I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 21 To strengthen the relationship with the eldest brother, erase the name from the book of l

Chapter 21 To strengthen the relationship with the eldest brother, erase the name from the book of life and death

"Pinch, you drive this car and follow me!"

Tear the onion and throw away a key.

It was a 100 worth 718 million.

"Principal, where are we going tonight?"

Take the key.

A pretty girl asked.

"I'm a bit hungry tonight because I've talked too much. Let's go find something to eat."

The expression of tearing the onion is like eating shit.


Get in the car, the space gray sports car is roaring.

That is a new Ferrari sports car worth 500 million, and it only takes three seconds to reach [-] kilometers!

Push back is very strong.

He stepped on the gas pedal and jumped out with a roar.


The other two girls started 718.

I have to say that a sports car is a sports car, and the strong push back feeling makes them very satisfied!
"Brother Onion, the deep-rooted superstition and persuasion are not effective at all, so ignore them."

The co-driver was the female assistant, who had just started arguing with those water friends in the live broadcast room.

In the end, he laughed angrily at the torn onion.

"Now I find that some people's brains are really a bit unreasonable. They actually think that there are ghosts and gods in this world, and a nonsense has magic spells, but if they are paid attention to, they will die. Do you think this is ridiculous?"

The scene of the live broadcast is still in his mind.

They said that this Zhang Lingtian is very evil, and he will die if he pays attention to him, so he must pay attention to safety and don't run around!
"This is actually not unusual. There was a news before that a male fake Taibaijinxing tricked female believers into getting married 14 times a month in front of her husband, and at the same time cheated the female [-] yuan. So what a strange thing this world is. Both."

In addition, she still remembered that there was a news that a peasant woman in a village in the southwest had been ill for many years because of her poor health, and her family even invited a local wizard to do an exorcism for her.

According to the villagers, the woman was steamed with firewood in the wooden barrel. The woman screamed and cried and said she wanted to come out. Can be driven away.

As a result, he was burned alive.

And the qigong master back then, who didn't know how many dignitaries and celebrities he had deceived.

I have to say that there are too many magic sticks in this world.

"So we still have a long way to go to get rid of feudal superstition in our country. Based on the examples they gave, people with a discerning eye can tell that it was an accident!"

Tear Onion is very speechless, and I don't know how all these brains grow.

"Douyin, anyone can register. There are a lot of people on the platform who believe in witchcraft, healing, divination and fortune-telling. Some even believe that Houyi shot the sun and Nuwa patched up the sky. That's why they believe in the nonsense. Isn’t it normal that there are magic spells, it’s the assistant of Hades, and the advertisement is a reminder?”

The female assistant was very patient in comforting the tearing onion.

"So these people have increased their knowledge tonight, as if they have never read a book. The funniest thing is the name, what Zhang Lingtian, as long as they are followed, they can only live for zero days, so I have been followed today, right? ? Why is nothing wrong?"

Tear Onion felt like he was dying of laughter.

"Indeed, there is also a so-called prophet who said that according to the time rule of the king of hell, Brother Onion will have an accident within 10 minutes. It has been more than 30 minutes since that person spoke. It is not the same."

The female assistant also found it ridiculous.

"So it's ridiculous to say these people are stupid."

Tear Onion sneered.

Those people had conducted dangerous live broadcasts before.

What can happen to him.


Suddenly at this moment, a dazzling light shone on them!

There is also an extremely harsh horn sound.


The female assistant was screaming frantically.

Because she saw a mud truck that ran a red light and was heading in their direction at the moment.


Tear Onion also saw each other!

Dodging like crazy!

The mud tanker also found a car, and was dodging in an instant.

But it was too late.


There was a crash first, and the front face of Ferrari was quickly shattered.


It wasn't over, however, as the driver of the mud truck slammed the steering wheel.

The car flipped over!

And pressed towards the direction of their car!


The two girls who drove the 718 behind were screaming crazily!

Their principal is going to be gone! ! !
On the other side, Ferrari also screamed again and again.

"It's over—"

The heavy car body pressed down, and Tie Onion felt a chill in his heart.

Clay truck.

When this thing is pressed down, they directly become sandwich biscuits!


The mud truck rolled over and hit the sports car heavily.


The two girls who came down from 718 were screaming crazily.

But because there is almost no one on this road.

So it's no use shouting.


Suddenly, the Ferrari door was pushed open.

The legs of the torn onion trembled a little.

The entire front of the car was smashed to pieces.

The back seat of the car was crushed.

As long as it's a little bit worse.

They are sandwich biscuits in the passenger compartment.

At this moment, he was very lucky to escape unharmed.


The female assistant sat in the passenger seat.

Surrounded by air curtains, he was not injured.

It's just that his eyes are dull, and his chest is heaving up and down.

No one knew what she was thinking.

An ambulance arrived soon.

"Brother Onion, I think there are some things that I would rather believe in than believe in nothing."

The female assistant and Tie Cong got into the ambulance.

Lying on the stretcher, the female assistant looked earnest.

After all, there is no such thing as a coincidence.

Four 10 minutes really happened!

"Why would you rather believe it or not? Is it because he came into my live broadcast room and gave me a follower, and within 10 minutes I had an accident and he had a spell?!"

Tear Onion just recovered from the car accident.

Wipe the sweat from his brow.

I studied philosophy at university and am a staunch atheist.

These are just coincidences!

Can't subvert his three views!

to the hospital.

some inspection.

Apart from a slight bump by the female assistant, he's fine.


The female assistant sighed.

"Okay, you take a good rest here and I'll let Xue'er accompany you, let's go out for supper first."

After some inspections, Tie Onion didn't want to explain so much.

Immediately took another girl friend out for supper, and at the same time made an appointment with two friends.

the other side.

Spring City.


Zhang Lingtian's phone rang.

He has just returned home at this moment.

On the computer screen is a map of Chunbei City.

"Hello, this is the Ping An Baishipu funeral consultation hotline. Do you want to book a funeral service?"

Seeing that it was Chunbei City's call, Zhang Lingtian answered it.

"God, Brother Tian, ​​I'm Xiaoen..."

The voice on the other end of the phone was a bit heavy, but somehow revealed a little bit of timidity and fear.

"Xiao En? Who is it?"

Zhang Lingtian felt that the voice was familiar.

"There are two fat guys who are doing food and broadcasting tonight, and I am that Fat En!"

Fei En on the phone said.

Now his good brother's affairs are basically handed over to his family members.

So he made a little time for it.

"Oh, it's Fei En. Do you want to book funeral services in advance? Get 4% off for group tours!"

Zhang Lingtian offered the most affordable price for Ping An Shishi Shop since its establishment.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't, don't, I don't want to die so early, I have decided to refuse overeating from today on!"

I saw my partner fall down.

Fei En was completely panicked.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have called the Living Hades.

Thinking that today he is still using the other party as a traffic hype, even mocking the other party, his scalp is numb unconsciously.

The road in life is obviously long, but he just wants to take a shortcut!

"Then why are you looking for me? You didn't just tell me this specifically, did you?"

Zhang Lingtian frowned and asked.

"Of course it's impossible, Brother Tian, ​​aren't you just doing white things? We're discussing Feilong's white things, or I'll let you handle them. Do you think you have time? Of course, money is not a problem!!"

Fei En plans to invite Zhang Lingtian to the funeral.

By the way, communicate more to enhance the relationship.

Try to get your name crossed out from Brother Tian's book of life and death.

"A funeral?"

Zhang Lingtian's eyes lit up when he heard this.

It just so happened that he accepted the task of the system.

I thought about calling the other party tomorrow.

It turned out that they didn't expect that they would call over by themselves.

"Yes, yes, it's a funeral, money is not a problem."

Fei En emphasized it again.

"That's fine, I'll talk about it in detail when I go over tomorrow."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

Since money is not a problem, then he is naturally fine.

Especially a place so close to Chunbei City.

"Okay, okay, then we welcome Brother Tian to come tomorrow."

Fei En heard that Zhang Lingtian agreed.

Immediately looked excited.

Hang up the phone quickly.

By the way, Zhang Lingtian arranged tomorrow's tasks in the work group.

He went to Chunbei City with Xiaohan.

Su Wei and Li Tiantian are in charge of the storefront.

"it is good!"

"No problem, boss!!"

"Boss, my sister added you, please agree!"

The work group responded very positively.

Of course, there are also some unscrupulous information mixed in.

Although Zhang Lingtian is single.

But it's not enough to add Su Weina's sister who has just grown up and has a thigh length of 1.1 meters.

In this way, he went to wash up.

After all, I have to go to Chunbei City tomorrow.

"Damn it! Laozi almost died tonight!!"

Roadside barbecue stand.

Tear Onion called a man, two women, and he brought one himself. A total of five people were having supper.

"Yeah, it really scared me to death!"

Zihan still has lingering fears when she thinks about it.

"Brother Onion, the rest of your life will be blessed, come, let's have a toast!"

The man's name is Xiaolong, he is a local.

So tearing the onion asked the other party out.

And the snacks on this street are also very delicious.

"Come on! Have a drink together!"

Shred the onion and ask everyone to raise their glasses.


All wine glasses collide.

Everyone drank it.

"What the hell is this kind of big car driver at night? No one is qualified. Those who run red lights run red lights and speed too fast. Damn, I really think that if I buy full insurance, I will be the best in the world, right! I almost encountered it last time. one!"

Had a drink.

Xiaolong said angrily.

"That's right! It's obviously a big car driver's problem, you know, they classify this matter as superstition, and it's not about superstition!"

I also feel very uncomfortable after drinking some wine and tearing the onions.

Obviously it's the truck driver's business.

Why is it on Zhang Lingtian's head again?

"That's right! It's not about superstition! If Zhang Lingtian is as evil as the rumors say, can you still be fine now Brother Onion?"

Xiaolong patted the table!
Shout out to Brother Onion!
"Hey! You eat as soon as you eat, take pictures of any table!!"

A man with a scar at the next table gave him a somewhat menacing look.

"No, it's none of your business if I eat mine and shoot mine?"

A native of Xiaolong, he responded directly.

"Damn it, you kid owes smoking, don't you?"

They slapped the table over there.

A menacing posture.

"Come here! Grass!"

Both parties drank a little high, and Xiaolong was not frightened.

"Fuck you to death! Crap!"

Grab the bottle right next door!

"Come on! I'm afraid it's a piece of shit!"

Xiaolong also raised the bottle!

Tear Onion just wanted to persuade the fight.


In the next second, the opposite table thought that Tear Onion was about to make a move, and directly threw a beer bottle towards his head! !

"Beep beep-"

An ambulance arrived at the scene 10 minutes later.


 At 02:04 in the morning, I finally changed to a slightly satisfactory plot, and added nearly [-] words at the same time. If you have read it, you can read it again~, please ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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