I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 29: Live delivery with goods, the brand side has a 99% probability of pseudo-accurate custom

Chapter 29 Live delivery with goods, the brand has a 99% probability of pseudo-accurate customers? !

"Ah? Oh..."

Xiaoyun immediately went to get another mobile phone.

Then he handed it over to Brother Onion with a dazed look on his face.

Do you still believe in science?
Should not be ah.

Brother Onion really wants to be a science guard?
"Hey, yes, help me open a large recharge channel."

Brother Onion is making a phone call.

"Swipe brush-"

In the next second, I saw Brother Cong directly rewarding the account of Ping An Shishipu with a gift of 20 yuan.

The entire screen is filled with flashing special effects.

Yu Xiaoyun's heart skipped a beat.

Good guy!
This is much more effective than door-to-door!
How inhumane! !

"What the hell??"

After Brother Cong downloaded the broadcast, Zhang Lingtian looked at the bullet screens in the office of Ping'an Baishipu in Chunjiang City with question marks all over his head.

What does it mean to blink when you are kidnapped by him?

What does this have to do with him?
It's like people sitting in a pot at home and coming from the sky.

At the same time, Zhang Lingtian found that three pairs of eyes outside were secretly looking at him.

A little bit of joy in the fear.

That was Su Wei and the three of them.

Luckily they canceled their account.

Otherwise, it would be unlucky even if the boss paid attention and finally canceled the attention.

Principal Onion has already practiced it for them.

"It's seven o'clock, everyone go back after dinner."

There is a restaurant in the store, and Zhang Lingtian ordered takeaway.


Suddenly, Jiang Xiaohan sat up in shock.

"What? Xiaohan has something to go back first?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't understand Jiang Xiaohan's sudden startled behavior.

"Boss, someone gave our video a gift!!"

Jiang Xiaohan was checking the data, and the next second he was stunned.

"The boss's few videos feel like they are going to be a success."

Li Tiantian spread her hands.

Gifts are given every day.

But Miss Xiaohan was a little too excited today.

Zhang Lingtian also expressed doubts.

"This time is different, someone gave us a gift of 20 yuan!"

Douyin's gift is fifty-fifty.

In other words, someone paid them 10 yuan!

"20 million!!!"

Everyone was surprised!
Especially Su Wei and Li Tiantian immediately moved to the computer!
Looking at the string of numbers, my eyes are straight!

"Xiaohan, do you see if someone wants to ask us for some improper favors?"

Zhang Lingtian immediately thought of something.

Because he also received some private messages before, asking him to pay attention to scumbags and ex-boyfriends.

Some people even asked him to pay attention to competitors, classmates, and roommates.

You say it's weird or not.

"No, the other party didn't say anything."

Jiang Xiaohan found that the other party did not leave a message.

"Could it be a private message?"

And Zhang Lingtian went to open the private message.

As a result, no private messages from this person were found.

Finally, I checked the homepage and the record of this person's usual speeches, and finally confirmed that this person is Principal Cong.

On this day, all three employees received a bonus.

"thank you boss!"

"Good night boss!!"

"Boss, be careful on the road!!"

Driving the Passat, Zhang Lingtian sent them home one by one.

Everyone who got the bonus is very happy today.

The atmosphere is more harmonious.

Take care of you live Hades.

The boss will definitely not use them for performance after making money.

That way they are safe.

So after tonight, the three decided to work hard to help the boss earn money! !
At the same time, try to make the boss less addicted to Douyin.

After all, after the first seven days, you can make good money, right?

Live streaming is undoubtedly the best way to make money.

Three days later.

Ping'an Baishipu has been remodeled and has an additional live broadcast room.

Nine in the morning.

"I wish the boss the live broadcast on the first day and sell the goods!!"

Su Wei and Li Tiantian held the banner.

Everything has to be a good start, and the same is true for live streaming.

"Boss, this is the brand's Fang Qu Jiangmei, Mr. Qu, Mr. Qu, this is our boss."

After the ceremony.

I saw the little assistant introducing Zhang Lingtian and Qu Jiangmei enthusiastically.

"I finally met Mr. Zhang. Now it is rumored on the Internet that you are the King of Hell. I hope Lord Hell will give us some good luck this time and make our Xiangyun urns sell well."

This Ms. Qu Jiangmei was in her early thirties. She looked like a strong woman, but she was quite easy-going.

"Netizens are just joking, I, the first-time broadcaster on the [-]th line, will definitely try my best."

Zhang Lingtian smiled.

This pit fee is 50 a day, and the sales commission is 24%.

That is to say, he can get 100 out of 24 yuan.

Looking around, there are really few businesses that can offer such conditions.

"Although it's the first time for Mr. Zhang to bring a product, it's not as popular as it is popular, and it's often listed on the hot search list in the past two days!"

Qu Jiangmei pursed her lips and smiled.

Apart from his outstanding appearance, he is very ordinary.

I also don't know how to become the king of hell just because of those few incidents on the Internet.

But the Internet age.

There is this kind of weird god-making.

It's beyond reason.

For example, there was an illiterate who was directly popular because of his face before.

Many people don't know where the other side is handsome.

Where is the innocence.




But God did create it, man became popular, and his name was established.

"You two go in first."

The little assistant made a gesture of invitation.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, this is Jian Sisi, who is also the sales anchor recruited by our company. I will cooperate with you to bring the goods today."

Walking into Ping An Baishi Shop, Qu Jiangmei introduced to him.

"Boss Zhang can just call me Sisi."

This girl named Jian Sisi has a relatively delicate oval face. At this moment, she stretches out her small white hands very generously. She looks a little lively, but her eyes are also somewhat arrogant.

"Have a nice time working together."

Zhang Lingtian shook hands with the other party.

"Mr. Qu, this is the live broadcast room for a while, you can have people bring the products in first."

Jiang Xiaohan said, the past three days have been busy with the delivery room of the live broadcast.

"Is this the place to bring the goods? Isn't it too small?"

Before Qu Jiangmei could speak, Jian Sisi sized her up and showed a surprised look.

"It's really small."

Jiang Xiaohan smiled awkwardly.

This is modified by their restaurant, after all, the conditions are limited.

"The space is limited, so we remodeled more than ten square meters and simply built a place to bring goods."

Zhang Lingtian also added to it.

"Ten square meters? A normal live broadcast place is not as crowded as a hundred square meters. When the two of us are broadcasting some things, we need to pile them up here. Mr. Qu must be in the room, and you have to move things here. It's not enough, okay?"

It was agreed to broadcast on their side.

As a result, this side disagreed with the past, but the conditions here were too bad.

"It's okay, it's okay, these difficulties can be overcome, let's move the urn here first."

Qu Jiangmei smoothed things over.

Soon there will be unloading.

Various styles of urns were moved in.

There are even ceramic ones!
It looks very high-end.

Soon the preliminary preparations for the live streaming will begin.

Li Tiantian and the others prepared the lights, while Zhang Lingtian was dealing with the script.

He found that it was not easy to carry the goods.

Every product has to be recorded.

What kind of porcelain urn, what ebony urn, what kind of urn with dragon pattern and huanghuali urn and so on.


[The live broadcast of Ping'an Baishipu is about to start, come and make an appointment to watch. 】

Zhang Lingtian's account was used.

I saw him open the live broadcast appointment.

180 million fans.

Thousands of people were booked in a short while.

ten o'clock.

The live broadcast starts on time.

"Good morning everyone, welcome to the Ping'an Baishipu live broadcast room, I am Zhang Lingtian."

At this time, Zhang Lingtian greeted everyone according to the script.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jian Sisi. Today I'm very happy to come to our Live Yama's live broadcast room as the anchor of the brand to participate in the delivery of goods. I don't know if Lord Yan will take me away, haha~"

Jian Sisi also extended her hand to say hello, and even joked towards Zhang Lingtian.

It's not wrong for her to dislike the venue.

But who doesn't like a handsome guy?

"Brother Tian brought the goods live?"

"Isn't it shabby to make money by skill? But I want to ask, will I be followed randomly in the live broadcast room? I'm a little panicked!"

"Damn it, your brand is so bold, you dare to find the King of Hades to bring the goods! Are you not afraid of nothing?"

"When I entered this live broadcast room, I felt a chill coming from behind for no reason. By the way, Brother Tian, ​​what product are you bringing today? The brand owner is actually such a beautiful young lady."

"Don't tell me, Miss Sister is very eye-catching, and my favorite is the one with a little chubby! I don't know if Brother Tian will take it away, but you took my heart away!!"

"I heard that my brother Tian is still single at 28. I suggest you pay attention to your words and don't go down the same road and die young."

"Brother Tian! You deserve to be single! Don't you understand such an obvious hint?"


ten in the morning.

More than 1 people came to the live broadcast room in less than 2000 minute after the broadcast started.

The popularity of the live broadcast room reached more than 20.

And it's still going straight up.

I just don't know what the conversion rate is.

Qu Jiangmei stared at the data.

"Haha, it's impossible to take it away. The King of Hell is just a joke. Closer to home, the first product we bring to you today is the ebony wood urn of the Xiangyun brand classic chant."

Zhang Lingtian took out a black urn.

"Hiss——they are selling urns!!"

"Good guy, I was actually looking at the urn delivery early in the morning!"

"Others bring goods to make money, brother Tian, ​​you bring goods to want other people's lives!!"

"My mother just gave me a big mouth, and asked me why I watched the live broadcast of the urn, did I want her to die? Brothers, how should I answer?"

Netizens were stunned when they saw that urn was taken out.

"My friends, our urn has the most exquisite embossed craftsmanship, and it is made of precious wood. Don't worry about whether it can be used because it has a very high collection value. Besides, life has to be experienced once. Spend it in advance. It’s okay to buy a small home for 19999 yuan and collect it first!”

Jian Sisi picked up the lid of the urn and showed a wave of reliefs.

"19999 yuan? This price is too high! Since this is the first live broadcast, we have to give benefits to fans, right? 9999! How about 9999, everyone!!"

The live broadcast continues.

Because they are all scripts.

Zhang Lingtian and Jian Sisi, two partners, sang together, while Miss Fang Qu of the brand occasionally joined in to sell miserably and said absolutely not! !
Anyway, it's the same as Zhang Lingtian's exaggerated copy of the Fat Family Army that he watched in his last life.

But if you take money from people, just do it!

In the end, this urn hit 9999 yuan.

twelve o'clock.

"Mr. Zhang, you have worked hard."

After a morning of live broadcasting, sales were good.

Qu Jiangmei smiled.

"Boss, Miss Sisi, drink some water."

Jiang Xiaohan handed over water.

"The place is too narrow! Boss Zhang, I think if you want to develop live broadcasting, this place should at least be expanded."

Jian Sisi fanned the wind with her hand.

Because it is summer, it is a bit hot and a bit stuffy.

"Haha, I get it."

Zhang Lingtian smiled slightly.

It is indeed a bit stuffy in the live broadcast for a long time.

Wait until the list is over before expanding it.

After all, the hardware has to keep up.

【Ding!Activate scan! 】

[Scan object: ID anchor Jian Sisi. 】

【Dangerous signal: I have had many dangerous behaviors due to improper values ​​for a long time, and the probability of the next dangerous behavior due to beauty is 99%. 】

[Customer Attributes: Pseudo-accurate customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can pay attention. 】

drinking water.

Zhang Lingtian inadvertently glanced at the playback of the live broadcast on the live broadcast device next to him.

In the next second, a voice sounded in my mind.


Zhang Lingtian was full of question marks.

Pseudo-accurate customers!
"Boss Zhang, why are you looking at me like that?"

Jian Sisi was puzzled when she saw Zhang Lingtian's expression.


 5400 words were sent today, and it was written in the last minute of each day, so I didn’t have time to correct the typos. In the next hour, I will correct the typos and add some content. In fact, it is recommended that you read it at 1 o’clock in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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