I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 244 Something really happened, furious Qin Yan!

Chapter 244 Something really happened, furious Qin Yan!

"Temporary car."

At 25:[-] a black car drove into the Chunnan Branch, and the parking lot of the police station automatically raised the pole.

"Bureau Qin, are we sure we want to go to the surveillance command room?"

It was Bai Jin who was driving at the moment, and Qin Yan was sitting in the back seat.

"Well, you can only see the whole picture by going to the monitoring room."

Qin Yan nodded slightly, and after a while they got off the car and arrived at the monitoring room of the police administration building.

"Bureau Qin, why did you come here in person? It would be nice to have me here."

The speaker was Yi Jing, the director of Chunnan Branch.

When the other party saw Qin Yan coming, he hurried forward to greet him. After all, the other party could be said to be a big leader and he still understood basic etiquette.

"How's it going? Is there any suspicious person entering the police station?"

Qin Yan did not reply to Yi Jing's kind words, but went straight to the point with his first sentence.

"Qin Bureau, no suspicious person has been found yet, and I don't think this person can enter our police station at all. Even if he does, I have already arranged the relevant special police to ambush. Basically, I know that if I want to disrupt order, I will do it." Waiting to be punished by our special police."

Yi Jing said with a confident look on his face.

There are rows of surveillance cameras in front of them. Because of Qin Yan's 'suggestion', three police officers are here watching the entire police station's surveillance cameras.

It can be said that it is watertight.


Qin Yan nodded slightly when he heard what Yi Jing said.

Looking at his watch at this moment, he was surprised to find that the time had reached 05:30.

But the key thing Zhang Lingtian said didn't happen.

Get off work at six o'clock, and there are quite a few people entering the administrative building at this moment. The police officer from Chunnan Branch carefully checked the surveillance and found nothing unusual.

However, they didn't know that a man had already entered the administrative building while making a phone call.

And the other person was also carrying a backpack.

Because everything is normal, and there are indeed a lot of people coming to the administrative building for business.

Including traffic police demerit points processing, household registration, ID card processing, etc., Chunnan gathers all police business areas in one administrative building.

And according to the experience of these police officers watching the surveillance.

Generally, if you come here to do bad things, you will definitely be sneaking around and looking around.

The man walked in so openly, thus evading the stereotyped scrutiny of these police officers.

"Bureau Qin, the time has indeed come, but do you think it is possible that some wrong information led to Mr. Zhang Lingtian's wrong judgment? After all, attacking the police station is indeed a bit outrageous."

Yi Jing put forward his thoughts in very tactful words.

After all, it was hard for him to directly say what Mr. Zhang said was wrong. Everyone knew that Mr. Zhang had made a huge contribution to their Chunjiang Police Station.

Even the director was originally a deputy bureau chief and the captain of the criminal investigation detachment, but he was promoted to director because of the other party's repeated cases solved.

"Wait a minute, can you tell me honestly whether the Chunnan Branch has violated regulations, bullied the people, or done nothing during this period of dereliction of duty?!"

Of course Qin Yan knew what Yi Jing meant.

The other party simply thought that someone had reported certain problems to Zhang Lingtian through Douyin channels, and threatened to come to the police station for revenge if his problems were not resolved.

Maybe even hurt the police or something.

But sometimes this kind of threat is a threat after all. After all, ordinary people would not dare to attack the police station even if they were given a few courages.

After all, how many peanuts can a flesh and blood body endure?

Qin Yan thought so too before.

But he carefully analyzed some of Zhang Lingtian's past cases.

Found a very strange feature.

That is, no one who listened to the advice had any accidents, but those who didn't listened were either seriously injured or dead.

Therefore, Qin Yan still believed in Zhang Lingtian in his heart. At this moment, he looked at Yi Jing to ask if the branch director had done anything mentioned above.

"Bureau Qin, my leader, you don't know what our Chunnan Branch is like. How could something like this happen? Nowadays, the younger generation of police officers are very responsible in handling each case."

Yi Jing clarified himself with a very excited attitude, and also praised the police officers of Chunnan Branch.

"Actually, to be honest, I also hope that Mr. Zhang's prediction is wrong."

Qin Yan's old eyes flashed with light. If it was fake, although Mr. Zhang was wrong, at least the police station would be fine. He didn't want such a shocking incident to happen, which would be a great shame to the entire police community.

"I understand, I understand. We, Chunnan, must also stand guard at this last station. How about we wait until six o'clock and the Qin Bureau will take a look?"

Yi Jing looked at Qin Yan and expressed his determination.

"Just six o'clock."

Qin Yan nodded and turned to stare at the monitoring screen.

The three policemen who were fishing quickly cheered up. The main reason for fishing was that it was past 05:30 and one of them didn't believe that someone really dared to come to the police station to disrupt order.

Even those with abnormal brains have to run far away when passing the police station and don't dare to come here to lose their nerves.

"Two cars on the first floor are on fire!!"

Just after Qin Yan's words fell, a police officer suddenly shouted at him with constricted pupils, and then quickly zoomed in on a surveillance area.

"What's going on? Why did it suddenly catch on fire!!"

Yi Jing asked hurriedly and excitedly.

The promised precautions were perfect so that not even a fly could fly in, and there was no possibility of disrupting order. However, the next second a vehicle on the first floor caught fire and they didn't even react.

It felt like a hard slap on the face.

"The Molotov cocktail, someone threw the Molotov cocktail on the car and caused the car to catch fire."

The police officer said after the surveillance camera zoomed in.

There was a bottle on the ground that was still on fire. I guessed it was a homemade Molotov cocktail.

But they had no idea when or where this person threw the bottle.

"Where was this bottle dropped from? He said that precautions were very good, but people came in and you didn't even know it! Let everyone be alert and find this person's location quickly!"

The administrative building has a total of sixteen floors.

It was necessary to find out where the Molotov cocktail was dropped as soon as possible.

The police officer who had just been fishing was already sweating in just a few seconds.

Because they really didn't find where the Molotov cocktail was dropped from, and this was definitely an oversight on their part.

"Everyone put out the fire!"

Security guards on the first floor quickly assembled to put out the fire.

"Everyone be on alert! There are Molotov cocktails downstairs!"

Yi Jing contacted all the police officers through the walkie-talkie, and the police officers who were lying in ambush were nervous and surprised as never before!
"It's the eleventh floor!!"

Suddenly thick smoke billowed from the eleventh floor.

I saw a man wearing a biochemical respiratory mask holding a sharp knife, and then walked straight into the nearest department.

And that department is basically composed of police officers who are nearing retirement. If the other party really hurts someone with a knife, the consequences will be disastrous!

The most important thing is that Yi Jing has arranged key protection on the first, second and third floors.

Because in his opinion, even if someone dared to break into the police station and cause trouble, the trouble would not reach the third floor.

If you can really rush to the third floor, the opponent must be Superman.

At this moment, there is almost no defensive force on the eighth floor.

The person who wants to cause trouble is really on the eighth floor, and it will take 30 seconds at the fastest. It is not certain whether these old police officers can stop this person who wants to retaliate against society.

"Quick! Everyone rush to the eleventh floor!!"

Yi Jing, who only saw this moment, shouted anxiously.

Qin Yan's eyes were profound.

Because the No. 11 floor is where the archives office and the old police officer's office are, if this incident had not happened, he would have planned to come to the [-]th floor first.

While expressing condolences to the veteran police officers, I would like to check the recent cases of the Chunnan Branch.

As a result, I never expected that this person started from the eleventh floor.

No wonder Mr. Zhang said that his luck was not very good. It turned out to be this reason.

He only brought Bai Jin with him, and at most Yi Jing was also there.

Because according to his personality, he is unlikely to find too many people to accompany him. After all, being a policeman is still very busy and he has a lot of work to do.

He himself is not the kind of person who likes formalism.

Inspecting a large number of teams at one time and the like.

What can you see then?
Basically, all you can see is peace and bubbles blown by others.

eleventh floor.

"It's really new. I didn't expect that someone would dare to come to the police station to disrupt order. I have never seen it in all my years as a police officer."

Several old policemen were chatting about the secret martial law in the whole situation today.

It is said that Director Qin of the Chunjiang Police Station suggested it.This suggestion was given by Boss Zhang of Baishipu.

If it were normal, they would definitely sneer at this suggestion. After all, how could a fool predict this.

It turned out that the other party did have two brushes.

"Oh, these young people nowadays really don't get points for doing certain things."

An old policeman who was reading a newspaper wore glasses and glanced slightly at several old colleagues.

Ordinary police officers retire at the age of 60, and they are all 58 and [-] years old this year.

So I just do some light work, process some data, sort out some files, etc., and rarely go to the front line.

The front line was handed over to some young policemen, and these veteran policemen shook their heads at some policemen.

"The case was handled with impatience, impatience, and procrastination, alas."

Another police officer with half white hair sitting on the chair agreed with this statement.

As old men who have been handling cases for so many years, they still see some problems with some young police officers handling cases.

"I have also discovered that not only are some impatient and irresponsible, but not everyone in this society can restrain themselves. Some people tend to go to extremes for various reasons. It is estimated that [-]% of this time has something to do with it."

Of course they are not saying that all police officers are like this.

But unfair treatment is enough to make the people who were originally wronged feel even more wronged.

Therefore, some people with extreme personalities tend to go to extremes.

Of course, they have never seen anyone dare to attack a police station because of these factors. I hope this time it is a misunderstanding.

Otherwise, the reputation of their Chunnan branch may be at its lowest in history!
"What's going on? Has someone come in? Why are you on alert!"

At this moment, a voice rang on the intercom.

"Smoke? Why is there smoke on our eleventh floor?"

Almost as soon as the voice fell, several veteran police officers realized that something was not right!
Because smoke was actually found at their door!

"Something's wrong! Everyone, get this guy!"

The police station had warned them before, and coupled with the strange smoke, although several people were almost ready to retire, they had experienced many battles and immediately noticed something was wrong.

Because this office does not have professional equipment.

Everyone can only use stools, chairs, long sticks and the like for self-defense.

But these people didn't know that it was their quick reaction and preparedness that saved the lives of four of them.

Otherwise, today I will become the dead soul of the other party.

The four of them just got the guy.

Directly at the door, a man holding a sharp knife and wearing a breathing mask appeared.


An old policeman shouted loudly!
And this man rushed over with a knife without saying a word!


Four people working together!

Probably because he felt that he could not kill these people in a short time, the man wearing a breathing mask immediately changed direction.

"It's okay, Lao Wang!"

However, the four of them are old men after all.

Although they were armed with sticks, chairs and benches, there was no way they could resist a young man.

No one's arm would be stained with glory.

"It's okay, it's okay! Chase him out and have a look, don't let him hurt other people! Especially there are lesbians in the archives!"

Although they are older, they are still men.

But lesbians are far behind compared to each other.

So he must not be allowed to hurt the lesbian on the other side.

"Why is it suddenly foggy outside!"

"what's the situation?"

The other side of the eleventh floor.

There are several female police officers in the archives.

Of course, they can be understood as police auxiliary personnel who manage the archives room.

"I'll go out and see."

The only thin male police officer who was retrieving information also felt strange.

I immediately planned to go out and see what was going on.

Why is there smoke in the corridor on the [-]th floor?

And this person is none other than Shang Xiaobang, the police officer of the Chunnan Branch who was accidentally scanned by Zhang Lingtian last night and was found to be at high risk.

"Be careful! People are coming! Close the doors!!"

However, as soon as Shang Xiaobang came out, he heard hysterical roaring from the other end of the corridor.

"People are coming up?!"

Shang Xiaobang looked extremely surprised when he heard this.

However, the next second he saw a sharp blade stabbing him, with a fierce look on his face!


Fortunately, Shang Xiaobang was young, so he immediately turned sideways and blocked the next shot to avoid the vital point.

But there was a mark on his hand.

"do not move!!"

Just when the man in the gas mask was about to take action a second time, a large number of police officers rushed up from behind.

But the other party seemed not to hear it and continued to attack Shang Xiaobang a second time.

The other party also graduated from the police academy and kept retreating.

He took the opportunity to hide directly in the archives room and closed the door.

Immediately afterwards, some police officers who had been arranged by the police station rushed forward and subdued the man.

six o'clock.

Qin Yan in the monitoring room had a dark face the whole time.

As for Yi Jing, the clothes on his back were completely soaked.

"Is this what you call watertight precautions? It's watertight! They all leaked directly to the [-]th floor! I'm asking you, if you didn't take precautions in advance this time, would the veteran police officers in the first department on the [-]th floor have survived? ?!"

Qin Yan asked angrily, slapping the table.

He was really pissed!

I have already told the other party to take precautions and keep an eye on everyone who comes in.

As a result, two police officers were injured!
From these things, it is not difficult to see the daily work style of this Chunnan branch!
"Bureau Qin, I will make a thorough review of this matter."

Yi Jing's attitude is very sincere.

"Review? Do I need you to do a review? If you don't want to do what you want to do in your position, replace it with someone capable! Taxpayers' money is not for you to do nothing here! Where are they? I want to go there in person Trial!"

This is the first time Bai Jin has seen the director get so angry.

To be honest, she also wanted to know what kind of injustice this man had suffered.

How dare you come to the police station with a knife to hurt someone.

On the other side, it happened to be six o'clock.

A young woman in her early 30s had just arrived in Haiya City and was checking into a hotel to have dinner.

As a result, when I opened my social account, I unexpectedly found that I had 99+ interactive messages.

"Am I being bullied online??"

Seeing so many red dots, the other party frowned!

However, she didn't expect that she would almost have a cardiac arrest with the next breath!

"Ping'an Baishi Shop? I got a message from Boss Zhang now??"

She saw nothing else.

I just saw a message.

And this message is not someone else’s.It is Ping An's white matter that spreads the sky!

The other party looked incredulous.

And she is also the Tzuyu mother whose luck value is only 1 point that Boss Zhang saw today.


 Ah~ It’s four o’clock again, and I’ve updated it a lot. I originally thought I would update a [-]-word chapter tomorrow, so I’ll post [-] words first to prove that the author is still alive.

(End of this chapter)

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