I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 198 Cursed?Why are you so unlucky!

Chapter 198 Cursed?Why are you so unlucky!

"Guan Xiaofei: It's okay, it's okay, Nana, what time did you book the flight?"

Almost the second after Kong Nana sent the message, Guan Xiaofei immediately sent a message.

The whole person is almost at the speed of light.


Kong Nana lightly touched her chin with her fingers.

Because she hasn't looked at the ticket yet.

"Kong Nana: How about going there at noon tomorrow? I just saw that there is a flight to Neidu at noon."

Kong Nana opened the ticket booking software.

Then after taking a look, he called back to his best friend.

For some reason, she always felt that the other party was very anxious.

"Noon! Brother Ninth! She said to come here at noon!!"

Guan Xiaofei said to the man next to him whose arm was full of tattoos as if he had grasped some life-saving straw.

"Very well, if you cheat her, I can promise to let you go home. If you are willing to do it, I will give you 12 yuan as a head fee, and you can get 24 yuan if you bring the second person. You can freely enter and exit our park in the future. .”

The man named Brother Jiu nodded slightly when he saw the message about the air ticket.

"Yeah, I listen to Brother Ninth."

Guan Xiaofei nodded crazily.

She never wanted to go through those horrors again.

And after so many days of encounters, she also fully felt that her life was above everything else.

If you trick your best friend over, the other party may not necessarily die, right?

As long as you give money or complete the task obediently, basically nothing will happen.

"Guan Xiaofei: Alright Nana, then I'll wait for you inside first, and I'll bring you the clothes too."

Guan Xiaofei sent a message in front of this ninth brother.

"Not bad, you are much more sensible than the one next door last night, hahaha."

The man covered in tattoos laughed at this moment, and his face was also full of meaningful expressions.

They don't have any advantages here, the only thing is that they can rectify all disobedient discipline.

At this moment, in a small room of the Wa Bang Hotel.

Huang Xiaoyue, who was dizzy and aching all over, sat on the edge of the bed. She had no clothes.

His whole body was stripped clean.

The bruises were clearly visible one by one.

But at this time yesterday, she was still walking on the border of the country, her skin was intact and she even had a smile looking forward to the future.

He made a call to the police and taunted the other party with disdain, saying that Brother Hui was different from them.

The result now?
She would be stupid if she hadn't come to her senses by now.

It was 100% that Feng Hui tricked her out of the country in order to silence her.

In fact, it is the cheated version of black eating black.

After all, if they kill people in the country, they are worried that they will get into trouble or something.


At this moment, the door of the hotel opened.

"Dinner, continue to entertain guests at night."

It turned out that the food delivery person came.

And she was asked to entertain the boss at night.

"Little brother~"

Huang Xiaoyue endured the pain and pulled the other party's sleeves, while acting coquettishly and coquettishly.

After all, being able to come into contact with people like Feng Hui and the others was something that a gentle and quiet girl would definitely not be able to do if she had no skills.


The black-clothed boy who delivered the goods had a slightly alert expression on his face.

"Brother, don't you usually have a choice when you enter the park? Give money or help you bring people over, cut your waist if you can't complete the task, I can't earn a lot of money by hosting the big boss every day, or In this case, can you give me a call home or ask me to help you trick some people into coming over?"

After knowing that Feng Hui sent her here, Huang Xiaoyue was full of desire to survive.

"You've already paid the money over there and you don't have this indicator. If you get a bad review during the reception, or if you're not used to the reception, just send it to the high seas."

This guy looked calm.

"Brother! I have money! I am willing to give it to the park, and I can bring people over. When I was in China, I was an anchor with [-] fans. Can I promise to bring you ten people over? Little brother, can you tell me about your achievements in accommodating manner? Really, please."

There is no need to explain what it means to send the high seas, it is a place where the waist is completely cut.

This is what the other party said in a nutshell.

Squeeze her dry and cut her waist.

She has seen that video.

On a boat on the high seas, several people held down a person, and then the doctor took a scalpel and cut directly at the waist.

Not even anesthesia!

Just looking at it through the screen makes my scalp tingle!


The little brother hesitated.

"At that time I will be free, you, you can do whatever you want me to do."

Not wearing it.

Huang Xiaoyue took the initiative to put the opponent's hand in her private place.

At the same time, he had already scolded Feng Hui's ancestors [-] generations [-] times in his heart.

My old lady was born and died for you. If you want a little girl, she will get you a little girl, and then she will sell her directly.

It made her life worse than death last night.

Now I am being stripped here without dignity.

As long as she can go back, she directly chooses to report and become a tainted witness, and let you, a high-ranking vice president, go in directly! !

Think about it.

Huang Xiaoyue gritted her teeth.

imperial capital.

Feng Hui is now negotiating with the police and hiring the most famous lawyer.

After all, he came directly downstairs to the company without saying a word, and took away their boss who said he wanted to cooperate with the investigation.

Don't you know who their boss is?
The chairman of Green Cheng Capital.

They have shares in most of the big domestic companies, even Douyin they have a heavy share in it.

That's why they were able to contact Douyin directly today.

In the end, he never expected that this Douyin would not give face.

Chaoyang Police Station.

"Officer, you asked me to come over to understand the situation and cooperate with the investigation. Is it inappropriate for me to sit on this chair?"

Wang Hua was taken to the interrogation room. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a big 'H' belt around his waist.

Fangzheng's face was filled with the oiliness of a middle-aged man.

After all, his actual age this year is already 56 years old.

To put it bluntly, Tang Xiaoxiao and Tang Xiaoqing were both the granddaughters of each other.

Not only did he bully the other party frantically, he even planned to keep people as pets and lock them in the house to satisfy his perverted psychology!
But now he doesn't have any flaws on his face.

Still with the self-confidence that belongs to the chairman of the capital.

As for the solid wood interrogation chair in front of him, the other party even said that he didn't want to make it.

"Wang Hua, if you don't sit in the interrogation chair, do you want to sit in my place?"

The person in charge of the interrogation was Cui Ping, deputy captain of the No. 1 Squadron of the Chaoyang Criminal Investigation Detachment.

At this moment, he looked at the other party coldly.

"Don't dare, I dare not, this police officer 071**8, I remember your police number!"

Wang Hua stared at Cui Ping's siren.

There was a chill in his eyes.

The deputy captain of a squadron under the criminal investigation detachment of a district in the imperial capital is only a little older than Sesame.

How dare you yell at yourself.

When he goes out, he will let the other party know what will happen to him if he offends him.


With arrogance.

Wang Hua sat directly on the interrogation chair.

However, for some unknown reason, the entire interrogation chair suddenly broke and tilted, throwing Wang Hua to the ground violently.


Several police officers present were stunned.

After all, interrogation chairs are filled with people every day.

It didn't collapse suddenly either.

How come it just happened to be here with Wang Hua and it collapsed.

"Hey——, you did it on purpose, right! Let me tell you, this matter is endless! I want to find a doctor!!!"

After all, people in their 50s.

It really hurts to fall like that.

Plus he was already upset.

Now I am clamoring for a doctor.

"Mr. Wang Hua, we can find a doctor for you, but the treatment will be done in our Chaoyang branch. After the treatment, you will continue to sit here, so do you want to wait for us to finish our brief questions before you find a doctor, or do you want to go to the doctor?" After finding the doctor first, how about we work overtime in the early morning and continue to find you to understand the situation?"

At this moment, a young woman with an excellent figure walked in, with a windy air as she walked.

"Deputy team."

Officer Cui Pingping, who was in charge of the interrogation, greeted the woman who came.

It turned out that the person who came over was Dongfang Pei, the deputy captain of the criminal investigation detachment of the branch.


Wang Hua, who was still shouting scum just now, changed his expression, as if he was hesitating.


If you have been procrastinating, it may not be possible to be procrastinated until late at night.

It's better to see what these policemen are doing first, and then settle accounts with them after leaving the police station. Anyway, he expects that these policemen don't have any evidence in their hands.

"Cui Ping, change an interrogation chair for Mr. Wang Hua."

Dongfang Pei's voice sounded at this moment.

"Okay! Then I will remember this matter first. Officer Cui will help me prepare another cigarette by the way."

Wang Hua stopped crying.

Wait until you go out to settle the accounts.


Cui Ping looked at the deputy captain.

In fact, he was a little curious as to why the other party did this.

To be precise, based on the evidence they had on hand, Wang Hua would definitely not be able to leave tonight.

"Give it to him."

Dongfang Pei naturally has his own ideas.

This fall can be said to be big or big, and of course it can be small.

If the other party wants to use this to delay time, their precious police time will definitely be delayed. It is better to give the other party a smoke bomb to stabilize their emotions first.

As long as it doesn't take advantage of this matter, then everything is under control.

But she was also very curious. Although their interrogation chairs hadn't been replaced for a long time, and they were considered old, how could they be troubled when others were sitting there?

"You don't need to order, I'll do it myself!"

Sitting on the interrogation chair, Dongfang Pei was smoking a cigarette.

He took the lighter in his hand.

Also shook it a bit.

Normally, it would be impossible for the suspect to be so presumptuous in the interrogation room, but the other party just fell, and he is also the chairman of the capital company.

In order to appease the other party's emotions, he lit the cigarette himself if he wanted to.

Anyway, he couldn't escape from the interrogation room.


However, at the moment when the other party crossed his legs very handsomely and flicked the lighter in his hand towards his mouth to light a cigarette, an explosion shot straight into the sky with flames!


The interrogation chair fell down again.

A fire broke out in an instant. Of course Wang Hua struggled hard, and he and the chair fell to the ground.


The police were stunned.

"Damn it, are you messing with me!!"

Wang Hua is angry!

I have never been so unlucky!
Now I have fallen twice in succession.

It just doesn't make sense.

The medical staff came to the interrogation room, and after some inspections, they confirmed that there was no problem, the only thing was that they were a little frightened.

Spring River on the other side.

"According to the information I have received so far, it seems that someone made a report and provided evidence directly to the branch. Without absolute evidence to support the responsibility, Wang Hua definitely cannot act at will."

There were only people from the police station at the dinner table.

After all, we have to talk about some private things.

The little assistant, Cheng Shaoqin, mother and daughter, and other members of Baishipu were in another box. After all, the final location was near Baishipu, so we had dinner together by the way.

At present, in their box, there are only seven or eight people including Zhang Lingtian, Nan Shiwen, Zhang Gu, Chen Chuan, Qin Yan, and Ji Yaoqin.

All police officers.

"Someone provided evidence? Is that Huang Xiaoyue?"

Zhang Lingtian frowned in surprise.

Could it be that someone turned against the water?
Huang Xiaoyue?
"Huang Xiaoyue is still abroad now. It is said that she was sold into the park. Although we cooperated with the overseas police to find someone, it must not be so fast."

Zhang Gu said at this moment.

They are most concerned about Huang Xiaoyue's movements.

But clearly now this one is not.

"Could it be a business partner?"

Qin Yan said now.

After all, shopping malls are like battlefields.

There are times when a bardo shot is not out of the question.

"I'm not very clear about this. I've just received information that I've obtained the reporting materials, that's all."

Some things are kept top secret to avoid alerting others.

He only knew this information because of his position.

"It's actually good to be caught, at least we have an account of this matter."

Zhang Gu breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Zhang Lingtian looked at his phone, and then searched for Wang Hua in Douyin.

The other party still has a lot of videos on Douyin.

Currently his system can also be scanned.

He wanted to know why the other party was here.

Soon the scan will start.

After a while, he slightly stretched his brows.

"So it is."

After scanning the system, he got a key message.

And the interrogation room on the other side.

"You! How come you have these things?!"

Not long after he sat in the interrogation chair, Wang Hua, who was cursing and cursing, suddenly became quiet.

The whole person stared at the scene in front of him with an attitude of disbelief.

Unbelievable to the extreme.

And a high-rise building in the imperial capital.

"Dad, I'm sorry, this may be your life."

A man in his thirties was smoking a cigar, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a dissolute smile.

Coincidentally, today their dog suddenly took out a USB flash drive, and he opened it out of curiosity, and the contents inside left him dumbfounded.

The key is uncoded.

I have to say, the old man had a great time.

It just so happened that he had been trying to get the old man to come down during this period.

No, an opportunity from heaven.

Time is also life.

Even if the other party is really not the attacker of the two girls that Boss Zhang said, the video on the USB drive is enough for the other party for at least three years.

It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get the right.

He originally wanted to make a game of his own to lure the old pervert into being fooled.

The result was a thunderstorm.

It seems that I need to find a chance to thank Boss Zhang~
But he felt that what the other party said had absolutely nothing to do with the old man.

Not necessarily even more exciting content.

Especially that Feng Hui, I was looking forward to how big this thunder could explode.


 Uh... Guaranteed update, guaranteed update, I don’t know what to write or delete tonight, and it’s just one point at the end.

(End of this chapter)

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