I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 220: Strong desire to survive, big star visits!

Chapter 220: Strong desire to survive, big star visits!
"Oh haha? Do you want to choose this person?"

"She seems to be a girl who sells beauty products!"

"I don't know why, but when I saw her, I inexplicably thought of a person, Jian Sisi, the person who hyped that she was Boss Zhang's girlfriend. She must have had an accident because of her beauty."

The water friends in the live broadcast room are talking now.

"The other party is really a follower of Boss Zhang, so will Boss Zhang choose this girl selling beauty products this time?"

Some water friends actually went to check it out.

I discovered that this female Internet celebrity named Miaomiao is really a fan of Boss Zhang.

Suddenly everyone became interested.

[Scan target: ID Miaomiao. 】

[Account subject: Li Miao. 】

[Occupation: Individual beauty shop owner. 】

[Bad information: Be gullible and lack security awareness. 】

[Danger signal: 95% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: Too trusting of others and lack of safety awareness, there is a 95% chance that something will happen to you because of your own industry. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "1 times". 】

[Customer Attributes: Pseudo-accurate customers. 】

[System prompt: The system has automatically followed. 】

Soon the results were scanned in front of Zhang Lingtian.

Be gullible and lack security awareness in others.

The cause of death was accidents related to one's own profession.

Are individual beauty shop owners in trouble because of their own industry?
Zhang Lingtian frowned slightly at this moment.

This range can be said to be precise, but it is actually a bit fuzzy to say it is fuzzy.

"Boss, this is also someone who is following you. Are we going to enter the live broadcast room of this female anchor named Miaomiao next?"

Jiang Xiaohan's voice reminded him at this moment.

"Well, let's go in."

Since the scan detected something abnormal, based on his personal principles of dealing with things, he would definitely go in and give a warning.

"It's really her!"

"Yeah, someone else is going to die again!"

"I bet, I bet, what do you think this girl is doing? Liposuction?"

"The last liposuction was gone, and this time another one shows up? I saw that she is doing a live broadcast of cosmetics at the moment. Could it be that her cosmetics were poisonous and it came back to bite her?"

"Damn it, I think this is very possible. After all, there are all kinds of scammers running rampant nowadays, and some so-called agents are actually the type who have been deceived! They have no idea whether the things they are using are poisonous or not!"

I saw Zhang Lingtian entering the live broadcast room.

Suddenly everyone began to speculate as to why this person died.

In the end, everyone focused on each other’s pile of beauty products!
Maybe it’s just because of those things!
Miaomiao live broadcast room.

"Yes, you can see clearly that the pores are shrinking when you apply it on your hands, and then the skin becomes more shiny."

I saw the anchor Li Miao in the live broadcast room working very hard to introduce his products.

She is the owner of a small beauty shop. However, opening a beauty shop in a county town is not a color. Basically, it only has regular customers. Sometimes regular customers come only occasionally, so the monthly salary is only It’s only five to six thousand yuan.

This is when the market is relatively good.

If the market is not good, it is not impossible to earn 3000 yuan a month.

Therefore, she usually does some side business, which is selling some beauty products to support her family.


Suddenly Li Miao was stunned for a moment.

"What happened to the anchor?"

"Hey, why did so many people come in suddenly?"

The live broadcast room was originally watched by more than 100 people.

There are very few bullet screens.

"Hahaha, there are indeed a lot of people added, but I may not have slept well last night. I am dazzled by these numbers. 500 people seem to be 50. Speaking of which, is it a customer sister who helped me divert traffic? ?”

Li Miao's expression in the live broadcast room was a little embarrassed.

At this moment, he was smiling.

I guess one of the sisters spent a little money to help her attract traffic because the number of people watching her live broadcast room was relatively small!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many people to come directly.

After all, it is still difficult to transform more than 100 people into more than 500 people.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for these 50 people!
He Dehe Neng just relied on the local Douyin live broadcast to accumulate some fans, and now he only has [-] fans.

Usually, there are more than 100 people watching the live broadcast, and a better one is about [-] people.

50 people entered her live broadcast room, which is really unimaginable!
Mainly, this kind of thing cannot happen!
"It's really 50!!"

"Oh my god, Miaomiao, you must be a rich man, right?"

"Oh my god, how much does it cost to get 50 people into the live broadcast room!"

Some comments with fan vests appeared one after another.

They are all familiar vests to Li Miao.

“It’s really 50!!”

Li Miao's whole body was like a lightning strike at this moment, and he had no idea what was going on!

She also counted them carefully.

It’s really 50!

Why are 50 people here despite everything going well!

And the word count is still increasing!
Because there were too many people coming in, Zhang Lingtian's bold red system message only appeared when he first came in, and he was squeezed out when others came in later.

"You haven't spoken yet?"

"What's going on, Boss Zhang?"

"Could this be a private message again?"

"Oh, it's boring to send private messages all the time! But after thinking about privacy, this is normal!"

I saw everyone at this moment sending private messages.

Mainly because it’s already been 1 minute in the live broadcast room.

But Zhang Lingtian didn't show up yet.

Not even a word was uttered, which made everyone a little confused.

"Dear friends, welcome, welcome to my live broadcast room! I don't know what shit happened to me. 50 people came all of a sudden. Didn't you hear what I just said? Isn't the little anchor's equipment very good? Okay! As for the Boss Zhang you guys are talking about...I am not. My surname is Li and my name is Li Miao. You can call me Boss Li."

Li Miao felt extremely nervous when she suddenly spoke in front of 50 people.

And looking at what these netizens said in the live broadcast room, she actually didn't understand it.

She even suspected that the other party had made a mistake, because she was not the Boss Zhang they thought she was. Her surname was Li, and they called her Boss Li.

Of course, she actually didn't like this title very much.

I still like people to call me more down-to-earth.

As for whether this is related to Zhang Lingtian.

The city she is in is not Chunjiang, and who would have thought that Zhang Lingtian would appear in her live broadcast room.

This probability is basically like buying a lottery ticket.

So she didn't even think about the fact that Boss Zhang was Zhang Lingtian.



"It's not you!"

"Why is this anchor so stupid? He's not talking about you, he's talking about Boss Zhang Lingtian!"


Because Zhang Lingtian did not speak for a long time.

All water friends can’t wait.

They all talked in the live broadcast room.

"Ah! Boss Zhang Lingtian!!"

Li Miao's voice rose several degrees in the next second.

When did Boss Zhang enter his live broadcast room?She doesn't know at all!

"Ping'an Baishipu: Hello anchor, I am Zhang Lingtian. Today we are conducting an activity to select the son of heaven, and we happened to choose you. At present, you still have serious problems. If you don't want to talk about it in the live broadcast room, I hope you can contact me. Stop me." Zhang Lingtian sent a text.

Help people to the end. Now that you have found out, you must tell them.

“Really, it’s really Boss Zhang!!”

Everyone saw the corners of Li Miao's mouth twitching at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The main reason is that she really didn't expect that Boss Zhang would enter her live broadcast room. The key is that she was chosen by the other party's so-called chosen one!
She seemed to have some impression of this thing.

That means something will happen after being selected! !

"Contact Boss Zhang quickly!"

"Did you get killed by selling fake goods?"

"I guess it's a problem with these products! It must be like this!"

"It's a beauty shop, I can't explain it!"

In the live broadcast room at this moment, some water friends were talking one after another.

Without noticing at all, Li Miao's face had changed.

It wasn't fear, it turned into a feeling of wanting to clarify myself.

"I can assure you that our products are absolutely fine. I use them myself, and they are not fakes! But I really don't know why Boss Zhang entered my live broadcast room. How should I contact you, Boss Zhang? Call me directly Is it a phone call or a live broadcast with you?"

After the clarification, Li Miaozhan asked tremblingly.

The God of Death comes to your door and asks you if you are afraid!
The answer is yes!

She was also very scared.

[Ping An Bai Shi Pu: All is OK. 】

Zhang Lingtian replied with a message.

"Then let me call. Boss Zhang, I speak slowly, but you must not take the opportunity to say a magic spell to make me your performance. I am only 29 years old, still young! I don't want to die!!"

Li Miao was talking in the live broadcast room at the moment.

Then he directly found Boss Zhang’s white shop number and called him.

"Hello, hello, this is Ping An White House..."

"Boss Zhang, I, Li Miao, Miaomiao!!"

Li Miao answered almost as fast as he could in his life.

"Oh, it's you. Since you are the chosen one, I will conduct an analysis of your current situation and come to the conclusion that it is best not to come into contact with anything in your industry within three days. ,do you know?!"

Zhang Lingtian explained on the phone.

"Huh? Oh, I understand... Do I want to download it now?"

Li Miao was in a daze.

But the experience of the chosen one tells her that if she doesn’t believe Boss Zhang’s words, something will 100% happen!
As a person who cherishes her life, she decided to carry out Boss Zhang’s words to the end!

"Live broadcast? You can watch this. You can also download it now. The most important thing is that you should not engage in anything related to your industry within three days. Come to me when the three days are up!"

Zhang Lingtian solemnly explained again.

Although this is not 99% pseudo-accurate, it is still 95% high-risk.

He still hopes to catch the other party.

After all, if you catch it, you can also get the reward, right?

"Hmm, then I'll stop broadcasting now. Thank you, Boss Zhang. I will definitely listen to you!!"

Li Miao's desire to survive is still very strong!
After all, he is only 29 years old, who wants to die like this, right?
Now that you have become the chosen one, cherish this opportunity and listen to my advice! !

"what happens?"

"Sister, what did Boss Zhang tell you?"

"???, I want to know the content of the call!"

"So the broadcast is going to be offline next??"

Everyone in the live broadcast room wanted to know what happened.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry, I have to cancel the broadcast."

Li Miao cut off the live broadcast.

[Douyin system prompts: The anchor has been downloaded. 】

Everyone’s pages are displayed.

【Ping An funeral shop】

"I feel like Boss Zhang is stable this time."

"You should be able to catch this."

"I'm curious about what Boss Zhang said? Is there anyone who knows how to lip-sync!"

Zhang Lingtian answered the call during the live broadcast.

But because of privacy concerns, I set the mute setting.

In short, friends in the live broadcast room cannot see it.

"I feel like you might get an answer if you ask Little Mrs. Meng."

"Forget it, no matter what, I feel that this anchor named Miaomiao has a pretty good chance of survival."

Everyone chatted.

The time soon came to three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Everyone, if you chat for an hour every day and work healthily for 50 years, our live broadcast ends here."

Zhang Lingtian waved to everyone in front of the camera.

Today I chose a chosen one, and then chatted with everyone about some hot topics.

At the same time, they also said that Brother Zhao had made an announcement.

Some water friends also gave the address. After reading it, Zhang Lingtian found that Brother Zhao was sincere.

[Foreign Department (14:30 minutes)]

"As for today's Hexagon Nation reporter Yuna's question, we consulted Mr. Zhang Lingtian with a realistic attitude and got the following answer, "I'm still working on personal issues and don't like to go on blind dates. I feel that two people should be together in a kind way. Attracting each other instead of forcing a match. As for when this kind of blind date show will be held, I don’t know and I can’t hold it. "

It is recommended that for future inquiries regarding personal matters, it is better to contact the person directly. "

Basically, it was moved over intact.

【49. External Agency Announcement】

Ranked 49th on the hot search list.

Although it is the end.

But it was less than an hour later.

"I understand! Boss Zhang wants to find someone who can host this show!"

And the hottest comment among them is this one.

It directly received [-] likes and tens of thousands of comments!
"Good guy, how on earth do you have such a brain? Why are you so on point!!"

"Perfect score for reading comprehension!!"

"Actually, I'm really looking forward to this show being launched."

"What do you expect? This isn't a blind date for you!"

"Brother, what you said is a bit too much. Although we are not on a blind date, we can see what girls are coming for a blind date. Don't you think it's also very cool?"

"Excellent? Could it be that you are Brother Niu?"


Under this comment, many people left messages.

Five o'clock.

Zhang Lingtian didn't know that as time went by and after a hot comment, the announcement was distorted again.

At this moment, he is mainly receiving a celebrity.

Lu Baoqiang.

At 04:30 this afternoon, the other party came to Baoshipu.

No one knew what they were talking about.

Even assistant Jiang Xiaohan didn't know it, and she looked very mysterious.

Li Tiantian, who was gossiping, even suspected that the other party was planning to bribe their boss to see how long the other party's ex-wife would live, and then send her away.

After all, he got divorced and his energy was severely damaged!

And in a certain county at this moment.

"Is Miaomiao here? I need something urgently!"

Li Miao is delivering goods at the moment.


(End of this chapter)

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