I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 57 Which company with a long life, ask him to bring goods?

Chapter 57 Which company with a long life, ask him to bring goods?


The little assistant Jiang Xiaohan who was monitoring the data suddenly discovered that there were ten more carnival gifts on the account.

Suddenly beautiful eyes startled!
"Today is just an ordinary lunch, so don't get excited if you can't afford it."

Zhang Lingtian walked into the Baishi shop with his lunch in hand.

Now the company is under renovation.

Naturally, there is no canteen.

In the past, they would order takeaways to eat in the tea room of Baishipu.


The economy is a little better.

You can eat better at noon.

But now he is rumored to be the king of Hades who will die if he touches it, and he has invested so much money in vain.

The millions are the money he earns from live streaming and his entire family.

The mountains and rivers are exhausted.

There is really no money for extra meals.

I wanted to post some videos to make money.

It turned out that the video didn't make a lot of money at all.

The first few videos that were posted already had tens of millions of views, and the money I got added up and the next restaurant was gone.

If you really want to realize it.

That is to receive advertisements, or to bring goods.

The money comes the fastest.

In the past, many merchants were willing to cooperate with them.

Now, however, these merchants have mysteriously disappeared.

Without exception.

It's just that he is afraid of his nature of Hades, whoever he cooperates with will have an accident.


He really doesn't have this ability!

Besides, if he is really the king of Hades.

If you can kill others, you can also keep others from dying.

Then he kept others from dying in the program group, wouldn't that completely remove the suspicion?
As for the live broadcast of the crash when facing everyone?Let yourself be slapped in the face continuously, and even the TV station was investigated?
You can figure it out with your toes.

Totally illogical.

But his luck is also gone.

It just happened to meet such a heaven-defying host.

"The boss didn't add extra meals, but someone swiped our company account for ten carnivals!"

Jiang Xiaohan spoke to him.

She is not sweet.

I don't care what I have for lunch.

Just eat what you have.

The reason why I was so excited to call him the boss was mainly because I found out that someone had tipped the company account.

"I'll take a look."

Zhang Lingtian saw that there were indeed ten carnival gift splits on his account.

He can get [-] for one.

Ten is sixteen thousand.

"Another unnamed account, but looking at the IP address, it probably belongs to him again."

Jiang Xiaohan looked at the other party's IP address, and clicked into the other party's homepage.

Except for the principal, it is estimated that few people will be so generous.

"It's been so long, why are you still buying gifts? By the way, Xiaohan, is there any news from Qu Jiangmei?"

Zhang Lingtian wondered when did Brother Onion take on the role of the money-spreading boy?
At the same time, he also asked about Qu Jiangmei's news.

Before, my little assistant said that I was talking to the other party.

I don't know how it's going.

If you can buy funeral goods from them and sell them, it will be considered a solution to the urgent need.

"I guess I was frightened by you, the boss. Every time I went to find her, she said she was sick, but once I squatted at the door and found that she was talking and laughing with other customers like a normal person."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands and smiled wryly.


Zhang Lingtian shrugged.

Three people become tigers.

I thought we could cooperate.

The result now seems hopeless.

Forget it.

It's really impossible to bring the goods.

Then honestly do your own funeral business.

Hit the wall continuously.

Zhang Lingtian lost the idea of ​​making quick money.

Just go step by step.

"But boss, don't worry. Several companies called us in the morning and said they were willing to cooperate with us, and they offered a very high pit fee. I guess it may be that you have the courage to go on the show to clarify yourself. Everyone eliminated I misunderstood you, right?"

Jiang Xiaohan said this with excitement in his eyes.

Finally someone approached them to bring the goods.

The expanded company finally has a role to play.

"Morning? That's dead!"

Zhang Lingtian was lying on the chair.

What happened on the show, I believe it won't be long before it spreads all over Chunjiang and even half of the Internet, and the brands that originally planned to cooperate with him will definitely cancel it.

There is almost no suspense.

"At first, I thought it was a no-go, but the brand actually said they didn't mind, and came over on time at 01:30!"

Jiang Xiaohan naturally paid attention to the scene on the TV series.

Just when she thought that the business she had finally come to the door was about to fail.

The other side actually said it was okay.

They don't believe in these superstitious things.

This made her confused and overjoyed at the same time.

"01:30? Isn't it half an hour later?"

Hearing this, Zhang Lingtian immediately jumped up a carp from the ladder.

"Yeah! First pay a deposit of 25, and pay 25 after the delivery is completed, a total of 50."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

The brand side that came at 01:30 is really generous.

Except for their first time, basically they have never received such a high pit fee.

Although the boss has enough fans.

But no one was looking for it.

In the current situation, no one paid even a pit fee of [-] yuan.

"Okay, I haven't seen such a generous brand party for a long time, hurry up and eat, oh, by the way, what are we bringing this time?"

Zhang Lingtian hurried to cook.

After all, when the brand owner came over and saw them eating, he wasted time.

At the same time, he was also curious about what he brought this time.

"Master Li instant noodles."

Jiang Xiaohan spoke.

"What? Instant noodles? Ask me to bring the goods??"

He was completely shocked to hear this.

He was wondering whether it was the urn, the urn, the funerary object, or something this time.

It turned out to be a food company!
That's it.

No matter what.

As long as the other party is willing to bring him goods, then he will.

The more companies that are not superstitious, the better.

He also urgently needs a chance to prove himself now.

"This is Mr. Zhang."

01:30 in the afternoon.

A black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle parked at the door.

In the back seat was a man in a black suit and glasses and a female secretary.

"Mr. Zhang, we brought all the instant noodles, sauerkraut, braised in soy sauce and other flavors. This is 25 yuan in cash. Let's start the broadcast."

At the entrance of Ping An Shishi Shop.

A small black box was brought out.

There are 25 stacks of money inside.

A total of 25 million.

"Is this going to start broadcasting directly??"

When Zhang Lingtian heard this, there was a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Mr. Huang, don't we need to sign a contract or something?"

Jiang Xiaohan was also shocked by her acting style.

It actually started broadcasting directly!
"No, I brought all the money directly. A box is 25. The normal time for a live broadcast is three hours. After three hours, the other 25 will be given to you."

Another box opens.

There are still 25 inside.

"Have no humanity!"

Li Tiantian and Su Wei were also shocked.

It's so refreshing!
I hope all the brands in the world are so straightforward.

After all, where is Baishipu being owed money now?

Of those companies that brought the goods before, the first one got the money, and the others haven't got the money yet.

Two in the afternoon.

【Appointment for live broadcast of Ping An Bai Shi Shop...】

Since this brand is so refreshing.

So what are they waiting for.

Just do it.

"What the hell? Ping'an Shishipu actually carries Mr. Li's instant noodles!"

"Master Li's instant noodles, are you crazy? He dares to rub against any heat! Don't you know that this guy just got two today!"

The live broadcast begins.

At first, everyone thought that this living Hades was going to clarify himself again.

It turned out that the other party was here to bring the goods.

Suddenly everyone was stunned.

【Live Hades brings goods to Master Li】

Soon the news rushed to the hot search.

There are a lot of messages on Master Li's official Weibo.

They were praised for their brave spirit of dedicating themselves to science.

However, Guan Wei was stunned.

Not only official Weibo.

Even Master Li's entire company was dumbfounded.

The company's top management urgently held a meeting!
"Who did it! Which idiot dares to go to Zhang Lingtian to bring goods to him at this time!!"

The general manager of the company directly slapped the table at the meeting and swears!
People who run companies are not superstitious.

But there is a saying that it is better to believe what you have than to believe what you have not.

Even the municipal TV station was planted today!
There are still people who dare to find each other to bring goods.

Is this because they think their business life is too long!


 It's not dark yet, um..., it should still be daytime, please vote, big guys, I'll write the third update after dinner!Even! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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