in the morning.

"It turns out that this is what the boss said is unnecessary."

Three people came.

Breakfast was also delivered.

I'm watching a video in the tea room right now.

It was a video of a truck losing control and then crashing into a black commercial vehicle. It is said that the person in the commercial vehicle was none other than the director of Toilet TV.

Jiang Xiaohan looked suddenly awakened at this moment.

"Boss, not everyone can match this traffic flow."

Li Tiantian said something.

"At the beginning, the boss had already told the other party not to use him for this kind of show, and I don't know if Yan Tao is in it."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands helplessly.

"There is no police report yet, but judging from the video of the scene, there are three people in it including the driver. I guess director Yan Tao is also worried."

Li Tiantian added.

After all, as the administrator of Zhanyou.

Their management group is still very powerful, and they are basically very well-informed with all kinds of information.

Even a few people in the car were sent out by the elder brother.

But whether Yan Tao is inside or not, I don't know.


Su Wei also sighed.

Chunjiang People's Hospital.

"Hey! Why do you say this is necessary!!"

Yan Tao is fine.

Now came to the hospital.

Turning on my phone this morning, I received a message that the director was hit by a tired truck while returning home from the hospital.

That's right, it's not loss of control but fatigue driving.

As for why he was driving tired at seven o'clock, he could only say, why don't you ask Boss Zhang?

"The person was saved, but he is still in a coma."

Assistant Xiaoxiang was really scared now.

Lord Yan's enmity doesn't last overnight.

"Let's go, I just said that you can't do things that Boss Zhang doesn't agree with. The station manager had to seek death. He also asked his secretary to send out the third season of the blind date live show. The result was good. The secretary seriously injured himself and directly The ICU is full of tubes."

It turned out that Yan Tao did not persuade the director after the back-and-forth communication between the two parties yesterday, and the other party still insisted on doing so.

What can he do?
All I can say is good luck to you.

"Director Yan, don't you think this boss is too daring? This is the head of the station!!"

To be honest, the assistant really didn't expect that the director would be in the ICU one day.

"Dare? Isn't this an accident? Who can find trouble with Boss Zhang?"

Yan Tao asked back.

Mass accident maker, do you think it's a joke?
Soon the two left the hospital.

I don't know who leaked the news.

Not bad, several reporters rushed over and immediately surrounded Yan Tao and the others.

"Director Yan Tao, it is said that the third season of "Mysterious Every Day" "Marriage Without You" will be launched soon, but the director had an accident last night and was admitted to the hospital, right?"

"Director Yan Tao, we have received news that Director Ge of Toilet TV Station is being rescued at the moment. How is the other party's situation now? Do you think this is an accident? Or is it a warning from Boss Zhang?"


Then it clicked and it was a bunch of questions.

There are even some set-ups.

Just like the first question.

The other party wanted to take advantage of the interview to ask about the third season.

"Comrade reporter, first of all, I would like to correct you on one question. Our TV station has never had your show in the third season. The director did encounter a little accident last night. His vital signs are stable and he is in the ICU. Body, thank you for your concern."

Yan Tao replied a few words and then fled the interview.

On the other side, the Riverside Washington District.


At 08:30, Zhang Lingtian just came out of his home and drove to the gate of the community.

Suddenly there was a voice in my mind.

[Reminder: The host has found a person with a low Luck value, and the system is scanning. 】

It turned out that people with low luck were found.

But there are still 4 buildings in this community.


Wu Xiaoxiao knocked on Jia Ailin's door.

Go to work at nine o'clock.

It's 08:30 now, and I didn't expect my best friend to be silent now.

She was really surprised.

Not even a dog barking.


After a while, she opened the door of her best friend's room.

"What about people??"

The next moment Wu Xiaoxiao was stunned.

Because the best friend and the dog are all missing!

Could it be that she really went to those anchors? ?
I remember that last night, the other party said that she had saved all the videos about not beating dogs, and I paid for this money.

Go back and ask these people for money.

If you don't give it, you will make trouble!

Let them know that her traffic is not easy to deal with.

At that time, she thought the other party was joking.

As a result, there was really no one this early in the morning!
"Smile, I have embarked on a journey!"

I made a call and the other party didn't answer, but just sent a text message back.

Community gate.

[The host scan was successful, and the scanned user Mo Hai has a luck value of 2 today, which is extremely bad luck. 】

The system scan has ended, and a line of messages appeared in front of him.

It was a man named Mo Hai.

[Reminder: Please ask the host to remind the other party to pay attention to the disaster of prison, and you can get +1 for the number of unique eyes. 】

Suddenly a reminder sounded in front of him.

And he glanced over, a man wearing air conditioner maintenance and installation was marked with a red frame.

It's as if it's locked.

If I didn't guess wrong, this person should be that Mo Hai.

Prison disaster?

Air conditioning clothing?

What kind of plot is this? ?

Old Wang next door?

Zhang Lingtian planned to get close to the other party to scan.


 I was a little stuck tonight. I didn’t write as much as I expected. I wrote a total of 5400 words.
(End of this chapter)

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