I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 61 Spring River Focus, The Punishment Results Are Here!

Chapter 61 Spring River Focus, The Punishment Results Are Here!
However, although the rumors were refuted in time.

However, Master Li still lost more than one billion in market value today due to the influence of public opinion.

"Tongyi Instant Noodles: It's weird. Netizens questioned a certain friend's company, but this friend actually likes me? Why do I take your account book!"

Six pm.

The official Weibo account of Aite's bucket of instant noodles immediately posted a strange remark.

After all, if the other party doesn't have an Aite, he will Aite him.

Inside and outside the words imply that they are making small moves.

Can they bear this grievance? !

"Master Li: I don't know who is playing tricks behind the scenes!"

Master Li also responded immediately.

After all, they are full of anger now!

Actually let the living king pay attention to them, and took the opportunity to lead netizens to stir up trouble!

But too insidious.

Only a group of bastards like Tong Yi can do such a thing!

"Tongyi Instant Noodles: Who are you talking about when you criticize Sang Huai?"

"Master Li: whoever is seated will say who! A friend merchant pretends to be us and connects with Mr. Zhang so that the other party will bring us goods and pay attention! This friend merchant is really good!"

"Tongyi Instant Noodles: Don't be smug, believe it or not, I will sue you for slander!!"

There was a large audience, and the two sides even directly choked on the scarf.

[30. Master Li and the barrel have a fight! 】

This pinch directly became a trending search, attracting many water friends to watch.

At the same time, the water friends also discovered from the fight between the two sides that the fact that Master Li asked the King of Hades to bring the goods unexpectedly reversed.

"What the hell? Can you bring goods in reverse?"

"Good guy, use the Hades attribute to cheat your opponent! Zhuge Liang will have to admit defeat!"

"Ask the bosses, if Master Li sues this situation, can he win?"

"Think about it with your head and you'll know. You didn't sign a contract for the cash, and there was almost no evidence left. How can you sue this thing? Besides, what is your reason for suing? Because you spent money to bring goods to our Master Li? No way. Well, you have to pay for it!"

"+1, if Master Li really had the confidence to sue, he wouldn't be in a brawl! As for the fact that the other party deliberately made the King of Hades pay attention to Master Li, and tried to use spells to cause Master Li to have an accident, the court, civil affairs, and public security have yet to wait. , Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the Bureau of Religious Affairs will wrap their arms around your neck and talk about life first!"

the Internet.

In the morning, he was double-killed by Chunjiang Focus and banned Baping.

In the afternoon, he was dominated by Master Li again.

And all because of one man.

Zhang Lingtian.

And many merchants seem to have discovered the New World.

It can actually carry goods in reverse!

Let's see if something will happen to Master Li.

If something goes wrong, this situation will be opened.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Come on, pay everyone their salaries first, and then we'll go to the next restaurant in the evening."

Farewell to Master Li and his party.

Zhang Lingtian can finally pay everyone wages at this moment.

Then eat another meal at night to calm down the shock.

"What is it all about? There can still be such a weird way of competition."

Su Wei spread his hands.

I didn't expect to encounter a fake brand party.

"Awei, I think our boss will not worry about losing business in the future."

Li Tiantian's eyes lit up at this moment.

Reverse Thinking!

Bring goods in reverse!

"I don't worry about no business??"

Zhang Lingtian looked at Li Tiantian suspiciously.

"That's right, boss, think about it. In the future, you will sell the quota for bringing goods, and you will bring goods to whoever pays the most. There is competition in all walks of life, so you are making money!"

Li Tiantian added.

And feel smart.

No matter who the brand is.

Anyway, whoever has more money will bring the goods.

"Tiantian, do you think that if I were that kind of boss, would I not pay your salary or even ask your family for a funeral?"

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian's eyes froze slightly.

"Hee hee, boss, I'm joking~"

Li Tiantian hurriedly kept her salary of more than 4000 yuan.

Showing a smile like flipping through a book.

"All right, all wages have been paid, so let's go eat first."

It won't take long for the salaries of the three people to be paid.

Sit on Zhang Lingtian's Passat.

A group of people drove towards Wanda Commercial Street.

Brother Onion’s family’s property still has a lot to eat.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't you consider changing cars?"

In the car.

Su Wei asked in a different way.

"Change the car? No money."

Zhang Lingtian sighed.

Who doesn't want to change to a nice car.

But there is no money.

"But I always feel that you are very dangerous."

Su Wei continued.

"Awei, are you crazy? How dare you say the boss is dangerous!?"

Li Tiantian pinched Su Wei.

They are in the backseat.

The other party is simply bold!
"It hurts! I mean the test of this car! It's not the boss, it's dangerous!!"

Su Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how big the chest is, it hurts so much to pinch someone!

"Ah? Car test? Ah Wei, are you saying this car is dangerous?"

Jiang Xiaohan, the co-driver, asked curiously.

"Sister Xiaohan, you are not dangerous at all, you are safe."

Su Wei replied immediately.


Jiang Xiaohan was a little confused.

"Because this car claims to have dual airbags for the co-pilot!"


The car moves.

After chatting about the helmet incident for a while, they have arrived at Wanda.

19:00 pm.

Although it is summer, this hot pot is still very happy.

[Chunjiang Focus Satellite TV's report on major broadcast accidents]

Eat and eat.

Suddenly saw a notification.

"Boss, your business!!"

Li Tiantian looked at her boss.

The four-seater Su Wei and Zhang Lingtian are on one side.

And Jiang Xiaohan and Li Tiantian were on the side.

The TV was right behind the two of them.

Saw this notification coming out.

Li Tiantian suddenly looked excited!

Zhang Lingtian turned his head and looked behind.

There was a notification.

Major broadcast accident?

Speaking of which, what does this report?
I remember that men in black broke into the TV station today.

That formation is really Kazakhstan!
"Damn it! The program was cancelled, the director was dismissed, the director was suspended, and the host's salary was downgraded. It's so miserable!!!"

"It's not miserable anymore. Fortunately, the program team is smart, otherwise at least one will die! Can the living king be provoked!"

"Hiss——Chunjiang Focus is a city-level TV station that can't escape the curse of this living Hades, and I don't know what will happen to Master Li?"

After the news was broadcast, many people in the hot pot restaurant were talking about it.

This Chunjiang focus is really too miserable.

Some even began to worry about Master Li's fate.

"Boss? Will Master Li be okay?"

Li Tiantian lowered her voice and asked quietly.

The other two are eating though.

But also prick up your ears to listen.

"How do I know, if they're a business that sticks to itself then it's fine."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

Its own system does not have the ability to forcibly change the fate of other companies.

Even a company is not as good as an individual. When looking at an individual, he can still see the probability of the other party's danger, but a company can't see anything.

"So it means that Master Li is not a company that sticks to itself?"

Li Tiantian frowned.

"Did your comprehension ability choose the wrong line?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at Li Tiantian in surprise.

It is a waste of talent not to be an unscrupulous reporter with this understanding ability!

[Can you believe it?Master Li's instant noodles that we eat every day are suspected by Huo Yan Wang as not being a company that sticks to itself! 】

However, at 20:00, a recording was posted online.

It turned out that there was a table of media people sitting behind the baffle of the table next to them.

The other party happened to be eating hot pot too.

I heard that the next door is Hades.

Especially what the other party commented was about Master Li.

They recorded it with their mobile phones.

Then it became an eye-catching piece of news.

For a while, the public opinion that Master Li had finally calmed down exploded again.

At the moment, Mr. Huang, who was drinking red wine with the female secretary, saw that his friend's business was trending again, and he immediately burst into joy.

The 50 is really worth it.

One billion market value evaporated today.

I don't know how much Master Li will evaporate tomorrow.

Now the surname Zhou must be holding an emergency meeting.

As he expected.

Master Li is holding an emergency video conference.

It was finally decided to hold a press conference tomorrow to clarify all false claims about their company.

However, Master Li didn't know.

This press conference will be the darkest moment of their enterprise!


 The third one was delivered

(End of this chapter)

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