I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 194 The first generation of demons, cut grass and roots.

Chapter 194 A generation of monsters, cut grass and roots.

Qin Yan on the other end of the phone gave a very solemn warning.

After all, he is now the chief of the Chunjiang police station. As a force to maintain social order, he must be aware of some disturbances on Chunjiang's side.

According to the information he got, someone is currently investigating Zhang Lingtian carefully.

And very detailed.

Basically accurate to the kind of every day.


Zhang Lingtian frowned when he heard this.

It seems that the other party has already begun to betray me.

If you feel that he is harmless to animals and there is nothing weird about it, then you should be ready to do it.

imperial capital.

"This result is both weird and interesting."

The man sighed with emotion, and then a smile appeared on his lips.

At first, he thought that this person would disappear for a certain period of time, go to the mountain gate to practice five elements and so on, and then be the head of a certain sect to teach him personally.

As for your claim that he disappeared because he arranged accidents himself, he really didn't think about it. After all, how much energy does it take to arrange so many accidents by one person?

You know, forget about the Internet celebrities in front of you. His list of fulfilled ones includes foreign essentials, those who were sprayed to death, those who were sprayed to death, unexpected accidents, even Ukiyoyama was restless.

If he really had the ability to make arrangements, then he would have suspected that the previous news about the village chief of the World Village was sent out on his own to test the public's attitude.

After all, this is about controlling the world!

It was obvious that he could not arrange these accidents.

The only possibility is that he masters some kind of Five Elements Mystic Technique and can do calculations.

Just like the ancient demon Yuan Tiangang.

According to records, the other party can not only tell a person's unlucky path through facial recognition, but can also predict the longevity and chances of others.

Obviously this Zhang Lingtian is somewhat similar.

He can also predict the path of a bad life by looking at his face.

It is even possible to predict the length of life and opportunities of others.

For example, the Chosen One before, and the Lucky Audience later, one is to teach people to avoid risks and the other is to let people grasp opportunities.

So he initially suspected that the other party was a direct descendant of the sect.

And it's the kind that has an extremely close relationship with a certain sect leader.

If the other party really has this ability, to be honest, it will be quite troublesome.

For example, a direct disciple of a Taoist celestial master, if he wants to move this person, he has to consider the Taoist side.

Even though this is a group of monks, they only have some rights to participate and discuss, and they don't seem to have any real power, but these people still hold a lot of weight.

It's also very troublesome once you make a fuss.

As a result, he was normal in all aspects and did not disappear.

That is to say, it is unlikely that the other party is the leader of a certain sect.

But he can read and tell fortunes, and he is very accurate!
How did he do it as a person who has no experience of traveling far to learn from a teacher?
They know [-]% of the key people they come into contact with.

Because as a child of a funeral shop, my life is relatively simple.

During this period, I had no contact with any master.

"Yes, so after our comprehensive evaluation, this person can be beaten first, and there may be unexpected gains."

Feng Hui was able to be the most trusted person by the boss's side, of course he also knew what the boss said at the moment was weird and interesting.

In a word.

He didn't become a disciple but he mastered such exquisite fortune-telling ability.

The key point is that the other party is a funeral family.

In the beginning, it was a funeral shop in a small town in Chunjiang, but then somehow sold the house in the country and settled down in Chunjiang.

And this funeral shop has been in business for 20 years before it was renovated and decorated. It was all done by his father's generation.

But because of the long history.

They could only find some records of Zhang Lingtian's family after they came to Chunjiang.

Every day in detail is the result of his investigation after he went to school.

"In this way, Ah Hui, you can find some people to test it first. If possible, it would be best to find something."

The man speaks his mind.

"I understand the point, let's arrange it now."

Feng Hui nodded.

Practicing metaphysics is equivalent to learning a foreign language. No matter how talented a person is, without this environment or related books, there is no way to succeed.

Now the environment is kicked out.

The only explanation is that the other party's family may have pure five books on metaphysics.

It's really possible that the funeral man has it.

After all, it was these people who dealt with the dead.

They are also the ones who take things from the dead.

In case he participates in tomb robbery again, and gets some mystical records from a certain tomb, it is not impossible that his grandfather failed to practice, and his parents had no talent. It is his turn to find out that the other party is a genius and finally succeed in cultivation.

"Wait for your news."

Men are actually very interested in these things.


spring river.

"Mr. Zhang, if you need it, we can arrange for someone to protect you 24 hours a day. At least in this three-acre area of ​​Chunjiang, I will keep you safe!"

Qin Yan is now the chief of the police station.

And he was able to reach this position almost all because of the cases the other party solved.

At the same time, he also planned to organize a dinner party.

Let Director Nan talk to Mr. Zhang.

Let's see if Zongshu can make some arrangements.

"Then trouble Captain Qin."

Zhang Lingtian would not pretend to be 13 at this time, the police are willing to send someone to protect him, so why wouldn't he?

Especially now that I still have an 80% chance of being in danger.

"No problem, Mr. Zhang, do you want a policeman to live in your home? Do you like men or women? For women, Bai Jin? Mu Feifei, do you choose one? Although Bai Jin's professional ability is somewhat flawed, when he was in the police academy , Physical fitness and fighting skills are all full! Of course, don’t worry, the ones I introduce to you are all single! After all, I, Lao Qin, can’t destroy other people’s families, right?”

Qin Yan on the other end of the phone suddenly had a strange style of expression as he spoke.

"Captain Qin, you don't need this if you live at home. Just keep it in moderation."

Zhang Lingtian said with black lines on his head.

Those who knew it thought it was personal protection.

Those who don’t know what they think they are doing!
"Okay, Mr. Zhang, do you have time these two days? I want to make an appointment for dinner. After all, you also know that this matter is from the imperial capital. Director Nan may have some suggestions that he doesn't know."

Qin Yan expressed his thoughts.

He also knew about the fact that Lao Zhang sent people to the imperial capital to investigate.

There is a lot of resistance.

Even the people involved in the case have gone abroad.

It can be said that this is a very premeditated arrangement.

"no problem."

Zhang Lingtian complied.

Soon the two parties hung up the phone.

"Boss, why don't you rest at home for a few days? I'll keep you updated on the Baishiba's developments at any time?"

Although Jiang Xiaohan didn't hear what was said on the other end of the phone.

But through her boss's answer, she also knew something, and she immediately suggested to her boss.

"Not yet, but we can start a live broadcast tomorrow, and we can use the power of the Internet to play support in real time."

Zhang Lingtian shook his head.

For the time being, it hasn't reached the point where I don't even dare to go to the white things shop.

But it is necessary to move forward quickly.


Jiang Xiaohan replied.

Soon he sent Jiang Xiaohan to the door of the other's community.

Of course, after the other party left, Zhang Lingtian turned on Douyin, checked that there was basically no danger to the other party, and then started the vehicle and left.

After all, he is an employee of his own business, and he is also his very comfortable assistant.

He still didn't want the other party to have an accident.

Although sometimes I was led astray by Li Tiantian, who was used to doing all kinds of brainstorming, which was a bit of a headache.

But after thinking about it, no one is perfect!
As long as the other party can do the job well and help him share the work, and the salary is not outrageous, that's enough for him.

09:30 in the evening.

Zhang Lingtian finished washing.


Not long after he went to bed, his phone rang.

【15*****8901 called "Qingsong City"】

It turned out to be a phone number from Qingsong City.

He looked puzzled.

"Hey, this is Ping An Boutique. If you need to make an appointment for funeral services, please..."

"Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang, I am that Ding Rang."

Before Zhang Lingtian could finish the slogan, a voice rang from the opposite side.

"Ding Rang? Oh, it's you, what's the matter?"

Zhang Lingtian also wondered whether it could be Ding Rang just now.

But it's just a thought.

After all, Qingsong City didn't know whether he was destined to this place or something. The man who wanted to kill his wife before was also from this place. Tan Xiaojie survived at that time.

In addition, there is the poor girl named Chi Mengzhen who is also from this place.

"Boss Zhang is like this. You asked me to pay attention to my wife before, saying that something might happen within three days, but now the three days have passed long ago. I want to ask if I can go out to work next? After all, the general manager There's no other way at home, I, I even sent you a private message to Boss Zhang, that's my video."

It turns out that Ding Rang has been at home for a while since Boss Zhang warned him to pay attention to his wife last time.

But it’s not a big deal to be at home all the time.

So I wanted to ask Boss Zhang for his opinion.

But the other party didn't reply after sending a private message, so I called this number after struggling for a long time.

"Oh, I don't read private messages very much. After all, if there are more people following you, there will be more private messages. If you click in, you can only see the latest ones, so you can wait for a while and I will take a look."

Zhang Lingtian got up and turned on his computer.

Then log in Douyin.

"Thank you for your hard work, Boss Zhang. I don't have anything to give you here. I will bring some wine from my hometown to give to you, Boss Zhang."

Ding Rang thanked him.

"No! Don't give me anything! Do you understand?!"

But the next second Zhang Lingtian spoke categorically.

If you give gifts to this person and give gifts to that person, what will your business become?

And he doesn't have to give gifts at all.

After all, he is paying attention to this person, and if he completes the task, he will be rewarded by the system.

However, it is worth affirming that the other party's crisis has definitely not been resolved.

Otherwise, the system will definitely prompt him.

But the other party's crisis has not been resolved, but it has taken such a long time.

He is more curious about the probability of danger now, and whether he has escaped.

[The system scan starts. 】

[Scan object: ID Ding Rang. 】

[Occupation: construction worker. 】

[Bad information: stay up late for a long time. 】

[Danger signal: 91% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: As a family member, there is a 91% probability that the wife will be retaliated by the relevant personnel hired by the dirt truck because she stops the dirt truck from dumping garbage. This will cause danger. It is recommended to remind or take precautions in due course. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "3 times". 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The Chosen Son scanning system has automatically followed. 】

Soon, the information was scanned out.

Zhang Lingtian's pupils tightened.

This probability has not been seen for a while, not only has it not decreased, but it has soared to more than 90%.

The probability of an accident is higher than myself.

"How is Mr. Zhang? Can I go out to work? In fact, to be honest, I don't think my wife has had any cheating behavior during this time, and our baby is only two years old. She probably wouldn't do such a thing. And the most important thing is that this kid is like me."

Ding Rang was quietly making a phone call in the yard by the door.

At the same time, he also looked at his wife who was helping him pack the bags and salute.

The main reason is that Mr. Zhang didn't say anything before.

He didn't naturally think about the plot of whether his wife was cheating on him and her lover murdered her current husband.

Don't blame him either.

There are often news reports about this in society now.

But when he first heard this, he didn't believe it at all.

If it wasn't Mr. Zhang on the other side, he might have scolded him and ruined his family!
How could her wife, who is such a capable housekeeper, cheat on her!

You must know that many people in the village said that he found a good wife.

He is busy working on the fields at home, and can even take care of the children by himself, and he can also go out to work to earn more money, so that all the land in the village will not be deserted. Some people work on the land and the land is deserted. Only in their family, the land is full of vitality. .

"You are so lucky to have called me at this exact moment."

In Zhang Lingtian's opinion, the Ding Rang in front of him was brought to his door for him to fish for.

"Then I'm all right? Great! To be honest, my wife has helped me pack my luggage, and recently came to a big job!"

Hearing Zhang Lingtian say this, Ding Rang was so excited!
Mainly because my son is still young.

There will be various needs for money in the future, so why don’t you do more and save money while you are young and still have work to do?

"First ask your wife if she has had any conflicts with a dump truck recently? If not, then remind the other party not to have any conflicts with a dump truck within three days. If it has already happened, I suggest calling the police to seek asylum." Bar."

Zhang Lingtian didn't know if the other party had any conflicts with the dirt truck.

So Ding can only ask himself to ask his wife.

"Ah? Have a conflict with the dirt truck? That's okay. I'll ask Mr. Zhang."

Just like that, Ding Rang hung up the phone.

"Old Ding, I've fixed it for you, go to bed early tonight!"

Ding Rang's wife Jiang Yinghong was very quick to help her husband pack his luggage.

"Honey, let me ask you something."

Ding Rang looked at his wife after entering the room.


Jiang Yinghong had a puzzled expression.

"Have you ever had any conflicts with the dirt truck that dumps waste?"

Ding Rang asked his wife.

"You know, it's okay, now it's a society ruled by law and they just scare people."

Jiang Yinghong helped her husband carry a big cloth bag to the side, and didn't care at all.

"Ah? It really does! What exactly happened? Wife, please tell me quickly!"

Hearing that, Ding Rang was really shocked.

The key point is that he didn't even know it at home. How did Boss Zhang know?
"Before you came back tonight, several dirt trucks were dumping construction waste in our village, and one of them was dumped on our field, so I went up to argue with them."

Jiang Yinghong said.

After all, just dump construction waste in their village.

There are also some waste residues that are pressed on the ground of their house, which is simply unreasonable.

Isn't this deceiving too much?

So she went up to reason with others.

"Then what did these people say? Wife, tell me carefully, don't miss anything!!"

Ding Rang asked his wife very excitedly.

It turned out to be what happened tonight.

Boss Zhang is really amazing!

"Just mind my own business, or else you'll kill my whole family, even the child I'm carrying, and so on."

Jiang Yinghong recalled what the other party said tonight.

"No, I saw there was no construction waste in the fields on our side of the road tonight."

Ding Rang thought of what he saw when he came back today.

They have fields beside the road.

The truck hauling construction debris must have been dumped on the side of the road.

If it fails, he will definitely be impressed when he comes back at night.

But now I have no impression at all.

"Of course! Later I made a report and called the village chief, and these people ran away with their tails between their legs. When they left, they left a message saying, "We'll see, they'll come and kill us sooner or later."

Jiang Yinghong said indifferently.

The location of their home is in the middle of the village, not too remote.

The other party rushed directly to their home and killed them, especially in a society ruled by law. How audacious is this?

If they were really this powerful, they wouldn't run away in despair when they called to report at night.

"Oh my god, it's right!!"

Ding let the whole person collapse on the sofa.

His face paled.

This is what it means to be in danger because of your wife! !

"Ah? Old Ding, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yinghong had a puzzled expression.

"Wife! Boss Zhang wants us to call the police for asylum! Those people may really come!"

Ding Rang did not blame his wife.

After all, the other party is protecting their family's land.

But he didn’t dare to take Boss Zhang’s words lightly.

"Huh? Boss Zhang? Zhang Lingtian said these people will come?"

Jiang Yinghong was stunned when she heard this.

Zhang Lingtian is well-known in their local area.

First, Tan Xiaojie, the one involved in the wife murder case.

Then to Chi Mengzhen later.

"Yes! I have to call the police now!!"

Ding Rang called the police.

And told what happened to his wife.

"Sir, I have already learned about what you said. The driver of the dirt truck hasn't done anything radical, right?"

the receiving officer asked.

"Yeah, no action yet, but they threatened to kill our whole family."

Ding Rang explained to him.

"It's like this. If it's just a verbal threat but no actual action, we need to evaluate it. It's impossible to protect you, but don't worry, I have already notified the police in the jurisdiction to come to understand the situation. "

the operator said.

Then he was dispatched to the responsible jurisdiction.

After a while, the responsible police came to the village.

But it is obvious that we have learned something about the situation.

There was no real police protection.

After all, there was no action on the side of the dirt truck.

"Husband, do you think they will really come? No way!"

Jiang Yinghong asked anxiously.

"I do not know."

Ding Rang was also a little confused.

In this way, late at night, the family of three slept on the same bed.

Ding Rang held his wife, and Jiang Yinghong held her two-year-old baby.


The time came to the next morning.

【Ding! 】

Zhang Lingtian just opened his eyes.

Suddenly a system prompt appeared!

 5200 words have been delivered, ah, I have to wait a little longer to add more~
(End of this chapter)

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