I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 267: The ships are dispatched, and there is a bloody storm. We must avenge our shame!

The venue was noisy.

Looking at Walnut Li Zhao in one hand, his face was filled with questions, and even his own hands were shaking a little.

"Come on! Zhao! Our entire team has your solid backing!"

Shuang Yingying looked at him with a pair of firm eyes, clenched her fists, bent her arms at [-] degrees and pulled down, making a cheering movement.

After all, when the leader gives this task to their team, it is also a sign of trust in their team.

Especially when she heard that Jiangjiang's fleet was coming.


Li Zhao took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly.

Then he walked outside regardless of the fact that the meeting was not over yet.

In her hand, she was still holding nine walnuts given by Yingying.

"Zhao, where are you going?"

Shuang Yingying was a little confused when she saw Li Zhao suddenly leaving without a hand of walnuts.

Where is the other party planning to go?

Refuse this mission?

Shouldn't be possible!

The other person is not this kind of person.

"Jiangjiang Country will hold a conference tomorrow, so we don't have much time. We have to go back quickly to collect information, simulate the problems that may be encountered at the conference, and fight this battle well!"

Li Zhao smashed open the walnut shell and stuffed the walnuts into his mouth one by one.

Without him, just supplement your brain.

After all, this is a physically and mentally demanding job.

"You... ah."

Shuang Yingying at the back was stunned for a while, looking at Li Zhao's shrinking figure, she smiled slightly and shook her head. The familiar comrade who fought side by side was back.

She didn't waste any time and followed quickly.

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

Because the headquarters of the Village Association is in the Imperial City of Jiangjiang Kingdom, the meeting time is three o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Jiangjiang Kingdom. At this time, it is exactly six o'clock in the morning in Jiangjiang Kingdom.

Calculated based on the other party's time difference, it would be three o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

But based on their country’s time, it would be three o’clock in the morning the day after tomorrow.

Now their time is 24pm, 3pm the day after tomorrow is 9 hours, and [-]pm to [-]am is [-] hours.

That means they still have 33 hours.

Excluding the 21 hours of flying on the special line, they still have [-] hours.

time is tight!

Every second counts!

In principle, such emergency meetings are all attended by the village representatives, but the village representatives do not have much experience in this matter.

Especially now that Jiangjiang Country is trying to cause trouble again.

Once there is a flaw and letting the other party seize the opportunity, it will only be more troublesome, so this task was assigned to Li Zhao, who was familiar with these processes.

"By the way, have Mr. Zhang made arrangements?"

Li Zhaogang got into a black car.

Suddenly he thought of a question.

"Don't worry, someone has been assigned to handle the matter over there."

Shuang Yingying, who was sitting in the back seat, nodded.

"That's good, that's good, Yingying, you know, when I saw the news, my heart was tight!"

When Li Zhao saw the news, he was stunned.

At that time, he was thinking about how to answer the question at the press conference the next day. The question Mr. Zhang asked was simply SSS hell level.

After all, Jiangjiang Country will definitely not let it go.

It might even start a war.

As a result, the press conference did not come.

What he has to face is the village association!
This is no longer the 3S purgatory level, this is simply the SSSSSSSSS purgatory level.

After all, those people are not ordinary reporters, they are village representatives.

Especially where Jiangjiang Country is home.

He couldn't imagine who he would face.

"My heart almost stopped, but I have to say that Mr. Zhang did something that made us all proud. The offender will be punished by God's will, and he also took a video. This is a good breakthrough for us."

The black car starts.

The two are chatting.

There is no need to worry about eavesdropping on the vehicles inside.

In short, I must tailor my strategy tonight, take a good rest after my flight tomorrow, and have enough energy to win this battle.

Chunjiang, Ping An Bai Shi Shop.

"Boss, let's go and have dinner at our place."

The white shop had already finished get off work, and I only saw Li Tiantian dragging her boss.

"That's right, Brother Tian, ​​it's so boring and a waste of time to cook at home alone. Today we happily go to Li Tiantian and Sister Xiaohan's place for dinner. You can go back after eating!"

Su Wei also extended a warm invitation.

He now has many questions in his mind.

"It's really not necessary. I'll just go back and cook for a while. How can I eat at your place every day?"

Zhang Lingtian suddenly felt helpless when being pestered by the two men.

As a boss, how can I go to the employee dormitory every day to eat and drink?

That's okay.

"I'm happy today, boss! Didn't you notice that there's a cheerful atmosphere on the street now? Look, it's only early six o'clock and there are people setting off fireworks, so tonight, boss, you must plan a sumptuous meal!!"

Li Tiantian looked at the fireworks blooming everywhere when the genius was in the dark, with a happy look on her face.

After all, Jiang Xi who provoked her boss really turned into a firework, how could she be unhappy?

"It's really not necessary!"

Zhang Lingtian shied away.


"Yes, Brother Tian, ​​we still have a lot of ingredients!"

"Boss, go ahead and go back. You can go back after you finish eating. Besides, you usually invite us and we don't have the chance to treat you a few times."

Li Tiantian and Su Wei worked together.

Even Jiang Xiaohan joined the team.

"Okay, okay, let's go then."

Zhang Lingtian rubbed his forehead.

There is no way, everyone has invited him like this, it would be a bit inappropriate if he doesn't go.

Then go ahead and eat it shamelessly!
Just think of a way to invite her back later.

"Okay, okay, Brother Tian, ​​I'll lock the door."

Seeing that Zhang Lingtian agreed, Su Wei immediately locked the door.

Although this is a white shop, thieves rarely come in.

Especially with the boss's current title of Lord of Hell, this thief will basically never show up.

After all, the other party steals money to live, but if he comes here to steal money, it is not to live, it is to seek death.

But no matter what, the form should still be there.

"Wait a minute, Ah Wei, I didn't get my car keys."

Zhang Lingtian's car keys are still on the desk in the office, and they are still the Passat.

"Boss, I've already gotten it for you."

Jiang Xiaohan's palms were now open, face up. That was the boss's key.

"Sister Xiaohan is still careful."

Li Tiantian praised.

"Then Xiaohan, please help me get the key first, and then give it to me when you come back."

Zhang Lingtian didn't stop him when he saw the car keys.

"Well, just leave it to me."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded. As the boss's assistant, keeping the keys was certainly not a difficult task for her.

"Brother God."

Suddenly Su Wei looked in the direction of Zhang Lingtian.


Zhang Lingtian looked a little confused. Is there something wrong with the other party?
"I remember that your car has been with you for a long time, right?"

After locking the door, Su Wei took a look at his boss's car and asked. He remembered that his boss had said that this car had been around for a long time.

"Yeah, I bought it after I got my driver's license. It's been ten years now."

For a car, ten years is a long time. After all, some hard-working models have been updated for several generations.

"Boss Zhang is off work, haha."

After locking the door, I walked towards Longhu. It takes about 10 minutes to get to Longhu from here. This is the walking distance.

It would be faster if you drive, basically there are two traffic lights and you will be there immediately.

Of course, considering parking in the community and waiting for traffic lights, it takes about four to five minutes, which is the longest time.

If you don't have to wait for the traffic light, it would take two or three minutes.

I saw Boss Song, the supermarket owner who was heading in the opposite direction to Longhu, coming over to say hello.

"Yes, where is Boss Song walking his dog?"

Zhang Lingtian greeted each other. After all, they were neighbors on the same street, so everyone was very friendly.

Especially now, this street has a lot more people than before.

I don’t know who said it, but strolling more on this street can increase the chance of choosing a lucky audience. Then many people come to Chunjiang and come to Ping’an Baishipu Street just like checking in to take pictures. Personal photos and the like.

Then on this street, people doing business will naturally have more customers.

Of course, Baishipu is not included. After all, who would come to Baishipu when others come to play?

However, there are still many people who want to come to Ping An White House to check in and take photos, but considering the attributes of the Lord of Hell, no one dares to touch this point.

"Yeah, let's go shopping. If Boss Zhang needs drinks, snacks or anything like that, you're welcome to come to my place. Today we have a discount in the supermarket. Of course, the discount for small businesses is not big enough, [-]% off, but I'll ask for it if you come to the store. If so, everything will be discounted today!”

Boss Song tightly grasped the dog leash in his hand.

As a dog owner, of course he has to control his pet, so a dog leash is a must.

It's not like some people say that dogs should be free and not have leashes when they go out.

As a person who raises dogs himself, he despises this kind of person. It is simply ruining his reputation.

Especially those who say their dogs are very good and don’t bite. You’re not a dog. How do you know your dog won’t bite?
If the other person goes crazy, he will bite even the others, not to mention you, the alien!

"Um...Okay, okay, I'll go there if necessary."

Zhang Lingtian said politely.

Of course he won't pass.

Because at this time, he used to take advantage of others, and he didn't need it. After all, the profits from selling supermarket goods were completely visible.

A [-]% discount is already a very good deal. Giving him a [-]% discount will completely cost you money.

"Hahaha, then we look forward to your visit, Boss Zhang. Let's go and make a fortune!!"

Boss Song took his Labrador and left, and he thoughtfully named the dog Wangcai.

After all, opening a supermarket certainly requires a lot of money, and there is nothing wrong with having a lot of money.

"Look, Boss Song is not only patriotic but also moral. This is the benchmark for all dog owners. Please keep your dog on a leash when you go out!"

Li Tiantian looked at the back of Supermarket Boss Song as he left and said with emotion.

"Yes, especially large dogs are a nuisance when off-leash."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

A small dog without a leash is annoying, but a big dog without a leash may injure or even kill someone.

Especially children and women, both of whom are groups with a higher proportion of attacks.

Many similar incidents have occurred before, and there were even examples of young children being bitten and sent to the ICU.

"Boss, I think it's time to change to another car. After all, it has been used for such a long time."

Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tiantian were chatting about their topics, while Su Wei and Zhang Lingtian were chatting about a male topic, which was cars. He felt that the boss's car had been used for a long time and it was time to change it.

"Look, I'm planning on changing to another one."

Zhang Lingtian thought for a second and replied.

I have long planned to change my car.

But I haven't had time to see it yet.

"Boss, do you have any car that you are interested in? Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi or Porsche Maserati?"

Although I can't afford it myself, it's very comfortable to be able to ride in the boss's luxury car.

I really look forward to the day when my boss buys a car.

It would be better if you can take him to see the world.

It is said that these luxury car 4S stores have free meals.

Let's go have a meal and see if it tastes good.

"It should be these brands. I'll take some time to check them out, but I don't have anything I want to buy right now."

Zhang Lingtian has really never seen the relevant car, but if the little old car has been driven for a long time, it is indeed time to change to another one. There is no doubt about this.

"Boss, are you considering buying an SUV? I think it's better for you to use yourself. You can also haul more items when we go out."

In their line of work, many things have to be kept in the car, including many large items.

An SUV is more suitable.

For a sedan, the trunk is quite deep, but it can't accommodate large items.

"SUV? Don't tell me, this thing is really within the scope of my consideration. I will go for a test drive when the time comes."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

Speaking of which, he had never driven an SUV before and didn't even know what this car felt like.

As for the next car, he will most likely choose one from the brands Su Wei mentioned.

Now Baishipu's income is not bad, and it can support him to buy these brands of cars.

"Boss Zhang, Xiaohan, Tiantian, and Ah Wei are off work. What do you want to eat tomorrow morning?"

Hong's breakfast shop.

A family is cleaning up the store.

When Baishipu and his group passed by, Wei Daling smiled and greeted Zhang Lingtian and the others.

"The boss lady is done. Of course, we will eat whatever you do."

Zhang Lingtian replied with a smile.

don't pick.

This breakfast shop fully meets the needs.

"Yes, after all, your breakfast shop has a lot of varieties. It has everything. It feels like there is nothing the same every week and we never get tired of it."

After the boss replied, Li Tiantian also replied that Hong's Breakfast Shop is a long-established breakfast shop with a variety of breakfast options.

There are various flavors of steamed buns, wontons, dumplings, various flavors of porridge, noodles, noodles, soy milk and fried dough sticks, etc...

It's not that she, Li Tiantian, is just saying nice things, it's really that she doesn't have the same taste.

"Haha, as long as you like it, I will definitely give you a try of our new breakfast for breakfast tomorrow. I also heard that you have moved into a new house. I wish everything goes well!"

Wei Daling stopped what she was doing and greeted her warmly.

The whole person seems to be in a very good mood today.

“Everything goes well in Baishipu!!”

Hong Fugui and his son also followed behind his wife to bless her.

"Um, haha, thank you."

Everyone in Baishipu thanked him.

They clearly saw Wei Daling looking at the father and son with a murderous look, and then the father and son immediately reacted and blessed together. In fact, it was unnecessary.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you feel that everyone is particularly enthusiastic today?"

Su Wei looked at his boss with a somewhat different look on his face.

"Well, a little bit."

It's not like he never passed by here like today. Although he said hello, he obviously felt that something was different today.

"After all, boss, you set off a big firework for everyone and let out a fierce sigh. If everyone is not enthusiastic, it's fake. I really don't know what Jiang Xi's expression was on the plane at that time. Regret? Fear? Regret?"

Li Tiantian explained the reason.

Her management group immediately exploded.

She even quietly noticed that her boss's account had increased in followers again, reaching nearly 3000 million followers.

There are still a lot of people giving rewards!

Douyin has an update reminder function.

Currently, the boss has 100 million people urging him to update.

You must know that a reminder ticket costs one yuan.

As long as the boss starts a live broadcast, he will get 100 million.

And this is what happens after the fireworks bloom.

Although the boss usually urges updates, it is only tens of thousands of people.

"What other expression could there be? He died peacefully in just one moment."

Zhang Lingtian answered this.

He no longer wanted to explain. Although he had said this countless times, this time he really didn't want to explain from the bottom of his heart.

Because it cannot be explained.

The system has welded him to death on the train of the King of Hell.

But now he is a little confused. What if the system welds him to death in this car and does not give him the corresponding abilities? What if he is assassinated later?
After all, this is his third boss.

How could the other party just give up?

Even if you don't give him some life-saving abilities, you can still give him some cards and the like.

For example, a bad luck card, whoever uses it will be unlucky.

This way he can at least have some ability to protect himself, but as of now, this system doesn't give him any similar skills!

It's as if he wears the hat of King of Hell inexplicably, but actually does not have the ability of King of Hell.

Forget it.

Take it one step at a time.

Zhang Lingtian just complained from the bottom of his heart.

The offense is not good but the defense is okay.

There is a self-test after all.

If you really encounter an assassination, you still have room to react.

"Xiao Han, you are going back to cook! Come on, take it, take this roast duck back for you to eat!"

I just passed by Hong's Breakfast Shop, and at that moment, the owner of a roast duck stall several doors away came over with chopped roast duck.

"Ah? Boss lady, no need."

Xiaohan knew a couple who worked at this small roast duck stall.

The person who brought it over at this time was a woman, the boss's wife, who was about 30 years old.

She occasionally buys roast duck here because their roast duck tastes very good.

She was stunned when the other party suddenly stuffed her with a pack of roast duck.

"Xiaohan, take it, today is a day to be happy, my husband specially prepared it for you! And it's all chopped!"

The proprietress directly stuffed the prepared roast duck into the handbag Jiang Xiaohan was carrying.

Jiang Xiaohan doesn't want to.

But the boss was too polite and didn't let her take it out.


Jiang Xiaohan glanced at her boss, not knowing what to do.

"Take it, we can just buy it."

Zhang Lingtian responded.

He is not the kind of person who just takes other people's things for nothing if he has some ability.

So he asked Xiaohan to pay the bill.


Jiang Xiaohan took out a hundred yuan. She didn't dare to ask for it as a gift, but she would feel more at ease if she bought it, otherwise she wouldn't even want to eat it!

After all, they are in business.

However, the couple who ran a roast duck restaurant fought to the death, and in the end the other party even came up with a 1% off sign!

Roast duck for 50 yuan costs 5 yuan!

Moreover, everyone in the audience was like this when they gave back their gratitude today. Seeing this, everyone in the shop had no choice but to stop insisting and take out five yuan.

But along the way, everyone also kept a cautious eye.

That is to say, never give anything away.

Politely decline.

The originally 10-minute journey took them a full 15 minutes.

"Hahaha, boss, I feel like you have become a big star."

Back in the apartment, Li Tiantian said with a joking expression.

Of course, this is also true from the bottom of my heart.

I never thought that someone would greet me all the way back.

"It's like experiencing the troubles of being a star in advance."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

He now finally understands why some celebrities wear masks and caps.

I haven't become a star yet, but you can see that a 10-minute journey takes more than 5 minutes.

"Brother Tian, ​​what you did is not only earth-shattering but also beautiful. The act of arranging for someone to take a photo and upload it to the Internet is just a show off."

Su Wei sighed with emotion, this accident was really the most perfect one he could recognize, it was perfect.

"It was truly a seamless accident."

Zhang Lingtian is also very candid.

After all, what a surprise.

Not only did it explode, but the explosion process of the other party was also photographed, which can be said to have recorded the entire process.

Everything is destined.

"Boss, Jiangjiang Country will definitely not give up, right? After all, this is their third boss."

Jiang Xiaohan asked curiously.

"The only one who can give up on this kind of thing is Jiang Jiang! They must ask the boss for an explanation! But currently they have no evidence, so it depends on how Brother Zhao handles it."

Su Wei didn't know Jiangjiang Country very well, but the other party now claimed to be the village chief, so it was absolutely impossible to expose this kind of slap in the face in public.

"That's true."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded, his expression a bit gloomy. "Sister Xiaohan, what's your expression? You're not worried about the boss, are you? It would be great if they dare to send ships over and cause some accidents! Right, boss."

Li Tiantian said while washing the fruits.

She is extremely worried about her boss.

"As good as you say, sooner or later it will be my turn to be the village chief."

Zhang Lingtian put on an apron. He often does things at home and his skills are good.

If they cook together, the speed will be faster. As for Li Tiantian, he treats it as a joke.

"Sure enough, I knew at that time that the hot search of the boss, the head of the global village, was not fake! People know that the boss is also a big boss after all, so there is no way to throw dirty water on the boss."

Li Tiantian's eyes lit up!
You see, the boss has this intention!

"Then you think too well of them."

Jiang Xiaohan has experienced it personally.

Those people make rumors one after another, and as a person involved, there is no way to refute them.

"Sister Xiaohan, that was an accident."

Of course Li Tiantian knew what Sister Xiaohan had gone through, so she immediately explained.

After all, there are differences between the other party and the boss.

"It was an accident to me, boss, so it can't be an accident? I'll do it, boss. You are the boss, let alone a guest. How can you cook here?"

Jiang Xiaohan stopped Zhang Lingtian and then took off his apron.

Let them do the cooking.

"Xiaohan, you really touched me..."

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect that his little assistant would actually speak for him, and when it came down to his heart, he didn't even think about what a bullshit village chief was, and he knew that the boss would label him randomly!

Sure enough, Xiaohan is still pure and uncontaminated.

"Boss, I know I understand. The boss must have gotten lucky and guessed your idea when he was creating pressure from public opinion."

Jiang Xiaohan looked like boss, I understand you.

After all, she knows her boss, and she will definitely not say this to a boss who knows her well.

It's just that the other party wants to create some public pressure on the boss.


Zhang Lingtian almost suffered internal injuries.


Suddenly at this moment his cell phone rang.

"Huh? Director Qin?"

Looking at the phone number, Zhang Lingtian had a confused look in his eyes. It was Qin Yan. Did the other party have another case?Or did you say you were going to attend the commendation meeting in a few days?
"Mr. Zhang, this is Qin Yan. Is it convenient for you to answer the phone right now?"

Qin Yan asked.

"Okay, what can I do, Director Qin?"

Zhang Lingtian walked to the corridor outside.

"Mr. Zhang is beautiful! I want to ask where you are now?"

Qin Yan asked.

He is downstairs at Zhang Lingtian's house at the moment.

It turned out that the other party hadn't come back yet.

"Um... Director Qin, you didn't call me just to say nice things to me. I'm having dinner with them in the staff dormitory of Longhu Apartment."

Zhang Lingtian's head was full of black lines.

What did he think it was.

The result is this?

"That's it. Mr. Zhang, can you call me when you get back?"

Qin Yan asked.


Zhang Lingtian guessed that if there was any inconvenience, he could talk on the phone.

Just hung up the phone.

After half an hour.

“Boss, it’s time to eat!!”

The three people's hands-on skills are still very strong.

We cooked a sumptuous meal and a hot pot.

There are also seafood and steaks.

"This is almost as good as a star hotel, how about a bigger table next time?"

The table is a rectangular small table for six people.

But the limit is six people, and normally there are only four people.

Zhang Lingtian and Su Wei sat together, and Li Tiantian and Jiang Xiaohan sat together.

"Okay, boss, just pay for it, hahaha."

Li Tiantian said with a smile.

"Boss, some drinks."

Su Wei opened a bottle of 'drink'.

"Huh? Why is it wine?"

Zhang Lingtian took a sip.

pitch black.

Turns out it was wine.

"Hahaha, boss, you can take a taxi back tonight, a day worth celebrating. Come and have a toast."

The three of them raised their glasses as if they had made an appointment.

So I drank some wine that night.

We talked a lot during this period.

Jiang Xiaohan even wanted to ask him when he would start the live broadcast, after all, there were so many people urging him to update.

But Zhang Lingtian doesn’t want to start broadcasting for the time being.

The time soon came to nine o'clock. Zhang Lingtian went downstairs after finishing his meal. He never expected that two black cars would appear downstairs when he arrived at Longhu.

"Mr. Zhang."

It was Qin Yan, who came over with a smile on his face.

"Director Qin, why are you here?"

Zhang Lingtian was not drunk.

After all, I only drank two glasses of wine.

Didn't you say you would call him when you got back? He hadn't even gone back yet and called the other party. They actually came over and waited.

"I know Mr. Zhang may be drunk, so I'm just here to take you back. Assistant Jiang, Mr. Zhang, leave it to us!"

Qin Yan said to Jiang Xiaohan who was sending Zhang Lingtian down.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

"Director Qin."

Suddenly Jiang Xiaohan stopped Qin Yan.

"What's wrong with Assistant Jiang?"

Qin Yan looked at Jiang Xiaohan with some confusion.

"These are the boss's car keys."

Jiang Xiaohan took out the car keys.

"Oh, okay, okay."

Qin Yan took it over.

"And Director Qin, will the boss be fine..."

Jiang Xiaohan asked tentatively.

She guessed that the boss might be very strong, but she didn't know why she was still a little worried. After all, it was Jiang Jiang country.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen! I, Lao Qin, pat my chest and promise!"

Qin Yan's level naturally exposed him to some inside stories that others didn't know.

"Boss, I will send you here, be careful."

Jiang Xiaohan felt relieved, said goodbye to the boss and left.

"Director Nan?"

Qin Yan was driving the black car, with Nan Shiwen and Zhang Lingtian sitting in the back seat.

Zhang Lingtian was a little shocked after getting in the car.

Nan Shiwen actually came.

"Mr. Zhang, Director Nan just got off the plane. Hahaha, what you did is really satisfying!"

Qin Yan said very comfortably.

I told you not to come, but you came here. The person who was killed was not killed by missiles but struck by lightning. Who do you blame?

"Director Nan, is Jiang Jiangguo planning to attack me?"

Qin Yan actually drove for them himself, followed by a black car.

There were four people in the car.

Zhang Lingtian thought of bodyguards inexplicably.

What exactly happened, given such a huge formation.

It's only been a few hours since this happened. Could it be that Jiang Jiang's country wants to destroy him?

It's not that I have persecutory delusions.

The main reason is that these three bosses are indeed dead and died after provoking him, so they tacitly agreed that they killed each other by causing an accident, and they also tacitly acknowledged that they had superpowers.

Therefore, in order to eliminate this dangerous factor in himself, the other party is very likely to kill him!
I'm just a little bit surprised why my system scan didn't show any prompts at all. Normally, if I were in danger, I would be able to find it if I used a real-world scan to scan myself.

"Attacking you? Huh! Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, the meaning from above is very clear now, that is, no one is allowed to harm the citizens of our country, even Jiangjiang Country!"

Nan Shiwen sneered.

As a member of the Police Headquarters, he basically had contact with the leadership. This time, he was asked to come here because of the leadership's intention.

"Then Director Nan, you have such a large formation..."

Since it wasn't Jiang Jiang who wanted to assassinate him, he was a little confused.

"Mr. Zhang, I came here today because some people are not very good at contacting you. I happen to have enough contact with you that I won't let people with ulterior motives make a fuss about it, so I definitely don't mean to look down upon you by being the only one here."

Nan Shiwen first made a statement to Zhang Lingtian.

"This is not enough."

Zhang Lingtian doesn't care who comes.

And if he didn't pay attention to it, he wouldn't think in that direction at all.

"Well, you must remember what I say next, you are a legal ordinary citizen of our country!"

Nan Shiwen looked at Zhang Lingtian solemnly, and then said something very powerfully.


After hearing this sentence, Zhang Lingtian immediately raised three questions.

"Otherwise? What am I if I'm not a citizen??"

He asked incredulously, if he is not an ordinary citizen, then what is he?
"Yes! That's it! You don't know that since the plane of the three bosses of Jiangjiang Country was bombed, the other party has now gathered a large number of ships and is heading towards our country. It looks like it is bound to cause a bloody storm."

Nan Shiwen told Zhang Lingtian the information that was still confidential. In fact, it would not be long before it could no longer be kept secret.

After all, there will definitely be national reports when these ships pass by some countries.

Especially the Tiaobaji and others, they are still controlled by Boss Tian. If they are controlled by Zhaisheng, that is a different story.

"Send a ship here? Sure enough!"

Zhang Lingtian was thoughtful after hearing this sentence.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, they are just bluffing, because any kind of war requires an excuse, especially when they are fighting against us. That's why they held a village meeting this time, but as long as Mr. Zhang keeps your mouth shut, we will definitely If you don’t admit in public that this matter has anything to do with you, then just leave the rest to us, and we’ll make sure they hold back their internal injuries. By the way, Mr. Zhang, you didn’t say that, right?”

Nan Shiwen said confidently.

It's not that easy to stir up trouble.

At that time, it’s time for the whole village to see who is the unstable factor!

And Zhang Lingtian finally knew why Nan Shiwen came here. It turned out to be these things.

"Mr. Zhang, it's a very direct statement, such as 'Boss Jiang Xisan had an accident, yes, it was me' or something like that."

Seeing that Zhang Lingtian was silent as if he was reminiscing, Nan Shiwen reminded him further.

"There is certainly no such thing."

Zhang Lingtian shook his head. He must have never said such words.

"It's enough if you don't have that. Then the village association said it will be three o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow. We may need to ask Mr. Zhang to stay up all night by then, because we may have a live broadcast with you. Can you watch it? There is only one request. Just don’t let anything slip during the live broadcast.”

Nan Shiwen asked, this is also an important purpose of this trip.

"Is it three o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow? Okay."

Although I don’t often stay up late, three o’clock in the morning is still no problem.

Moreover, he currently has no ability to fight against a country and needs the protection of his own country.

As for not letting anything slip what they said, he was good at that.

Because he had no idea that this would happen, and it had nothing to do with him at all.

Even if there is responsibility, it is systematic!
One is Zhou Shuren and the other is Lu Xun. If three characters correspond to two characters, can they be the same?

"Actually, Mr. Zhang, I suggest you tell us next time you encounter something like this, so that we can have room to reflect."

As he spoke, Nan Shiwen looked at Zhang Lingtian meaningfully. This thing was very exciting and very relaxing.

It can be said that Jiangjiang Country suffered a serious fall, but if they could have told it earlier, they could have thought of countermeasures in advance.

"Director Nan, I want to say that this matter cannot be brought forward, can you believe it?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at Nan Shiwen.

He wanted to tell her in advance, but the key point was that he didn't scan Jiang Xi at all and had no idea that the other party would have an accident.

Inexplicably, Prince Yama's car door was welded shut.

"Haha, I just mentioned it, Mr. Zhang, what do you think of the village chief?"

Nan Shiwen laughed and introduced the next topic.

"Village chief? What village chief?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't react at all.

"Of course it's the village chief."

Nan Shiwen smiled even brighter.

"Hahaha, Director Nan, aren't you kidding? I am not suitable to be the village chief. Could it be that Li Tiantian said something? This employee is usually very active, so those words are not credible."

Zhang Lingtian instantly recalled the scene of today's meal. Could it be that someone leaked the news?
The group of people chatted, and soon the car drove to Jiang'an Huafu Community.

"Mr. Zhang, you must remember to attend the National Commendation Conference for Experts in Crime Solving in a few days this month. Many people are looking forward to your arrival."

After sending Zhang Lingtian downstairs, Nan Shiwen looked at Zhang Lingtian.

Many people are very interested in him.

So today this became his extra task.

"Well, if nothing happens then I will definitely go."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

Then he returned to his home.

I washed myself and lay on the bed.

To be honest, everything that happened today was as incredible as a dream.

At night he turned on Douyin.

They are all the contents of various private messages to him.

There are even many large rewards.

【4. Apology from the Bureau】

【5.Tear off onions and say God’s will】

After taking a look at Douyin, I opened my scarf. The fourth most searched item in the evening was Bureau Seat.

Zhang Lingtian clicked in curiously.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect that Jiang Xi actually had an accident. It was an accident like lightning hitting the fuel tank and causing the plane to explode. I would like to apologize to all netizens. I don't have enough theoretical knowledge. Next time We should not comment rashly, and please also hold a moment of silence for Ms. Jiang Xi, a person who has worked hard for our relationship throughout her life."

Inside is a screenshot of a live video. The person in the video is a bit red in the face, as if he had just finished drinking.

At this moment, I very sincerely apologized on camera for the video I posted today.

"Yes, this accident is really unexpected!"

"The level of the game is not good, but who can predict such an accident, right?"

"Hahaha, I don't know why I just want to laugh, Bureau Chief, you are worthy of being Zhan You's special consultant!"

The fans all had fun watching this apology. After all, the actors in the show were really into it!
In addition to the bureau seats, Zi Cong was also on the hot search. Since it was a stroll before going to bed, Zhang Lingtian naturally clicked on it.

[Tearing Onion: Hahaha, God’s will is good! 】

The result is this sentence, and there are comments from various water friends below.

"Xiao Wang, just ask if today is another day to strengthen your faith!"

This is the most liked comment.

Display directly in the first position.

And the reason why it's so high is because Shi Cong really responded.

"Tearing Onions: Yes./Dog Head"

The other party responded with two words and added a dog's head. On this day, the whole country celebrated.

Many stores are offering discounts, and there is even a dumpling shop that offers free orders.


"Let's have fun. You won't be able to laugh tomorrow. That's the haze from Jiangjiang Country."

Chicken country.

Boss Tian looked at the information collected by his assistant and smiled coldly.

As far as he knew, Jiangjiang Country was furious.

The rare sect leader directly held a village meeting.

And launched a military force that could destroy the world.

Little frog.

"Can't find it, boss, we only found some fragments!"

The explosion occurred above the Grand Canyon.

Mu Jiangwen sent a large number of troops there.

The result was a night of searching.

I didn't find anything, only some debris.

There are no residual limbs at all.

Experts speculate that there is a high probability that it disappeared directly into gas.

"Keep searching."

Mu Jiangwen sighed.

She was now staring at another piece of information.

That's a lot of reports of the impending arrival of the fleet.

The time came to the next morning.

Sure enough, the joy did not last long, as a terrifying haze descended.

[1. The village association meeting will be held tomorrow]

[2. Three motherships appeared in nearby waters]

[3. The five-star general of Jiangjiang Kingdom was furious and demanded that Zhang Lingtian be handed over so that he could die as an apology]

[4. Tiantuan will join the village federation]

[5. Ping An Baishipu has exceeded 3000 million fans]

[6. The Foreign Affairs Department announced that the morning speech will be cancelled]


The hot searches this morning were very heavy.

[Top ↑Protecting our own citizens is an unshirkable responsibility]

It wasn't until a pinned message appeared that everyone felt a little calmer.

On this day, the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and there was not much business in the white shop. I got off work at six o'clock.

The time soon came to eight o'clock in the evening, and Li Zhao and the others set off early for the Imperial City.

Eight o'clock in the night for Usagi is eight o'clock in the morning for Sauce.

In a secret conference room, everyone from the big boss to the bosses in charge of various departments, as well as other junior village representatives, were in this secret conference room.

Everyone was horrified to see the accidents Zhang Lingtian had caused in the past.

"What do you think after watching this video?"

The speaker was a thin man.

"This Zhang Lingtian is the Sword of Damocles hanging over us! It must be eradicated!!"

The person who spoke was the representative of the Hexagonal country, and the other party spoke from the bottom of his heart!

"Yes, we must do something. Now everyone is shrouded in fear and fear, and even the self-confidence that everyone has built up over the years is gone!"

As the number one younger brother, Maple Leaf also spoke.

Many people nodded in horror.

"Just talking about ordinary citizens, oh, my God, do we think we are fools?"

The other countries in the Federation said.

"Condemn! Must condemn! As long as public opinion puts pressure on them to hand over Zhang Lingtian! And we must act immediately, without delay! Let everyone see their faces clearly!!"

The representatives of Foot Pot Chicken are gnashing their teeth! !
That look was extremely hateful.

After all, Zhang Lingtian made them feel more fearful than ever before.

But they guessed that this man must not be a god,

The opponent must have weaknesses.

So get rid of it early and have peace of mind.

Suddenly at this moment, a man stood up.

He has silver hair and a thin build.

He gestured slightly for everyone to be quiet.

Unexpectedly, he didn't have the slightest fear towards Zhang Lingtian, who everyone shouted to beat and kill. Instead, he smiled as if he was confident of winning.

Because he had come up with a brilliant idea.

And it's no one else.

It is the rare sect master.

There was a thin man standing next to him, that was the five-star general Maiserjun.

The speaker at this afternoon's meeting was the Maisel Army!
As for the so-called Tiantuan Li Zhao, the arrogant Maisel Army didn't take him seriously at all. (End of chapter)

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