I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 247 is so heartbreaking and outrageous!

Chapter 247 is so heartbreaking and outrageous!

Even Chen Chuan, who is experienced in criminal investigation, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

A young police officer like Bai Jin, who has only been on the job for a short time, is like a lightning strike!
The black plastic bags found at the back of the toilet were opened layer by layer by the police.

Everyone was surprised to find that it was actually wrapped in eight or nine layers.

The first layer is a black plastic bag.

The second layer is a rolled snakeskin woven bag.

The third layer is another white plastic bag.

The fourth layer is a black coat.

The fifth layer is a long-sleeved white dress but dyed russet.

The sixth layer is a black short-sleeved shirt.

The monstrous corpse stench spread. He took off the black short sleeves and entered the seventh floor.

The seventh layer is a pair of men's boxer briefs.

The eighth layer is a pair of women's underwear.

The ninth layer is a plastic wrap.

When the women's underwear was removed and the plastic wrap was peeled off, the scene inside was scarier than the ghosts in any horror movie I've ever seen!
Because that was actually a shriveled-up woman with a terrifying death look and deep-set eyes!
And there was only one head, cut open from the lower jaw.

The most important thing is that there is a layer of white ice-like stuff on the outside of the head. This can be said to be the tenth layer. After forensic testing, this layer of white stuff turned out to be salt.

That's right, it's the salt consumed by normal households.

In other words, this is a pickled head.

Who is so heartbroken! !
Not only were the police from Chunjiang full of questions, but even the local police from Donggang looked suffocated.

This is so inhumane and outrageous!

"Qin Bureau."

Chen Chuan came outside and dialed Qin Yan's number.

"What's up, is it a prank or is something really happening?"

Qin Yan asked Chen Chuan at this moment.

"It's true that the body was dumped, but this matter is far more complicated than what we encountered before."

Chen Chuan sighed and said.

"Far more complicated than what we encountered before? Tell us about the situation at the scene!"

Qin Yan is currently at the Chunjiang Police Station and went to Donggang to be led by Chen Chuan.

Now it actually makes my second-in-command feel complicated.

He was a little surprised for a moment.

"We only found one head at the scene. Judging from the degree of shriveling of the head, it had been dead for at least several months. We also found that the head had been salted and was still wrapped in a layer of salt when it was opened."

Chen Chuan truthfully recounted everything he saw.

"Pickled? Dead for several months??"

Qin Yan's brows were already furrowed when he heard that he only found one head.

I was thinking about another headless corpse case.

As a result, I never expected that this head was actually someone who had been killed for several months, and the most important thing was that it had been pickled.

He looked at the place where the signature on the anonymous letter was sent and fell into deep thought.

【Good-hearted people stay. 】

The last position of the signature says a kind person left it.

"Are you really a kind person?"

Qin Yan looked at this letter and fell into deep thought.

The sky was gradually getting brighter at this moment.

Early in the morning, everyone in the subway, bus station, and breakfast shop was talking about what happened last night.

That was the attack on the administrative building of Chunnan Branch.

"Warrior, typical of you, if you don't give me an explanation, I will give you an explanation!"

"Well, it's just a profession. It's normal for practitioners to have good and bad days."

"My father is a policeman. There are definitely some black sheep, but this large group is still very good, especially many of the older generation who truly work with the belief of changing society and contributing to society, unlike some People just want to get paid.”

A university cafeteria.

As a college student, of course I also had a very strong interest in this matter.

We started chatting while eating breakfast before going to morning class.

Some people think that the other party is a warrior.

Single-handedly causing social unrest.

Some people also say that the police is actually just a profession.

It's not as high-end as imagined.

Even classmates whose families were police officers also came forward.

What the other party said is still very meaningful.

The comfortable environment has brought different values. The group of people who wanted to change the social environment and have been working hard have retired.

"Actually, his punishment can be regarded as a sign of sincerity, because to be honest, if he insists on keeping it, the public really has no choice, because the other party's procedure is legal. At most, it will be subject to some moral condemnation or even a higher inspection."

The classmate whose family was a police officer spoke again.

"Indeed, the other party's attitude is okay. What happened last night was reported at [-] o'clock this morning. It can be said that there must have been serious discussions on this matter last night."

The classmate who said that being a police officer also nodded.

[4. Chunnan Branch reported on the Yuanjia incident]

At this moment, this hot search is ranked fourth on the hot search list.

The content inside is probably a review of the case, and it very sincerely shows that the Chunnan Branch did indeed have some negligence. It did not release the person in time after the interrogation was completed. At the same time, it also failed to give Yuan Jia, the person involved in the incident, due humanitarian care. Even though the other person mentioned that he had hypoglycemia, he still didn't give him food.

Finally, he fainted when leaving the police station in the evening.

Cause external bruises and internal organ damage.

The police have ordered two police officers on duty, including Li Honggang and Shang Xiaobang, and two auxiliary police officers to apologize to Yuan Jia.

At the same time, Li Honggang was suspended, Shang Xiaobang was not allowed to be evaluated for merit within three years, and the auxiliary police officer's employment contract was terminated.

This incident not only serves as a warning to the Chunnan Branch, but also to the entire police force to provide humanitarian care from now on. We must not be negligent in handling cases and allow people who cooperate with the public to be wronged.

At the same time, all the police officers of the Chunnan Branch expressed their gratitude to Zhang Lingtian, the crime expert of the Chunjiang Police Station.

This is the briefing on the entire case.

A total of more than 1000 words.

Brush it down into a long piece.

"The attitude is seen."

"That's right, that's what a police station should be like. There's no hiding."

"You guys should really thank Boss Zhang. If he hadn't warned us, we probably wouldn't have been injured. It's not certain that the two of us on the eleventh floor would have survived."

Such a notice has been praised by many water friends.

In fact, regarding this matter, it is impossible to punish these police officers, such as firing them.

After all, the other party didn't make a very serious mistake.

It's just that the perpetrator's long-term accumulation of emotions finally vented to them.

Suspending two police officers and not being able to evaluate them for three years, and expelling two auxiliary police officers should be the biggest punishment.

This is a typical Chunnan Branch attitude of standing upright and getting beaten if you make a mistake.

It's not like some people who are protective of the calf, hiding and trying to live and die without admitting their mistakes.

In fact, how should I put it? In this matter, the Chunnan Branch can definitely do this if it wants to.

But that would probably attract a lot of abuse.

Typical now doing this is popular among the people.

I hope these two police officers can think carefully during their suspension and change their thinking of violent law enforcement.

More humane and more harmonious.


the other side.

Chunjiang Ping An Burial Shop.

"Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've had a live broadcast."

Zhang Lingtian started the live broadcast without warning.

"Punch in! Boss Zhang! First place!!"

"Oh my god, Boss Zhang actually started a live broadcast!"

"Have you started bringing goods today? Boss Zhang, we miss your lucky funeral gifts!"

"The live broadcast is on. I hope Boss Zhang can broadcast it for a while longer, even just to chat."

"Boss Zhang is awesome! Please tell us quickly if the safety promotional video is a prophecy video? Otherwise, how could someone be cold in the afternoon after coming out in the morning!"

"Yaya saved his life! I knew that the miracle that Boss Zhang expected would be a miracle! I just don't know when that scumbag will go to jail!"

"My dad is the veteran police officer on the [-]th floor yesterday, the one whose arm was injured. Thank you, Boss Zhang, for reminding me, otherwise they might have died."

"Are there any lucky viewers today?"


[User 'Crazy' rewarded 666666 Dou coins. 】

[User 'Teacup is here' rewarded 100000 dou coins. 】

[User 'coffee is very sweet' rewarded 666666 Dou coins. 】


09: 30.

After the live broadcast started, various rewards started flying in Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room.

The reasons are of course different.

"Thank you very much for your love. Today's live broadcast does not include goods or draws. I just talk about the draws."

Zhang Lingtian said in front of the camera.


"The scarf lottery starts at two o'clock in the afternoon?"

"How many times will Boss Zhang smoke this time? Can a scarf be fair?"

After hearing this, everyone asked curiously.

"Yes, it is the draw at two o'clock in the afternoon. We guarantee that this draw is fair and just. We will also draw a total of ten people five days a week, and the draws will be the fans in the account."

Zhang Lingtian is talking in front of the camera now.


After he finished speaking, everyone who was checking the scarves backstage gasped.

Who has ever seen a bib account that has [-] or [-] followers in just one second of refresh?

Now they have finally met.

It originally had more than 180 million fans.

After the boss said one sentence, the number of followers soared to 200 million, and the number of followers continued to soar.

"There are actually so many stars."

Su Wei checked the watch list and found that there were quite a few celebrities in it.

"Not only celebrities, but also people from all walks of life in the entertainment industry came." Li Tiantian said.

There are pianists, singers, writers, painters, Internet celebrities, etc.

There are even young ladies from some large financial groups and so on.

"Yes, after the scarf drawing is over, we will draw in Douyin. We will not broadcast the drawing live in the future. The selected people can ask questions online or directly offline. Everyone can rest assured about fairness. "

Zhang Lingtian took out the guarantees from the two companies of Scarf and Douyin.

That means there is absolutely no fraud.

"We are still relieved about this."

"We are cheating in front of the Lord of Hell. If we do this, it will be the end of the two companies."

The water friends spoke one after another.

As we chatted, we talked about what happened yesterday.

"Yuanjia? I'm not very sure about this. You can read the announcement from the Chunnan Branch. As for Internet celebrity Yaya here, I still want to emphasize that your health is the most important thing. Please don't eat it again!"

During the live broadcast, Zhang Lingtian talked about what happened yesterday and the Internet celebrity Yaya.

Because the other party's risk value has not dropped yet with him.

He didn't check the specific number.

But what is certain is that the risk is still high.

As long as the risk is reduced to low or potential customers, the system will give corresponding prompts.

But I haven't seen it yet.

"Indeed, if the other person's body is eaten again, it will really be over."

"Oh, to be honest, I really want her to die. I feel a pity if she doesn't die, because she is so stupid! But if she does die, I don't think it should be. Why? Because after she dies, only Luo Chunbo will be left. Scumbag, who will accuse the other party?"

"Yes! I think the only meaning of this woman's life is to send this man in!"

"So when will Boss Zhang come in? I can't wait!!"

Many people have no sympathy for this Internet celebrity Yaya.

The main reason is that the other party did something too stupid.

If the Darwin Prize is really looking for someone from their country, they will definitely be able to select them if the other party fails.

"Hahaha, as long as you commit a crime, you will definitely not be able to escape, so please stay calm."

Zhang Lingtian looked at everyone's eager expressions and said with a smile.

As far as he knew, the police had begun an in-depth investigation.

Once you find clues, you will definitely not be able to escape.

As we chatted, the time soon came to 11:30.

In a kitchen in a certain city.

Braised pork trotters, roast duck, sweet and sour pork ribs, braised pork knuckles, and five-spice braised pork are the ingredients for five or six dishes.

And this busy person is none other than Luo Chunbo.

That’s right, Internet celebrity Yaya, whose real name is Wei Xiaoyu, has been discharged from the hospital.

The other person is sitting in the room at the moment.

As soon as my husband came back, he went to buy ingredients for lunch.

He also comforted her by saying that he could no longer broadcast live, so he bought some vegetables to replenish her health.

After all, he has recovered from a serious illness.

Soon the aroma from the kitchen wafted.

However, she didn't see thirty capsules in the kitchen trash can.


Half a bowl of white, turbid water like flour water was poured on the dishes.

This was the water he had just taken apart thirty capsules and mixed them into a large bowl.

Capsules are not other medicines.

It is digitalis capsules.

After raising her for such a long time, my wife developed a heart problem due to being overweight.

And this is a drug that treats heart failure.

Of course, there is a gap between curing a disease and causing it.

This medicine is also the best murder weapon.

If there is a heart problem, overdose may lead to sudden cardiac arrest and death.

As a woman who weighs more than 200 pounds and is as fat as a ball, it is reasonable to die suddenly, right?

It was not easy for him to get this medicine.

But there is no time to wait for gambling debt.

Especially after seeing some information on the Internet, the other person is now really determined to lose weight.

It’s okay if you can’t hold on.

What if you really stick to it and your plan is ruined?
Not only was the cost of buying ingredients not recouped, but even the insurance premium was lost.

"Why are you cooking these things again? I want to lose weight."

Suddenly the kitchen sliding door was pushed open.

Only Wei Xiaoyu asked.

Her face looked a little angry.

"Honey, I know you want to lose weight, but we can only have the strength to lose weight when we are full, right? In this way, today's meal will be the last meal for you to replenish your body after returning from the hospital. Let's eat a lighter dinner, and you Go back to your room quickly. The smell of oil smoke is too strong."

Luo Chunbo was shocked because he had a guilty conscience.

Then he pushed his wife back.

"Don't eat! I won't eat!!"

Wei Xiaoyu was very angry!

"Huh? Don't want to eat? I don't know what your temper is? It's not easy to persuade you to eat!"

Send his wife back to her room.

He muttered in the kitchen when he heard this.

North shore of Haiya City.

the same point in time.

Wu Fei came here with her child Chen Ziyu.

There aren’t many people on the North Shore.

There are probably dozens of people scattered on this huge beach.

Compared with beaches with hundreds or even thousands of people, there are really not many people here and it is very suitable for swimming.

She originally planned to take her children here to swim.

But after being reminded by Boss Zhang, she quit.

Brain-eating worms.

She spent the whole night researching this thing last night and read a lot of related literature.

It was shocking to see.

The infection rate of this insect is low, and most symptoms mainly affect children. It can enter the body through the nasal cavity and has a fatality rate of up to 97%. There is currently no specific medicine.

Originally she didn't want to get close to this body of water.

But after thinking about it, she felt that she should come over.

Because that is the most basic human nature of a normal mother.

She couldn't sit idly by and let tragedies happen to others knowing that there were brain-eating worms in this area of ​​water.

【Please don’t go into the water!There are brain-eating worms in this water area!Boss Zhang said it! ! 】

She made a warning sign with white letters on a blue background!
"Don't go down! There are brain-eating worms in the water!!"

But this beach is really too big.

The sign she made cannot warn everyone.

She could only see someone entering the water, so she pulled her son over to remind him.

"Brain-eating worms?"

It was a woman with a child. The adults were wearing swimsuits and the children were wearing shorts.

"Yes! Boss Zhang said there are brain-eating worms in this place and told us not to go down!"

Wu Fei nodded and said.

"Then why are they underwater? Why didn't you stop them and stop us?"

The woman glanced at Wu Fei, her eyes full of suspicion that the other party was looking for trouble!
And right next to them.

That was a father and daughter.

"Yaya, be good, daddy is going to get a mobile phone and will be back soon. Wait for me here, you know?"

The man said to the girl in a small skirt.


The little girl was very sensible and nodded slightly.

"Hey! Just leave the kid here alone! Is there a dad like you?!"

Wu Fei was stunned.

Is it so important to have a mobile phone?

He actually left the child on the beach?
It's so heartless!

"No? Who are you? If my daughter is in my sight, I will get a mobile phone and come over quickly. This daughter is not a brat, she is not that naughty! Yaya is waiting for dad here. Dad will be back soon!"

The man looked at Wu Fei impatiently and at the same time introduced his daughter again.

"Yeah, Yaya is waiting for dad here."

The little girl nodded obediently.

"You! Hey! Didn't I tell you not to go into the water? Why are you still walking towards the water! There are brain-eating worms in the water that can easily get into the nasal cavity of children. The fatality rate is as high as [-] or more!!"

The beach at this moment is about 20 meters from the water.

While Wu Fei was talking to the man, the mother and son actually walked towards the water.

She hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

Moreover, he also said that his daughter was within his sight, so he thought that the father would not be so arrogant.

She stopped them first.

"Who are you cursing!!"

My feet can already feel the warmth and coolness of the sea water.

Suddenly hearing this sentence, the woman looked angry.

"I'm not cursing you! It's just that there are really brain-eating worms in this water area. This is the private message Boss Zhang sent me last night."

Wu Fei turned on her phone with the mentality of counting every one she could stop.

"Go away! Don't look! I think you are those merchants from Nan'an! You are trying to scare us with Boss Zhang. Let me tell you, we swim here for free. We are determined not to give money to merchants like you at Nan'an Swimming! We will do everything possible to stop them. The trick is useless! Xiaolin, come here!"

As she spoke, the woman jumped directly into the water.

The children also jumped down.


 Guys, please give me double your monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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