I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 43 People have reached the border, and they are about to succeed in chasing stars!

Chapter 43 People have reached the border, and they are about to succeed in chasing stars!

Zhang Lingtian looked at the anchor's posture in the live broadcast room with a very puzzled look in his eyes.

Why is this smell so strong?
There is an inexplicable feeling of entering MLM.

"My brother is so handsome!!"

"Forever Bang Bang!"

"Such a beautiful place, such a simple group of people, let me die in the north!"

"Yes, my greatest wish in this life is to find a secluded place and meet such a group of simple people, and then settle there, living a life like in a story."

"Sisters, I've reached the border, and I'm about to succeed in chasing stars, wait for my good news."

I thought the anchor's behavior was outrageous enough.

In the barrage area of ​​the video, there was even a smell of rice circles.

I even saw a message mentioning the border.

I'm about to go north to chase stars.

Zhang Lingtian heard the confusion.

What kind of ridiculous words with a worrying IQ are these.

As far as he knows, this north side is a three-way zone.

And the warlords separatist.

Go there to chase stars?
He originally thought that the other party was singing live.

Just curious to come in and listen, who would have thought to hear these things and see so many stupid words.

"Where is Bangbang from? He speaks Chinese so fluently!"

"Yeah, I can't tell it's a foreigner at all. Those who don't know think it's from our rabbit country."

"My university is a foreign language college. The school stipulates that students in this school must take a minor language. I took Mandarin Chinese as an elective, but I failed the subject. It was really difficult. Of course, our Chinese is also difficult. You foreigners can speak it It’s so good, it’s amazing!!”

At this time, there are also some little sisters who have just been attracted in the live broadcast room.

Everyone was amazed.

The other party's Chinese expression ability is almost the same as that of Chinese people.

"Is Chinese good? Maybe it's because our parents were members of the Rabbit Kingdom Expeditionary Force, so it's not necessarily true that we have inherited the Chinese-speaking gene in our bones."

In the live broadcast room, Li Bangbang is honest, sunny, and optimistic, giving people a perfect personality without routine.

"What? Bangbang is a descendant of the expeditionary army?"

"God, no wonder I feel so kind, everyone is in the same line."

Familiar old fans have already heard each other's stories.

And the newcomer is still in surprise.

And the favor for this Li Bangbang soared.

"Yeah, so just like Wan Jiangli sang, the red sun rises in the east, and its avenue is full of rays of light. I am so lucky to be born in you, and I have a blood flowing in my veins!"

Li Bangbang stood up and sang a song directly.

I have to say that the level of singing skills is still good.

After all, Zhang Lingtian was attracted by the other party's singing skills before.

But he is a descendant of the Expeditionary Army?
Isn't this talking nonsense?
At that time, the expeditionary forces either died in battle or returned home, except for a very few who were left behind and did not have a large number of descendants in Southeast Asia.

There are very few.

Such good luck, is he?

The point is that he is not talking about himself, he is talking about their group.

This one is fake.

Of course, some people will say, isn't there a group of people who settled in Dongtai?

In fact, it is the bald remnant army produced by the Liberation War, and has nothing to do with the expeditionary army.

But Douyin, true or false.

It is understandable that the other party uses this gimmick to increase the favor of the Chinese people towards him.

After all, it is Douyin's international area.

And Douyin is the software of Rabbit Country.

Therefore, at least half of the users in the international zone are from Rabbit Country.

Even half of the territory of the rabbit country.

Since it is on the territory of half of the Rabbit Country, pleasing the people of the Rabbit Country is naturally equivalent to mastering the traffic code, right?

And the other party can speak Chinese so well, it hits the heart of some people directly.

But since the other party didn't sing, he wasn't interested in continuing to listen.

And after thinking about it, his automatic advertisement last night was indeed a bit inappropriate.

Exit first, and I will find out how to turn off this automatic reply later.

As for those who scolded him.

Directly give them a little attention?
There was nothing magical about his attention, however.

So he was too lazy to do such a waste of time and energy.

Zhang Lingtian thought about it and prepared to leave.

After all, this whole environment is a fan circle.

He really didn't have much interest.

If today's live broadcast was a cover song, then he would still be interested in listening to it.

"Sounds good! We are in the same line!"

"Yeah, after all, everyone is a descendant of the Rabbit people!"

"I'm envious of sisters who can go star chasing, I don't know Mandarin at all."

"Yeah, I really want to travel there."

The rice circle culture continues.

Barrages flew out one by one, basically all of them were girls.

"No, it doesn't matter. Chinese is also one of the languages ​​on our side, so language is not a barrier. You don't even need to exchange money because the money in the rabbit country on our side can also be circulated. After all, we are at the junction of the rabbit country. If you want to come and play, I will personally welcome you.”

Li Bangbang greeted the invitation very sunnyly and kindly.

"Welcome everyone to come to Mianbei to play, my delicate little princesses! For friends who come from afar and pay attention to me, we provide food and accommodation, and we guarantee to give you a different experience!"

Li Bangbang was followed by several youths who also wore green clothes.

They put their hands on their chests.

The gentleman bows.

And uttered a very tempting sentence.

For a while, the whole live broadcast room went crazy!
Since there is no language barrier.

And the money can still be circulated.

Then there is no problem at all in the past!
The key is to include food and housing!

Zhang Lingtian, who has already clicked the exit button, has black lines all over his head.

Didn't these people go to school?

What's so fun about facing north?

Even if we use our country's money to speak Chinese, the local warlords are divided.

It's a mess.

And for some reason, Zhang Lingtian always felt that the other party's behavior in this live broadcast was a bit wrong.

"Bangbang, are the next few roommates yours?"

"Your dormitory looks so clean."

"Seeing the big from the small, you guys are awesome!"

Because the scene of the other party seems to be filmed in the dormitory.

And the people who followed were all about the same age.

Some girls who couldn't hide their curiosity praised it.

"Yes, these are my roommates, and this is also our dormitory. Although the overall atmosphere of our school is very relaxed, girls are not allowed to enter the dormitory. The rules of this school are still very strict. But we can take everyone to stroll around the campus, and to play in the Rabbit Country Snack Street outside."

Li Bangbang nodded affirmatively.

And describe the scene after coming here.

"Ping'an Beishipu: Is your dormitory like this? The overall atmosphere of the school is still very relaxed?"

Zhang Lingtian couldn't help asking before leaving.

He's also a college guy.

As a boy, no matter how tidy the dormitory is under normal circumstances, it is impossible to be empty like this.

Unless their school is one of those militarized brain pumping schools where no garbage in the trash can, no books on the desk, no people in the dorms.

It is possible.

But the key point is that the atmosphere in their school is very relaxed!
Is not this contradictory?

Moreover, Zhang Lingtian felt that the anchor seemed to be deliberately creating a friendly atmosphere on their side that was suitable for people from the Rabbit Country to come and play.

It made him depressed.

Why work so hard if there is no economic benefit?
Is it really that there is too much money to spend?


(End of this chapter)

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