I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 228 The real Prince of Hell?Can you make the dead speak? !

Chapter 228 The real Prince of Hell?Can you make the dead speak? !

"This is a big joke!"

"For such a perverted murder case, it was just discovered this morning. Isn't it a bit outrageous to solve the case tomorrow?"

"Director Qin suggested that we should be more conservative. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if it was not completed, and it would be difficult to deal with someone who killed two people quietly."

"Is the Chunjiang Police Department going to create a model police station? Follow the style of the Lord of Hell and solve cases every other day? Will they solve the case in 24 hours?"

"As a police officer who has been on the front line for a long time, although Boss Zhang does have amazing observation skills for this kind of crime, I really don't think the case can be solved in one day, and I don't know if Boss Zhang guaranteed it. If he did, If the case is not solved by then, Director Qin will probably have a big brain."

Netizens in the live broadcast room also exploded at this moment.

All of them had incredible expressions.

Some police officers claiming to be on the front lines were even exposed.

"Oh, this may be a high-level conspiracy."

Duan Jin naturally saw these comments.

Sneering now.

Is it possible that you, Zhang Lingtian, are really the Lord of Hell?Can you make a dead person speak?
Unfortunately this is not possible.

He never believed that dead people could turn into ghosts and talk.

After all, if you were really that powerful, you wouldn't die.

Besides, if you turned into a powerful ghost to take revenge on me, wouldn’t I turn into an even more powerful ghost to kill you?
You can be tortured in the world of heaven, and you can be tortured in the underworld.

Of course, the most important thing is that if this was true, so many people would not be killed for no reason throughout the ages.

"I know you're watching the live broadcast."

Zhang Lingtian looked directly into the camera.


In an instant, many viewers in front of the TV were stunned.

"Boss Zhang, you are so domineering!"

A certain dormitory.

"Too awesome!!"

A roommate answered.

"I love this man so much!!!"

The other man stared at his roommate's computer with crazy eyes, showing a nymphomaniac look.

"Am I exposed? This is impossible!"

When Duan Jin met Zhang Lingtian's eyes in front of the screen, he felt inexplicably locked.

Setsuna also became a little panicked.

But he thought about it again and realized that he didn't seem to have exposed anything.

The other party might be bluffing him, maybe letting him expose himself!
Now he won't use the virus that has been implanted in the phone to spy on this person named Liang Yubing. Let's see how you check it!
"Mr. Zhang, do you have any key evidence now? For example, have you locked the trace of the suspect?"

the reporter asked.

"Yes, we already know who he is and where he is."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

It's okay for him to say this, after all, people always have a sense of luck.

Maybe the other party thinks they are cheating.


There was an uproar again.

"Blow! Just blow hard! How could you possibly find me!"

Duan Jin didn't believe a word of it.

He was now becoming more and more certain that the other party was deliberately provoking him, thinking of exposing himself or something like that.

"We can set a time. From now on, the case will be solved within 24 hours. We also ask the people of Chunjiang to relax and live a relaxed life."

Qin Yan directly took out a 24-hour hourglass.

"I even took out the hourglass!"

The reporters at the scene just felt incredible.

"This is a military order!"

"Since you have said so, then what should I worry about?"

"As long as Boss Zhang is here, I won't panic at all to be honest!"

"Eat what you need to drink, wait for the news that the murderer will be caught before 05:30 tomorrow!"

"As a Wunan native, I am envious!"

"Why are you envious? How is the development of Genghis Khan's tomb over there?"

"Don't be envious. Don't be envious. I, Shenzhou, will take action and let Boss Zhang spend the rest of his life with our Shenzhou girls who are good-looking and good at pursuing careers! You will envy us from now on, hahaha~"


"Tianfu: What are you talking about?"


On the Internet, netizens who watched the live broadcast felt relieved.

Especially the netizens of Chunjiang.

At the same time, some netizens in some cities expressed their real envy that a city could have a character like Boss Zhang in it.

But soon a water friend from Shenzhou next door posted a message.

Say no to envy.

Boss Zhang is unmarried, and a girl from Shenzhou wants to attract him.

From now on, Boss Zhang will be from Shenzhou.

As soon as this word comes out.

Suzhou, Hangzhou, Southwest Tianfu and other places have sent question marks.

"Sure enough, stabilizing law and order is your ultimate goal. A group of people still worship him as a god. Tomorrow after tomorrow, after 24 hours, it can be said that the investigation has made unprecedented progress. It still needs a little time. Even catching a scapegoat, after all, they have done this kind of thing before!"

Duan Jin sneered.

He was a little worried just now.

Now I feel completely relaxed.

Because he felt that he had clearly seen the police's method of delaying and deceiving him.

In previous press conferences, Zhang Lingtian was basically not included.

Why did you bring it with you this time?
It's not because he can stabilize the emotions of many stupid people.

And this is exactly what the police have no clue about!

The time came to six o'clock.

The one-hour press conference has ended.

"Mr. Zhang, thank you for your hard work. If it weren't for you, we in Chunjiang would probably be in panic again."

Qin Yan thanked Zhang Lingtian backstage.

The whole person's tone was also very excited.

When a case occurs, stabilizing everyone's emotions is the most important thing.

Otherwise, people will be panicked and their investigation will be under great pressure.

"It's okay. The follow-up matters will be troublesome to Director Qin and you guys. Catch the person as soon as possible!"

Zhang Lingtian said.

"Hmm, now we have found out the scope of the deceased's activities during his lifetime and confirmed that he came to this mobile phone repair shop called Three Trees. He is basically in the same situation as Liang Yubing. He also lost his phone and then found it again. When the time comes, catch him. The person who lives here, Mr. Zhang, can also come to the jury to discover more details."

The DNA comparison has come out and it is confirmed that it is their daughter Lu Peilan.

At the same time, they investigated the social relations of the two victims.

Targeting their closest classmates and friends.

I asked if there were any cases of lost mobile phones, and later found out that there were all cases.

Therefore, Mr. Zhang’s previous outrageous speculation should be true.

That is, their mobile phones may be implanted with viruses, and then the entire process is monitored.

It was equivalent to being exposed in the hands of this pervert.

"Okay, just contact me then."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Mr. Zhang, let's go and have dinner together."

Then he went to have dinner with everyone at the police station.

And now in another city.

A man named Lu Baoqiang couldn't eat.

"Director Jiang, I have a new detective-themed drama here that I would like to ask you to invest in. Are you interested in it?"

Everyone knows that he has little money on hand now that something like this has happened.

So I want to find someone else to invest.

As a result, I made countless calls that day, but still no one invested.

"Bao Qiang, I would definitely be interested in your drama if it had a military theme, but I think a detective comedy is a bit nondescript."

Director Jiang on the other end of the phone said.

"But Boss Zhang also agreed."

Baoqiang said those words that Boss Zhang affirmed.

"Boss Zhang? Zhang Lingtian? The entertainment industry is deep in the water. What does he know as a person outside the industry? If you say something right based on observation and gossip, you can worship others as gods. Just listen to his words. "

Director Jiang opposite was still speaking in a lecturing tone.


"Stop it, please change the subject. After all, you are not suitable for this subject now. That's it. I'm a little busy and I'll hang up first." Director Jiang hung up the phone without saying a few words.

He searched for investment, chief producer, screenwriter, director... and all relevant people in the industry.

As a result, no one was willing to take on this subject.

It hurt him a lot.

But the money on hand now is simply not enough.


Lu Baoqiang sighed.

I didn’t know what to do for a while.

Do you really want to mortgage the house?
To make a drama in which you are the investor, chief producer, screenwriter, director, and starring?
"Hey, Nailiang, what are you doing?"

And one last friend.

Jia Nailiang.


On the other end of the phone was Jia Nailiang's deep sigh.

"What's wrong with you? You sighed as soon as you called me! Let me tell you, I'm not here to borrow money from you this time. I'm here to invest in you. I have a detective-themed movie. Boss Zhang also said it's okay, but I’m still short of money right now.”

He spoke plainly to his friend Baoqiang.

"Boss Zhang! Bao Qiang! I really want to say that Boss Zhang is so awesome! Did you know that the Internet celebrity Zhou Yi is outrageous? His boyfriend is actually the one who does my wife's hair!"

Jia Nailiang said a little angrily.

"No, when Internet celebrities are outraged, they are outraged. What are you still struggling with after your incident is over?"

Baoqiang expressed some confusion.

"Don't you think it's outrageous? This bastard actually found an Internet celebrity. Doesn't this prove that my wife is just like an Internet celebrity?!"

This is what makes Jia Nailiang angry.

"Let's talk about investment..."

Baoqiang was left speechless.

It's all the same. After all, you're divorced. Why do you still feel unbalanced?

"Brother Baoqiang, I'm not in a good mood. Let's talk about the investment later. I'm going to calm down for a while."


The phone hangs up.


Lu Baoqiang looked confused.

Good guy.

Really no one supports him.

on the Internet at the moment.

【1.24 hours to solve the case】

[2. Two young female corpses were found in Chunjiang]

[3. Internet celebrity Zhou Yi falls in love with a gangster]

Number one is 24-hour crime solving.

Ranked second was the major case that occurred in the morning.

As for the third one, it is the Internet celebrity who burns himself on the hot search as usual.

"Is a certain rap starving to eat?"

"Off, off, I don't understand, why do girls like people like this kind of gangster?"

"In my personal opinion, why many girls fall in love with some gangsters, it may be that they lack a kind of rebellion in adolescence. Some reasons in family education forcefully suppress the rebellion that should have appeared in adolescence. Girls are also human beings. Everyone can be rebellious, and some behaviors that you can’t understand and some that are very confusing are just the kind of rebellion that makes up for adolescence!”

"Why are you so malicious? Judging from their academic qualifications, these two are a perfect match and have many topics in common. We should respect and wish them well!"

Under this hot search, netizens’ opinions have become more intense than ever.

"Oh my God, why did I lose so many fans?"

a certain district.

Zhou Yi would take out her cell phone to take a look at it from time to time.

Then she froze.

The rate at which he is losing fans is even comparable to that of a male anchor who said he didn't work hard and therefore didn't get a salary increase during this period.

And a lot of people in the fan base quit.

There are also many big alliances among them.

[Zhou Tian Yongmei Resource Sharing Group]

"Zhou Yi: It's true, but we are in free love. Shouldn't everyone bless us?"

Here are the top [-] eldest brothers on her list.

At this moment, someone asked her if this was true?

In order to save everyone, she replied to the message.

"Yangming: Do you know who your so-called free love partner is?"

Yang Ming is Zhou Yi's top brother, and he once spent millions in one night.

It can be said that they really like each other.

But there was never any offline contact.

It's just really pure.

"Management: The three brothers have resigned from the group. If you don't give us an explanation for this matter, I won't do it either. It's a shame!"

After the top brother on the list spoke, the management also spoke.

There have been a number of managers who have spoken fiercely before.

They all quit the group one after another to clarify their ambitions!
"That was his past. Now he doesn't touch those things anymore. Please believe me, I will definitely change him and make him appear in everyone's eyes with a new look."

Zhou Yi sent a voice message in the group.

"Yang Ming: You disappoint me and I blame myself even more, because every penny I give you will turn into every bullet fired at our anti-narcotics police.!
[System prompt: Group members have made their names known and exited the group chat. 】

After saying this, Brother Bang left.

"I was deeply shocked when I saw this sentence, but what I said is right. How can an addict who likes that thing quit?"

"I quit too!"



After the big brother on the list said this, the large group of more than 2000 people left and there were only about 800 people. But with his words, 800 people left in an instant.

And it’s still retreating.

Zhou Yi's heart was suffocating.

After all, this is the most wealthy group of people in her live broadcast room.

Especially this top brother, who has made millions of dollars in her live broadcast room.

"Management: I'm disappointed, please take care of yourself."

[System prompt: The administrator exits the group chat. 】

After the administrator left.

The group quickly dropped to more than 500 people.

This is still one day.

Fans of Huyu Live also lost millions of followers in just one day.

"Am I really wrong?"

Zhou Yi felt quite desolate as if the building was empty.

The time came quickly the next morning.


Duan Jin happily opened the floodgates of his own facade.

"Didn't you say you wanted to arrest me? Where are the people?!"

Sit at your desk.

Duan Jin's face was full of jest.

These guys are 100% sure to find someone to take care of them.


Suddenly there was a siren sound outside.

"Why so many police cars?"

Although a murder occurred at the Ecological Lake, there are still many tourists here.

After all, the place where the body was buried was in the back mountain, which was actually more than an hour away from the ecological lake activity area.

"Repair shop?"

Soon everyone discovered an outrageous phenomenon.

Five or six police cars stopped at a corner, in front of a mobile phone repair shop called Sankeshu.


Duan Jin, who had just sat down and had yet to warm his buttocks, was stunned.

Did he really come to your door?

Just scare people! !


(End of this chapter)

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