I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 59 Give likes to friends!

Chapter 59 Give likes to friends!
at the same time.

The news that the Living Hades King Zhang Lingtian paid attention to Master Li also spread quickly.

[Top ↑ Refuse to lie down, hard work is the label of Chinese people facing the world]

[1. Earning money by strength is the only way to feel at ease, and it is also the belief of countless people in life. 】

[2. Ping An Baishi Shop pays attention to Master Li]

[3. Two well-known male actors kissed 28 times]


And in the form of airborne, it directly rushed to the second place in the bib hot search list.

All of a sudden, the news about Ping An Baishipu paying attention to Master Li spread all over the Internet.

"Awesome! It has to be you, Master Li!"

"It's fine to find a live Hades to bring the goods, you are really brave and even let the other party pay attention, I give you a thumbs up!"

"It is said that this company does not believe in evil? Let's make a card first!"

"Taking pictures in the front row can attract the attention of the living Hades. I feel that this matter is not that simple."

"Isn't your company evading taxes? Or is there a hidden danger in fire protection? Let's talk about fire protection and taxation first. Brothers really want to find out some problems. Is there a reward for reporting it? @tax bureau@fire Team."

Water friends commented one after another.

Master Li's official Weibo completely exploded at this moment.

After all, Huo Yan Wang is concerned about the enterprise.

That's how many problems were found.

"Tongyi Instant Noodles: The No. [-] Enterprise That Breaks Feudal Superstitions, We, Tongyi, give likes to our friends! @李师处"

on the neckerchief.

Tongyi Instant Noodles also liked Master Li.

And said that he would like to give a thumbs up to his friends.


Completely blown up.

"The villain is successful! I still want to use this crooked way to punish Master Li!"

Looking at these real-time data, Zhou Wei, the general manager of Master Li, patted the table.

Know everything with your toes.

Must be rival bucket one!

This bastard actually played tricks on them!
And also deliberately lead the public to say that there is a problem with their company.

Its heart is awkward!

But these are useless!
"PR, refute rumors, fight back!!"

Zhou Wei made a six-character instruction!

And demand a quick solution.


In a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

"Boss, the popularity has reached tens of millions, and it's ranked second in the hot search list. Many netizens are now wondering if there is something wrong with Master Li's business, otherwise how could he be paid attention to by this living Hades."

The female secretary looked at the real-time data on the Internet and reported to Huihui.

They bought Hot Search.

And found a large number of sailors.

"The 50 yuan is worth it, and it's not in vain. I brought goods to their house and made 150 million yuan in sales. I just don't know if I can find something out."

The man with glasses is called Huang Wen, and he said with a smile on his face.

I met Zhang Lingtian on the Internet before, who was said to be the living king of Hades by netizens.

So this time I came here to test the opponent's ability.

See if it is as rumored.

If it is true to the rumors, it will be fun!
"Boss, do you think Master Li will become angry if he really falls... We have to bear a certain risk?"

asked the female secretary.

"Risk? You mean Zhou Wei came to sue us? It doesn't exist, he can't sue us at all!"

Huang Wen smiled lightly.

Before doing it, he asked the legal department to do a risk assessment.

First of all, let's talk about bringing goods.

As a friend business, I think your products are good. Find an anchor to bring you the goods.

That's okay, right?
And it sold 150 million, you should thank me!
Fell, and found out various problems such as tax evasion and tax evasion?

You said that our barrel one is playing tricks?
What about the evidence?
They didn't arrange for spies to enter your company!
What?You said that Zhang Lingtian has the spirit of Hades, and you want him to pay attention to our master Li is deliberately doing bad things secretly!
Try saying that.

See if the judge will listen to you.

Not only would he not respond, he might even have to be interviewed by his superiors at that time, talking about feudal superstition! !

After all, who can prove that Zhang Lingtian is the king of Hades?

If you get noticed, something will happen?
So, no solution!

Even if the friends and businessmen become angry again, they can only be angry with themselves.

"That's right, let's wait for this matter to ferment, but I feel like he really pretended just now!"

The female secretary nodded.

At the same time, he recalled Zhang Lingtian's appearance before.

I found that the other party really pretended to be.

Those words were as if he was really not the king of Hades.

"Don't I look like that? I'm also a staunch materialist atheist."

Huang Wen turned on Douyin.

Search Ping An Shishi Shop.

Seeing that a new Master Li food was added to the other party's attention list, he showed a different smile.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Welcome to visit. Our Ping An funeral shop has an event recently. The boss said that you can get a [-]% discount for booking funeral services."

Seeing these people rushing into the Ping An Shishi Shop, the little assistant Jiang Xiaohan stepped forward to greet them.

Generally this situation.

Those were urgent funeral matters, so Jiang Xiaohan got straight to the point!

And Li Tiantian went to pour tea.

As for Zhang Lingtian.

Of course, the money was collected first.

Wait until the customer leaves before paying the salary.

Brake marks are so long.

It must be urgent, but it cannot be neglected.


You have to listen to the needs of customers, and the worst thing you fear is neglect.

"What! I'm not here to make an appointment for a funeral!!"

The faces of the two people who entered the door darkened when they heard this sentence.

Fortunately, it was not the words of the Living Hades.

Otherwise, there may be some troubles!

"Ah? Aren't you here to make an appointment for the funeral?"

When Jiang Xiaohan heard this, there was a puzzled look in his eyes.

Li Tiantian and Su Wei were also puzzled.

Not a funeral appointment.

Then what are they doing in this funeral shop?
And they all wore serious suits.

It made them think that the chairman of the company was gone.

"That's right, this is Wei Yang, general manager of Chunjiang District, Master Li."

The girl who looked like a secretary in professional clothes next to her introduced.

"Mr. Wei, because you didn't sign the contract, you didn't stipulate the amount of the goods to bring. If you came here this time and want to refund the money, it's unlikely."

Jiang Xiaohan really couldn't think of what Master Li's staff was doing here at this moment.

Could it be a refund?
The pit fee is 50, and the sales volume with goods is 150 million.

Master Li's instant noodles certainly don't have such a high premium.

It is estimated that this live broadcast must have lost some money.

If the other party came to refund the money.

That's basically impossible.

After all, oral agreements are also agreements.

It was agreed to give a deposit of 25 yuan to bring the goods, and to give the remaining 25 yuan in three hours after taking the goods. Even if it goes to the court, it will be their side.

"You dare to bring goods to Master Li without signing the contract!!"

The female secretary's face darkened even more.

I thought I could find solid evidence from here!

Didn't even sign a contract! !
"A contract is not signed, and an oral agreement is also a kind of agreement."

Jiang Xiaohan said.

As an assistant, you have to protect the rights and interests of the company.

"Miss Jiang, don't worry, we're not here to refund the money."

At this moment, that President Wei spoke up.

"Aren't you here to refund the money?"

The doubts in everyone's eyes deepened after hearing this.

This is not to refund the money, what is the other party doing?

Suddenly at this very moment.

That President Wei's phone rang.

"Why hasn't this attention been cancelled?!"

It's from headquarters.

He has been slandered for a while, and now he is directly posted on the hot search, attracting all kinds of suspicions from netizens, he is very annoyed!

Not that they are superstitious!
The main business enterprises also plan to have a smooth sailing.

Now one by one is questioning you so much, if the company doesn't explain it, even if it is false, people will say it is true.

It is not true that the reputation has been discredited in vain.

 The update is coming, I recommend a book "Shen Gui: Playing the Ninth Uncle from the Red Moon" by a friend of the author in the same group. If you like it, you can go and read it~
(End of this chapter)

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