I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 218 The Sauce Chickens join forces to cause trouble, and they want to choose the chosen one

Chapter 218 The Sauce Chickens join forces to cause trouble, and they want to choose the chosen one again!
The owner of a white-collar shop is going to become a tomb robber... Bah, is he an archaeological expert?
"According to the results of our detection, the tomb of Genghis Khan is almost the same as the tomb of the First Emperor. It contains treasures from more than 20 countries and also contains unprecedented dangers, so we would like to invite Mr. Zhang to explore this ancient place with us. tomb."

The speaker was Ying Furukawa.

As the director of the National Institute of Archaeology, the other party came in person from Wunan to Baishipu.

"Director Furukawa, I personally don't have much interest in this kind of tomb excavation work, and I'm also very busy with my work at the White House. I'm really sorry that I won't go there."

Zhang Lingtian smiled slightly and refused.

He thought the other party came to him for something.

In the end, he was asked to go to Wunan to explore the tomb of Genghis Khan. The key was that it was still full of crises.

I am not the real Lord of Hell!

What should I do if I get really cold when there are various mechanisms inside?

He doesn't want to do nothing for himself.

Besides, isn’t it good to be alive?
"Mr. Zhang, this is very important to the civilization of our entire country and even to the whole world, so we sincerely want to invite you to explore with us. Of course, the cultural relics belong to the country and I can't give them to you, but if you like If the cultural relics have little impact, we can give you one as a gift."

Ying Furukawa naturally knows that there is no such thing as a blank wolf in this world.

Especially when inviting someone like Mr. Zhang, sufficient conditions must be given.

However, cultural relics are a major concern in both the Eastern and Western countries. It is certainly impossible for Mr. Zhang to give him whatever he wants.

However, he can apply to give Mr. Zhang something that is not very important and has substitutes as souvenirs.

"Director Furukawa, I'm really sorry."

Zhang Lingtian rejected the other party very bluntly.

"Mr. Zhang, we are also preparing to build a Genghis Khan Museum. How about adding a name for you? For example, in the introduction line, it says that Mr. Zhang Lingtian discovered and participated in the excavation and played an indelible role in the founding of this museum. Merit.”

Ying Furukawa continued to say that this was something he could decide.


Zhang Lingtian was silent for a while.

"Make a statue of Mr. Zhang at the entrance of the museum! Make a sculpture! In the front is Genghis Khan and behind you is Mr. Zhang! Don't worry, as long as you dare to speak up, you will definitely find a way to apply for it."

The statue is indeed difficult, but if Ying Furukawa is confident and runs a lot, he should be able to apply for it.

This is definitely something that has been passed down through the ages with Genghis Khan.

After all, human life is actually very short.

Some people literally disappear after the last person they remember dies.

Ying Furukawa certainly didn't believe the nonsense that Zhang Lingtian was the Lord of Hell, but he was sure that Mr. Zhang Lingtian was definitely a capable person.

People must have their own desires.

And it has been passed down through the ages and can almost hit many people critically.

To put it bluntly, even if you are a big boss now, you may not be able to pass down the generations. Most of them will become the dust of the times.

"Director Furukawa, if this is what we are talking about, forget it. Thank you for your kindness, but I am really not suitable to go there."

Zhang Lingtian said to Ying Furukawa very seriously.

"Mr. Zhang, why is this? Do you want to bring a life assistant? If you want, you can bring a life assistant to take care of your personal life. For example, Assistant Jiang only needs the other party to sign a confidentiality agreement."

Ying Furukawa felt that since he had made it this far, Boss Zhang should at least be more relaxed.

As a result, the other party still looked like he had no idea at all.

He was stunned on the spot.

Could it be human nature?
Does the other person think it would be boring if he went alone and needs an assistant to handle the trivial matters in life?
Although he just said that he would invite Mr. Zhang alone, if he insists, he can actually bring him there, but he needs to sign a confidentiality agreement.

After all, the unearthed items are all important cultural relics.

Nowadays, many people abroad are watching with eager eyes.

"That's outrageous, Director Furukawa. If you really came to me just for this matter, then I wish you all the best in exploring the tomb of Jisihan."

Zhang Lingtian realized that Ying Furukawa's words were getting more outrageous and he immediately interrupted him.

And said that it is basically impossible for him to participate in this matter.

"Well, Mr. Zhang, I know there may be some unspeakable reason why you refused this matter. The main reason why I came here today is because of this matter. Apart from this matter, there is basically nothing else, but I still want to say something. You are the soul of the exploration of Genghis Khan’s tomb, and I still hope you can participate in it.”

Qin Gurchuan felt that the conditions he offered were generous enough.

They are all here to make Mr. Zhang famous throughout the ages.

So he wondered if there was some reason why the other party refused.

Otherwise, how could it be refused.

But now the other party still had a look of rejection and he really had no choice.

In this case, we can only hope that the other party will think about it for a while before participating.

"Okay, okay, if Director Furukawa has any latest news, you can contact me, and if you encounter any problems, you can ask me, although my opinions may not have much reference value."

Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.

"Win the teacher."

At this moment, a little girl who was judging Ying Furukawa on the opposite side came up to the other person's ear and mumbled something.

"Ah! How could I forget this trouble!"

Ying Furukawa's eyes were astonished.


Zhang Lingtian looked at the other party with a doubtful look in his eyes.

"Mr. Zhang, I just forgot to add one of the most important conditions, so I'm going to add it now!"

He said to Ying Furukawa, who was only seen at this moment.


There was a glimmer of doubt in Zhang Lingtian's eyes.

"Mr. Zhang Lingtian, if you come with us to explore Genghis Khan's tomb, we are willing to give you this number!!"

Saying that, Ying Furukawa stretched out a palm.

How could he have forgotten.

I remember that Director Yan Tao from Toilet TV came to Mr. Zhang Lingtian, and the other person told him all kinds of plans that he had planned.

As a result, I never expected that it was finally solved by money.

This also spreads the rumor that the king of hell in the industry is only interested in money making ability.

He just mentioned so many conditions but did not mention the specific reward.


Zhang Lingtian silently raised a question mark.

It seems like he is saying what the other person is expressing.

"Boss Zhang, this is not 500 million, this is 5000 million. If you can help us dig the tomb of Genghis Khan, we can apply for up to 5000 million in remuneration for you!"

Ying Furuchuan looked at Zhang Lingtian.

This is the condition given by myself.

It is also the highest number they can give currently.

But Genghis Khan's tomb is worth the reward.

After all, there were a lot of treasures inside that would shock them.

I believe that the country will definitely agree with this.

"Director Furukawa, this is not about money, but I don't want to get involved in this kind of thing. I'm really sorry."

Zhang Lingtian said to Ying Furukawa at this moment.

He is not the real Lord of Hell.

And some of today's tomb robbing teams are familiar with all kinds of dragon hunting, burrowing, and burial scriptures.

If a person who doesn't know anything really goes to explore this kind of tomb, it will definitely lead to a dead end.

So no matter how high the money was, he would not dare to gamble.

Just like the third brother next door.

As we all know, the other party's motorcycle acrobatics, you can only dare to take this job if you can really do it. If you are a fake and shoddy product, wouldn't you be seeking death by taking this kind of job? !
He, Zhang Lingtian, also knew this truth.

So if the other party really comes to consult him, he can tell him something he knows.

If the other party didn't say anything, he certainly wouldn't be able to act recklessly.

10 minutes later.

Ying Furukawa and the others sat in their own car.

"Teacher, do you think this Zhang Lingtian is too strange? We have offered such conditions but the other party still refuses. I really can't understand!"

The speaker was a student from the Furukawa Institute.

In order to meet Boss Zhang this time, he specially found a beautiful girl.The other party's name is Xuan Ziying.

As for why he is looking for such a little girl, single boys definitely have no objection to beautiful little girls.

And you want to ask if he has any selfish motives or thoughts.

He can only say that he is an 80-year-old old man, and it is almost a shame to say such a thing as a person whose head has not been buried in the ground.

"I don't know, but I guess Mr. Zhang must have something to hide."

In the car, Ying Furukawa was also thinking about the conditions he just proposed.

To be honest, there is really no problem with my condition.

Overall it's pretty good.

But the other party still refused, which made him a little incredible.

"It's unspeakable? Then, teacher, what are you going to do? Will you continue to visit next time? Visit the thatched cottage three times?"

Xuan Ziying asked with a curious expression.

"Well, let's take it one step at a time. In our current situation, there is no way to advance without Mr. Zhang. It's basically like the second tomb of the First Emperor."

Ying Furukawa sighed deeply.

Then he said to him.

There must be a reason why they came here looking for someone.

Otherwise, he would definitely not take action personally.

“Let’s try it next time.”

Xuan Ziying said.

The time soon came to 05:30 in the afternoon.

"Boss, have you looked at your comment section?"

Baishipu is getting ready to get off work.

I saw Jiang Xiaohan asking her boss with a curious attitude.

"Comment section? What's wrong?"

Zhang Lingtian asked curiously.

"Everyone said it's been a long time since they've seen you broadcast live. When are you going to choose some lucky viewers and the chosen one? It would be better if we could talk about footbath."

Jiang Xiaohan forwarded what netizens said.

"Um..., if there's nothing else to do tomorrow, let's do a live broadcast."

Zhang Lingtian spoke at this moment.

Speaking of which, it has indeed been some time since I selected Lucky Audience and Chosen One.


Jiang Xiaohan looked like she wanted to confirm.

"Yeah, tomorrow afternoon."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

In the morning, you have to watch Tiantuan's press conference.

So I only have time to broadcast live in the afternoon.

Then choose a chosen one or something like that.


Jiang Xiaohan seemed to know something.

Said right now.

Time soon came to night.

That night there was still a mess at the Foot Pot Chicken.

There were even reports that Sanada's health was in critical condition.

At the same time, some people went to the place where the aircraft carrier sank to conduct testing and found that there was a large amount of radiation.

Boss Tian of Foot Pot Chicken is in an unprecedented crisis of trust.

The voting for the House Saint also started slowly.

Although Boss Tian deliberately wanted to stop it, he failed.

Time is quiet.

In the blink of an eye came the next morning.

The much-anticipated press conference is about to begin.

【1.The press conference starts at nine o'clock in the morning】

[2. Boss Zhang is the eternal protector]

The number one hot search list right now is press conferences.

The popularity has also reached [-] million.

Although it is much weaker than the previous one.

But after all, it is a very hot thing today.

"Half an hour."

"Brother Teru! Brother Teru! It's been a long time since I last saw each other live!"

"Hahaha, those smart little eyes made the chickens and hawks whose hearts exploded. I wonder if it will happen again now."

"It is said that this time the Eagle Sauce and Foot Pot Chicken have sent a press spokesman. This time the ambition is not small!"

Netizens all looked very curious.

Even some inside stories were revealed.

For example, Jiangjiangguo and Footpot Chicken must look good.

nine o'clock.

Tiantuan’s live broadcast room reached more than 300 million.

Among them, Ping An Baishipu contributed two.

One is the tea room where Li Tiantian and others are projecting the screen, and the other is the computer in Zhang Lingtian's office.

Yes, he was also watching the live broadcast.

The main reason is that there is nothing else to do in the morning, so it is normal for me to watch a live broadcast by myself.

"Hello friends, my name is Li Zhao. Everyone has seen what happened recently. We deeply sympathize with Jiang Jiangguo and Jiaobenji for what they have gone through, and we have given each other five gifts based on the principle of humanitarianism, love first and people first. Hundreds of urns, this one was purchased from Ping An Baishi Shop to ensure it is pure and pollution-free."

In front of the live broadcast camera, Brother Zhao said with a serious look.



"Good guy, you are humanitarian, caring first, and people-oriented, so you are sending an urn? Are you talking about the urn from Boss Zhang's Ping An White House? How on earth can Brother Zhao hold back his laughter?!"

"Pfft——, now I know what it means to be professionally trained!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room were instantly happy.

Sure enough, Brother Zhao's ability to survive has never let them down.

"Oh? Does our shop have this list?"

Li Tiantian was naturally watching the live broadcast, and she asked curiously.

"Yes, someone ordered five hundred urns, but they didn't say it was a humanitarian gift."

Jiang Xiaohan is responsible for sales.

Baishipu indeed sold [-] urns.

"It's true! Hahaha, I thought Brother Zhao was making it up!"

Li Tiantian immediately became happy when she heard this sentence.

"It's impossible to make it up, but this cameraman is really up to something. He actually gave the representatives from Jiangjiang Country and Foot Pot Chicken a close-up. The key is the close-up of their faces!"

Su Wei said.

In the camera is a close-up of the chicken in the footpot and the representative of Jiangjiang Country.

What specific expression is it?

It is an idiom preceded by a rage.

But now it has become a reality.

If it weren't for the distance, Brother Zhao's face would probably look like a pig's head now!

(End of this chapter)

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