I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 262: The old witch is here. Are you going to be a vegetarian as the King of Hell? [Please vo

Chapter 262: The old witch is here. Are you going to be a vegetarian as the King of Hell? [Please vote for the [-]-word chapter]

Originally, she had arranged to receive him well, but now Mujiang Wenxin suddenly felt anxious.

As a boss, she must be exposed to a higher level of information than the average person.

For example, the previous encounters between Tiaopanji and Jiangjiang Country, which were all the rage in the city.

As the boss of Little Frog, she has her own observation and analysis skills.

In these things, she saw the different attitudes of different bosses towards Zhang Lingtian.

For example, Zhai Sheng, the preparatory player from the chicken side, and the former big boss from the Jiangjiang country know the boss. They both completely believe in this Zhang Lingtian.

Even to the point of worship.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand.

After all, it was the other party who supported the house saint.

I was originally a homebody.

As for understanding the boss, as a former big boss, he is still very capable. What he believes in is the resurrection after being on the verge of death.

But his old rival, Master Xi, didn't believe it at all. He thought that if there really was a god in this world, it must be in their Jiangjiang country, and Zhang Lingtian was just a thing to intimidate others.

He can actually find a reasonable explanation for all magical events.

The special rare sect leader was a little angry with Zhang Lingtian. The reason was that his sleeping boss was extremely annoyed by the title of rare sect leader.

It simply slanders his character!
How could he not even be able to control his own body!
In addition to the extremely unbelievable example of the rare sect leader, there is Boss Tian.

As the current big boss of Jiji, the other party's attitude towards Zhang Lingtian is that he thinks that the other party has certain abilities, but he is definitely not at the level of a god.

I have some faith in Zhang Lingtian.

But I feel like I can fight it.

Before Zhang Lingtian's assistant in college had an accident, she maintained a completely neutral attitude. She neither believed nor denied it, and just watched his performance quietly.

As a result, she never expected that this accident would happen directly to her.

She was wondering if this was the other side deliberately trying to beat her up, so should she be the one to receive it next?What will happen if it is received?
She believed that based on the intelligence on the other side, they must know about this.

"Boss...he's urging us to reply to the message at seven o'clock."

The assistant's voice came at this moment, because they had to reply at seven o'clock, so time was very urgent!
"Wait a minute."

Mu Jiangwen thought for about a minute and then shook his head and looked at his assistant.

This time is a sensitive period. If the news gets out, people will definitely react, and she has to be sure of one thing: whether the other party is deliberately beating her.

She said that an accident would come immediately. There was no element of metaphysics in it, so she personally didn't believe it.

The other side can do this kind of thing, and their culture is also like this. They all say they need to have a trump card.

If the trump card is exposed and known to others, it means that you may lose, so you will not reveal your trump card unless you have to, and press the bottom first.

But occasionally you have to show off your muscles.

"Okay, then I won't reply to them yet."

The assistant noticed that the boss was in embarrassment and it was difficult to urge him, so he didn't reply for now and would see what happened there.

"Well, let's see what their reaction is. After all, there are some things that can't be saved by far water, especially when there is such a metaphysical person here."

Mu Jiangwen nodded heavily.

Take one step at a time.

If the other party calls and insists on their reply, then let’s talk about it separately.

For now, she doesn't want to get into trouble.

"By the way, has the cause of this accident been investigated?"

At the same time, Mu Jiangwen also asked about the cause of this accident.

"Experts are now investigating inside. The preliminary inference is that the auditorium of Jingyi University was in disrepair and Professor Lin Ya's voice was too loud during the lecture. It happened to collapse on Professor Lin Ya's body. The cause of death was a punctured organ. "

The assistant understood all this information, so he told Mu Jiangwen at this moment.

That means speaking too loudly, causing the speakers to vibrate and causing the auditorium to collapse.

"It is indeed a perfect accident. It looks as if it is really an accident. There are almost no flaws at all."

Mu Jiangwen looked full of emotion at this moment.

Sounds reasonable.

It's actually reasonable.

But it is not reasonable at all when it comes to Zhang Lingtian.

Because he caused too many accidents.

However, Mu Jiangwen didn't know that Zhang Lingtian was hysterical inside at this moment, because he was originally wronged, and this was an accident! !
How could he have the ability to collapse an auditorium thousands of miles away?

Spring River, Shang Shang Farm.

"Boss, your three packs of spicy strips! Wei Long's! Delicious!!!"

At this moment, Li Tiantian and Su Wei placed three packs of spicy strips in front of the boss. Now they have arrived at Shang Shang Farm and are waiting for their food to be served.

It has to be said that this farm is indeed much more upscale than they imagined, and the aroma is everywhere. It looks like a delicious place at first glance.

As expected of the farm where Director Qin Yan took his boss to have late-night snacks, the taste is truly indescribable.

But the cost is really expensive. I just looked at the menu and found that a meal for the four of them actually costs 2000 yuan, which is equivalent to 500 yuan each.

Sometimes the boss is really generous, but other times he is really stingy and would actually do it for three packs of spicy strips.

An accident was created that was completely beyond the expectations of the three of them.

It was indeed in response to the other party's previous words that they realized a different boss.

"Take it back, I don't like spicy strips."

Zhang Lingtian rubbed his forehead.

He was really aggrieved that he had become a boss who actually took action for three packs of spicy strips. How could he go for three packs of spicy strips when he didn't like eating it? There was no sense of logic.

If I had known, I would have taken a second look in the conference room. If I saw the scene switching to this Lin Ya, I would not be as passive as now. Maybe I could remind him when the other party was giving a lecture.

"Boss, take what you win."

Jiang Xiaohan placed three packs of spicy strips in front of the boss. After all, the boss won.

And that’s what he said at the beginning.

None of the three of them guessed that the boss would win.

"Yes, Brother Tian, ​​it's not that we can't afford a pack of spicy strips. The only thing is that my impression of you has indeed changed a bit. This is because the sound was too loud and affected the old auditorium, causing the school auditorium to collapse and the woman was killed. I really never dreamed of it.”

Su Wei also pushed Latiao forward. This way of death was eye-opening.

"That's right, boss, the Weilong spicy strips are very delicious. You are not even a few years older than us. These spicy strips must have been very popular when you were kids."

Li Tiantian also agreed with Su Wei's words and asked Zhang Lingtian to keep the spicy strips.

"Okay, okay, Xiaohan, help me put it away."

Originally, he was thinking of sharing it with everyone.

But now the food is ready to be served immediately, and eating spicy strips before a meal affects the taste.

Let's put it away first and put it in the tea room of Baoshipu for everyone to eat as snacks. I remember that when I was a kid, the Weilong spicy strips were really delicious and addictive.

But I don’t know why the spicy strips seem to have changed in taste now, and I always feel that they are not as delicious as they were when I was a kid.


Jiang Xiaohan put three packs of spicy strips into his bag. The boss didn't bring a bag and kept it himself.

"Boom boom boom——"

Suddenly at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the box.

"Come in."

Zhang Lingtian responded.

Su Wei and Li Tiantian stood up immediately. It turned out that the waiter had brought the food.

"Dear distinguished guests, your dishes are ready, please have a meal~"

There is one private room, one cart, and three waiters, and they serve the food at the same time.

"Oh my god, the boss actually has a big portion of roasted whole lamb!!"

The dishes are all served, including fried beef laba, roasted whole lamb, beggar's chicken, fragrant wild mushroom soup, and stir-fried seasonal vegetables, a total of five dishes.

However, the fried beef laba and roasted whole lamb were both large portions, plus a portion of beggar's chicken. It was not a waste for the four of them to order this amount.

In particular, there are wild mushroom soup and seasonal vegetables to relieve fatigue.

At this moment, Li Tiantian's eyes lit up when she saw the roasted whole lamb on the stage. Sure enough, it was priced at 2000 yuan. She had never eaten it in her life.

"It's a pity that the four of us can't eat one lamb, otherwise we can order a roasted whole lamb next time."

Zhang Lingtian thinks the roasted whole lamb here tastes very good.

Came here for some food last night.

It is said that this farm has been very popular since it opened. Judging from the current situation, it does have its own reasons.

"Boss, if the budget allows, you can actually bring people from the company over for dinner next time."

Jiang Xiaohan made a suggestion.

It is quite tiring for subsidiaries to develop markets.

"It's okay, it's no problem at all. Xiaohan, you guys, keep working hard and try to increase the market share of the funeral products of our Ping'an White House by five points. Then I will take you to Shang Shang Farm for a feast. You can order whatever you want. Order something!”

Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.

If you bring someone from the company over, the meal will definitely cost you six figures.

But it's okay.

This is what employees deserve!
"Okay! Let's come over for a big dinner then! Team building! The scene will be spectacular if you think about it!!"

When the time comes, it will be great for the company to come together for team building in such a high-end place!

However, Jiang Xiaohan didn't expect that Jiang Xiaohan's expression was hesitant to speak.

"Hey, why do you look so sad, Sister Xiaohan? Our national market share has already reached 10%, right? It shouldn't be difficult to increase it by 5%, right?"

Li Tiantian doesn't understand this aspect very well.

But she knows that the company's market share now reaches 10% nationwide. Although it is relatively small, it also proves that the potential is huge. It should not be difficult to increase by 5 percentage points.

"Sister Xiaohan's internal injuries are normal. How can it be so easy to improve by 5%?"

As a science student, Su Wei usually likes to look at all kinds of data. Now this 10% is the share built up by the eternal subsidiary company and using the reputation of the boss. An increase of 5% is simply fatal!
"Huh? Is it difficult?"

Li Tiantian was confused again.

"It's difficult, because market share is not so easy to win. Just to give a few simple examples, such as the fruit phone you know now, according to research reports, the market share of the other party is only 15.3%."

Looking at Li Tiantian's clear and cute eyes, Jiang Xiaohan gave the other party a simple example, which is the fruit phone that many people know.

"What, the fruit phone is only 15.3%?"

Li Tiantian was stunned.

Is it so outrageous!

Why did she feel that many people around her were holding fruit mobile phones? She thought that the other party's market share was at least 50%.

"Of course, this is our market. Globally, it is estimated that the other party accounts for about 40%. The well-known Huawei mobile phone accounted for only 13.8% of the entire market last year. National shampoo Haifeisi also competes with Huawei. Weibo mobile phones are about the same, so you know how difficult this market is to break into."

Su Wei added that he happened to have just read some data in this area.

As for Baishipu being able to capture so many markets in such a short period of time, he could only say that the boss's reputation was so great that it was almost as good as a fruit phone.

"Oh my god, then this is basically an impossible task. Boss, if it's so difficult, why don't you just add another team with someone who has won the Nobel Prize? Let's have a dinner at the farm."

Li Tiantian's head was buzzing when she heard this.

The fruit Huawei phones that I am familiar with actually account for less than [-] people.

Especially Huawei, she once thought that he was beyond fruits.

If this is the case, then I suggest that the boss add another Nobel Prize. Anyway, the difficulty will not change much.

"The Nobel Prize is an exaggeration. In fact, if you want to increase it by five points, it is not impossible. After all, our industry is a white shop, just like Biyadi in the tram field. Their market share can reach 30-40%. Or Ningde Times, which sells batteries, their market share can reach about 50%, but it just takes a lot of effort."

Jiang Xiaohan continued to give examples. Although it was outrageous, it was not impossible to accomplish.

After all, their Baishipu now has a very famous name, and it will be faster to expand the business based on its reputation, but this is a difficult challenge.

"Haha, Xiaohan, I'm very satisfied with your motivation."

Hearing what Jiang Xiaohan said, Zhang Lingtian laughed. After all, he was not wrong about the assistant.

Leave the market to the other party, so you don't have to worry about it at all, and it complements Qu Jiangmei's good hand.

"Boss, I'm not that powerful. The main thing is Mr. Qu. She does a lot of things."

Although she has done a lot of things, she still knows who is taking the lead.

That's Qu Jiangmei, so she doesn't dare to be greedy for credit.

"You have your place, and we can be considered complementary. Okay, okay, hurry up and have dinner. When you get 15% of the share, I will give you a celebration banquet."

Zhang Lingtian had an idea that he had not dared to think about before, which was to take Baishipu public and become the largest funeral industry company in the entire country and even the largest funeral supplies company in the world.

Now it seems that this possibility is possible.

And we are working towards this direction step by step.

"That's right, sister Xiaohan, please stop being modest. Your contribution is actually unfilial. Speaking of boss, I'm curious about something."

Li Tiantian agreed with the boss's words, and at the same time looked at him with a little more curiosity in his eyes.

She wanted to ask something.

"What's the matter? It's not about three packs of spicy chips again! Then I have no comment!"

Zhang Lingtian frowned. If asked about such a thing, he would not be able to answer.

Because it was a complete accident.

Of course, if it wasn't an accident, it was the fault of the system, but now he had no evidence to prove that it was the fault of the system, so he could only pretend it was an accident.

"No, no, I want to ask that Zhu Jiafu."

Li Tiantian shook her head.

Zhu Jiafu has been on the hot search list recently.

"Wish the family rich?"

Not only Zhang Lingtian, but also everyone present had a doubtful look in their eyes.

Isn't this the ruthless man who killed his own sister?
The current investigation revealed that the other party bought insurance for his sister and then killed his sister. The reason why he told the police was because he wanted to get the insurance money quickly.

As the investigation deepened, the police also discovered something horrifying.

That is the other person's wife.

Yes, Zhu Jiafu has a wife.

It's just that there are no children.

The wife was not at home when the investigation was conducted. The police originally thought that the wife might know about this matter, but when they met, the wife's words confused the police.

The other party's wife is from Guizhou Province, which is quite far away from Han Province.

The first thing the other party said when they met at that time was, "Have you arrested Zhu Jiafu?", which made the police officers involved in the investigation look confused.

How did she know? At that time, the police only identified themselves and did not say anything was wrong.

Later I found out that this wife from Guizhou Province saw her husband carrying something while going to and from get off work and putting it in the refrigerator every time. One time, she took a look at it out of curiosity while her husband was out.

It turned out to be a pickled head.

Combined with the fact that she hadn't seen her husband's sister for a while, and her features were somewhat similar, especially the clothes, she suspected that her husband had killed her sister.

But she didn't dare call the police.

I was so scared that I couldn't sleep that night.

So I made an excuse to go back to attend the funeral and hide out for a month.

She suddenly felt relieved when the police came to her door.

You asked why she didn't report the case when the body was found, and even dared to kill her sister. What if this lunatic rushed to her parents' house and killed someone?
So she would hide if she could.

I really can’t hide anymore.

However, what Zhu Jiafu's wife did not expect was that there would be an enhanced version of the shock.

The police accidentally took her ID card to check the insurance, and were surprised to find that Zhu Jiafu had actually bought insurance for his wife, and it was expiring in one year.

In other words, there is still at most one year before Zhu Jiafu may tamper with his wife.

So he doesn't care if his wife comes home.

After all, the time has not come yet.

If the time comes and his wife wants a divorce, he will probably agree to it, and then ask her to go back for an interview and kill her in one blow.

At that time, the policemen handling the case were shocked.

Later, the policeman handling the case came up with an idea. Since his sister and his wife had bought it, why not check on Zhu Jiafu’s mother?

As a result, the investigation was a complete blow-up, and the other party also bought insurance for his mother.

The insurance expires after three years.

There are five brothers and sisters in their family.

The eldest brother died young, so Zhu Jiafu is the eldest and is called the second brother, and Zhu Mei'e is the third child.

There is also a younger brother who is mentally ill and is taken care of by his mother.

The other sister just entered a special junior high school this year and is deaf-mute.

I guess I'm out of money.

The other party did not buy insurance for his younger siblings.

But it can also be seen that this person is really cruel.

After killing your sister, kill your wife; after killing your wife, kill your mother.

The fourth brother is mentally ill and there is no use asking for money. The youngest sister has just gone to a special junior high school and is deaf-mute. Then the eldest brother will be the other parent.

Maybe all the money including the two houses will be his by then.


So terrifying.

At present, this matter has also attracted widespread attention from society.

It has reached the top five of the hot search list.

Originally, many people thought that such a heinous man must die, but now there is a change, that is, the other party's mother went to the police station to plead for mercy, hoping to let his son go.

So Li Tiantian was curious about what would happen to Zhu Jiafu.

"Yeah, Zhu Jiafu, will the boss be sentenced to death and executed immediately? Is there any hope that he will be able to make a comeback?"

As we all know, only the death penalty that is executed immediately is the real death penalty. The remaining death penalty is suspended for two years. In most cases, it will become a life sentence.

After all, no idiot would commit another crime during two years of suspended death.

"……,do not know."

Zhang Lingtian, who was eating, glanced at Li Tiantian and picked up a mushroom without saying anything.

You ask him?How could he know that if he wasn't a judge?
But now he understands why when he scanned the danger probability, Zhu Jiafu was 99% certain to die instead of 100%.

At the time, he thought it was a bit strange, because normally, for someone who commits such a brutal case with a bad social impact, he would definitely not be able to escape the death penalty.

Now he knows the reason, maybe the other party's mother is a variable.

That is the 1% hope of survival.

Therefore, he has no way of knowing whether the other party will die, because the probability of death is still 99%.

Chunjiang Police Station.

"Auntie, please stop here. We, the police, have no control over this matter. We only submit the collected evidence to the court for trial."

That aunt was Zhu Jiafu's mother. After the other party determined that something had happened, Zhu Jiafu's mother came to the Chunjiang Police Station hoping to open up a wider circle.

"Officer, this is my only son. I really can't afford the death penalty. Please help me."

Zhu Jiafu’s mother looked pleading.Tears flowed freely.

To be honest, these days seemed like centuries to her.

His own son killed his own daughter, and he didn’t even know what evil he had done in his previous life!

"If you really want to help your son, then find a lawyer and sign a letter of understanding to implore the judge to consider not imposing the death penalty. For now, it is useless for you to contact our police. We have already submitted the case materials."

Bai Jin came to the aunt and said solemnly.

Indeed, this mother who made Zhu Jiafu very regrettable.

The only normal son killed the only normal daughter in an attempt to use the daughter's death in exchange for insurance compensation. The other party even planned to attack his wife and mother.

But from a human perspective, her daughter is gone and her daughter-in-law will definitely get divorced in the future. She only has such a normal son.

If you die, you are really gone.

So even though the other party committed a heinous crime, the mother still hopes that the law will be lenient.

But the police just followed procedures.

At that time, the real trial will be in the court, so if the other party really wants to save his son, he should find a lawyer instead of at the door of the police station.

"That's right! If you really want to save your son, go find a lawyer."

It's past seven o'clock.

The police are also off duty.

Some police officers who couldn't bear it warned.

After all, it was her son who committed the worst crime. The old lady was actually quite pitiful, but they could only show each other the way and there was nothing they could do.

Because what his son committed has made people and gods angry.

If the other party hadn't been so clever and sent a letter to the police station, he would have tolerated it for seven years.

It is estimated that the entire family is the pavement for his fortune.

The night is getting darker.

[1. Boss Zhang is awesome! [explosion] [boiling]]

【2.I don’t know that the King of Hell is Lin Ya】

[3. I wish my mother to plead for mercy from the police station]

[4. Zhu Jiafu’s interview with “Boiling”]

【5. The little frog was shocked】

[6. Keiichi University accident investigation results announced]

【7. Baishipu draws ten lucky fans】


【49.Where is the store that has many dumpling discounts? 】

On the Internet at this moment, the number one hot search list has become Boss Zhang.

Speak the law directly.

Clicking in was probably the next second Boss Zhang paid attention to the other party, and Lin Ya immediately felt cold.

The second most searched one is Lin Ya.

The other party successfully paid a heavy price for its provocation.

As for the third one on the hot search list, Zhu Jiafu’s mother has mixed reviews.

After all, even if the other party really survives, can he really fulfill his filial piety in the future?
It's not necessarily true that his mentality may have become distorted after being in prison for such a long time.

It's like a farmer and a snake.

After all, he is already preparing to kill his mother now.

Of course, what got everyone excited was the interview with Zhu Jiafu.

[Jiang Province Observation: This is a suspect who has made the whole society numb and public opinion exploded. He cut his own sister into pieces and marinated her head and her body has not been found. He even tried to kill his wife and mother. Let's go into his heart and explore what makes him so crazy. 】

[Video.mp4 "Click to play"]

This is an interview video.

Because it's night now, but the scene inside is during the day, it's probably the one I just interviewed today.

After the interview is over, the edited clip will be sent out for review.

It was exactly seven o'clock.

And this video also became a hot search very quickly.

"Hahaha, no coding!!"

"I feel so comfortable. There is no code! It seems like this person should eat peanuts!"

"Generally speaking, suspects who have not yet been sentenced should be coded. It is outrageous that they are not coded. Does this imply something?"

"Of course, the meaning of the official media is very obvious, that is, the condemned prisoners were originally coded and released after eating peanuts, but today I did not code and released them. This represents my position. This person The death penalty is necessary, even if the biological mother pleads for mercy is useless."

"I think the same as the person above. There's no use keeping such a heinous person. It's better to just shoot him."

Everyone is excited about this.

That means this video is not coded.

This is a detached treatment that is generally only available to death row prisoners.

It was nine o'clock.

"Mr. Zhang, to tell you the truth, this guy named Zhu Jiafu is really tough-talking. We invited various experts but couldn't pry him open. In the end, the TV station hoped to open up the other person's heart through the interview, so we agreed to give him He did a special interview and it pissed people off.”

Just as Zhang Lingtian was about to drive home, Qin Yan's call came in.

The other party complained about Zhu Jiafu.

Now that all the evidence has been gathered, the sentence can be passed.

But finding the remaining bodies is the obsession of all police officers. Even if the suspect is really sentenced, they feel that it is not over yet.

"No wonder."

Zhang Lingtian seemed to understand something.

Why did the TV station directly release the interview video without coding it before the case was tried? The reason was because it felt that Zhu Jiafu was hopeless.

The other party should execute the death penalty.

"Mr. Zhang, I have to ask you for help now. Let's see if we can get some information out."

This is why Qin Yan called tonight.

"Okay, I'll take a look tomorrow."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

Soon he sent everyone home in Baishipu.

For the next half month, Zhang Lingtian tried to help the police find the remaining body of Zhu Mei'e, but the system could not scan the specific location.

Even if a detail card is used, it only means that the other party has been dismembered.

At the same time, Zhu Jiafu's case also opened in court half a month later.

Even though the mother begged for mercy, the lawyer wanted a suspended death sentence.

But in the end, the judge sentenced him to death immediately because of the serious crime of intentional homicide and the huge harm to society.

However, even though this man was sentenced to death, he did not reveal the rest of his sister's body.

Some neighbors recalled that there seemed to be the sound of chopping meat, bang bang bang, during the days when the crime occurred.

The police also collected samples from surrounding sewers.

Unfortunately, the body has still not been found.

This too has become a mystery.

It’s the end of March, and the weather is getting warmer day by day.

"Morning, boss."

On this day, the members of Baishipu gathered at the door.

Everyone is in a happy mood.

Because Zhang Lingtian plans to buy his own villa and employees' apartments.

They are all well-decorated ready-made houses.

He looked for a long time.

Finally decided to buy it in Longhu.

You can move in directly after purchasing.

Everyone will move here in April, which is tomorrow.

As for today, I plan to go shopping for the last time and then go to the sales department to sign the contract and pay the money to officially buy it.

So this is not a happy day for everyone.

ten in the morning.

"Mr. Zhang, are you here?"

As soon as I arrived at the sales center, the sales lady in a black suit came over to greet me warmly.


Suddenly Zhang Lingtian's expression was stunned.

【Ding!High-risk personnel found, the system is scanning...]

Why did the system suddenly start high-risk scanning?

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry. I can't hide my belly now, but it doesn't matter. I can still do the work of looking at houses and signing contracts. Speaking of which, you are the witness that my belly has grown bigger. Last year I didn’t even realize I was pregnant when I showed you the house for the first time.”

Looking at Zhang Lingtian's expression, the sales lady Qi thought that the other party was talking about her stomach, and she suddenly said half-jokingly.


Last year, she received Mr. Zhang Lingtian when he came over to look at the house.

But she didn't know she was pregnant at that time.

The baby in her belly is now five months old, and she can't even hide it even if she shows her pregnancy.

Just show it openly.

Moreover, the work of looking at houses and signing contracts is not very tiring, and she can do it well.

"Sister Xiaoyuan, you'd better be careful and walk slower~"

Jiang Xiaohan said, the salesperson's name was Qi Xiaoyuan, and the other person was a pregnant woman after all.

"Yeah, even though these are not physical tasks, you still have to be careful not to affect the baby."

Li Tiantian also nodded.

He even took the initiative to help the other person up.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay. I'm just pregnant and I'm not in confinement. My physical fitness is still okay! I've been helped by you, so why am I still working here? I'm enjoying myself, and it's okay for other employees to see it. No, please come inside and ask me to serve you some coffee of the same type as Starbucks~"

Qi Xiaoyuan didn't want to be treated differently just because she was pregnant.

Otherwise there is no point in going to work.

Since she comes to work, she should regard herself as a qualified worker.

"Well, let's go in first."

Zhang Lingtian nodded calmly.

But his eyes were extremely profound.

Because the scan results shocked him!
【Ding!High-risk customers have been found and the system is being scanned...]

【Ding!High-risk customers have been found and the system is being scanned...]

[Tip: There are too many high-risk customers. Automatically start a real-world large-scale scan to assist the host in identifying high-risk customers. 】


However, he didn't expect that as soon as he entered, reminders buzzed in his mind.

The system even enabled a wide range of scans.

Then a square frame appeared in front of him, similar to seeing who was the lucky person on the street.

Then he finally understood that the so-called large-scale scanning meant that no specific personal information would appear.

And high-risk lockdown boxes turn red.

But why is 70.00% of the whole house red?

Zhang Lingtian's mentality exploded.

In other words, someone is going to kill the sales department today? ?
On the other hand, Xiaowa's boss mentality also exploded early in the morning.

Early in the morning, Mu Jiangwen received an urgent report from his assistant. It was an email from Jiang Jiang Country, saying that Jiang Xi, the third boss of the other party, was ready to come.

"What? Jiangxi is coming here? It's a little inconvenient here now..."

Mu Jiangwen did not reply to Jiangjiang's message at that time, and there was no follow-up communication. She thought the matter was over.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xi was planning to come to their side after playing around in Po County.

This is not appropriate.

After all, I had just been beaten half a month ago.

It felt like Jiangjiang was forcing her to make a choice.

"Boss, the video call is coming."

Just when Mu Jiangwen frowned, a video call came over.

The assistant hurriedly responded to the reminder.


A connecting voice sounded.

A thin and older woman appeared on the other side of the huge screen. Her name was Jiang Xi.

"Hi, how are you doing Jiangwen?"

I saw the other party greeting Mu Jiangwen at this moment.

"Sister Xi, did you have a good time at Xiaopo? I'm really embarrassed when I just saw the message."

Mu Jiangwen greeted Jiangxi.

After all, the other party is Jiangjiang's third boss.

Although she has always wanted to be the big boss, in fact she still has a little bit of self-awareness. At best, she can be regarded as the little boss of Little Frog.

Big Boss is out of the question.

"It's okay. I've been here for two days and I'm going to experience the local customs at your little frog's place. I sent you a message before and made a decision without reply. You shouldn't refuse, right?"

Jiangxi asked with a smile.

"Sister Xi, you also know that one of my assistants was smashed to death some time ago."

Mu Jiangwen's expression was about to speak but he hesitated.

If it had been before, of course she would have welcomed Jiang Xi over.

After all, it expresses herself.

But now she is a little timid.

Because she felt that Zhang Lingtian on the other side might really have some unknown abilities.

Otherwise, how could he be provoked, paid attention to, and die in less than a minute?

If there is only such a case, it can be said to be an accident.

But in half a month, she carefully studied all Zhang Lingtian's cases and discovered a terrifying pattern. This man must be a prophet!

It’s as if the other person already knows the answer to many things.

Once attention comes to your door, you will either go to jail or die.

Apart from these two items, there are very few things that are completely fine unless it is the victim, such as the lady who was previously plotted by her husband to go abroad to drown.

Maybe he really has a book of life and death.

And the assistant's death was certainly no accident.

Because she believed that the other party must have gotten the same content half a month ago when she got the email message from Jiang Xi about coming to Po County.

Plus this Lin Ya provocation.

So it is possible that the other party directly drew a circle.

"You mean that Zhang Lingtian?"

Jiangxi asked with a confused expression after hearing this.

"Yes, it's Zhang Lingtian! Now I have to suspect that the other person is trying to beat me. It would be bad if something unexpected happens to you when you come over."

When Mu Jiangwen heard that Jiang Xi actually knew this Zhang Lingtian, he immediately complained.

"Don't worry, even Zhang Lingtian wouldn't dare to do anything, otherwise he will bear the wrath of our Jiangjiang Country. As for you, don't shrink back. Our Jiangjiang Country is your strong backing. This time we will consider giving you Billions of billions should be used to expand our own funds."

Jiang Xi was not worried at all.

He even uttered wild words.

We chatted like this for a few minutes.

Mu Jiangwen didn't want the other party to come over.

Because whether something happens to the other party or something happens to you, the game is over.

As a result, Jiangxi persisted fearlessly.

And the time has been determined, and we will fly over at six o'clock tomorrow evening.

She is not afraid of Zhang Lingtian.

If the other party has the ability, let her have some surprises.

Find out who is the third boss of this world.

grim Reaper?

She said the same thing.

If there is a god in this world, it must be in their Jiangjiang country. Without exception, the remaining ones are all gods.

This morning.

Mu Jiangwen didn't even finish his breakfast.

It is confirmed that the other party will come over at six o'clock tomorrow evening, and the other party will also publish the news.

There is no doubt that this matter quickly became a hot search topic on the other side.

[6. The third boss Jiangxi will fly to Xiaowa tomorrow]

[Huanqiu.com: According to the Daily News, Jiangxi, the third boss of Jiangjiang, had a phone call with Mujiangwen and decided to take a flight to visit Xiaowa tomorrow. At the same time, the other party expressed that he was not afraid of Zhang Lingtian. Could this be the next Lin Ya? ? 】

The news is a post published by Huanqiu.com.

"I'll wipe it? Are you so bold, Jiangxi?"

"Yes, this old witch treats the Lord of Hell as a decoration!"

"Boss Zhang: It's strange. Why are you rushing to die? What's wrong with the world? Did you forget that a lady named Lin Ya screamed for more than ten minutes before she died?"

"Tomorrow night at six o'clock, right? Very good. According to Boss Zhang's character, he should let us watch the fireworks in the sky! This time, I don't care which Shangla this free dumpling restaurant is in, I will definitely find it and have a meal Free dumplings!!」



It's boiling!
Anger burned.


(End of this chapter)

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