I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 293 Top secret files, assassination of SSS-level trump card!

If the other party's identity is fake and he is pretending to be someone, then this is really serious.

If the identity is true, this water friend is the prophet who has not bubbled up for a long time and is very explosive! !
Main station!This is the main station!
If the other party can't escape the Law of Hell, then this is too outrageous.


Just after the 'prophet' spoke, a switching sound came from the live broadcast room where there was originally only one poster.

In the next moment, a scene as elegant as a tea room appeared on the screen. The first thing the camera focused on was a tea table. A plain blue tablecloth with a touch of high-end gray was spread on it, and a purple clay pot was placed on the khaki stripes. There are also two clear ceramic tea cups.

Beside the table are two older-looking Taishi chairs, cushioned with plain blue gray soft cushions, and a small earth-yellow pillow behind them.

Perhaps because there were still three minutes left until the show started, there was still no one on the two Taishi chairs. It could be seen that the main station was quite concerned about setting up the scene.

For example, the tall bamboo bonsai placed at the back, the scenery in the ceramic vase on the mahogany entrance table, and the ancient wooden bookshelf, calligraphy and painting next to it, etc. are all extremely harmonious, and the whole thing exudes elegance.

There is no doubt about the aesthetics of the main station.

"Mr. Zhang."

There were still 3 minutes to go on stage, and Nan Shiwen stopped Zhang Lingtian who was about to go to the studio waiting area.

"What's wrong, Director Nan?"

In the exclusive lounge, Zhang Lingtian's expression showed confusion as he was about to go out.

"Mr. Zhang, although the probability of danger during the recording of the program is almost zero, especially since we have strengthened protection today, I still have to tell you first. If you find anything wrong on the program later, you can Just call us, your safety is the most important, even if the show is suspended!"

Nan Shiwen solemnly confessed to Zhang Lingtian.

I didn’t want to mention this at first, but after thinking about it carefully I still had to tell Mr. Zhang.

It's easy to deal with this kind of special situation if it happens, so that some cunning people won't take advantage of it.

Because Mr. Zhang’s safety is always the top priority.

"So that's what happened, don't worry, Director Nan."

Zhang Lingtian thought Nan Shiwen had something to explain, but it turned out to be this.

For now, there is no early warning in my system, so this interview should be safe.

But if there is an emergency, I will definitely tell you in time.

"We don't want it to happen, but we still need to have some protection. We have also deployed a large number of police forces around the studio, so deputy team leader Zhang, don't worry, we can arrest people directly as long as you give the order."

Deng Zhou's voice also rang out. After all, he was the executive force protecting Deputy Team Leader Zhang.

"Speaking of which, I forgot to ask, are there many viewers in this studio?"

Zhang Lingtian seemed to have thought of something. Could it be that there were a lot of spectators below, so he was so prepared?

"This is impossible. There is no audience for today's interview, Mr. Zhang. Don't worry. We are mainly worried about staff being infiltrated, because there are more than ten staff on site."

Nan Shiwen explained to Zhang Lingtian.

No matter how stupid he is, there is no way he can give Mr. Zhang an interview with an audience at this time. The staff's investigation itself is already strenuous. If you still get so many viewers to come in, how will you do it?

"So that's it. Then I know. I will let you know if anything happens."

When Zhang Lingtian found out, he thought it was an audience, but he never expected that it was a security guard.

But thinking about it, I am still in danger. If the staff is infiltrated, it will be fatal!

This is more deadly than the audience.

If he didn't have this system warning, he would have died long ago due to an assassination attempt by an insider.

"Okay, thank you for the hard work, Mr. Zhang. We will also be around the studio when the time comes, and we will protect Assistant Jiang."

When Nan Shiwen heard Zhang Lingtian agreed, he nodded immediately.

In this way, Zhang Lingtian set off for the studio. After all, the interview started in 2 minutes.

"Assistant Jiang, please come with us."

Deng Zhou looked at Jiang Xiaohan.

The other party is Mr. Zhang's assistant, so they must take it with them.

If an accident occurs that affects Mr. Zhang's mood, their protection mission is also flawed.

"Yeah, thank you, Director Nan and Director Deng."

For some reason, Jiang Xiaohan felt inexplicably safe.

Behind the scenes of the studio.

"Mr. Zhang starts in one minute. Today we will have a simple conversation and interview. I reviewed the specific steps for you at noon. I will go in first and then invite you out later."

Meng Lei had already changed her outfit, showing an intellectual and elegant attitude.

And she told Zhang Lingtian again.

"Yeah, I've seen it all."

Zhang Lingtian nodded and looked at the process in the lounge at noon.

It probably involves interviews on various topics first, then replies to netizens’ questions, and finally ends the program.

"Then I'll leave first. Happy cooperation, Mr. Zhang."

Soon the female host Meng Lei walked out.

The time is exactly three o'clock.

"Hello friends, I'm glad you can come to our show."

Meng Lei walked out from the side, greeting the netizens in the live broadcast room as she walked, and finally sat elegantly on the Taishi chair.

"It finally begins."

"Wow, it's Meng Lei! This is the senior host of the main station!"

"Hahaha, my dad likes her show very much. Of course, I also like it. After all, who doesn't like an elegant and intellectual beautiful host?"

"It seems that everyone can no longer see the flip-flop. This is completely different from the previous female host Mei Ling of the Chunjiang Focus Talk Show. Menglei is a senior host of the main station and has been in the industry for more than 22 years. I want her to flip-flop. It’s just as ridiculous as saying she was a spy who assassinated Boss Zhang.”

"Some people do take it for granted. Every time they see the interview with the King of Hell, they unconsciously think of the previous Chunjiang Focus Interview. The previous program was a small program on a local TV station in a second-tier city. The other party's risk control ability was completely different from that of the main station. It's on the same level, and the host doesn't have any bad information. He has been working hard for more than [-] years."

"Headquarters: Guys from all over the place, watch out. Regarding talking to the King of Hell, I will only demonstrate once, and that is to control the risk and hire a female host who has no dirty information."

"Prophet: Oops, as soon as the host came out, my fake identity was revealed."

Seeing that the host was actually Meng Lei, a senior host who has worked at the main station for 22 years, some people immediately refuted the previous prophet.

Those words are completely nonsense!

The main reason was that no one knew who was coming to interview before. If they had known it was Meng Lei, they would have resisted the fake prophet.

Back to the show itself.

Menglei's dialogue with the King of Hell will definitely be exciting.

"I'm glad that everyone has made reservations for our "Stand-of-Character Interviews and Dialogues with the King of Hell" program. This is the first time that our main station has felt so much enthusiasm from the Internet. In just one day, the number of reservations has reached two Thousand 700 million.

Of course, this also has a great relationship with the "King of Hell" who is famous on the Internet. So is the "King of Hell" really the King of Hell?From what standpoint does he view this phenomenon? Today, we have invited Mr. Zhang Lingtian from Ping An White Shop to come to our show to talk about this phenomenon of the King of Hell. "

Meng Lei spoke a monologue.

Their program today is a program called "Position" on the main station.

The character interview column in Standpoint, and today’s issue of this character interview column is called Dialogue with the King of Hell.

This program itself has a lot of offline viewers, so at this moment, 'Conversation with the King of Hell' is not only favored online, it is not weak even offline.

As for the resources of the main station, it goes without saying.

In particular, the authorities also intend to broadcast this program to the world in real time to increase its influence.

After all, this program is very clear, it is called a stance, so there is no need to say what kind of stance it takes.

No, at this time, the international channels have started broadcasting in real time.

The main station's programs can be seen almost all over the world, and they are broadcast in real time, that is, in the form of live broadcast.


"Are you coming over tomorrow? Alas, our position...is starting to become clear now."

Little frog.

The opponent's timing is certainly not much different from that of Rabbit Fang.

No, Mu Jiangwen has already gone to work at three o'clock and is checking the main station's "Conversation with the King of Hell" program.

When she saw a big 'Stand' sign in the center of the show, she had an inexplicable feeling that the other person might be hinting at her!

Let her make her position clear!
Indeed, her current position is still not firm enough, because she still has some hope for Jiang Fang in her heart. After all, Jiang Fang has always been the most powerful person in terms of overall strength after the situation has changed over the years, while the opposite party is a completely poor relative.

But now this poor relative seems to be really turning over.


With them?
Although his high-standard reception was released before, Mujiangwen was still a little unwilling.

Compared to the hesitant Mu Jiangwen, on the other side of them, a young man who had transformed from decadence into a neat and tidy man was much more determined.

"There is more than a month left before the Big Boss election. Lord Yama, please rest assured that I, the House Saint, will always be on your side. I also hope that you can bless me to defeat the original Big Boss Tian. If I can succeed in taking over, I will definitely become your most devout believer!”

He is none other than the sage who set off the referendum and led the trend!

The live broadcast from the main station was in front of him.

And everything he had was given by His Majesty the King of Hell. If it weren't for him, he would still be a craftsman obsessed with human body movement art.

It was the King of Hell who gave him everything and completely changed him, so it was natural for him to become the other party's most devout believer.

the same land.

"This should be the opening scene, right?"

Compared to the devout house saint, Boss Tian's eyes were cold. Jiang Fang was his eldest brother after all.

Although this secret is top secret, he is still the big boss, so he still has access to it.

According to the information he received, Jiang Fang was going to use a trump card that had been lurking for a long time to completely kill Zhang Lingtian on this show and ensure that nothing went wrong.

"Down below, we welcome Mr. Zhang Lingtian, who is known as the 'King of Hell'."

In front of Boss Tian's screen, the host Menglei's voice rang out.

Many countries around the world are also watching the live broadcast.

These include Great Empire, Hexagonal Country, Maple Leaf, Allah, Camel, Bear, Stick, etc.

They have mixed feelings about the show.

Especially Jiang Fang's allies.

As for Allah and camels, these are different.

They even rushed directly to the live broadcast room of the main station.

[System prompt: Luotuo gave a reward of 10000000 Dou coins and said, 'Sha, please come and check in and always support Boss Zhang. We are all your most devout believers. 】

This is not.

Sha, who was very wealthy, directly rewarded him.

[System prompt: Allah rewarded 10000000 Dou coins and said, 'It scared me to death. I almost thought it was 1000 million Dou coins. Fortunately, it was Dou coins. This can still be rewarded with the team. Then we The position with Boss Zhang is always the same! 】

[System prompt:...reward 10000000 Dou coins...]


After Mr. Sha took the lead, many small countries began to follow the team.

After Zhang Lingtian came out, the live broadcast room of the main station was extremely lively.

"Hahaha, Boss Zhang has so many foreign supporters."

"Boss Sha, look at me, I'm a student and I want to buy a game console!!"

"The big brother from the main station is really awesome, the dialogue is broadcast live and synchronously around the world!"

"It can be seen from this posture that the main station is still very confident and sure. After all, if a plot similar to the previous Harujiang Focus Interview happens again, it will be a slap in the face."

"Speaking of which, I don't know how Jiang Fang feels when he sees so many people giving rewards to Boss Zhang? Won't Maiseljun faint again?"

"Hahaha, I really miss the way Maisel Army spurted blood at the village association meeting. But at this time, he is either fainted or asleep."

This burst of reward bombardment made water friends excited.

Since the last village association meeting, it was obvious that their position in the village had changed.Of course, most people also saw who the paper tiger was.


At three o'clock in the morning, Maiser Army did not sleep.

After taking a nap, he specifically asked his assistant to wake him up at this time, just to witness this grand event with his own eyes.


Please enjoy it.

Because after today, Zhang Lingtian will completely decline.

"Thank you for your support, and I am honored to participate in the main station's talk show."

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Lingtian walked out.

Wearing a brown suit, he greeted netizens.

At the same time, I am very honored to participate in the interview program of the main station.

"After Jiang Xi's funeral, it's time for your funeral."

When Zhang Lingtian came out, Maiserjun's eyes became sharp.

No one will know about the trump card that was used today, because it is the trump card in the 'SSS' level top secret file!
The so-called 'SSS' level files are top secret files that have been hidden for more than 20 years.

The number of people who can use these trump cards in the entire Jiangjiang Kingdom can only be counted on two hands, and there are no more than 50 people in the entire country who know the true information about these lurkers.

For this highest level assassination, the Maisel Army is still very confident.

"Sure enough, he is a man who has made it to the top three on the hot search list with his appearance. His straight suit has attracted the attention of many girls. Of course, I know that many netizens have long since focused on Mr. Zhang's appearance. At present, everyone is more interested in Mr. Zhang's appearance. Most of the time, we are focusing on another thing. As a qualified host, you must learn to speak for netizens."

When Zhang Lingtian came over, Meng Lei smiled so hard that her eyes turned into crescent moons.

"Sister Lei has such a girlish heart. If she were younger, she would probably pursue Boss Zhang directly."

"Boss Zhang is really a killer type. My mother, sister, and sister all like him. Even I like him too! My man!"

"The real rich man upstairs is actually three siblings. But it doesn't matter if a man likes Boss Zhang. It's just that what we focus on is not the appearance but the unique temperament and cool abilities!"

"The law of hell? Hahaha~"

After hearing what Menglei said, netizens also commented one after another.

This is truly a man with both good looks and strength!
"It's OK to praise, but don't be too outrageous, otherwise I won't be able to recognize myself."

Zhang Lingtian joked.

"Mr. Zhang is as humble as ever. In fact, I was watching everyone's comments just now. Among them, the most talked about thing among netizens is whether the Law of Hell will suddenly appear and overturn the main station's program. So does this Law of Hell exist? Will our main station's program overturn like the previous Chunjiang Focus Interview, Mr. Zhang Lingtian?"

After Zhang Lingtian took his seat, the host Menglei asked the most frequently asked question in the previous live broadcast room.

Many netizens praised it one after another. As expected of a senior host, this interview was excellent.

Even the barrage has decreased a lot at this moment, because this issue is of interest to all water friends.

"The Law of Hell? These don't exist. In fact, the reason why the previous focus talk show was shut down was mainly because it broadcast bloody and other prohibited scenes. No one could have predicted that the host, Miss Mei Ling, would be so unlucky. She happened to choose that Netizens abroad, so it became an accident when the TV station broadcasted it."

Zhang Lingtian explained with a calm smile.

Although it seemed a bit strange to him now that he thought about it, if he thought about it carefully, this system shouldn't be so boring.

"It seems that our directing team has learned a lesson. This time, Mr. Zhang is not asked to like or follow anyone. Since Mr. Zhang said that the Law of Hell does not exist, I also ask a question for myself. Many netizens said that as long as Mr. Zhang is interviewed Hosts are prone to overturning, such as the last host Mei Ling, so Mr. Zhang, I should be able to ensure safety, right?"

Meng Lei said she was joking, but her expression was a bit serious.

"Otherwise? Is there anything else I can do to you, the host? And the reason why Miss Mei Ling was punished can probably be found on the Internet. Strictly speaking, I am a Bei Guoxia."

Zhang Lingtian asked back with a smile, and added some gestures to add a bit of humor.

"Everyone has heard it, and I have heard it too. There is no law of hell, and there is no such thing as anyone who interviews Zhang Lingtian will get into trouble. It is all false rumors, and I am also safe."

Meng Lei pretended to exhale slowly.

"Boss Zhang is humorous and the host is also quite interesting."

"Yes, the veteran host and Mr. Zhang's humor instantly filled the atmosphere."

"This is not something ordinary people can do. Only hosts who are upright and not afraid of shadows can make such a joke. If the others are really up to something, something will definitely happen if the Lord of Hell finds out!"

"I've been working at the reception desk for 22 years. I graduated from college at the age of 23 and have been here until now. If a person like this has a problem, then who doesn't have a problem? The reception desk is riddled with holes, right?"

Seeing that host Menglei was joking, everyone also commented that this kind of joke could only be seen in such a clean host.

"Of course it's safe. Now that I'm standing in the live broadcast room of the main station, although I have said some things many times, in this authoritative place, I still have to tell everyone that there are no so-called laws, they are all jokes. The netizens are just talking nonsense, host, don’t worry.”

Zhang Lingtian repeated a cliché.

He knows everyone is probably tired of hearing this.

But this is the most authoritative headquarters, and his statement is different from the past.

"Actually, I want to say that with Mr. Zhang sitting next to you, there will be no worries, only warmth. Then let's have a cup of tea and continue chatting. But I usually don't operate the tea set very much, so I just make some. I hope Mr. Zhang doesn't mind."

The host Meng Lei clamped some tea leaves in the ceramic jar through the wooden tea set.

Then he opened the lid of the purple clay pot and put the tea leaves in.

Then pour hot water into it.

It can also be seen in her movements that the other party is indeed a novice and a bit clumsy.

Because she used to drink tea made by others, but this was the first time she made tea for others.

But since she is the host, and the main station is still her unit.

Of course, it is impossible to let Mr. Zhang make tea.

Making tea is easy anyway.

"I usually put tea leaves in a thermos cup. Then the way of drinking tea is more casual. As long as it is drinkable, there are not so many requirements."

The temperature hasn't come up yet.

Actually it’s good to drink some tea.

Today's interview room is elegantly decorated and goes well with tea. It is indeed the main station.

"Casual people tend to look young because they don't have so many skills. Maybe this is why Mr. Zhang, you still look like 28 when you are 21 years old. Mr. Zhang, I heard that you are leaving tomorrow, Xiaowa, what do you think about this part of the trip? Are you looking forward to it?”

Meng Lei joked while operating, and asked a question by the way.

"You should be looking forward to going to Xiaowa. First of all, this is our Baishi shop's first foreign-related funeral order. I am also very grateful to Ms. Jiangxi's family for their trust."

Zhang Lingtian thought for a while and then answered.

This is the first time he has held a funeral for a foreigner.


"Got it! There's a second time!"

"Sure enough, I knew today's interview would not be that simple!"

Zhang Lingtian's reply made the live broadcast room lively again.

"It is said that their family's plane disappeared for a while when they came to Xiaowa. Mr. Zhang, do you know about this?"

Menglei was not affected by the barrage of friends in the live broadcast room, but looked at Zhang Lingtian sincerely, seeking the answer that many people wanted to ask.

"I actually didn't know it at the time. I only found out about it later after someone in the live broadcast room said it."

Zhang Lingtian answered truthfully.

"What do you think about the fact that Jiang Xi's mother commissioned a funeral after they disappeared, and then the plane miraculously appeared? Many netizens thought you cast a spell. How do you understand this Internet phenomenon?"

Obviously the host had no intention of letting this issue go.

"Actually, I think it's more of a misunderstanding. There are many reasons why planes disappear. If I had magic, would I still be sitting here now? It's just a deeper misunderstanding of this Internet phenomenon."

As they chatted, 10 minutes passed in a flash, during which they talked about several topics.

"You see, Mr. Zhang was so immersed in the conversation that his mouth was a little dry. Only then did I realize that the two glasses in front of us were still empty. That's true, even the internal hotel has been infiltrated. These spies are really everywhere. , Mr. Zhang, do you have anything to say to these people who have been beholden to the country but betrayed their responsibilities by becoming spies?"

Naturally, the topic of assassination came up.

There was an area inside the hotel that had been penetrated, and Meng Lei was filled with emotion.


Zhang Lingtian was thinking about what to say.

【Ding!The system prompts that the probability of the host being in danger has soared to 95%. Should a real-world scan be used? 】

Suddenly the system sounded a prompt the next second.


Jiang Xiaohan in the distance clearly noticed the slight movement of his boss's brows.

Did he notice something?
"What's wrong with Assistant Jiang?"

Nan Shiwen and Deng Zhou were always on high alert.

Naturally, he also discovered something strange about Jiang Xiaohan.

"It's nothing."

Jiang Xiaohan shook his head.

Although the boss's brows changed, she was not sure that something was wrong.

And the boss didn’t give any instructions.

"You have nothing to say to this kind of person who betrays the country and has no bottom line or moral integrity? Or is Mr. Zhang a little thirsty and wants to take a break?"


Two cups of tea have been poured.

The guest in front of the meeting, Zhang Lingtian, hesitated to speak, while Meng Lei asked with a smile.

[Scan object: Zhang Lingtian]

[Occupation: Owner of Ping An White House, owner of Yongheng Company, deputy leader of the national key case research team. 】

[Bad information: Massive accidents. 】

[Danger signal: 95% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: The host's exposure to the eyes of the world has become a hidden danger in some countries. Please note that the tea in front of you may contain lethal substances. There is a 95% chance that the host will die from ingesting radioactive substances today. The system is now There is currently no resurrection or rescue capabilities, please pay attention to protection. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of Luck: Click to view. 】

[Number of scans: 5 scans remaining in the real world. 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt 1: The scan target is the system itself. 】

Scan is in progress.

It is indeed this cup of tea.

He had just begun to wonder why his dangerous warning suddenly came out when the other party started pouring tea.

Could it be that Meng Lei in front of me is a spy?

A spy talking to himself about espionage and assassination?

【hint!The system is being scanned. 】

Zhang Lingtian decided to scan a wave.

"Then let's take a break and have a cup of tea. This tea is fragrant, but it's an old tea that our deputy director has collected for 20 years."

Meng Lei’s professionalism is very good.

The teacup for Zhang Lingtian moved forward.

Then he slowly picked up his teacup and tasted the fragrant tea.

Her face was also full of pleasure.

... (end of this chapter)

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